

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I want everyone to know how thankful I am for the knowledge, encouragement, and help that I have gotten from several people on this site.

    Heather - thank you very much for the story about the cake in the psyche of people. It really makes sense that when you think you have failed at something some people would just give up. I think that a lot of the readers will appreciate that information. I hope you have a great trip. Keep us updated on your experiences.

    I think that I have finally learned some of the dance moves on Zumba! I think I like it. I used to love to dance and this seems like a lot of fun. I just have to modify for my knees and back I'm not as young as I used to be at least not physically!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning! I usually wait till the end of day to check in, but am getting a quick fix of encouragement before starting the day.

    Question: When having lots of weight to lose, is there benefit in using any of the weight loss programs out there, ie: Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, WW, Medifast, Ally, etc.
    I know that a meal plan has to be for life, and these things are not sustainable, but are they helpful in getting a kick-start?

    I was in treatment for 30 days 22 years ago for an eat disorder. After that time, I was sugar, flour, wheat free for many years. (So wish I had not started to add unhealthy foods to my meal plan. It was a slippery slope.) The time in treatment was a great way to "get clean". Since treatment isn't an option now, just wondering if there is an easy (somewhat) to get back to a healthy meal plan.

    Thoughts and experience???

    Love this group. You all are awesome! Have a great day!!!

    Judy in PA
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sylvia...........LOL! Thanks for the video link!!! Started my day off with a good chuckle!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    back again,
    went to see DFIL, he was having none of it this morning, one spoonful of oatmeal and that was it.. was acting like a 5 yr old wouldnt open up.. so I left, did bring his clean clothes down...
    it is snowing again here.. gee wonderful.... we have 2 more storms coming,, geesh I am sooooo tired of it
    trying to eat better
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Good morning all,
    I really enjoyed reading all the post and getting some great idea's.

    Sue TN
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    I had another NSV yesterday. By the time I found my new compression gloves at Michael's and got to the grocery store, it was almost 7:00pm, and I was VERY hungry. I texted my DH, but he didn't respond because he was already at bowling. Well, I stuck to my list. Every time I wanted something to munch on while shopping, I read the label first, then put it back. I then made a healthy supper, ate until not hungry (put 1/2 back in fridge) and therefore lost .6 yesterday. That has me down a full 7 pounds since starting the work contest in November, and only 13 to go by June.

    DS had 100% strikes or spares last night, so that puts him in 5th place for the district, which should qualify him for State. That means I have to pay for my Dad to spend the weekend with him in Madison, since it is the same weekend DH bowls in El Paso TX (and we already bought out flight tickets). Kids are SO expensive.

    Meg - I am so sorry about your knee injury and pain and frustration. When my Dad had his most recent back surgery, the surgeon, who had done all my Dad's other surgeries, told him the same thing. He was very frustrated, but stopped taking any pain meds, and did too much, to increase his pain level. I have also been told that I am "too young" to have knee replacement surgery, even though I have had bone-on-bone osteoarthritis in both knees since I was 40. The GP I work for now gives me Cortisone almost whenever I ask (but I try to keep it to once or twice per year).

    Allison - You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your day !

    It is cold here, but the Forecasters are afraid to tell us how much snow to expect this weekend.

    Hugs to everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
    exermom -

    aw = average watts. watts (think of a light bulb) is the power that I am putting out. 11-15g = the gears that I started with was 11 but went up to 15. they go from 1-24. I think the highest that I've done was a 20 for hills.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning! I usually wait till the end of day to check in, but am getting a quick fix of encouragement before starting the day.

    Question: When having lots of weight to lose, is there benefit in using any of the weight loss programs out there, ie: Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, WW, Medifast, Ally, etc.
    I know that a meal plan has to be for life, and these things are not sustainable, but are they helpful in getting a kick-start?

    Thoughts and experience???

    Love this group. You all are awesome! Have a great day!!!

    Judy in PA

    I think the weight programs out there that sell you food are best at earning profits for the corporations who manufacture them. They do not help you learn sustainable eating skills that will support your new healthy lifestyle. If you use diet products to lose the pounds and return to your old way of eating, the pounds will come right back and bring friends with them. Learning to eat healthy food and manage your portions is the very best strategy. That said, some people do like protein drinks as a part of their regular daily eating plan.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Running late for work this morning so didn't eat breakfast. Got to work and there were treats in the break room. I chose fruit and a piece of egg casserole. Left the sweets alone. Trying to drink more water than usual since we had sodium filled Mexican food last night. (Still under my calories but very high in sodium and I retain water easily).

    My big news is that I just booked my flights, hotel and car to go see my son graduate from Army Combat Medic school in March! I thought I wasn't going to be able to go, but Hubs was able to finagle the budget enough to allow me to go. Not enough for both of us but that's ok.

    BumbleBee - I sent you a friend request so you have another "official" friend! But there are lots of other friends you will find in this thread if you jump in the conversation.

    Newbies - Sunday is a new month so Barbie will start a new thread and give us the link to it. Be sure to click the star at the top to save it as a favorite and unstar this one.

    Have a happy day everyone - and cheer against the Patriots on Sunday!
    Diana in Northeast Indiana
  • noexcuses118
    And the results are in ... exactly 2 pounds down this week, 7.4 pounds down since we started the Biggest Loser contest at my work 2 weeks ago. Yay! Last week I came in 2nd. I'll let you know if I make the top 3 this week when the results come out later this afternoon.

    Would love to write more, but I'm at work and there are so many posts! I do love this group, though. So many nice people. How do I "friend" people?

    Have a great day. Stay strong because you're worth it!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good Morning. The sun is shining and it makes me want to go outside.
    Meg - what a bummer! Are you thinking of doing the total knee or doing both at some point in time. It takes a lot of rehab for a knee as you well know. Good luck. Hate to think of you in that much pain for two weeks.
    Sue - Happy Birthday. Praying for your friend's GD.
    Have to get busy with my daily chores but will check in later.
    Sue in TX
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    MIchele, I'd love to see the praying mantis. Is it a figurine of some kind or a dish with a praying mantis motif? Maybe something else? I love color too, so I'd probably paint him some mixed up assortment of bright colors. We visited Puerto Rico several years ago and I loved the colors of the architecture so much that I painted the outside of my studio building six different bright pastel colors, all with white trim. So it looks like a series of tiny shops in San Juan. Sadly though, the paint is peeling now and needs to be redone this summer.

    Jan, the dog in the video was my old guy, Cutty. Oh, how I loved that dog. I miss him every day. The sweetest, most loving, most gentle dog who ever lived. And he loved me too.

    I slept like a log last night. I got home from the basketball game and hit the sack about 9:00 and didn't wake up till the alarm went off at 6:10. Of course, I took three benedryl tablets, so that helped a bunch. I didn't even get up once for a bathroom visit which is rare. I was exhausted, so I needed the rest.

    They are still working on that construction site across the street and the noise is pretty irritating. There was a sign up yesterday saying it is the future home of a nail salon. So, that's not as bad as a pawn shop or payday loan office. At least people who get their nails done have disposable income, and they will see my shop across the street. Maybe it will help business in the long run.

    Well, I have to get to work. Here is today's joke of the day:


    At a construction site on the 80th floor of a high rise building, the lone conservative on the crew was having a heated political discussion with the liberals on the project. Deciding to take a break, he called everyone over to the edge of the roof. "Did you know," he began, "that there are extremely violent invisible updrafts that are able to keep a body floating in mid-air? They only occur at certain times during the day between buildings. Here, I'll show you!" He then leaped off the side of the building, and with arms spread-eagle, floated effortlessly on an unseen cushion of air, and then gradually steered himself back to the safety of the roof. "That's awesome," one of the left-wingers shouted. "I want to try it." "Me too," another cried, and then another, and as they leaped over the side of the roof, one after the other, they fell 80 floors straight down to the ground, SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT!

    A crowd rushed over to witness the carnage, and while doing so, one of the spectators looked up and remarked, "Boy, Clark Kent sure hates liberals!"


    Have a great day!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
    no excuses - click on the link under their picture and click on "add as a friend"
  • Socialwacker
    Socialwacker Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning everyone! The sun is shining beautifully but it is a very chilly -12C or 10F. I live near Toronto Canada and we had quite the dump of snow yesterday - left overs from the Nor'easter the east coast got the day before. Just catching up on all the posts. Thanks for the welcomes! Just finished the cardio and the core for this morning, more cardio tonite. Feels good to be down 4lbs in 2 weeks - all of you are great inspirations so thank you and lets all keep up the good work!
  • k2boxlady
    Saw this joke on FB and just had to share. I hope I don't offend anyone.

    So Hillary Clinton, Rick Perry, and Billy Graham Were on a Plane.

    The airplane was about to crash, and there were 4 passengers left, but only 3 parachutes.

    The first passenger, Rick Perry said “I’m the governor of the great state of Texas, and I have a great responsibility, being the leader of millions of people, helping lead our state to prosperity, etc.” So he takes the first parachute, and jumps out of the plane.

    The second passenger, Hillary Clinton, said “I am the future first female President of the United States, and I am the smartest woman in the world.” So she takes the second parachute and exits the plane.

    The third passenger, Billy Graham, says to the fourth passenger, a 10-year old boy scout “I am old and frail and I don’t have many years left, so as a Christian gesture and good deed, I will sacrifice my life and let you take the last parachute."

    The boy scout said “It’s okay! There’s a parachute left for you. The ‘world’s smartest woman’ took my backpack.”

  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good Morning dear ladies!

    The word for today is GOOOOAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!

    I hit my goal weight this morning.
    I hit the goal of 500K steps for January.
    I hit the goal of running 40 miles in January.
    I broke through the 5K running barrier (3.22 miles).

    I sure hope the rest of the day stays on this path.

    I’ll try to post more after lunch.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • k2boxlady
    WAY TO GO SALLY!!!! You are an inspiration to us all!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    Judy. - can I second Katla in saying it is a bad idea to go for any of these quick "diet" solutions. As she said, the people who take them are bound to fail in the long run so put more money into the pockets of the exploiters. 95% of dieters fail to keep the weight off. You have the rest of your life to adopt a heslthy lifestyle. There is no rush, in fact the slower, the better.
    - Can I just add that I do not believe there is any "bad" food, provided we eat in moderation. Flour and wheat are good, highly nutritious foods, not bad for you unless you have coeliac disease. Sugar is ok too, in moderation. I even have a Diet Coke very occasionally or a slimline tonic. Eat less, eat better, but it doesn't help to label food "clean" or not. Your food is not your enemy. It should be relished and enjoyed - every single mouthful. Don't think of this as deprivation, it doesn't need to be.
    - Protein, veggies of all kinds, fruit, dairy, good oils and fats. Some carbs, preferably whole.
    - Tonight we are having bolognese sauce, home made, roasted cauliflower with herbs and spices! peas mixed in the sauce and some sprinkled parmesan. 350 cals. I got the bolognese out of the freezer as I batch cook it. I will add some perI peri sauce to mine as I am very spicy. :laugh:

    Patience. Slowly does it. This is for life. :bigsmile:

    Heather adventuring in Hampshire UK

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hi!off to see my grand baby.hugs
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
    Good Morning dear ladies!

    The word for today is GOOOOAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!

    I hit my goal weight this morning.
    I hit the goal of 500K steps for January.
    I hit the goal of running 40 miles in January.
    I broke through the 5K running barrier (3.22 miles).

    I sure hope the rest of the day stays on this path.

    I’ll try to post more after lunch.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




    that is sooooo awesome!!! I am soooo happy 4 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!