2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Mallow - I don't do the 5.2 but there is a group on MFP that does. or probably several. here's a link to just one of them but if you use the search option you could probably find more.. hope this helps! http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/49-intermittent-fasting
  • GettingConfident
    GettingConfident Posts: 158 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I will be happy to mentor two people. I have been using MPF for over a year now. It's something that i can always rely on to get back on track of dieting! I am a strong believer and follow the low carb approach from which i have lost weight many times. The low carb approach is a diet in which require no starving, allows you to eat till your full and one of the fastest ways to lose weight! And if like me you hate waiting for weight to come off then feel free to drop me a message! I am happy to guide you in your journey and as a team we can get there...afterall what have you got to lose...apart from pounds! <3
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member

    I am willing to take on (2) newbies, I'm sorting out my goals and motivations and basically starting fresh, so what better time to help other people starting out?

    Let us cover the basic 'about me'


    Tl;dr: I've been here a while, I like to lift, I don't like cardio, I do like food, I eat cookies every day, I'm not into low this or cutting out that. I will give my honest opinion on anything you ask so be ready for that. I am all about IIFYM aka "Hey I eat food like a normal person."

    Things you may find useful to know: I'm dirty mouthed. If you let your kids hang out on your page I am probably not for you. I ain't got nothing to do outside of school and World of Warcraft so sometimes I chatter a lot. I have an afro. I like big butts and I cannot lie. I have tried every Oreo variation available in the U.S. I have more pairs of yoga shorts than I do jeans.

    *announcer voice* Does this appeal to you? Do you promise to never ask me for marathon running advice? (Not even once) Do you also like big butts? Then mayhaps I'm the gal for you. *fireworks* *musical flourish* *strobe lights*
  • hollycaswell12
    hollycaswell12 Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    Hi I'm looking for a mentor who does or has done the 5:2 diet to help me stick to it and help me lose the weight I desperately need to lose
    What is the 5.2 diet thing
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Daiako wrote: »

    I am willing to take on (2) newbies, I'm sorting out my goals and motivations and basically starting fresh, so what better time to help other people starting out?

    Let us cover the basic 'about me'


    Tl;dr: I've been here a while, I like to lift, I don't like cardio, I do like food, I eat cookies every day, I'm not into low this or cutting out that. I will give my honest opinion on anything you ask so be ready for that. I am all about IIFYM aka "Hey I eat food like a normal person."

    Things you may find useful to know: I'm dirty mouthed. If you let your kids hang out on your page I am probably not for you. I ain't got nothing to do outside of school and World of Warcraft so sometimes I chatter a lot. I have an afro. I like big butts and I cannot lie. I have tried every Oreo variation available in the U.S. I have more pairs of yoga shorts than I do jeans.

    *announcer voice* Does this appeal to you? Do you promise to never ask me for marathon running advice? (Not even once) Do you also like big butts? Then mayhaps I'm the gal for you. *fireworks* *musical flourish* *strobe lights*

    Oooooh pick me pick me!! :D
  • jessonsangels
    jessonsangels Posts: 11 Member
    erizzatto wrote: »
    I volunteer to act as a mentor. I've lost 87 lbs on MFP since October 2013, and it hasn't been easy, but I've learned a lot along the way. I recently got a Fitbit, so if you have one, you can add me on there as well. I have a more extensive bio on my profile if you want to know more about me.
    I would like to volunteer to mentor a couple of new members.

    I am 21 and a university student so I know a bit about working to budget, but I also know that if I want something, then I work it in every now and then. A total carb-oholic and carnivore. Meat is lower in calories and keeps me fuller so the carnivore is the side I indulge most often.

    I vary between 1,200-1,500cal depending on my week. Sometimes I'm not hungry after 1,200, sometimes I want a bit more.

    I don't a lot of exercise aside from walking into town and I occasionally skip rope in my room (probably to the annoyance of the person in the flat below me, but I've never had any complaints). I prefer to have a deficit in food.

    I'm an insane foodie who enjoys cooking so am happy to exchange recipes and suggestions. The freezer is my friend!

    Please do not add me as a friend if:

    -You intend to 'diet' on minimum calories per day
    -You're diary is closed to friends, be accountable for what you've eaten. You wanna eat those fifty burgers? Do it and own it, then move on.

    Leave a message in the comment box when adding- the more the merrier.

    Become a healthier, happy you!! :)

  • jessonsangels
    jessonsangels Posts: 11 Member
    I am looking for some guidance and support , I would also love to share some recipes.
    I am not sure if this is a private message or whether it will appear in the thread therefore I am going to keep this brief.
    I have always thought of food especially fat being my enemy, I have spent most of my life cutting out fat thinking I would achieve my ultimate goal. Unfortunately cutting out fat alone has done me no favours, I have spent most of my life unhappy with my reflection. My aim for this summer is to shed at least 14 pounds. I am seeing a PT, my calories have been set at 1700 and macros 35% protein 25% carbs 40% fat. It has through me a little having to introduce this amount of good fats nevertheless I'm giving it a go.
    If you could add me as a friend, only I'm not familiar with how having a mentor works. Please let me know
    Kind regards
  • kelseyross999
    Hey everyone!

    I've been using MFP for almost 3 months now.. lost 18 lbs so far! It would be nice to get some friends on here to get some motivation and maybe get some new recipes! I want becoming healthier to be a fun experience! I still have another 20-so pounds to lose.. I'd love to hear your story and help you along the way too! :) (*)
  • pcfrend
    pcfrend Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there
    I'm a 61 yr old Canadian woman who has lost and gained 70 - 80 lbs 3 or more times in my life. I've lost 10-40 lbs a kazillion times and there isn't a diet I haven't tried. I am now starting again on the weight loss/fitness journey.

    Recently, with the loss of my mother, I found my life's journey included a mid life crisis! :) My questions ranged from what's next in my life to what do I want out of the remaining time I have in this life. Yep - a full blown mid-life crisis.

    Good thing I found a counselor who is willing to help me find meaning in my life. In the past few weeks I've concluded that I am interested in taking the fitness journey one more time but this time I want to truly 'own' the experience. I willingly accept the process and truly embrace it.

    To enhance this journey I want to connect with people, hear their stories, and help each other. Your profile seemed to pop out to me and I want to know if you would like to add another friend to your list.

    Let me know if you are interested
  • lov2wine
    lov2wine Posts: 3 Member

    I'm 45 years old and need to lose 30 lbs. by counting carbs and exercising. My type 2 diabetes is out of control and the list goes on. I need to hold myself accountable for the food I eat. By writing down what I eat, I will make better choices because I don't want to feel guilty. My lifestyle is sedentary, so I have joined the gym and would like to use my membership. I am very busy with a business, a husband, and 3 boys.

    I am looking for a mentor, a coach, a few friends, and daily interaction on MFP. Thanks for taking the time to read this and let me know if you are willing to help.

  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »

    I am willing to take on (2) newbies, I'm sorting out my goals and motivations and basically starting fresh, so what better time to help other people starting out?

    Let us cover the basic 'about me'


    Tl;dr: I've been here a while, I like to lift, I don't like cardio, I do like food, I eat cookies every day, I'm not into low this or cutting out that. I will give my honest opinion on anything you ask so be ready for that. I am all about IIFYM aka "Hey I eat food like a normal person."

    Things you may find useful to know: I'm dirty mouthed. If you let your kids hang out on your page I am probably not for you. I ain't got nothing to do outside of school and World of Warcraft so sometimes I chatter a lot. I have an afro. I like big butts and I cannot lie. I have tried every Oreo variation available in the U.S. I have more pairs of yoga shorts than I do jeans.

    *announcer voice* Does this appeal to you? Do you promise to never ask me for marathon running advice? (Not even once) Do you also like big butts? Then mayhaps I'm the gal for you. *fireworks* *musical flourish* *strobe lights*

    Oooooh pick me pick me!! :D

    Well you're certainly cute enough to meet my standards.

    ...I mean fit enough. Fit. Fit. Yeah. That's what I...


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Looking for a Mentor?

    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    This discussion is updated with our newest Adopt a Noob volunteers - thanks you!
  • Rampage1979
    Rampage1979 Posts: 4
    edited January 2015
    I am also a noob looking to get down to 170 from 220... :smile:
  • Delilahhhhhh
    Delilahhhhhh Posts: 477 Member
    I am also a noob looking to get down to 170 from 220... :smile:

    please read this

    Olivia wrote: »
    Looking for a Mentor?

    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full.

  • karlsantiago
    karlsantiago Posts: 90 Member
    No longer taking applicants please take my link off thank you :)

    Sup everyone.
    Helping others is what I love to do! A little about myself:
    I am currently working in physical therapy and am in the process of getting certified in personal training. I love to study nutrition and eventually wish to get a degree in the long-term. I love to motivate and love to see people progress. I come from a background full of hardship (to cut the story short lol) and all I know is hard work. So, if hard work and a positive attitude is what you are looking for...here I am! :D

    Feel free to pm me or add me to know more about me or get some motivation!

    PS, still kind of new to MFP I took a hiatus throughout this year because of work, etc. But despite that I promised myself I will be on every single day from now on.

    PSS, I have a group for anyone that wants to join. I post inspirational images and thoughts (created by me) in the group.
  • KokowithaK
    KokowithaK Posts: 88 Member
    Hello! I'm not new but definitely could use a mentor to help me with eating more nutritious, clean foods! My goal is to lose body fat without giving up my long distance running. I'm currently on Stage 3 of NROL4W and will be starting P90X next week.
  • tambo2012
    Hi I am in search of a mentor...I am a 43 year old married female...with quite a bit of weight to lose. I am sick of being unhealthy and unhappy . I want to make positive changes for my health and future and perhaps meet some friends in same boat. I need the accountability piece , and someone to help keep me motivated. Please contact me if you are willing to take me on... Thanks in advance and have a great day!
  • Redheadbkb
    Redheadbkb Posts: 22 Member
    Hello! I am in search of a mentor. I'm 24 years old, and have had some great success losing weight in the past. I'm currently in medical school and faced with a whole new gamut of challenges and stressors. This has definitely been reflected in my weight fluctuations. I never quite reached my goals previously (I got down to 157 at my best, but wanted to make it to 145). I'm now back up to 170ish. I don't have any friends who are concerned with diet and exercise or trying to lose weight, so I would love to start building a support system of people who share some of the same goals and interests. I'm a former CrossFitter, but have had a recent flare-up of patellar tendonitis and have had to drastically modify my workout regimen (yet another challenge). Would love some suggestions!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    tambo2012 wrote: »
    Hi I am in search of a mentor...I am a 43 year old married female...with quite a bit of weight to lose. I am sick of being unhealthy and unhappy . I want to make positive changes for my health and future and perhaps meet some friends in same boat. I need the accountability piece , and someone to help keep me motivated. Please contact me if you are willing to take me on... Thanks in advance and have a great day!
    Redheadbkb wrote: »
    Hello! I am in search of a mentor. I'm 24 years old, and have had some great success losing weight in the past. I'm currently in medical school and faced with a whole new gamut of challenges and stressors. This has definitely been reflected in my weight fluctuations. I never quite reached my goals previously (I got down to 157 at my best, but wanted to make it to 145). I'm now back up to 170ish. I don't have any friends who are concerned with diet and exercise or trying to lose weight, so I would love to start building a support system of people who share some of the same goals and interests. I'm a former CrossFitter, but have had a recent flare-up of patellar tendonitis and have had to drastically modify my workout regimen (yet another challenge). Would love some suggestions!

    Olivia wrote: »
    Looking for a Mentor?

    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full.

This discussion has been closed.