Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    So yesterday i did not get any exercise in due to flying back to NY, I got home and i was exhausted, i woke up today with a sore body due to carrying my bags around the airport, but today i figured hey i go the time, so i choose to do some taebo and it was great, my arms and back are still sore but i pushed through it, hope all u mother's are having a blessed mother's day :flowerforyou:
  • aboucher85
    aboucher85 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to buy this, but I'm iffy. How have the results been for y'all? Obviously it's an individual basis of having to keep up with it, but...
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    did core 20 and the first 30 minutes of stretch 40. didn't wear the heart rate monitor, so just estimated based on the last time I did them.
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Hello my awesome turbo fire peeps!

    Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there - hope you guys are enjoying the day!

    I am so happy! I completed week 1 and i followed the workouts according to schedule each day. That is a big accomplishment because if life gets too busy, i start making excuses and begin missing workouts. I'm really happy to have you guys and to see how much energy you all put into these things! SO EVERYBODY, CONGRATS ON MAKING IT THROUGH THE WEEK!! WOOHOO!

    on to other news, OMG @myroots, thank you so much for posting that blog entry. I was freaking out because I only lost 0.5 lbs this week and for the last 3 days the scale kept showing that I was gaining 2lbs. in all fairness, I could have eaten 10 time better than I did. I unknowingly ate a dessert yesterday that had about a billion and five calories. anyway, losing weight takes time, it just doesn't fall off overnight - sometimes I lose sight of that.

    @stacio and @jessicapages - holy moly great job on the inch loss! that's so freakin amazing!!! my goal this week is to hide the scale so i don't weigh myself every spare chance i get. as for measurements, I think i'm going to hold out until week 4. Did you guys do the before/after shots?

    anyway, today i did core 20/stretch 40. I'm so not a big yoga fan at all. @muffintop, i hear you - i don't find it relaxing at all but i'm going to plow through it in the weeks to come. i loved core 20 - I can still feel the burn which is an awesome feeling!

    gonna go enjoy the sunshine - stay fabulous guys! :glasses:

    Yep, I did before shots. My plan is to weigh myself once a week (which I'm doing more like everyday, but I'm going to stop), take bi-weekly measurements, and take new pictures every month.
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I want to buy this, but I'm iffy. How have the results been for y'all? Obviously it's an individual basis of having to keep up with it, but...

    I love it so far! I finally enjoy working out; I've hardly had thoughts about turning it off halfway through. The music is good and the moves are fun. There is also a ton of variety. I've been doing it for 2 weeks and have lost at least 3 lbs and 6 inches so far. :smile:
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I ate out for Mother's Day.... I still stayed within my calories, but I had to eat some of my workout calories. Anyway, I'm glad that we have a break from holidays for a little while. It's so hard to find good foods to eat when I'm eating out. Just sharing...:ohwell:
  • Oooh oooh ooooh! I wanna join this thread! I'm a Turbo nut!!!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Oooh oooh ooooh! I wanna join this thread! I'm a Turbo nut!!!

    The more, the merrier! :happy:
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    I haven't worked out all weekend. Feeling so blah, but work really kicked my butt this weekend, so decided to just take it easy. I will be playing catch up this week, but by the weekend I should be all good. :)
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    I did the Fire 45 EZ on Saturday but missed Sunday's workout (Core 20 with stretch 10). I plan to make it up on Wednesday on my off day. Today I'm starting week 9 and back comes the HIIT workouts. I'm doing HIIT 15 and sculpt 30 tonight and also will take my 8 week pics and measurements (didn't want to do it yesterday since my eating was so bad).
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Hello my awesome turbo fire peeps!

    Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there - hope you guys are enjoying the day!

    I am so happy! I completed week 1 and i followed the workouts according to schedule each day. That is a big accomplishment because if life gets too busy, i start making excuses and begin missing workouts. I'm really happy to have you guys and to see how much energy you all put into these things! SO EVERYBODY, CONGRATS ON MAKING IT THROUGH THE WEEK!! WOOHOO!

    on to other news, OMG @myroots, thank you so much for posting that blog entry. I was freaking out because I only lost 0.5 lbs this week and for the last 3 days the scale kept showing that I was gaining 2lbs. in all fairness, I could have eaten 10 time better than I did. I unknowingly ate a dessert yesterday that had about a billion and five calories. anyway, losing weight takes time, it just doesn't fall off overnight - sometimes I lose sight of that.

    @stacio and @jessicapages - holy moly great job on the inch loss! that's so freakin amazing!!! my goal this week is to hide the scale so i don't weigh myself every spare chance i get. as for measurements, I think i'm going to hold out until week 4. Did you guys do the before/after shots?

    anyway, today i did core 20/stretch 40. I'm so not a big yoga fan at all. @muffintop, i hear you - i don't find it relaxing at all but i'm going to plow through it in the weeks to come. i loved core 20 - I can still feel the burn which is an awesome feeling!

    gonna go enjoy the sunshine - stay fabulous guys! :glasses:

    Yep, I did before shots. My plan is to weigh myself once a week (which I'm doing more like everyday, but I'm going to stop), take bi-weekly measurements, and take new pictures every month.

    Same here,I will take measurments evey month and take pics.I will also TRY to only weigh myself every 2 weeks.
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    So I decided to start again as my first week got a little distracted but I have now planned properly when I am going to work out for the next month. So today was Fire 30 and Stretch 10 for a total burn of 425 cals according to my body media.
  • dmkaiser83
    dmkaiser83 Posts: 89
    I have lost 2 inches on my waist, half inch on my thighs (each), inch from my hips since the 28th of April! Pretty excited! actually wore a bikini at the beach yesterday! feeling better all the time! GO TURBOFIRE!!!
  • So, I thought I would post my results from my 8 weeks of Turbo Fire. Maybe to give a little insight to those just starting out or wanting to start an idea of how awesome TF really is. I don't know what I lost in pounds because I don't weigh. I decided to focus on inches.

    Start Date: March 21, 2011

    Arm -11.5
    Waist -29
    Hips- 38.5
    Thigh -24
    Bust- 34.5

    Latest May 8 2011

  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Awesome results @carriecolleen- I can't wait to post something similar.

    Today I did CLX Burn Circuit 2. My arms and legs are shaking! Yesterday I decided to do Fire 55- awesome calorie burn. The scale was super nice to me this morning and said I was down 3.5 pounds this week. I'm going to wait and see if that's accurate, though. If it is, I am lower than I have been in 10 years- since my first pregnancy.
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    Awesome results @carriecolleen- I can't wait to post something similar.

    Today I did CLX Burn Circuit 2. My arms and legs are shaking! Yesterday I decided to do Fire 55- awesome calorie burn. The scale was super nice to me this morning and said I was down 3.5 pounds this week. I'm going to wait and see if that's accurate, though. If it is, I am lower than I have been in 10 years- since my first pregnancy.

    Congrats!! My weight loss goal is to be back (or under) where I was when I graduated high school 9 years ago - 122 pounds. After that I gained the "freshman 6" and slowly gained until I graduated from vet school at 136ish. I am currently fluctuating from 123 to 125 - getting so close!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Oh man I did not want to do fire 60 today.Went for a walk and Miss Sophia fell asleep only 10 min form our house,then woke up and would not go back to sleep.So we went and had lunch jumped on the trampoline and then had to pick up big sis from school.On the way to get sis she fell asllep for 5 min.OMGI thought She is never going to take a nap!But we came home and I did get her to sleep.By then it was around 2:30 pm & I was not wanting to do any workout.So I chugged a MONSTER and I bit the bullet and GOT IT DONE!!!!! So glad that I did I feel GREAT!!!! Burned 991 calories with fire 60 and walking today.Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    hi guy -

    today has been SO busy - i can't believe it' already almost 5 - seriously, where has time gone? i finally did Fire 45 aka 'the boom i've got your boyfriend" workout - i'm pretty sure i was more excited about the song!!! i love it - this workout is super fun!!! i'm still totally uncoordinated but i'm getting better. hurray for a fun beginning to week 2! tomorrow is HIIT 20 - am i gonna huff and puff or what?

    y'all had some great burns today! keep up the great work you guys! Love hearing about all your results -- Congrats to @carriecolleen on the inches lost.

    so i totally hid my scale in the back of my closet - i'm not gonna weigh myself until sunday - hopefully i'll have something good to report. i've also banned myself from desserts this week or just bad food in general. (i'm still feeling guilty about that dessert i had last week - it was 1300 calories *dies* :explode: )

    in other news, i am still sore from core.

    alright, i'm outta here ---> flowers for youuu :flowerforyou: have an awesome day :)
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Keep forgetting about this thread! So please allow me to rejoin :flowerforyou:

    Today was HIIT 20 and Tone 30 for me. My arms are feeling a little sore, but loving it. And I'm going to read that blog post from Chalene right now about not losing because I often feel down on myself for only having lost 3.5 lbs. I'm in week 10 now, so no turning back! But get discouraged sometimes.
  • Keep forgetting about this thread! So please allow me to rejoin :flowerforyou:

    Today was HIIT 20 and Tone 30 for me. My arms are feeling a little sore, but loving it. And I'm going to read that blog post from Chalene right now about not losing because I often feel down on myself for only having lost 3.5 lbs. I'm in week 10 now, so no turning back! But get discouraged sometimes.

    Giiiirrrll...that's why I gave up the scale...It would send me into complete depression and I would end up getting discouraged and quitting. I don't own a scale and honestly have no clue what I weigh...and I like it!!

    And thanks y'all for the congrats! I feel fantastic...Chalene is a GODDESS!! She changed my life :)
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