Would anyone like to join me for a "Just for Today" goals for the month of January



  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    Just for today 1/20/15

    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Walk 10,000 steps
    3. Drink 6 glasses of water
    4. Go to bed by 12:15 am
  • Goaldn2015
    Hi .. I am two weeks in and I have lost 3lbs:)

    I have lost 85ils 3 times with WW and gain it back ..

    I beat myself up because of those three failures and it's been holding me back. I am determined to do this again without WW. Started at 267 last November and i am at 250 now .. 163 is my goal .. Needing a support team to keep me looking forward :)
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    Just for today, I'd like to consume no alcohol at all. I've been overdoing it since the weekend and I need to get back on track.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Just for today
    1.) Not let my weigh in this morning consume my whole day with negative thoughts (it was not good, 1st time I have weighed in months) :'(:'(:'(
    2.) Be positive for completing my all my goals yesterday
    3.) Get in 10,000 + steps
    4.) Track all my food and stay under my calorie goal
  • sapl31
    sapl31 Posts: 72 Member
    I have been missing out on posting.

    Just for Tuesday

    I will log all food
    I will drink my water- really struggling here
    I will do 3 60 sec planks through out the days
    I will do 30 min of some type of exercise.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    January 19 Just for today I will

    1. Log Everything I eat :( I was doing great until late last night. I didn't sleep well so I ended up eating instead. sigh)
    2. Take a walk :D Found time for the treadmill
    3. drink 8 glasses of water......I realized yesterday that I am not drinking enough :D

    Yes, I'm disappointed in myself but it's in the past now. Today is a new chance to get it right.

    January 20 Just for today I will

    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Take a walk
    3. Keep drinking 8 glasses of water
    4. Watch my attitude at work. Things are always better if I stay positive.

    Have a Great Tuesday!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Yesterday 1/19
    1. Just because the scale was UP this morning, I will not let that lead me to eating unhealthy, or eating too much. :\ Started to eat 1 90 calorie Fiber One bar, ended up eating FOUR!
    2. Drink Water - remember to put a pitcher of ice water on the counter, and drink the entire pitcher :\
    3. Get out for another LONG walk :)
    4. Log every bite I eat :\

    Just for today, 1/20
    1. Get a walk in
    2. Drink Water
    3. Log every bite I eat
    4. Remember that for me, sometimes just 1 bite of something unplanned leads to more snacking. No snacking - just eat planned meals and snacks.
  • DigDownDeep3
    This is my first day, and reading this gave me inspiration and said just what I was feeling. Here's to first steps on my Just for Today journey. Thank you!
    ruby70 wrote: »
    Just for today
    1.) Not let my weigh in this morning consume my whole day with negative thoughts (it was not good, 1st time I have weighed in months) :'(:'(:'(
    2.) Be positive for completing my all my goals yesterday
    3.) Get in 10,000 + steps
    4.) Track all my food and stay under my calorie goal

  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for today 1/19
    1. log everything I eat :neutral_face:
    2. return to low carb :neutral_face:
    3. 10 minutes of positive meditation :(

    Didn't really complete everything enough to give myself a happy face, but since I worked 12 hours and had to stop at the grocery store on the way home, I'm not going to stress over missing stuff. I did better than I would if I weren't trying :)

    Just for today 1/20
    1. log everything I eat
    2. keep it low carb
    3. 10 minutes of positive meditation
    4. do some core training
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Met goals yesterday...I'm finding this helpful as an end-of-day reminder.

    1. Do crazy-intense Zumba class.
    2. Get at least 15,000 steps for the day.
    3. Enter in my recipe for SW chicken soup and not guestimate on nutrition.

    done, done (17,000 steps) and done!

    1. Get around 10,000 steps
    2. Low-impact workout only
    3. Start thinking about veggie-rich meals for the next couple of days
  • kerlkaj77
    kerlkaj77 Posts: 12 Member
    I am hoping this will help motivate me each day. I have 61 days to my deadline and I need to spend these 61 days taking each day at a time, knowing that I can do ANYTHING for one day... and then the next day doing it again. So here are my Just For Today goals for 1/20/15:

    1. Stay within my calorie goals. I already have my meals planned for the day, so there is no reason I should stray from that.
    2. Bring water to my bible study group tonight and drink that instead of coffee. The coffee in and of itself isn't my problem, but the loads of creamer I add to it is killing my calorie goals.
    3. Make a menu for the next week. Knowing what I will be eating in advance helps me to stay on track, so I am not tempted to pop a frozen pizza in the oven for a quick dinner because I'm hungry (like last night).
    4. Try to leave bible study by 8:40 so I can get home and work out before bed.
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Yesterday 1/19
    1. Just because the scale was UP this morning, I will not let that lead me to eating unhealthy, or eating too much. :\ Started to eat 1 90 calorie Fiber One bar, ended up eating FOUR!
    2. Drink Water - remember to put a pitcher of ice water on the counter, and drink the entire pitcher :\
    3. Get out for another LONG walk :)
    4. Log every bite I eat :\

    Just for today, 1/20
    1. Get a walk in
    2. Drink Water
    3. Log every bite I eat
    4. Remember that for me, sometimes just 1 bite of something unplanned leads to more snacking. No snacking - just eat planned meals and snacks.

  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    I like your attitude even when the day doesn't go the way you thought it would! I will keep trying each day.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,403 Member
    edited January 2015
    Just for today 1/20
    1. Morning run :):)
    2. Strength training :):)
    3. EVEN if we get home LATE, NO snacks after 7 :):)
    4. Start KEEPING phone by my bed! Forgot :'(:'(:'(
    5. Don't GET inpatient, baby steps! THINGS WILL sometimes NOT go exactly AS PLANNED! :):)

    Just for today 1/21
    1. Morning run
    2. Strength training
    3. Remember achieving mini goals turns into LARGER goals
    4. The scale doesn't always reflect HOW successful your doing!

  • knicky77
    knicky77 Posts: 17 Member
    Have to say that I've been struggling since Sunday. My motivation comes and goes in waves during the day.

    1. Drink 10 servings of water. (Did)
    2. Complete at least 30 minutes of exercise. (Didn't do)
    3. Eat five small meals. (Did great until dinner time and then had a large meal.)

    Hoping tomorrow is more successful:
    1. Drink 10 servings of water.
    2. Complete 30 minutes of yoga.
    3. Eat five healthy meals.
  • prince4me
    Just for today:
    1. Remind myself that I deserve this!!
    2. Avoid the temptation of reaching for a pint of ice cream
    3. Learn to LOVE my veggies
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »

    January 20 Just for today I will

    1. Log everything I eat :D And under goal too!
    2. Take a walk :D
    3. Keep drinking 8 glasses of water :) I did it, but it almost didn't happen
    4. Watch my attitude at work. Things are always better if I stay positive. :) Getting better.

    I had a much better day. :D

    January 21 Just for today I will

    1. Log Everything I eat.
    2. Take a walk. Just make the time somewhere.
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water. Full day at work so this will be a challenge
    4. Keep concentrating on being positive. It is making me feel less stressed.

    Have a Happy Wednesday!

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Just for today January 21
    1.) I will not have French fries when I go to the church meeting at restaurant tonight
    2.) get in 10,000 + steps
    3.) celebrate that my weigh in did not demotivate me yesterday. I kept my head positive.
    4.) Have a productive day at work
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Yesterday, 1/20
    1. Get a walk in :) Only a LITTLE walk - 1 mile. But also did 10 minutes on the ellipitical. Just not enough hours in the day, but at least a little is better than none.
    2. Drink Water :'( This is my hardest thing. Have to remember that pitcher of ice water.
    3. Log every bite I eat :)
    4. Remember that for me, sometimes just 1 bite of something unplanned leads to more snacking. No snacking - just eat planned meals and snacks. :\ I did pretty good, but unplanned Weight Watcher fudge ice cream bars. One bar led to 2, which was an additional 200 calories. But -- better than a huge bowl of full fat ice cream.

    Just for today, 1/21
    1. Put that pitcher of ice water on the counter, and drink all of it.
    2. Walk minimum of 60 minutes tonite
    3. Log everything I eat

  • LifeIsGoodAZ
    LifeIsGoodAZ Posts: 23 Member
    Oh goodness! Everyone's posts are so motivating! I'm 21 days late in starting but it's never too late right? And I so need this focus and accountability to myself right now. I want to have 10 pounds less of me by the end of February so here goes...

    Just for today, 1/21:
    - I WILL get in my run today before dinner.
    - I will log all my food. If I bite it, I write it.
    - I will stick to my allotted calories. When I hit my limit, that's it for the day.
    - I will drink my water and tea as that gets me through the hungries.

    Thanks and good luck to everyone on today!