Move it To Lose for May: CHALLENGE



  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member
    No exercise today, but I did finish the day below my goal for calories. I'm planning on a bike ride for Sunday, and I'll get a chance to try out a new heart rate monitor I just got.
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    Ok I am so pumped - I am now at over 2700 calories burned for the week. That is amazing for me. I really jumped into this May challenge with both feet and am sincerely hoping I will see some action on my scale when I finally weigh myself June 1... Staying off the scale has been REAL difficult for me but I'm determined not to weigh until month end.

    I did measure yesterday and have lost 2 inches in my waist since my last measurements!! Lost a few in the bust, thigh & tummy as well. WOOOOOT!

    The compliment aspect is hard for me for some reason but I'm going to give it chance right NOW.

    1. I am caring & empathetic - sometimes to my detriment. Please don't show me a hungry child, dog, old person in need or anything else that might move me to some type of action that I possibly shouldn't be performing...
    2. I am generous - with my time and limited resources!
    3. I smile alot and feel I have a nice smile
    4. I have pretty eyes - my friend calls them swamp water green...I take that as a compliment because I love all shades of green.
    5. I am a wonderful wife!
    6. I am a wonderful mama - I adore my kids SO MUCH...
    7. I have a good sense of humor and love making people laugh.
    8. Getting hard here... ummmmm ... I strive to be organized (I am not really all that much but I try...)
    9. I keep a pretty clean house! That means a lot if you only knew the activity that goes on in this house...
    10. I am a loyal friend.
    11. I consider myself intelligent
    12. I think I do a good job with interior decorating.

    I did it! That took some serious thinking on my part.

    Now on to the crunches & pushups...
  • dcberg00
    dcberg00 Posts: 33 Member
    GREAT job everyone!!! Looks like a amazing start to the month of May. I got to my goal with a fast paced skate last night. I saw LOTS of shots since there were few skaters. Lots of action means lots of cals burned!!

    I am at 2878 for the week, with a Kenpo X workout still to go. Does the push/crunch mini-challenge count if we have already done it for the week?? Sorry if I missed answer, just skimmed through.

    KEEP UP THE GREAT work all!!:drinker:
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
  • Mrz_Rich
    Mrz_Rich Posts: 90
    Total calories burned for the week: 2157!

    I've been struggling the past couple days...just really don't feel like exercising. 2157 calories burned in a week is really not much for me...the previous week I burned over 3,000. I've been doing so well the past few months and I'm hoping it's just a SHORT phase I'm going through and that I will return to my normal self really soon. I've still kept my calories under every day but one but I know my body needs to move also!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Well I don't feel like seeing which I have posted :) So here's my calorie burn of the week
    I have not been logging my food very well since thursday however. LOTS of snacks sent up and my will power was on vacation I think....either way no where to be found.. Tomorrow I must log tho! Good luck everybody. May the 2nd week treat you well :)
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    Hope everyone is have a great time with their challenge:) I had a bad day yesterday, but made up for it with a good walk last night.

    For this week I burned 3130 Cals.:)))..and stayed under my cals too:)
    :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • messyhare
    messyhare Posts: 366 Member
    Week 1 ended with 3127 calories burned, under calories on each day - success!

    Hope everyone else had a great week - looking forward to week 2...
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    week total=4452!!! OMG!!!!
  • Hello everyone! I have a a decent week. There were a couple of days that I just didn't want to work out but managed to get it done anyway. My total calories burned for the week comes in at 2737!!! I have been slacking on the mini-challenges but have only gone over goal calories once since starting this journey! This weeks challenge should be a snap. Bring it!!!
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Well I stayed way under today....gained a little weight this weekend so I felt like I should make up for it a bit. Plus I got home too late to eat anything by then anyway. The joys of a "real-life-big-girl-job" as I call it hahaha! Finals week this week though....Have a good week everybody!
  • themarketco
    themarketco Posts: 12 Member
    2220 burned for the week. Stayed under calorie 5 out of 7 days. Bumped my daily calorie goal down by 100 for a little personal mini challenge. Haha, missed seeing the crunch mini challenge but weird thing is decided to push my sit ups today to 20 reps of 10. Crazy.

    Looks like everyone is pushing forward and doing well, congrats on your first week down! Stay positive and on the move this week while kicking a few calories to the curb. My goal? Stay at 50 cals. under my experimental goal.

    Have a beautiful week!
  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member
    2 hour bike ride, 24 miles @ 12.4 mph; about 1500 calories.

    3706 calories burned over the week.

    Ready for next week's challenge.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hi, All. Sorry I've been MIA - but I'm pretty sick. Hope to be back in action in a day or two. I'll catch up with everyone then, in the meantime, keep up the GREAT work.

    And while I'm out, here's our next mini-challenge... it will likely need a week or so to complete.

    Ready?? Ready??

    Okay, can YOU... over the next week.... sleep at LEAST 7 hours THREE nights?? They don't have to be in a row, but they DO need to be 7 consecutive hours. Are you up for it? Or in this case, lying down for the challenge?
  • Well last week I ate a little crazy but I did reach the weekly exercise goal :)
  • themarketco
    themarketco Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, All. Sorry I've been MIA - but I'm pretty sick. Hope to be back in action in a day or two. I'll catch up with everyone then, in the meantime, keep up the GREAT work.

    Feel better soon. Remember fluids, fluids, fluids.
  • dcberg00
    dcberg00 Posts: 33 Member
    Last weeks burn total was 3744.

    The new weekly challenge will be fun. Hope everyone enjoys the coming week!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    OH NOW!! This is my kinda challenge!! Sleep is one thing I very rarely have issues with!! Of course now that I've said that I'll probably have a sudden case of insomnia!! :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Hello Gang! This weeks challenge to stay under goalnis in the bag. The mini challenge is a whole other story. I have never been able to sleep through the night and now that I drink so much water throughout the day, I have to use the bathroom at least three times during the night. Check me out of this one!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Monday was a good start to staying under my calorie goal. And I should be good for the rest of the week with the exception of Saturday. Saturday is always tough. But I am determined to meet this goal. And I would LOVE to have three nights of 7 hours of uninterupted sleep. Will see if we can make that one happen. Hope everyone has a great week! :happy:
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