Body Positive or Promoting an unhealthy lifestyle



  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Suggested reading for those that insist that an individual that is overweight must be unhealthy.

    From that article:

    'That’s why some heavy people can be fit on the inside — healthier even than some of their thinner peers. Many people who diet but don’t exercise to lose weight, for example, may technically reach a “healthy” weight, but their fitness level doesn’t match. They may appear trim on the outside, but still carry too much visceral fat and not enough muscle on the inside. “They’re not physically active. They have horrible and restrictive diets. They might not be overweight, but metabolically they’re a mess,” says Church.'

  • Superlissaanne
    Superlissaanne Posts: 30 Member
    also, I think that very few women are in "DENIAL" about being a larger body type. Either they know it and are doing something about it... or they know it, and are ok with it. Nobody is a size 24 and thinks they're a size 12.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    I've just learned a new word "pitiable" deserving or arousing pity. Wow! this thread was really divisive.
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    Zaftique wrote: »
    My god, I want her hair. o_O And her chin! I'm several sizes smaller than her, yet I have the most frustrating double chin that will not go away, HOW DOES SHE DO..

    Face tattoos (both tats of faces and tats on the face) aren't my cup of tea, but confidence is always sexy. ;D

    One "trick" is to stick your head forward towards the camera. I read an article about how to take a good portrait photo, and after years of thinking I was unphotogenic I can reliably get a great photo.

    Yep, I'm all too familiar with That One Crazy Trick™, I'm just stuck with frustrating genetics. Chipmunk cheeks dating back to at least the mid-1800s, according to the family album. heh. I come from a long line of stout, jowly Germans. ;D Even the skinny ones have a sort of aura of stoutness to them, like the extra 50lbs are sitting off to the side of the camera, waiting to pounce.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Zaftique wrote: »
    My god, I want her hair. o_O And her chin! I'm several sizes smaller than her, yet I have the most frustrating double chin that will not go away, HOW DOES SHE DO..

    Face tattoos (both tats of faces and tats on the face) aren't my cup of tea, but confidence is always sexy. ;D

    her hair is nice, but could be a hair piece involved.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited January 2015
    I think that the clothing and modeling industry has largely ignored women of a larger size. I think that this is good because it will increase awareness that people come in all sizes. There are large women (like me) that are doing something about our weight, but we still need to buy clothing in our current size, and still need to see women in the catalogs and websites that are similar to us. Do you know how hard it is to buy something online that is a size 20, but is modeled on a size 6? Its impossible to know how it will fit on a woman of that size.

    It's impossible to know even for women who are a smaller size, but not the same proportions as the model. I'm not tall like models and I have wider hips than models. I have to try all my clothes on before buying them. I can't order anything online just by looking at it and I'm a small size. This isn't only true for larger women. It's true for any woman who isn't build like a model.
  • Athos282
    Athos282 Posts: 405 Member
    I say good for her for doing what she wants to do and think it's great that she found an agency that will take her on. I certainly think that too much of the 'fasion' industry emphasizes a physique that I personally find to be on the 'too skinny' side of things. It's important for women to know that they don't have to look like the skinny models in order to be attractive.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »

    The "fat" are "pitiable"?
    Really, you went there?

    Read the whole conversation. I am among this pitiable group that needs a self-esteem boost so is being encouraged to boast about qualities I do not possess.

    So only the fat that don't have self esteem are pitiable?
    And it's ok to call them that if you belong to them. Got it.

    You don't 'get' anything. You clearly aren't following along and don't understand what my argument even was.

    So who are the pitiable then?
    Spell it slow, I'm not only not following along, I'm kinda dense.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    What always gets me is the assumption that being big = unhealthy lifestyle and being slim = healthy lifestyle. Not really the case. It is possible to be overweight and still be healthy. It is possible to be slim and be unhealthy.

    She is also 22 years old. She may be "healthy" now, unfortunately in another 10 years that will probably change.

  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    When I see photos of Tess, I don't notice if she's beautiful or not, or if the clothes she models look appealing, I only feel envious of her apparent self confidence. The notion of loving myself at any size is incomprehensible to me. I'm frankly embarrased by my size. I just want to send up a big cheer for all of you people posting here that have conquered this for yourselves.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I see this thread has now degenerated into a debate on how obese people really are just as healthy as the non obese...

    LOL interesting...

    not one person is saying that.

    oh really? Then why a few pages back are people making claims about obese people being as healthy, if not healthier, than non obese????????????????????
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    oh god.

    So much special snowflake. Definitely promoting unhealthiness. I'd also say promoting an unhealthy mental condition too. I'm not sure if it's ignorance or insanity that equates being happy with being morbidly obese, and "bucking beauty standards"
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    edited January 2015
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »

    The "fat" are "pitiable"?
    Really, you went there?

    Read the whole conversation. I am among this pitiable group that needs a self-esteem boost so is being encouraged to boast about qualities I do not possess.

    So only the fat that don't have self esteem are pitiable?
    And it's ok to call them that if you belong to them. Got it.

    You don't 'get' anything. You clearly aren't following along and don't understand what my argument even was.

    So who are the pitiable then?

    The group being condescended to, the group encouraged to boast when others who are conventionally beautiful are discouraged to boast. If you were following along, you'd know that I found this condescending and that I felt I and other fat people are being pitied.
    Spell it slow, I'm not only not following along, I'm kinda dense.

    You said it.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Zaftique wrote: »
    My god, I want her hair. o_O And her chin! I'm several sizes smaller than her, yet I have the most frustrating double chin that will not go away, HOW DOES SHE DO..

    Face tattoos (both tats of faces and tats on the face) aren't my cup of tea, but confidence is always sexy. ;D
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I think you should be happy in your skin no matter what size you are. When I was fat, I had sex, dressed nicely, went to events/etc. I mean, life wasnt over just because I was overweight. Now I am thin, and I still do all those things. I think its unhealthy to wait to live your life until your body meets a certain standard.

    I had different priorities when I was big, and I figure other large people similarly have other aspects of their lives they are focusing on, and arent bothered by their weight.

    This this this. Life does not stop just because you're fat. You still have to go to work, to school, run errands, etc. You still have friends & romantic relationships. You're allowed to be overweight and still make an effort with your appearance via nice clothes, hair, and makeup if you so choose. Fat people aren't relegated to hoodies, sweatpants, & a sad look on their face at all times. Life still happens.

    It honestly just amazes me how many people here act like weight loss and self-acceptance is this easy thing, as if we didn't all struggle with it at some point. We especially have first hand experience telling us that it isn't easy. It takes a lot of work and soul-searching to get there. Some of us stayed fat well into our 20s, 30s, 40s - even AFTER doctors and friends/family might have told us we were dangerously unhealthy. Seriously, WHO ARE WE to go around acting like we're heroes because we, by some miracle, saw the light and decided to (and were able to) make a change for the better. Of course we should be proud, but damn. Some of you forget awful quick what it was like to be on that side of the fence and have no empathy at all.

  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    i love her, and i think she is gorgeous.

    But I don't think the modeling agency got her because they want her to display clothing for the larger crowd...

    I think they got her for exactly what we've given them and her, publicity.

    Now they have their token gorgeous fat girl.

    Also the eff your beauty standards campaign is not just for overweight people. Its motivation for people to brush off and try not to care about what society deems attractive.

    If you go to that hash tag on instagram you'll see a lot of different looking people....yes mostly overweight and or obese people, but there are also thin different looking people, people with tattoos, people with piercings, women with body hair....i think the aim is for more than just weight acceptance, it's mostly going that way because we have a lot of overweight people that need more self love and confidence to get through their day because they have lived their whole life with fat shaming.

    This is a super multifaceted topic, and it's interesting to read everyone's take on it.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    i love her, and i think she is gorgeous.

    But I don't think the modeling agency got her because they want her to display clothing for the larger crowd...

    I think they got her for exactly what we've given them and her, publicity.

    Now they have their token gorgeous fat girl.

    Also the eff your beauty standards campaign is not just for overweight people. Its motivation for people to brush off and try not to care about what society deems attractive.

    If you go to that hash tag on instagram you'll see a lot of different looking people....yes mostly overweight and or obese people, but there are also thin different looking people, people with tattoos, people with piercings, women with body hair....i think the aim is for more than just weight acceptance, it's mostly going that way because we have a lot of overweight people that need more self love and confidence to get through their day because they have lived their whole life with fat shaming.

    This is a super multifaceted topic, and it's interesting to read everyone's take on it.

    hmmmm, tattoos and piercings seem like a stupid thing to have an acceptance movement for. those are clearly a choice.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    i love her, and i think she is gorgeous.

    But I don't think the modeling agency got her because they want her to display clothing for the larger crowd...

    I think they got her for exactly what we've given them and her, publicity.

    Now they have their token gorgeous fat girl.

    Also the eff your beauty standards campaign is not just for overweight people. Its motivation for people to brush off and try not to care about what society deems attractive.

    If you go to that hash tag on instagram you'll see a lot of different looking people....yes mostly overweight and or obese people, but there are also thin different looking people, people with tattoos, people with piercings, women with body hair....i think the aim is for more than just weight acceptance, it's mostly going that way because we have a lot of overweight people that need more self love and confidence to get through their day because they have lived their whole life with fat shaming.

    This is a super multifaceted topic, and it's interesting to read everyone's take on it.

    hmmmm, tattoos and piercings seem like a stupid thing to have an acceptance movement for. those are clearly a choice.

    well of course, but when people get them, you automatically become "alternative" (kinda, not so much anymore). And alternative isn't necessarily what society deems attractive, so people want to be accepted for that.

    The tattoos and piercing things is pretty silly, but that's sort of the way of thought in those communities.....

    "Accept me even though i'm heavily tattooed!!!" "Business people can have tattoos!!!" "I'm not a delinquent because i'm pierced up!!!" ----that sort of thing.

    Anyways, the campaign was built to give confidence to anyone that is "different".
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    daw0518 wrote: »
    I think you should be happy in your skin no matter what size you are. When I was fat, I had sex, dressed nicely, went to events/etc. I mean, life wasnt over just because I was overweight. Now I am thin, and I still do all those things. I think its unhealthy to wait to live your life until your body meets a certain standard.

    I had different priorities when I was big, and I figure other large people similarly have other aspects of their lives they are focusing on, and arent bothered by their weight.

    This this this. Life does not stop just because you're fat. You still have to go to work, to school, run errands, etc. You still have friends & romantic relationships. You're allowed to be overweight and still make an effort with your appearance via nice clothes, hair, and makeup if you so choose. Fat people aren't relegated to hoodies, sweatpants, & a sad look on their face at all times. Life still happens.

    It honestly just amazes me how many people here act like weight loss and self-acceptance is this easy thing, as if we didn't all struggle with it at some point. We especially have first hand experience telling us that it isn't easy. It takes a lot of work and soul-searching to get there. Some of us stayed fat well into our 20s, 30s, 40s - even AFTER doctors and friends/family might have told us we were dangerously unhealthy. Seriously, WHO ARE WE to go around acting like we're heroes because we, by some miracle, saw the light and decided to (and were able to) make a change for the better. Of course we should be proud, but damn. Some of you forget awful quick what it was like to be on that side of the fence and have no empathy at all.

    I haven't forgotten how it felt to be big. I wasn't even that big, and I just felt fat and unattractive. Is that really shocking that I find women even bigger than I was fat and unattractive? Call it lack of empathy if you wish, but I don't see why I should apply different standards to people other than myself. I've never claimed to be a hero. Heck my friends here know by now that there isn't a week that goes by without me binging and I can't say for certain how long I'll be able to keep my 'new lifestyle'. But I sure wasn't showing off my fat rolls when I was obese either.

    Although yes, she has a very pretty face. But it makes me sad. Loving oneself is one thing, but frankly it's borderline self-destructive at this point, IMO, because she clearly isn't doing anything to fix it ('but she works out 4x a week with a trainer!'. Because we all know that exercise without diet works so well). But I guess she's 22...
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    edited January 2015
    daw0518 wrote: »
    I think you should be happy in your skin no matter what size you are. When I was fat, I had sex, dressed nicely, went to events/etc. I mean, life wasnt over just because I was overweight. Now I am thin, and I still do all those things. I think its unhealthy to wait to live your life until your body meets a certain standard.

    I had different priorities when I was big, and I figure other large people similarly have other aspects of their lives they are focusing on, and arent bothered by their weight.

    This this this. Life does not stop just because you're fat. You still have to go to work, to school, run errands, etc. You still have friends & romantic relationships. You're allowed to be overweight and still make an effort with your appearance via nice clothes, hair, and makeup if you so choose. Fat people aren't relegated to hoodies, sweatpants, & a sad look on their face at all times. Life still happens.

    It honestly just amazes me how many people here act like weight loss and self-acceptance is this easy thing, as if we didn't all struggle with it at some point. We especially have first hand experience telling us that it isn't easy. It takes a lot of work and soul-searching to get there. Some of us stayed fat well into our 20s, 30s, 40s - even AFTER doctors and friends/family might have told us we were dangerously unhealthy. Seriously, WHO ARE WE to go around acting like we're heroes because we, by some miracle, saw the light and decided to (and were able to) make a change for the better. Of course we should be proud, but damn. Some of you forget awful quick what it was like to be on that side of the fence and have no empathy at all.

    My goodness...maybe I missed it but I didn't see any comments implying that overweight people should stick to hoodies, and sweatpants. In fact, the majority of people are on her side with a few people saying either a.) they do not find it attractive or b.) It is an unhealthy weight
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