February Losers! 10lbs gone by March 1st!



  • My name is Ashley, im 22 and currently weight 231.. ive gained all my weight after I graduated high-school. I started working out and watching my food habits 2 weeks ago and I've lost 4lbs already, so im definitely up for it! Plus my anniversary is next month, so perfect timing!(:
  • B00kw0rm09
    B00kw0rm09 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in. I don't know about 10 pounds because I'm on the 1.5 pounds per week option, but I'll try. I'm 27, 5'6" and at an all-time high of 194.6. I lost 20 pounds 2 years ago on Weight Watchers, but it has all creeped back (and then some). My goal is 150. My boyfriend and I have been talking about marriage, and I would really like to look and feel great for the big day (whenever that might be. Hopefully next year).

    The weight gain culprit has been a new sedentary job, and moving in with my boyfriend, who is 5'9" 145 and can eat any amount of unhealthy foods and not gain weight.

    I was running half marathons, but an injury halted my progress, and the extra weight is making it even harder to get back into it. I'd like to get lighter and possibly run a half this October.

    Good luck to all.
  • 3ce14fdba487ea14604caa564e6959e9.jpg

    I'm excited/determined/confident about this! We can do it!
  • nikitad123
    nikitad123 Posts: 49 Member
    This is such a great idea, I'm in!

    Nikita, 21, 5ft 4 and I weigh 172.4 lbs as of yesterday. At my heaviest I was 224 lbs and my ultimate goal is between 120 and 128 lbs.

    Let's get started. We can do this!!
  • mcoleman47
    mcoleman47 Posts: 2 Member
    Okay, I'm in. I'm hoping this forum will help to keep me accountable. I am 5'3" and weighed in at 136.5 this morning. I have been feeling uncomfortable for quite some time, but just can't stay motivated to lose. I think I get mixed up with all the different diets out there. I am going on a cruise with my family in mid-march, and I don't want to be embarrassed or judged for my recent weight gain. /..|
  • breesalyers
    breesalyers Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Bree. I'm 21 almost 22 (Feb 7th) and I am 5'7 currently weighing at 213.2 I've already lost 3.6lbs in the past couple weeks and I'm so ready to lose more!
  • Lilah here! pumped and ready to go. I'm 37. 5ft 11, 215.6 lbs as of this morning (hope I'm not too late for today's weigh in). I gained most of my weight when I had my twins (they're 3). My ultimate goal is 170lbs. All the best to everyone!
  • MeOnlyBetterX60
    MeOnlyBetterX60 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in too Monday weigh in 245.3 I'm a mom of 3 beautiful girls. Height 5'6.5" looking forward to the challenge. I have my Fitbit, MFP, and a gym membership there really are no excuses left.
  • gritiron18
    gritiron18 Posts: 3 Member
    kiwi1003 wrote: »
    gritiron12 wrote: »
    Sounds good. I'll give it a go. Any competitive runners on here?

    I run and have done many 5ks, 10ks, a half and a full marathon, but am definitely not what you might consider competitive-- I run slowly and I know it! But if you were wanting to tie some kind of running challenge in, I'd be down for it!

    Thanks for the reply Kiwi, I won't complicate things by adding more challenges on top! But I admire your enthusiasm. Basically, Im just wondering how other runners are approaching their nutrition (nearly every runner is looking for the magic equation to balance energy and weight loss, while combating cravings). On the whole I look at the type of food I eat and importantly the times I eat, rather than any "low calorie" approach. My nutrition has to support a 60-80km a week training structure. I'm keen to shed some weight, post injury. Always happy to learn from others :)
  • malenthia2001
    malenthia2001 Posts: 1 Member
    Malenthia here. 5'1, 150 lbs. I have a two year old. I lost all the baby weight and felt too small. Unfortunately, I gained it all back plus some. I would like to get back down to 130 lbs.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    I'm in 5'2" 150 lbs. Good luck everyone!
  • amandapearl81
    amandapearl81 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! My name is Amanda. I'm 5'4 and as of this morning I weigh 269.0, however just a couple of days ago I was 267.2. Welcome to "that T.O.M". My goal by March 1 is to be 257.2. I think I'm done with my water weight loss for the most part (17 pounds since Jan 3. Yay!) so we shall see if these 10 come off. Good luck everyone!
  • namaste1987
    namaste1987 Posts: 48 Member
    Right on!!! Just did a sweet workout and feeling great!! Well on my way!
  • Epaho
    Epaho Posts: 32 Member
    Count me in!
    SW = 144 (2015.01.26)
    GW = 135
  • Okay. I'm in!
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    That's my bday! Being 10lbs lighter would be good xx
  • kristyntj
    kristyntj Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am in!!! My weekly weigh in is normally Monday mornings so this works perfect for me. I am 33 years old and a single mom of an amazing 14 year old son. My current weight is 197.6; my long term goal is 140.

  • Nettabullock
    Nettabullock Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone......my name is netta and I'm all in. My starting weight is 219.8 and I'm trying to lose at least 30lbs total. Looks like lots of support and motivation here so I say let's do this!!!!!!!!!!
  • Well, I guess I'll be the old lady in the group then! 44yrs, 176 lbs and 5'3". Goal is 140. I'm in! Lost 12 lbs since November...stopped the program I was on at the end of Nov and started back up Jan 1st. Reality check was when my daughter, same height, put on one of my old dresses from a USMC Ball and it fit her like a glove...I used to look like that? Dayum! lol I WILL look like that again!
  • zoecmc
    zoecmc Posts: 4
    Hey everyone!
    I am starting this group for everyone who wants to try losing 10 lbs by the end of February. Starting today, it is exactly 5 weeks until March 1st! I know that we can do it! Follow any method that works for you, and diet, any workout and we will be here for motivation and support!
    Weight in's will be Mondays, starting tomorrow morning!
    I will start by telling you about myself: My name is Chelsea, I am 27 and currently (as of last Monday) 201.5lbs. Here's hoping that by tomorrow it will be less. I only weigh myself once a week. My ultimate goal is to reach 150lbs, but I would be just as happy reaching 170 by June 1st! We are going to Europe for a family functions, then in July it's my High School Reunion so I have lots of Motivation! I am also 5'7.5".
    We can do this!!! See you all tomorrow morning for our first weight in!!