NO Veggies Diet? Would it work?



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I don't eat a whole lot of vegetables at all (some spinach, broccoli, and sweet potatoes), I lost my weight just fine, and I'd say I'm pretty darn healthy, so my advice is to eat what you like. Weight loss is about eating at a calorie deficit, not getting in the recommended amount of vegetables daily.

    "Adults have to do things they don't want to do, like eat vegetables," is just stupid. I once had a smoker lecture me about not eating enough greens. Uh, I don't think so. I can't stand hypocrisy - unless you don't do anything that is potentially harmful to your body, shut the hell up about what other people choose to eat or not eat. We all do things that aren't necessarily "healthy." And guess what? We all die of something - chances are the reason you die won't be due to a severe lack of broccoli.

    BS - no one is lecturing anyone. The OP comes on and asks if anyone had went on a diet of no vegetables and was successful. Sorry, the answer is no. She didn't say some vegetables. She said no vegetables. If you want to recommend that to the OP, go right ahead, but it's a dumb recommendation no matter how you spin it.

    So no one has ever lost weight without eating vegetables? I find that very hard to believe.

    If losing weight is how you consider a diet successful, than that's on you. I do not. If you can show me someone successful on MFP that has been successful with 0 vegetables, please show me. This question was asked on the MFP board, not to the entire world. That was your leap to the extreme.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    oncem0re wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    oncem0re wrote: »
    You liked squash until you found out it was a vegetable and then you didn't like it anymore? That statement says it all. You were doing so well, willing to take suggestions and try new things...then you had to go and say that....

    This was to that extent - but like I said I been eating brocolli even though it's vegies, if you going to read some part of the thread, please read them all before jumping the gun. Thanks! I openly said that I think it's all through mentality and psychological. Thanks for your 2 cents.

    You also might be a "supertaster" like me and experience bitter flavor more intensely than most people. It would make sense that you would be avoidant of things that in your experience have tasted awful. Do you find alcohol tasty or nasty? How about coffee? For me, even light beer tastes very bitter. Of course, I drink it anyway...<g>

    Yes and Yes - I cannot drink alcohol because it's sooo bitter, it doesnt matter what it is. I tried to but I can't stand it. Nor beer - doesn't like the taste either. I LOVE coffee, but has to be with lots of cream and sugar so I gave up on that. I just drink green tea now the Strawberry/Grapefruit flavored one.

    I would suggest trying vegetables roasted, grilled or pan seered. The carmelization makes them sweeter.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm really having trouble coming up with constructive advice for you OP. You asked if a No Veggie Diet would work, work for what? For weight loss? Yes, it would, if you are in a caloric deficit. For health? Probably still yes, if you are eating other foods (especially fruit) and taking a multi vitamin.

    I'm by no means a pillar of healthy eating - I grew up hating fruits and vegetables and still am not crazy about a lot of fruits (texture), but I learned to try new things and prepare foods in different ways because I like food, and eating in restaurants... This way I would be able to eat a variety of food in social situations and not feel like I was choking it down or have to decline things, or order things prepared differently on the menu every single time. You said you hate broccoli, me too, and don't get me started on cauliflower.... But who is telling you that you have to eat these foods? You listed a bunch of vegetables you do eat, you really don't like any of them? Then fine, put them in a smoothie or drink a V8 or something.

    Reading further through the comments, the whole, "I thought I liked squash till I found out it was a vegetable" sounds like something one of my kids would say. I fed them calimari one time and they were loving it, till I told them what it was, and then suddenly they were disgusted and wouldn't eat another bite.... and the fact that you have a 28 year old cousin that screams if fruit is nearby? I am starting to question whether this is a serious post...

  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    oncem0re wrote: »
    I just can't stand the taste of ANY vegetables, except "some" lettuce... I specially not like brocolli but I manage to add it in my daily intakes for the nutrients. Anyway, I thought I'd ask if anyone here have/had successful diet without any vegies consumption?

    I love my rice or brown rice, corn, peppers (cooked) but any others, I just can't stand it. I have to put it really deep in my chicken so I can swallow 1 florette of brocolli. :( this is sad but true.

    Train your tastebuds. Just like people don't like coffee, beer, cigarettes the first time they try them, but later want them a lot, the same can be true of healthy habits. Went to Mc'ds the other day and actually preferred the side salad to the burger. Just eat them knowing you will acquire a taste for them.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Too many vegetables and too many ways to prepare them not to like any. I was never big on vegetables. But since cleaning up my diet, my tastebuds have changed so much. I now love and crave vegetables.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I suspect I am a "supertaster". Can't stand brussel sprouts or coffee. Alcohol, meh. Yet, I prefer vegetables over fruit. I'll get my fruit in every day but it's the veggies I reach for.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    oncem0re wrote: »
    You liked squash until you found out it was a vegetable and then you didn't like it anymore? That statement says it all. You were doing so well, willing to take suggestions and try new things...then you had to go and say that....

    This was to that extent - but like I said I been eating brocolli even though it's vegies, if you going to read some part of the thread, please read them all before jumping the gun. Thanks! I openly said that I think it's all through mentality and psychological. Thanks for your 2 cents.

    I did read the whole thread. You were making progress, willing to try new methods of incorporating vegs into your diet, trying new ways of cooking them, etc., and then when you said that I realized you just need to suck it up and learn to like veggies. Sure you can lose weight without them, but you need the fiber, vitamins, and minerals that only vegs can provide. Plus there's the higher risk of stomach and intestinal cancers down the line. Humans need a balanced diet. That's the way we were made.
  • lcooper327
    lcooper327 Posts: 112 Member
    Just so we are on the same page… you keep mentioning rice.. Rice is NOT a veggie
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I think it is OK to set a very small goal to begin with--say 3 servings of veggies a day--and work up from there.

    Start shifting that paradigm!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I suspect I am a "supertaster". Can't stand brussel sprouts or coffee. Alcohol, meh. Yet, I prefer vegetables over fruit. I'll get my fruit in every day but it's the veggies I reach for.

    Well it doesn't apply to all veggies - generally just dark greens. If you taste a piece of kale and involuntarily make a YUK probably are one :)

    If this is the case for the OP, which it sounds like it might be - try sweet peppers and carrots. Slice them up with some dip and see how they taste. Those were my "gateway" vegetables.

  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    oncem0re wrote: »
    I also did say - I think it's more of mentality issues towards vegetables than anything else. Because I know I like squash before I learned it's a vegetable then i stopped eating it and dont want to eat it any more.

    In all honesty you may want to talk about these issues with a psychologist. You said you used to like squash, but now you don't. Why? The squash is still just squash, the only thing in that changed was your perception.

    Is it normal to not care for one/some certain types of veggies? Sure, just like some people enjoy eating super stinky cheese and others don't. I can't stand raw tomato or raw onions, but I love pretty much any other vegetable. Give me all the broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, carrots, eggplant, etc.! I honestly can't imagine a life without veggies

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Yes, bell peppers day or night. Carrots too. Which is why I was surprised that the OP doesn't like them. My first introduction to Kale was straight from my garden and I flash-cooked it before eating. Love it. So perhaps it was not as bitter as the greens sitting in the market.

    Oh yes, Cilantro is DISGUSTING, along with all those dark leafy greens like Aragula.

    Buttercrunch lettuce is lovely. Like iceberg but with firmer texture.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    ...Oh yes, Cilantro is DISGUSTING, along with all those dark leafy greens like Aragula. ...

    No, cilantro is AWESOME! :)

    Actually it does seem that people either love it or hate it. I've not yet met anyone who said "cilantro, meh, I could take it or leave it."

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    oncem0re wrote: »
    I just can't stand the taste of ANY vegetables, except "some" lettuce... I specially not like brocolli but I manage to add it in my daily intakes for the nutrients. Anyway, I thought I'd ask if anyone here have/had successful diet without any vegies consumption?

    I love my rice or brown rice, corn, peppers (cooked) but any others, I just can't stand it. I have to put it really deep in my chicken so I can swallow 1 florette of brocolli. :( this is sad but true.

    It depends on your goals.
    You can eat whatever you want and lose weight as long as you burn more calories than you eat. That doesn't mean you will get all the vitamins and minerals that you would from a balanced diet. Your diet will not be optimal nutrition. That might be an issue for you in the long run. Look up foods you eat and see what nutrients you might be missing out on. Look up foods that contain those nutrients.
    If you don't want to eat vegetables at all then I would look at foods like fruit that will meet your needs and probably take a multivitamin.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    ...Oh yes, Cilantro is DISGUSTING, along with all those dark leafy greens like Aragula. ...

    No, cilantro is AWESOME! :)

    Actually it does seem that people either love it or hate it. I've not yet met anyone who said "cilantro, meh, I could take it or leave it."

    I don't really like it, but I use it because I live in San Diego and I'm afraid Mexicans can see me using parsley.

  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Who needs vitamins? yuck, amirite?

    Ugh... What is your reason for losing weight? To be healthier and live a long fulfilling life? Or just to lose fat?

    I don't think it's sustainable, healthy, or reasonable to cut out vegetables completely. I'm not saying eat stuff you just absolutely HATE... but come on! Surely you can prepare certain veggies in different ways that you would find enjoyable.

    Most of these "I hate all vegetables!" posts are from people who have never had properly season and cooked veggies.
  • maxwellnyce
    maxwellnyce Posts: 23 Member
    OP. Yes it would work. Just make sure your diet has the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber. A diet without vegetables can lead to deficiencies.
  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    OP. Yes it would work. Just make sure your diet has the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber. A diet without vegetables can lead to deficiencies.

    Thank you! straight forward answer, no questions of what else.
  • emilyGPK
    emilyGPK Posts: 83 Member
    Anything is possible but I suggest having a bit of a fruit and vegetable adventure -- try some of those recipes for kids where the Veges are "hidden".
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    Not liking any vegetable is childish. Toughen up and eat your veggies.