2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • Zoe_lifts
    Zoe_lifts Posts: 120 Member
    Hi there! I'm Zoë, I'm 21 years old and I live in Belgium.
    I started my journey last year in march. At first it was just about losing weight. I've tried to lose weight since i was about 16, the doctor recommended me to do it, because i was overweight. I went to a dietician before, tried it myself, but i always got off track because i hated exercising and tought that healthy food were salads, special k cereal and bland light products. When I found MFP my life has changed! Since 6 months I'm maintaining my weight and trying to build some muscle with less cardio and more heavy lifting :) I'll be happy to help someone out and find a new friend here on mfp, just send me a request and tell me something more about yourself! :)
  • strawberrylaces994
    plm209 wrote: »
    Volunteering to mentor one or two newbies. Willing to coach women or men. Prefer coaching people with less than 30 lbs to lose. If you have more than 30 to lose you don't need a coach, you just need to track calories. Prefer people focused on getting in shape and not just losing weight.

    About me - Been on here for over 5 years and have gone from fat to thin to muscular. I went from 243 lbs and not an ounce of muscle to around 200 lbs with still no muscle. Decided I wanted to be bigger, so gained some weight and packed on the muscle. Now I typically gain 10-15 lbs during the winter and lose it in the spring and summer. I'm currently at 225 and my goal for this year is to be 200 lbs and shredded for the summer.

    My coaching style - lift weights, throw in some cardio and "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM) eating. Try to get most of my calories from "bro foods" but the occasional candy bar or burrito won't kill me. If you trust me, I'll get you in shape.

  • strawberrylaces994
    I'm looking to loose 30lbs exactly. Could you help? I'm into exercise and i just need to focus on more cardio and eat less crap! Got my friends wedding in July id like to be more in shape for. Hoping I'll be easy to mentor
  • Delilahhhhhh
    Delilahhhhhh Posts: 477 Member
    I'm looking to loose 30lbs exactly. Could you help? I'm into exercise and i just need to focus on more cardio and eat less crap! Got my friends wedding in July id like to be more in shape for. Hoping I'll be easy to mentor

    Please read below and/or takes jofs advice.

    New members

    Please review the short paragraphs of the members and feel free to PM them or send a friend request (you should include a little bit about yourself as many members won't accept blank friend request). Hopefully, you will utilize this as a mentoring tool to increase the chances of success.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full.

  • brendo204
    brendo204 Posts: 1,225 Member
    What a great idea!
  • cees650
    cees650 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey just wanted to say that i messaged people who could adopt a noob, and I got ZERO responses so yeaaaaaa very disappointing.
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    edited March 2015
    Has found his noobs and is no longer accepting new applicants. :)

    I can take on one or two noobs! I’ve lost 115 lbs over the past few years and recently decided to finish off with another 60 lbs to hit a goal weight of 175 lbs. I have found what keeps me going in strength training and running. Like most of us, food is a daily struggle but I’m in it for the long run and have picked up a few tricks and such to help me keep going. I would love to share what I’ve learned along the way. I know what it’s like getting started. Especially for those starting at a morbidly obese bodyweight. I prefer to help someone in that seemingly hopeless position I was in a few years back but I’m just as willing to help anyone who would be a right fit. Since I began my weight loss I’ve finished my first half-marathon, marathon, 50k and 50 mile trail run. I am currently training for my first 100 mile run.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    cees650 wrote: »
    Hey just wanted to say that i messaged people who could adopt a noob, and I got ZERO responses so yeaaaaaa very disappointing.

    Keep in mind, that mentors are NOT obligated to accept new members if they do NOT feel it's a good fit... especially if you PM them with a creepy message or their plate is full.
  • kirstenvcc
    kirstenvcc Posts: 6 Member
    I could really do with a mentor! I have never worked out or anything before and have been over weight since the age of 11, I recently got me first job and was able to sign up to my local gym. So far I've been 3 times a week, I would really love help making a gym routine I can stick to as I don't have a clue what I'm doing! I have at least 4 stone to lose so may be a challenge.

    Please get in touch if you're interested, thank you! :smile:
  • kirstenvcc
    kirstenvcc Posts: 6 Member
    Hi y'all! I would be happy to mentor a couple of people.

    I'm Linda (duh) and in the past 9-10 months I've lost about 55 lbs and really changed my food outlook. I love to eat (actually got a gym tank for Christmas that says: I RUN for FOOD.). I try to stick with what I consider a *clean* diet. Lots of fresh veggies and good fats and protein. Some weeks I cook all week and have some really wonderful recipes I can share. Some weeks, I decimate a rotisserie chicken from Kroger for 4 days because my schedule is too hectic to shop and cook. I'm diligent about tracking (215 day streak!) though if you look at my diary for the past holiday week, all of the above may seem like BS. I don't believe in denying myself any of the food I really want. I just watch my portions and track the calories so I know where I am.

    I exercise and am a proponent of getting some mood lifting movement in. It doesn't need to be running or exercising just like I do, just move some. It can really affect your outlook, energy and can give out some great endorphins! I try to run at least 5 days a week and I've just started lifting with a trainer. After my weight loss I love clothes again and I love (mostly) the way my body feels. I want to really tighten it up though and be as strong and healthy as I can be. With the least jiggle possible.

    Fair warning: I am a *You can do it!* cheerleader Pollyanna who almost always is positive. I'm told that can be super annoying at times. ;)

    Hit me up with a friend request and a little message about your goals if you want to connect!

    Hi! I'd make a friend request but my phone doesn't react when I click your name so hopefully you'll see this. My name is Kirsten and I have been over weight for about 7 years, I hope to lose 4 stone and get fit as I hate how I look.
  • Phaewryn
    Phaewryn Posts: 142 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm interested in a mentor if anyone on here has experience with any of the following "handicaps" to fitness (I feel that having someone who can relate would help a lot): Fibromyalgia, Bipolar Disorder, medication-induced metabolic syndrome. Plus, I am a cynical snide snappy personality (not bitchy, just extremely cynical), so it would help if you were bulletproof (or equally cynical). I am female but would prefer a male mentor if possible, or perhaps a manly-woman (girly girls really annoy me). I'm not opposed to being told things like "man up" "step AWAY from the desk!" "suck it up" "do the f**king work!" so long as it's balanced with an occasional "good job" and "you've got this!"

    I'm 40ish, and I used to weight lift a lot about 20 years ago. I can bulk up muscle in no time flat, I see definition pretty quickly, BUT, I've since developed metabolic syndrome, and I'm struggling with serious mental health issues, lack of motivation, and completely lack of energy, compounded with pain. I've put on a ton of abdominal fat that I just can't seem to beat. I have some physical limitations on impact exercises. I can do lifting 3-4 days a week (due to access to equipment being only 3-4 days per week - lifting almost never hurts me), I can do yoga (basically I can do things LIKE yoga, low impact), some days I can do walking/jogging or higher impact exercises, but a lot of times I just hurt too much to work that hard. I have NO current aerobic activities, and consider myself extremely unfit, quickly reaching too high heart rates and being out of breath. I prefer low impact exercise. I have back problems that are so bad that I have problems with doing abdominal exercises because it hurts my back. I'm terrified of bicycles, skates, and water (I mentioned I have serious mental illness up above, part of that is a form of obsessive/compulsive fear of things that could lead to serious injuries or drown me). I have one bad knee that limits me occasionally (not too badly, but it can flare up sometimes). I have PT exercises I'm supposed to do 3 times a day... I actually do them maybe twice a week. I want to change, but I resent that I have to change in order to change, and that I have to change because what I am isn't acceptable. I'm angry that I can't just exist in peace and not be fat. I'm angry that I was fine before the medication that did this to me did this to me, and now I have to actually WORK to just be "normal", and I have to WORK REALLY HARD to be "fit". If it is helpful, here are a few more personal facts that might make a difference: I am a cat person. My cats (2 out of 3) are also obese. I am in a stable healthy relationship (half the week I get to be a "housewife" where I do lots of housework - which is as close to "work" as I get currently. I do not work, I am disabled (legally). Before I became disabled I did all sorts of work from managing an office, to packing in the slaughterhouse. I've moved around quite a bit, I currently live in Vermont, and love it here. I dislike drama, especially girly drama. I used to have a horse, I love riding, but don't have access to it anymore. But then, I used to love rollerskating too, but I'm too scared to do it anymore. I used to *love* playing disc golf (frisbee golf), but there are no courses in my area. I don't have a car. I don't have a gym. I don't have a treadmill. Oh, and it's currently 14 degrees outside with a Wind Chill Advisory. If you can FIX ME, you are REALLY accomplishing something! I'm open to being someone's "project". I have been very fit many times in the past, but not since this metabolic syndrome issue kicked in. Oh, and one last thing: I really really dislike hippies/vegans/alternative medicine people. You're not going to convince me that drinking bleach is good for me and cleans me out, or that eating gluten is the root cause of 50% of my problems, or that organic foods are better, or that vaccines cause autism, or that by eating some exotic berry that I can change my metabolism. I don't believe in magic, prayers, or gmo-labeling (I feel the need to point that out since I did mention above that I live in Vermont, lol). I don't do illegal drugs, I do drink occasionally, I've never smoked in my entire life. I do take prescription sedatives to sleep. My bloodwork comes back 100% "perfect" at every physical, my doctor says that according to my bloodwork, I will live forever. However, I'm not sure I want to, the way I FEEL.

    PS, I tend to type in "novella" form (and if you read all that, good for you!).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I could probably take on a few. I'm 44yo female, battle chronic back pain, run, swim and bike as I am able. I plan on a 5K in march and half or perhaps the quarter marathon in October, if my back allows.

    I am newly incorporating resistance exercises (circuit training), yoga, and core stabilization exercises.

    I am a research nut. I like facts and numbers. I am a tolerant person, and introvert (so I'm not extremely chatty). "Tolerant" meaning you and I do not have to have the same goals or lifestyles- I'll respect you where you are and where you want to go.

    I'm currently 125 @ 5"4.5'. my goal is a bit slimmer- I do have a small frame and should help with my back issues.

    I am a firm believer in using a food scale and cooking almost all of your foods.

    PM me and let me know if I could help.
  • Lily26Walfo
    Lily26Walfo Posts: 21 Member
    runfoorun wrote: »
    I can take on one or two noobs! I’ve lost 115 lbs over the past few years and recently decided to finish off with another 60 lbs to hit a goal weight of 175 lbs. I have found what keeps me going in strength training and running. Like most of us, food is a daily struggle but I’m in it for the long run and have picked up a few tricks and such to help me keep going. I would love to share what I’ve learned along the way. I know what it’s like getting started. Especially for those starting at a morbidly obese bodyweight. I prefer to help someone in that seemingly hopeless position I was in a few years back but I’m just as willing to help anyone who would be a right fit. Since I began my weight loss I’ve finished my first half-marathon, marathon, 50k and 50 mile trail run. I am currently training for my first 100 mile run.

    This is incredible!!! Although I am not in a seemingly hopeless position, I would really appreciate your guidance with running. I would love to aim to try for an ultra marathon at some stage.
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    edited February 2015
    Of course Lily. I've surrounded myself with some amazing and helpful runners since I began and constantly pick their brains for advice. I'd be happy to pass on what I've learned. Shoot me a FR if you like.
  • soysauce6626
    soysauce6626 Posts: 118 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm available to be a mentor. I am a competitive natural bodybuilder who is also a certified as personal trainer. Willing to help anyone accomplish their goals.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Please don't send anymore noob requests. I"m already snowed under. But you are all welcome to befriend me.
  • jamessteelapim
    jamessteelapim Posts: 42 Member
    I am a retired Chartered Surveyor, based in Scotland.

    As a previous expert windsurfer, mountain biker and runner I have been into fitness and diet for the last 35 years. I now work as a pro bono consultant, so I am accustomed to mentoring people.

    Previously I designed, specified, built and tested very large land information databases.

    I think the MFP app. is a brilliant concept, long may it be free! There are a few pitfalls when using it, that require advice.

    Seeking to mentor members of Team UK

    May you achieve all your goals.

  • gappgirl18
    gappgirl18 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Myfitnesspal-ers! I'm Becca :) This is my first time posting in a forum and this is just the thread I was looking for :) I am looking for a mentor to help, I'm riding a roller coaster over here of gaining a few, losing a few, etc - it's not fun :(
    Here is a rundown of my stats and a lil about me:
    I am 32 years old, 5'6, and weigh in at almost 200 lbs. I've actually come a looong way - considering I started my journey over 2 years ago weighing in at 285 lbs! I want to be healthier for my future family if I'm blessed with one and keep up with my boyfriend, lol! Still, we all stumble and fall, give into those weaknesses and lose sight of ourselves. I have done that many times :(
    I try to hit the gym daily and do cardio (Spinning fanatic or using the Arctrainer), run a lil (I have terrible asthma and its a bit hard),or row. I do kettle bells, free weights, and use the Bosu Ball. I have dabbled in boot camps and crossfit as well. I've recently begun losing inches but not pounds - it's distracting me as I'm heavier and want to lose lbs - this is where I need someone to help :)
    I eat between 1400-1800 calories a day and wear a Fitbit flex. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!
  • aduncan715
    aduncan715 Posts: 1 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Hey, I will mentor a few. I'm a fifty-something grandma, had Bariatric surgery last summer, and am now at 190 lbs from a high of 276. Weight loss so far has gained me spectacular health gains including normal blood pressure, normal blood sugar, and off cholesterol medications. My heel spurs are gone; bursitis is gone this past month.

    My mobility gains make me happiest. I have just finished a winter-time "Learn to Run" program and I now regularly run 2.5 K.

    Undertaking this project I had all kinds of expert training and support including a dietitian, physical therapist, psychologist, nurse, doctor, and surgeon. I am also rather thoroughly trained on how to eat for type 2 diabetes. I am very happy to "pay forward" all that I have learned.

    A good match would be a mature dieter with a significant amount of weight to lose. I also like to connect with those who want to get active.

    If you friend me, please also include a note why my profile appeals to you.

  • linkkho
    linkkho Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 19yo girl. Still in college. I'm battling bullimia rn, and trying to keeping myself over bingeing by living healthier. I go to gym on weekdays, and I'm not a stubborn person so don't worry about me cheating food and running from your advice. I hope there's anyone who likely want to be my mentor?
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