Anyone Trying Whey Protein For Weight Loss?



  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.

    If you are consistently losing 5lbs a week you are either extremely overweight or severely restricting your calories which isn't healthy.

    Whey doesn't help you magically lose extra weight. As has been reiterated it's just a useful way to increase your protein intake which may make you feel less hungers.

    You still need to eat a healthy amount of food.

    Someone link the sexypants thread please. I can't I'm on my phone.
    I absolutely understand what you are saying and my calorie intake is around 900-1000 a day . I eat the shake for breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and a snack and I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day oh yeah and my coffee :). I understand that is low for calories but right now I feel perfectly fine there because I am just not hungry because of the Whey (which I was always hungry before the whey) and if I start to not feel fine with those calories I will take in more calories for sure. I'm not afraid of calories I am just not hungry now. My goal of loosing weight isn't that far away but I will continue even after that with the whey because it does help me balance my eating and my cravings. I feel 100% better since I started using it.
    I see osteoporosis in the near future for you.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.

    If you are consistently losing 5lbs a week you are either extremely overweight or severely restricting your calories which isn't healthy.

    Whey doesn't help you magically lose extra weight. As has been reiterated it's just a useful way to increase your protein intake which may make you feel less hungers.

    You still need to eat a healthy amount of food.

    Someone link the sexypants thread please. I can't I'm on my phone.
    I absolutely understand what you are saying and my calorie intake is around 900-1000 a day . I eat the shake for breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and a snack and I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day oh yeah and my coffee :). I understand that is low for calories but right now I feel perfectly fine there because I am just not hungry because of the Whey (which I was always hungry before the whey) and if I start to not feel fine with those calories I will take in more calories for sure. I'm not afraid of calories I am just not hungry now. My goal of loosing weight isn't that far away but I will continue even after that with the whey because it does help me balance my eating and my cravings. I feel 100% better since I started using it.
    I see osteoporosis in the near future for you.

    Sad but true!
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    I use whey because it is cheaper than most protein sources, I can get it in isolate, so it doesn`t increase my fat/carb (and total calorie) intake like nuts and dairy does, and when I started, my protein intake was about half of what it should be. The way I was raised, it just feels wrong (self-indulgent) to have meat more than once a day, and I don't have the patience to cook a lot of beans.

    Since I reduced carbs to have room for they whey calories, I do find that eating whey helps me to be satisfied with fewer calories. I really enjoy eating my whey powder with greek yogurt, and try to eat it around the time of my workout, or just after. It's a little weird, the taste effect is kind of like cheesecake, and I don't like cheesecake, but I quite like my whey powder. I believe it has enhanced my weight loss, but I haven't broken down the calories before and after to analyse a relationship. Eating whey helps me feel full for at least a couple of hours.

    A wierd effect for me, is that it put me in ketosis, even though I eat 130-200 g carbs a day. My Dr. is monitoring this because I am diabetic (type II), and my ketosis level was the highest that registers in the lab work. My Dr. says my body thinks it is starving. The ketosis probably helps with appetite suppression, in addition to the protein impact. Fortunately ketosis doesn't make me foggy or lethargic, I just notice the headache sometimes (and the thirst, and the extra peeing).
  • psulemon wrote: »
    OP, I wasnt here to argue with me. But I do frequently ask for science, especially on bold claims. I ask because I like to educate myself further and i realize that science continuously evolves over time. The problem people generally face is they get defensive when their ideals are changed, which I struggle to as why, because lets face it, we don't know anything. In fact, this is extremely common to those on MFP or have been since I have been on here.

    What you have noticed, is whey increase satiety, which is creating the deficit. The energy deficit is creating the weight loss. The fact is, protein and fats have the greatest impact on satiety than anything else. So it's potential that when you at 2000 calories and felt hungry, that your diet was high in carbs which is very typical for women.

    With that said, satiety is not a function of calories, but rather macronutrients. Diets high in protein and fats tend to keep you full for along time which can make a calorie deficit easier (as demonstrated by those following LCHF diets). Where your bigger concern is, do you think 900 to 1000 calories will be able to give you all your nutrients to maintain muscle mass, regulate hormones and provide energy, especially since you are active (IIRC). Generally, 1200 calorie or less diets are for people are who sedentary and small, those with metabolic issues or obese. And even then they are generally more short term and monitored by a doctor.

    That is awesome that your child is doing better. I can't even imagine what is required to take care of a child like that. I would ask though, can you or do you breast feed? Because if you do, there are higher calorie requirements for those who do. It is advised by doctors to take in an additional 300 to 500 calories to sustain a good level of milk production and to provide adequate nutrients to a child.

    Something to think about. But I highly doubt your diet plan will give you the results you probably want because I have yet to see a success story of MFP of someone who is eating at little as you are and achieve the body they really want.

    The calorie intake for me is short term and I plan on upping it soon. I actually love food but I'm aggressively (good or bad) trying to reach my goal quicker. Then picking up healthy calories and maintaining as the whey protein is helping me do by reducing my craving for junk so my intake is healthier opposed to the junk I was eating before.

    I do not breast feed as my daughter is 4 years old now. She is very tiny as she was born at 23 weeks gestation so we still struggle with her eating issues and having her on a very high calorie diet and that has effected my eating choices negatively but thanks to whey (no matter who disagrees) it is really helping me make better eating choices in reference to the healthy choice of the food with my cravings curved not the calories and I am feeling so much better for it.

    So I am actually very happy with my choice of using whey and the benefit it is having on me personally.

    My diet plan and goal was only to lose 25 lbs and then to maintain that weight and tone while maintaining a more healthy diet which will include more calories so I don't really see how I can miss :)