Body Positive or Promoting an unhealthy lifestyle



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I have body image issues, but I find it condescending when any movement tries to get me to chant that I'm beautiful.

    You don't have to convince beautiful people to chant that they are beautiful.

    The whole self-esteem stuff just comes off as false to me, like giving everyone a sticker or a participation ribbon. Who showcases that on their mantel?

    For me the whole self esteem stuff matters, because I'm raising two girls. I want them to know it's okay to think they are good at something, or smart, or kind - that it's not immodest or wrong to celebrate things you like about yourself. I don't want them to fall into the same self loathing trap loop that I did.

    I do agree about the chanting stuff though. I don't think I'm beautiful (and I'm super okay with that), so being told I must think that makes me uncomfortable. But I hate to be bossed around ;)

    A healthy self-image, sure. But encouraging boasting for sake of "self-esteem" seems to me to be something we tolerate and/or encourage from people who probably have a lot of legitimate reasons to not think too highly of themselves. Reasons such as, being overweight and out-of-shape, not taking good care of themselves, etc.

    We don't like it when people with actual talents and enviable qualities boast about it. We expect them to be modest and hold back on expressing any thought that might even resemble that they have very high opinions of themselves.
    So encouraging certain people to do it seems to me to only be out of pity and because their boasts are not actually true and everyone knows it.

    It's like the participation ribbon. Intended to help self-esteem but it might as well be the "You lose" ribbon. Only the losers get that ribbon and a condescending pat on the head.

    Self esteem does not, in any way, equal boastfulness though.

    I didn't say it did equal boastfulness. I said boasting is being encouraged for sake of self-esteem.
    Just because I know I'm smart doesn't mean I go around telling everyone that I am. It means I'm okay admitting so as it pertains to the conversation (as opposed to trying to deflect or minimize).

    I don't expect anyone to be modest and I don't think talking about a talent you have (again, as it pertains to whatever conversation you're having) is a negative thing. I love watching people talk about things they are good at.

    Boasting is talking with excessive pride. Just like anything else - in excess it's obnoxious. *shrug*

    I don't like participation ribbons, but I don't think they are comparable to self esteem. Those contribute to an "everyone's a winner" mentality.

    Modesty doesn't mean not acknowledging your worth or talents or achievements. That would be something more like false modesty or false humility.

    What I am seeing from the fat is beautiful folks is in-your-face boasting and the encouragement of such. Imagine if this behavior was conducted by conventionally beautiful people, or if they were encouraged to do it. It would be obnoxious. And I think that is because they actually are beautiful. Whereas the former group are actually not, but hey, whatever for sake of fostering self-esteem of the pitiable.

    There are no "fat is beautiful" people - there are people that encourage other people to find beauty in themselves, regardless of their weight. I don't see any boasting from "them". I see a push for self acceptance and love. Those are good things for any subset of the population - thin, beautiful, overweight, short, etc.

    And I absolutely disagree that being fat means you can't be beautiful.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I have body image issues, but I find it condescending when any movement tries to get me to chant that I'm beautiful.

    You don't have to convince beautiful people to chant that they are beautiful.

    The whole self-esteem stuff just comes off as false to me, like giving everyone a sticker or a participation ribbon. Who showcases that on their mantel?

    For me the whole self esteem stuff matters, because I'm raising two girls. I want them to know it's okay to think they are good at something, or smart, or kind - that it's not immodest or wrong to celebrate things you like about yourself. I don't want them to fall into the same self loathing trap loop that I did.

    I do agree about the chanting stuff though. I don't think I'm beautiful (and I'm super okay with that), so being told I must think that makes me uncomfortable. But I hate to be bossed around ;)

    A healthy self-image, sure. But encouraging boasting for sake of "self-esteem" seems to me to be something we tolerate and/or encourage from people who probably have a lot of legitimate reasons to not think too highly of themselves. Reasons such as, being overweight and out-of-shape, not taking good care of themselves, etc.

    We don't like it when people with actual talents and enviable qualities boast about it. We expect them to be modest and hold back on expressing any thought that might even resemble that they have very high opinions of themselves.
    So encouraging certain people to do it seems to me to only be out of pity and because their boasts are not actually true and everyone knows it.

    It's like the participation ribbon. Intended to help self-esteem but it might as well be the "You lose" ribbon. Only the losers get that ribbon and a condescending pat on the head.

    Self esteem does not, in any way, equal boastfulness though.

    I didn't say it did equal boastfulness. I said boasting is being encouraged for sake of self-esteem.
    Just because I know I'm smart doesn't mean I go around telling everyone that I am. It means I'm okay admitting so as it pertains to the conversation (as opposed to trying to deflect or minimize).

    I don't expect anyone to be modest and I don't think talking about a talent you have (again, as it pertains to whatever conversation you're having) is a negative thing. I love watching people talk about things they are good at.

    Boasting is talking with excessive pride. Just like anything else - in excess it's obnoxious. *shrug*

    I don't like participation ribbons, but I don't think they are comparable to self esteem. Those contribute to an "everyone's a winner" mentality.

    Modesty doesn't mean not acknowledging your worth or talents or achievements. That would be something more like false modesty or false humility.

    What I am seeing from the fat is beautiful folks is in-your-face boasting and the encouragement of such. Imagine if this behavior was conducted by conventionally beautiful people, or if they were encouraged to do it. It would be obnoxious. And I think that is because they actually are beautiful. Whereas the former group are actually not, but hey, whatever for sake of fostering self-esteem of the pitiable.

    There are no "fat is beautiful" people - there are people that encourage other people to find beauty in themselves, regardless of their weight. I don't see any boasting from "them". I see a push for self acceptance and love. Those are good things for any subset of the population - thin, beautiful, overweight, short, etc.

    And I absolutely disagree that being fat means you can't be beautiful.

    Perhaps I'm just cynical. But I feel I'm being pitied and am being tossed a bone that gives me permission to call my fat body "beautiful." I'm sure it makes someone feel good, but not me.

  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I think its unhealthy to wait to live your life until your body meets a certain standard.

  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »

    What I find sad about it is that jeans don't hide much more than shorts would...

    Jeans cover cellulite. And stretch marks. And knee dimples.
  • dragonmaster69
    dragonmaster69 Posts: 131 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »

    hmmmm, tattoos and piercings seem like a stupid thing to have an acceptance movement for. those are clearly a choice.

    Yes, the best choice I've ever made for my loved, unhealthy, subhuman, FAT legs.


    It was my choice to ink my body permanently, but it is not my choice that some people have judgements on tattoos. Would I like an acceptance movement? HELL YEAH.
    Just because I am fat and have tattoos, doesn't mean I should be treated with any less respect than the "average" person gets.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Well, she is not healthy at all. But I don't think that means she should not be allowed to be happy the way she is, that's her decision.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I have body image issues, but I find it condescending when any movement tries to get me to chant that I'm beautiful.

    You don't have to convince beautiful people to chant that they are beautiful.

    The whole self-esteem stuff just comes off as false to me, like giving everyone a sticker or a participation ribbon. Who showcases that on their mantel?

    For me the whole self esteem stuff matters, because I'm raising two girls. I want them to know it's okay to think they are good at something, or smart, or kind - that it's not immodest or wrong to celebrate things you like about yourself. I don't want them to fall into the same self loathing trap loop that I did.

    I do agree about the chanting stuff though. I don't think I'm beautiful (and I'm super okay with that), so being told I must think that makes me uncomfortable. But I hate to be bossed around ;)

    A healthy self-image, sure. But encouraging boasting for sake of "self-esteem" seems to me to be something we tolerate and/or encourage from people who probably have a lot of legitimate reasons to not think too highly of themselves. Reasons such as, being overweight and out-of-shape, not taking good care of themselves, etc.

    We don't like it when people with actual talents and enviable qualities boast about it. We expect them to be modest and hold back on expressing any thought that might even resemble that they have very high opinions of themselves.
    So encouraging certain people to do it seems to me to only be out of pity and because their boasts are not actually true and everyone knows it.

    It's like the participation ribbon. Intended to help self-esteem but it might as well be the "You lose" ribbon. Only the losers get that ribbon and a condescending pat on the head.

    Self esteem does not, in any way, equal boastfulness though.

    I didn't say it did equal boastfulness. I said boasting is being encouraged for sake of self-esteem.
    Just because I know I'm smart doesn't mean I go around telling everyone that I am. It means I'm okay admitting so as it pertains to the conversation (as opposed to trying to deflect or minimize).

    I don't expect anyone to be modest and I don't think talking about a talent you have (again, as it pertains to whatever conversation you're having) is a negative thing. I love watching people talk about things they are good at.

    Boasting is talking with excessive pride. Just like anything else - in excess it's obnoxious. *shrug*

    I don't like participation ribbons, but I don't think they are comparable to self esteem. Those contribute to an "everyone's a winner" mentality.

    Modesty doesn't mean not acknowledging your worth or talents or achievements. That would be something more like false modesty or false humility.

    What I am seeing from the fat is beautiful folks is in-your-face boasting and the encouragement of such. Imagine if this behavior was conducted by conventionally beautiful people, or if they were encouraged to do it. It would be obnoxious. And I think that is because they actually are beautiful. Whereas the former group are actually not, but hey, whatever for sake of fostering self-esteem of the pitiable.

    There are no "fat is beautiful" people - there are people that encourage other people to find beauty in themselves, regardless of their weight. I don't see any boasting from "them". I see a push for self acceptance and love. Those are good things for any subset of the population - thin, beautiful, overweight, short, etc.

    And I absolutely disagree that being fat means you can't be beautiful.

    I don't know, there was a huge big is beautiful movement a few years ago which I hated because the comments immediately went from big is beautiful to skinny is ugly. It never stood on it's own merit, it was always a comparison.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    As per my picture:

    Try to understand: When we got fitter and healthier, our lives became better. We got more discipline, we became more energetic, happier, and just felt awesome.

    We want to share this feeling with everyone else. We want everybody to make it. It's a wonderful journey of self-worth that everyone can partake in.

    When people say "being fat is okay" it attacks the message that everyone should be the best person they can be. It attacks the essence of self-improvement, responsibility, and maturity - and I cannot agree with that.

    It's not about someone being fat, it's about them saying they're just as fit as people who work out. It's about the message that sloth, gluttony, and excuses are just as acceptable as industriousness, self-control, and action.

    If you cannot understand why this is bad, there's nothing more to talk about.
  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    If you know anything about Tess, you would know she works out regularly, lifts weights and eats a well balanced diet set by her nutritionist and doctors advice. As a larger woman myself who is trying to lose weight, I feel that no person should be made to feel ugly, unattractive, unloved, unappreciated because of their weight. That doesn't mean I want to stay that weight. Obviously I am here and 27 pounds down. But losing weight should be for more reasons that have to do with health and quality of life rather than just because you want to fit into skinny jeans or look good enough to get a boyfriend. I see those "inspirations" all too often on peoples profile pages and it is because they have been made to believe they are worthless if they pack on more pounds than the super models. Tess is NOT advocating an unhealthy lifestyle. If anything she shares quite a bit about her fitness regimen. But in the meantime, she is still gorgeous. Why can't she be a model? Not to mention there is an obvious market for clothing for plus sized women. And plus sized women do not like to look at their options on a typical stick thin super model because there is no way to see what the cut will look like on a large shape. Women of all sizes have a right to wear flattering clothing, a right to feel beautiful, a right to wear comfortable clothing. And if they come to terms to make goals to lose their weight and become healthier for themselves, then fine. But on the journey even, they should be able to feel fantastic about themselves. Self confidence is key to the weight loss game for many of us. I was thinking for a while that I would not buy anymore clothes for myself until I lost a certain amount of weight but I wasn't trying to lose weight. And then I splurged and bought myself a dress to wear for Christmas. Guess what? That dress made me feel like a million bucks and it made me want to continue feeling like a million bucks which resulted in me getting my butt into gear. And guess what, that dress was modeled by a plus size model.

    I'm sexy and I know it. I didn't for a long time. And even though I want to lose weight, my sexiness is not a direct result of my weight or future lack thereof. Yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I am the only beholder that matters and if it weren't for women like Tess who are brave and bold in being themselves and not cowering in a corner wearing sweatpants because they are fat, I wouldn't know how to have that confidence, fat or not.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    CipherZero wrote: »
    As per my picture:

    Try to understand: When we got fitter and healthier, our lives became better. We got more discipline, we became more energetic, happier, and just felt awesome.

    We want to share this feeling with everyone else. We want everybody to make it. It's a wonderful journey of self-worth that everyone can partake in.

    When people say "being fat is okay" it attacks the message that everyone should be the best person they can be. It attacks the essence of self-improvement, responsibility, and maturity - and I cannot agree with that.

    It's not about someone being fat, it's about them saying they're just as fit as people who work out. It's about the message that sloth, gluttony, and excuses are just as acceptable as industriousness, self-control, and action.

    If you cannot understand why this is bad, there's nothing more to talk about.

    When people say being fat is OK they are trying to encourage people who absolutely loathe their bodies to love their bodies. Without self love, why would you care to improve? If you hate yourself, you may not bother. That's something people forget.

  • candacefausset
    candacefausset Posts: 297 Member
    I say until you're ready to have what is acceptable and good dictated to you by society at large, you have no business trying to do so for anyone else. Who gets to pull your strings and tell you how you should think and feel about yourself? Who gets to be the fascist dictator for you that you want to be for someone else? Heaven forbid anyone should be fine with their own flaws, and find any virtue in themselves when you're working overtime to cram them into your narrow-minded view of how things should be. How dare those uppity fat people feel good about themselves for 5 damn minutes. Don't they know there's a society to fit into? (And to fit into it, they're gonna have to at least get down to a 5, or is it lower now?)
    CipherZero wrote: »
    As per my picture:

    Try to understand: When we got fitter and healthier, our lives became better. We got more discipline, we became more energetic, happier, and just felt awesome.

    We want to share this feeling with everyone else. We want everybody to make it. It's a wonderful journey of self-worth that everyone can partake in.

    When people say "being fat is okay" it attacks the message that everyone should be the best person they can be. It attacks the essence of self-improvement, responsibility, and maturity - and I cannot agree with that.

    It's not about someone being fat, it's about them saying they're just as fit as people who work out. It's about the message that sloth, gluttony, and excuses are just as acceptable as industriousness, self-control, and action.

    If you cannot understand why this is bad, there's nothing more to talk about.

    When people say being fat is OK they are trying to encourage people who absolutely loathe their bodies to love their bodies. Without self love, why would you care to improve? If you hate yourself, you may not bother. That's something people forget.

    Both of these but mostly the part in bold. Exactly what I was saying about my Christmas dress. It made me feel good and that little taste made me want more.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I have body image issues, but I find it condescending when any movement tries to get me to chant that I'm beautiful.

    You don't have to convince beautiful people to chant that they are beautiful.

    The whole self-esteem stuff just comes off as false to me, like giving everyone a sticker or a participation ribbon. Who showcases that on their mantel?

    For me the whole self esteem stuff matters, because I'm raising two girls. I want them to know it's okay to think they are good at something, or smart, or kind - that it's not immodest or wrong to celebrate things you like about yourself. I don't want them to fall into the same self loathing trap loop that I did.

    I do agree about the chanting stuff though. I don't think I'm beautiful (and I'm super okay with that), so being told I must think that makes me uncomfortable. But I hate to be bossed around ;)

    A healthy self-image, sure. But encouraging boasting for sake of "self-esteem" seems to me to be something we tolerate and/or encourage from people who probably have a lot of legitimate reasons to not think too highly of themselves. Reasons such as, being overweight and out-of-shape, not taking good care of themselves, etc.

    We don't like it when people with actual talents and enviable qualities boast about it. We expect them to be modest and hold back on expressing any thought that might even resemble that they have very high opinions of themselves.
    So encouraging certain people to do it seems to me to only be out of pity and because their boasts are not actually true and everyone knows it.

    It's like the participation ribbon. Intended to help self-esteem but it might as well be the "You lose" ribbon. Only the losers get that ribbon and a condescending pat on the head.

    Self esteem does not, in any way, equal boastfulness though.

    I didn't say it did equal boastfulness. I said boasting is being encouraged for sake of self-esteem.
    Just because I know I'm smart doesn't mean I go around telling everyone that I am. It means I'm okay admitting so as it pertains to the conversation (as opposed to trying to deflect or minimize).

    I don't expect anyone to be modest and I don't think talking about a talent you have (again, as it pertains to whatever conversation you're having) is a negative thing. I love watching people talk about things they are good at.

    Boasting is talking with excessive pride. Just like anything else - in excess it's obnoxious. *shrug*

    I don't like participation ribbons, but I don't think they are comparable to self esteem. Those contribute to an "everyone's a winner" mentality.

    Modesty doesn't mean not acknowledging your worth or talents or achievements. That would be something more like false modesty or false humility.

    What I am seeing from the fat is beautiful folks is in-your-face boasting and the encouragement of such. Imagine if this behavior was conducted by conventionally beautiful people, or if they were encouraged to do it. It would be obnoxious. And I think that is because they actually are beautiful. Whereas the former group are actually not, but hey, whatever for sake of fostering self-esteem of the pitiable.

    There are no "fat is beautiful" people - there are people that encourage other people to find beauty in themselves, regardless of their weight. I don't see any boasting from "them". I see a push for self acceptance and love. Those are good things for any subset of the population - thin, beautiful, overweight, short, etc.

    And I absolutely disagree that being fat means you can't be beautiful.

    I don't know, there was a huge big is beautiful movement a few years ago which I hated because the comments immediately went from big is beautiful to skinny is ugly. It never stood on it's own merit, it was always a comparison.

    I must have missed that, but I totally agree. We shouldn't celebrate one body type by shaming another.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    CipherZero wrote: »
    As per my picture:

    Try to understand: When we got fitter and healthier, our lives became better. We got more discipline, we became more energetic, happier, and just felt awesome.

    We want to share this feeling with everyone else. We want everybody to make it. It's a wonderful journey of self-worth that everyone can partake in.

    When people say "being fat is okay" it attacks the message that everyone should be the best person they can be. It attacks the essence of self-improvement, responsibility, and maturity - and I cannot agree with that.

    It's not about someone being fat, it's about them saying they're just as fit as people who work out. It's about the message that sloth, gluttony, and excuses are just as acceptable as industriousness, self-control, and action.

    If you cannot understand why this is bad, there's nothing more to talk about.

    When people say being fat is OK they are trying to encourage people who absolutely loathe their bodies to love their bodies. Without self love, why would you care to improve? If you hate yourself, you may not bother. That's something people forget.

    Sounds like a disingenuous gesture. Is being fat okay or isn't it? Tell people that being fat is ok so that they will love themselves enough to care and improve.

    So, it sounds like being fat is not ok. Just as I already suspected.

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I have body image issues, but I find it condescending when any movement tries to get me to chant that I'm beautiful.

    You don't have to convince beautiful people to chant that they are beautiful.

    The whole self-esteem stuff just comes off as false to me, like giving everyone a sticker or a participation ribbon. Who showcases that on their mantel?

    For me the whole self esteem stuff matters, because I'm raising two girls. I want them to know it's okay to think they are good at something, or smart, or kind - that it's not immodest or wrong to celebrate things you like about yourself. I don't want them to fall into the same self loathing trap loop that I did.

    I do agree about the chanting stuff though. I don't think I'm beautiful (and I'm super okay with that), so being told I must think that makes me uncomfortable. But I hate to be bossed around ;)

    A healthy self-image, sure. But encouraging boasting for sake of "self-esteem" seems to me to be something we tolerate and/or encourage from people who probably have a lot of legitimate reasons to not think too highly of themselves. Reasons such as, being overweight and out-of-shape, not taking good care of themselves, etc.

    We don't like it when people with actual talents and enviable qualities boast about it. We expect them to be modest and hold back on expressing any thought that might even resemble that they have very high opinions of themselves.
    So encouraging certain people to do it seems to me to only be out of pity and because their boasts are not actually true and everyone knows it.

    It's like the participation ribbon. Intended to help self-esteem but it might as well be the "You lose" ribbon. Only the losers get that ribbon and a condescending pat on the head.

    Self esteem does not, in any way, equal boastfulness though.

    I didn't say it did equal boastfulness. I said boasting is being encouraged for sake of self-esteem.
    Just because I know I'm smart doesn't mean I go around telling everyone that I am. It means I'm okay admitting so as it pertains to the conversation (as opposed to trying to deflect or minimize).

    I don't expect anyone to be modest and I don't think talking about a talent you have (again, as it pertains to whatever conversation you're having) is a negative thing. I love watching people talk about things they are good at.

    Boasting is talking with excessive pride. Just like anything else - in excess it's obnoxious. *shrug*

    I don't like participation ribbons, but I don't think they are comparable to self esteem. Those contribute to an "everyone's a winner" mentality.

    Modesty doesn't mean not acknowledging your worth or talents or achievements. That would be something more like false modesty or false humility.

    What I am seeing from the fat is beautiful folks is in-your-face boasting and the encouragement of such. Imagine if this behavior was conducted by conventionally beautiful people, or if they were encouraged to do it. It would be obnoxious. And I think that is because they actually are beautiful. Whereas the former group are actually not, but hey, whatever for sake of fostering self-esteem of the pitiable.

    There are no "fat is beautiful" people - there are people that encourage other people to find beauty in themselves, regardless of their weight. I don't see any boasting from "them". I see a push for self acceptance and love. Those are good things for any subset of the population - thin, beautiful, overweight, short, etc.

    And I absolutely disagree that being fat means you can't be beautiful.

    Perhaps I'm just cynical. But I feel I'm being pitied and am being tossed a bone that gives me permission to call my fat body "beautiful." I'm sure it makes someone feel good, but not me.

    I can see how it could easily be interpreted that way.
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member

    Sounds like a disingenuous gesture. Is being fat okay or isn't it? Tell people that being fat is ok so that they will love themselves enough to care and improve.

    So, it sounds like being fat is not ok. Just as I already suspected.

    I guess it's about how you define 'ok'. There are demonstrated health risks linked with morbid obesity (though it is important to note that being obese is NOT an indicator of a persons health any more than being slim is). When I talk about being 'ok' I am talking about being worthy of peoples respect, attention, love etc. I know a lot of people who BELIEVE that obese people are gross, lazy, unhealthy etc. etc. That kind of attitude isn't helpful and thinking that about yourself does not help. You can learn to love yourself at any size and still want to improve. Even people who are not overweight can always improve.

    I think learning to love yourself as you are goes a long way because I think self esteem and happiness play a large role in being motivated to be better.

    I remember as a morbidly obese teenager, I basically hated myself so much I wanted to die (and tried to take my own life a few times). It wasn't until my 20's where I had a group of friends and I started to like myself a little bit that I actually felt motivated to lose weight. I lost about 160lbs.

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »

    hmmmm, tattoos and piercings seem like a stupid thing to have an acceptance movement for. those are clearly a choice.

    Yes, the best choice I've ever made for my loved, unhealthy, subhuman, FAT legs.


    It was my choice to ink my body permanently, but it is not my choice that some people have judgements on tattoos. Would I like an acceptance movement? HELL YEAH.
    Just because I am fat and have tattoos, doesn't mean I should be treated with any less respect than the "average" person gets.

    uh okay, i'll mostly silently judge you for the tattoos irl. we cool?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    CipherZero wrote: »
    As per my picture:

    Try to understand: When we got fitter and healthier, our lives became better. We got more discipline, we became more energetic, happier, and just felt awesome.

    We want to share this feeling with everyone else. We want everybody to make it. It's a wonderful journey of self-worth that everyone can partake in.

    When people say "being fat is okay" it attacks the message that everyone should be the best person they can be. It attacks the essence of self-improvement, responsibility, and maturity - and I cannot agree with that.

    It's not about someone being fat, it's about them saying they're just as fit as people who work out. It's about the message that sloth, gluttony, and excuses are just as acceptable as industriousness, self-control, and action.

    If you cannot understand why this is bad, there's nothing more to talk about.
    Maybe being a fat body is the best that particular person can be... not everyone has the same bar or capability, so to speak.
  • dragonmaster69
    dragonmaster69 Posts: 131 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »

    hmmmm, tattoos and piercings seem like a stupid thing to have an acceptance movement for. those are clearly a choice.

    Yes, the best choice I've ever made for my loved, unhealthy, subhuman, FAT legs.


    It was my choice to ink my body permanently, but it is not my choice that some people have judgements on tattoos. Would I like an acceptance movement? HELL YEAH.
    Just because I am fat and have tattoos, doesn't mean I should be treated with any less respect than the "average" person gets.

    uh okay, i'll mostly silently judge you for the tattoos irl. we cool?

    I'm cool with just about everyone ever, so of course, but some people project their comments out loud to me irl, and while I am used to it, it gets old (<--this run on sentence/some sort of comma splice is killing me). I've literally had clients at my work tell me I won't get a job with tattoos....while I'm working.....

    Instead of an acceptance movement for just about anything there should be a "mind your own god damn body" movement.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »

    hmmmm, tattoos and piercings seem like a stupid thing to have an acceptance movement for. those are clearly a choice.

    Yes, the best choice I've ever made for my loved, unhealthy, subhuman, FAT legs.


    It was my choice to ink my body permanently, but it is not my choice that some people have judgements on tattoos. Would I like an acceptance movement? HELL YEAH.
    Just because I am fat and have tattoos, doesn't mean I should be treated with any less respect than the "average" person gets.

    uh okay, i'll mostly silently judge you for the tattoos irl. we cool?

    I'm cool with just about everyone ever, so of course, but some people project their comments out loud to me irl, and while I am used to it, it gets old (<--this run on sentence/some sort of comma splice is killing me). I've literally had clients at my work tell me I won't get a job with tattoos....while I'm working.....

    Instead of an acceptance movement for just about anything there should be a "mind your own god damn body" movement.

    oh yeah, those people are rude.
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