
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,970 Member
    My friend who taught sheltered social studies to non-English speaking students did home visits as part of her job. One family served tongue to her (she is also vegetarian). She said it was the hardest thing she had ever done in her life to eat that tongue, but they considered it a delicacy and spent money they probably couldn't afford to serve if to her. it would have been a huge insult to refuse it.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    It is 33 degrees and snowing. I'm not sure what that is about, but it means a slow ride home later. It's okay, since I don't need groceries again until tomorrow (because I forgot lettuce or kale yesterday).

    Mary & others - my ex used to sabatoge my "betterment" efforts. This DH is just clueless, but he is getting better, because after asking what I ate for "lunch" Saturday afternoon (at a bowling alley), he said "I'm going to McDonalds. Should I assume you are out of calories and want a salad?" Now, my Dad, and my mother-in-law, they just don't care. They think everybody should eat whatever they want, and whatever they cook, regardless, so I always take a salad to pass whenever we eat at one of their houses.

    It is so sweet to be back to work and have so many people mention how much they missed me. One lady actually called and said "I'm so glad you are back. Are you feeling better? . . well, that's all so take care and I'll stop in to see you again soon."

    Animika - congrats on the 1/2 marthon. I am amazed at anyone that can even make it around the block.

    I stepped on the scale at work, and it showed a total loss of 5.4 pounds since Dec. 1 (that won't go on my ticker, since I use my scale at home for that). That means I am 1/4 of the way to getting my money back for the contest at work, and I still have 4 months to go. Yay ! ! ! This feels do-able. :D

    I still have plenty of paperwork to catch-up on from missing an entire week of work, so I hope everyone is able to make wise choices today.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    RENAEJAE wrote: »
    WOW - so much activity here. I posted last Friday and hope to keep up a little better in the future. When I was active on MFP a couple of years ago I could go to 'My Discussions' and any thread I had recently posted to would show up there. Now it isn't working that way? I had to go to the little bell icon and find the group? Am I missing something new on this site? I'd really like to join a couple threads and get to know people so I can provide encouragement and get motivated by others. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Thanks!!

    Renae there is a little star at the top right side of the thread near the page numbers. Click on it to turn it yellow. Then when you come back, click the star near the bell and it will show you what pages you've starred. Click on this thread and it will take you to wherever you left off reading. Here are some screen shots:rt9nnwricvbb.jpg
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Good evening ladies - found you!
    I look forward to catching up.

    MA in UK
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Oh my gosh - I don't know how I'm going to keep up with everyone on this thread! I'm still reading through trying to get to know everyone. I guess I'll keep lurking until I'm feeling a bit more like I'm on top of what's going on in all your lives.
    - On the good news front I've taken off over a pound since my "rededication" last week. I'm encouraged and being pretty good about sticking with it. Putting it out there definitely keeps me accountable. Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • ysienkiewicz
    ysienkiewicz Posts: 86 Member

    Renae there is a little star at the top right side of the thread near the page numbers. Click on it to turn it yellow. Then when you come back, click the star near the bell and it will show you what pages you've starred. Click on this thread and it will take you to wherever you left off reading. Here are some screen shots:rt9nnwricvbb.jpg

    Thank you so much for telling me this! This is good to know.

    I am new:

    Yvette from Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    dstirratt wrote: »
    We are big football fans so were sad when our Colts got slaughtered! We had to go to a viewing during the Packers game and Hubs followed along on a cell phone app for updates. Got home in time for the Colts game. Hubs was yelling at the TV all night. :'(

    We will watch the Super Bowl and cheer for the Seahawks. We always cheer for the Colts or anyone playing against the Patriots. :)

    I signed up for eMeals and chose the "Low Calorie Plan for Two". All meals are under 500 calories yet look like meals the Hubs would be willing to eat for the most part. eMeals is a meal planner. They send a weeks worth of meal plans, recipes, and a shopping list every Wednesday for the upcoming week. Tonight is Lemon Thyme Chicken Breasts and Orzo with Tomatoes and White Beans. Yummo!

    No weight loss this week. But I improved my 5k time by 3 minutes and feel stronger.

    Diana in Northeast Indiana

    Great improvement on your 5k!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks, Pat!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday and a restless night, so taking a REST day.
    Australian pensions in bank so grocery shopping. English pension delayed due to Super Bowl. Forgot about that. Engliash pension always delayed if public holiday in England, America or Australia. OK.
    I made toad-in-the hole last night for dinner. WHAT a failure oops. NOT make again.
    I tend to cook with Jamie Oliver recipe books as he cooks from basics and great meals.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon...........sunny and about mid-50's here; lovely day!!! I read about the 12 hr. window for eating and, although I'm usually finished for the day by 7p, when up early (like 5a) the first thing I reach for is my decaf tea.

    On names.........my DH has a first name that is a family name with Old English spelling; one way I know immediately if the person calling is selling something, cause they don't have a clue how to pronounce it.

    Thanks again for all the continued support in the quest for my DD's vet school admission!!! I deeply appreciate all of you.

    pip.......Please give Yogi a big, albeit belated, Happy Birthday petting from me.

    Eileen........So nice to see you back!

    Joyce........Wow, if we had 8-10 in my home church's chior they were doing well.

    Sharon........Please call your friend even if you cry; she's already doing plenty of that and will welcome knowing someone else remembers and cares as much as you do. ((Hugs))

    Heather.......I am thinking of you enjoying those adorable children.

    Susan.......You are on the right track........I started pushups with a door, then sink, then couch arm, then tub edge before I got to the floor.

    Hope everyone had a good day! Hello to those I missed and welcome to the newbies!

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    I'm back! What a lovely day! Over my losing calories, but still under TDEE. :bigsmile:
    Had delicious picnic on the train, prawns, grains, black barley (?) and edamame beans. Mixed that with poached salmon. Hadd melon fruit salad for dessert. Thank you M&S at the station. Had time for a small beer beforehand.
    DH spent the whole time under a pile of trikes, cushions etc with a wastepaper basket over his head. He was "buried in sand " or "in prison " because he had been naughty. :laugh: (DGS'S games)
    DGD was gorgeous and a tornado of charming willpower. She laughs all the time.

    We feel so worthwhile and happy. :love:

    Tomorrow yoga. :bigsmile:

    Love from Heather in freezing Hampshire UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon,enjoying the day with Violet.
    hugs jane
  • ctleonard9
    ctleonard9 Posts: 50 Member
    jodios528 wrote: »
    Oh my gosh - I don't know how I'm going to keep up with everyone on this thread! I'm still reading through trying to get to know everyone. I guess I'll keep lurking until I'm feeling a bit more like I'm on top of what's going on in all your lives.
    - On the good news front I've taken off over a pound since my "rededication" last week. I'm encouraged and being pretty good about sticking with it. Putting it out there definitely keeps me accountable. Hope everyone is having a great day!

    HI, I am new to this thread also. Looking for one to call home. I will puruse and read up sto I can catch up
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Good Evening,

    Barbie congrats on the Seahawk win.

    Went to see Big Eyes today. I had some of those posters as a child. I still have one framed that I covered with another print. Overall I thought was well. It was rewarding to see Margaret Keane find her voice.

    2015 word: Strength
    Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon dear ladies.

    Wow the weekend just flew by.

    I skipped out on dog training on Friday night to move some feed down to the barn. I normally buy 40lb bags and just heft one on my shoulder and carry it down to the barn. This time of year it is too wet to drive down and I lost all my barn cats to coyotes, so I don’t like to keep more than a a day or two worth down there because the mice get into them. The feed store is running a special on 50lb bags of “cow crunchies”. The mice don’t get into this because there are no corn kernels, so I bought a bunch. 50lbs feels a whole lot heavier than 40lbs!! I completely wore myself out after only three trips! I did three more trips on Saturday morning and still have one in the back of the Tahoe. One heck of a hard way to get a couple of thousand extra steps!

    After taking the feed down to the barn on Saturday, I took each dog on their own private 2+ mile walk. The younger one wants to move at a much quicker pace (he is the one that runs with me) than my older dog who has never been speedy about anything – EVER. They both really liked the special time. Except the second dog, my prim and proper Zedd, got soaked to the skin because the rain start dumping on us before we got to the end of the driveway. We both just soldiered on for our walk and came home cold and wet. Poor blue dog took forever to dry back out and was chilly and snuggly the rest of the day.

    Sunday was run day. I made more than three miles!! Big bonus is that my last mile was under the 10 minute/mile mark. Yahoo!! I'm starting to be able to maintain a steady pace/stride length going up hill. After the run with Talga, I took Zedd for a 2 mile walk. I did house cleaning for the rest of the day while sort of watching the Seahawks' game. What an amazing comeback!! I must have done a bunch of puttering around the house while I was cleaning, because I ended up over 30K steps for the day! No wonder I was so tired and hungry last night.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It's going to be a rough week. Exercised this morning before heading to my MIL for a few days. I'll be helping her while my BIL is vacationing this week. It will be the perfect time to go through pictures for her 9th Birthday party in April.

    God Mom Kim - that was a funny story! I know my DH isn't really trying to sabotage me, I think?

    Carol - I'm doing the 8 hour diet which has an 8 hour window which is called a fasting diet. Supposedly if you exercise for 8 minutes in the morning you go into fat burning mode. And the fasting awakes a Healing something or other. I eat between noon and 8. I don't know if that helped but I did get over my plateau.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    90th birthday
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    BJRDmom: I lost about a pound and a half a week, on average, when I was in the weight loss process here. Weight loss isn’t linear, so there were weeks when I didn’t lose anything and other weeks when I dropped more than a pound & a half even though my calories were the same. When the weight holds steady for a period of time despite our doing everything right it is called a plateau and I had MANY. Getting ‘er done is only part of the battle. Keeping the weight off is the long-term goal and it takes time to learn new eating habits. After you lose a few pounds you may have to reset your calorie allowance to a lower number. MFP will help with that.

    Yanniejannie: The Vet school visit sounds positive. I’m keeping your DD in my prayers for a slot . She’s certainly proved her commitment to the goal over and over. The ride home sounds like the stuff that makes family legends— “Remember the time…”

    Pipcd34: Yogi is adorable.

    Barbie: The Seahawks certainly got off to a slow start, but they ended up winning. I like both teams, but the Seahawks are “next door neighbors” and that means something.

    Michele: Congrats on the icing victory. Icing victory is the hardest kind for me to get. It sits there and whispers, sings and shouts my name.

    Mary Wetterlund: Giving the chocolate away is a wonderful idea unless you can stash it in the freezer and portion it out to yourself sparingly.

    Susan in Iowa: Standing pushups are a great way to begin. I do planks rather than push-ups. They’re easier for me.

    Beth: I hope things improve and you feel better.

    ysienklewicz: Taking care of yourself is responsible, not selfish. Stop by often for support.

    jfenner: Nice to see you again!

    Terri_mom: Wow! What a great loss. Congratulations!

    Lesley in Tasmania: I don’t know what is going on in England or Canada, but today is Martin Luther King Jr. day in the USA. It has been set aside as a national holiday to honor the Civil Rights leader who was assassinated many years ago. The Superbowl is yet to come and it isn’t a holiday; it is on a Sunday when many have the day off.

    Sally W in Oregon: “Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.” I love this! Your exercise is inspiring and I’m totally impressed by your work carrying 50 pound bags of feed.

    This morning I went to the gym and took the core strength class. It was the first time with this teacher. This was so worthwhile! Its taught by the Athletic Club Trainer, and she really knows what she is doing. Too bad she only teaches one class a week. The rest of her time is devoted to training duties. My other favorite class is Friday morning yoga. I’m glad I joined the club.

    I went to DH's PT with him today and watched as he did his exercises. He is doing so much better than I realized! He's making genuine progress. :heart: :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • Hello from eastern Washington state! I just found this thread and I'm thrilled to have all of you as new friends. I've just recently lost 20 pounds with the help of my Fitbit and healthier eating, certainly no rocket science here. I have another 20 - 25 pounds to go and my goal is to lose most of that by Mother's Day which is May 10th.
    - I look forward to getting to know you all better on this journey to better health.
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    That was great advice on the push ups, thanks

    I always get good advise reading the post, I enjoy them all.