Guys like heavier girls?



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    This is simply hilarious. Who cares what size a girl is. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Some are big and beautiful and some are skinny and beautiful.

    RIGHT ON!!!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Personally I prefer girls with a little meat on their bones. Too skinny and they're not as squishy and comfortable. ;)
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    First of all, BRAVO on this topic! I have had so many conversations with friends, family members, & complete strangers about this ... it never fails to drum up controversy/different ideas of beauty because everyone has their own opinion. Here's my two cents from experience: Being on the "bigger" side of the spectrum (size 14-16), I have many friends who are thinner than me...and I can definately attest to the fact that a man will check out a skinnier girl rather than someone bigger. Is it completely fair? No .. but heres the thing .. WOMEN DO IT TOO! Cmon ladies, lets not beat around the bush .... (I understand everyone has different taste on what they find attractive, and I think women tend to be more tolerable towards bigger guys, but nonetheless, hear me out =] ) ... if a well-toned, muscular guy was walking on the sidewalk next to a guy who was maybe 50 pounds overweight ... same height, same proportions etc, I can bet that the majority of women would look at the muscular guy rather than a bigger guy ... Again, this is on a first glance basis ... if you knew that the muscular guy was a ***hole or cheated on gfs etc, that MIGHT sway your preception of him, but going on just looks ... I can tell you right now I'd look at the muscular guy, any day of the week.

    Thats the point I think that is being missed in this thread: Guys will check out women that they find physically attractive ( i.e: who do they wanto to sleep with -- as others already mentioned) ... It is a VERY different story of what type of girl a guy would want to get into a relationship with ... I know PLENTY of guys that will choose girls who aren't that thin, or aren't super pretty basically because they have a pre-concieved notion in their head that this "type" of girl will cheat (maybe its society telling them that, or maybe its just from past experience ... or maybe the guy is really insecure) or not be a good girlfriend or whatever their excuse is .... I'm sure ALOT of "thin/pretty" girls will tell you that they may get HIT on alot, but they may or maynot get treated with respect or that guys dont actually want to get to know them .

    Again, going back to my own personal preference, I will check out a guy who is muscular, tall and "big" -- in the sense of muscles. not weight (another word to describe this type -- GUIDO ... blame "Jersey Shore" or the fact that I like italian guys, but this is what I like --- SO SUE MEE =p ) ... BUT !!!! The guys that I have actually had "crushes" on or been interested in ... (and who show interest in ME) .. have been just regular looking "joes" ... I dont mind a little bit of a belly, or if they dont have huge muscles ... it depends on how he is as a person ... I'd rather be with someone who can make me laugh and not make me feel like I should be on the treadmill all day and having a protein shake afterwards ... MORAL OF THE STORY: Its human nature to want one thing "in bed" rather than another thing in a relationship ... So I say, if your on this website to lose weight, keep at it! You're doing it for yourself anyways to make yourself more comfortable ... whether other motives include to get a bf/gf, thats fine .. but the main thing that your doing by losing weight is getting your confidence back , and no matter what weight you are .. THATS sexy
  • baumhoff
    baumhoff Posts: 30
    I agree....its probably a comfort thing for the guys...ultimately they would prefer the skinner girl but would feel more secure in a relationship with the "chunkier" girl!
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Marilyn Monroe was a sie 12 or 14 and was a sex icon.

    Confidence is still the sexiest part of a woman.

  • fenderperry
    fenderperry Posts: 22 Member
    Congrats to all the people that have lost so much weight or are in the process of doing so.

    I noticed, I gravitate towards thinner athletic, women, curves are fine too!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    It is funny because my husband loves tiny.....and skinny....which I am absolutely not! I put two pics on my fridge..One of what would probably be about 130 140 and one of a size 14 woman...He tore down the little one and told me the size 14 was hot.....I think it is the boobs myself.....Yep getting a boob job....lmao
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    heavy or heavier just does not work in New York City :( but it's a good reason to stay in shape
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Can't be true considering how "hot" the world thinks Pippa is. She is not even 100 lbs but yet "hot"? I’m all for the super-thin frame for myself personally but having the shape of a 12 year old boy being considered hot? Definitely news to me. Plus she’s a butter face so there isn’t anything else…
  • fraises
    fraises Posts: 16
    It definitely depends on proportions. I personally prefer fit and slim guys and I receive way more compliments at a lower weight as well. Meanwhile a friend of my mine who recently gained weight gets as much or even more attention than she got before. She's a hourglass while I gain mostly to my thighs and lower stomach and look 'balanced' only at a lower weight.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Not in my experience. I got far more male attention when I was thinner (and before I had children, and when I was in my fact maybe the weight wasn't the issue!). My husband admits he finds me far more attractive now, than he did when I was a stone heavier. I think a size 6 (I assume you mean UK) is too thin, though. I don't know many men that find that attractive. Most men prefer their women in the healthy BMI range, I think they are programmed that way.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    and some surprising size 6s here. You'd guess larger for most of them.
    I found it interesting that this article compared a bunch of size 6s with out mentioning height. A 5'0" woman in a size 6 is much different from a 5'10" woman in a size 6.

    This! I'm a 0/2 now and get way more attention than I did as a 6/8. But I'm short and it makes a difference.

    I kept reading this thread and it was kind of making me sad but then I realized I don't really give a crap what someone else thinks of my body. I know where I look and feel best.
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    I am only 5'1 so at a size 10, I am definitely hovering between "curvy" and "fat". Since I have started working out, I haven't lost much weight but my waist has gotten smaller, my legs have definitely gotten toned, and I feel so much better! I put on my size 10s and feel great (I was an 18 at my heaviest). As a result, my husband, who has seen me through the weight changes (and 2 pregnancies) can't get enough of me. It's not my size, but my confidence and my happiness with my success that he finds the most attractive.

    People like what they like. I personally like a man who is taller than I am (not hard to find obviously!), anywhere from skinny, to muscular to hefty (I kind of work on a sliding scale, I guess). I think Kevin James is just as adorable as Vin Diesel, who is just as hot as Ryan Stiles (yup, definitely a sliding scale!). For me, confidence and a fun personality is key to my finding a man attractive. If a man can make me laugh, no matter what body type he has, I will find him attractive.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    and some surprising size 6s here. You'd guess larger for most of them.
    I found it interesting that this article compared a bunch of size 6s with out mentioning height. A 5'0" woman in a size 6 is much different from a 5'10" woman in a size 6.

    This! I'm a 0/2 now and get way more attention than I did as a 6/8. But I'm short and it makes a difference.

    I kept reading this thread and it was kind of making me sad but then I realized I don't really give a crap what someone else thinks of my body. I know where I look and feel best.

    Pfft size 0 or size 8, I'd take you home with me.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Can't be true considering how "hot" the world thinks Pippa is. She is not even 100 lbs but yet "hot"? I’m all for the super-thin frame for myself personally but having the shape of a 12 year old boy being considered hot? Definitely news to me. Plus she’s a butter face so there isn’t anything else…
    haha. My mom had never heard this term before and we had to enlighten her! I think Pippa and her sister are both really pretty girls, though!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    From a guys perspective;

    1) It could be a security thing. If you are a bigger guy, it may be uncomfortable with a very small woman.

    2) Every guy likes different things.

    3) Maybe he would like to 'be with' the bigger girl, but I'm sure he would love to 'sleep with' the smaller girl. I mean we are guys after all right?

    4) Guys lie. Just because a guy says he would prefer the bigger girl doesn't mean he actually does. If the question was coming from a girl who was a size 6 maybe the answers would be different?

    Agreed. My boyfriend does like curvy girls - but curvy to him means nice T and A, but flat stomach and thin waist....curvy to other people may mean something else. I've seen very large women refer to themselve as I dont know. He would not be attracted to someone that would be considered fat or overweight but says he likes curvy girls, by curvy he means nice breast/wasit/hip ratio....not fat.

    Also the smaller I get, the more he wants me so I dont believe these men were telling the truth lol
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Who cares what guys like? Women: It's time to like yourself, be yourself and enjoy your body for yourself!
  • Chantelle160
    Chantelle160 Posts: 127
    Who cares what guys like? Women: It's time to like yourself, be yourself and enjoy your body for yourself!

    I love this. :) Skinny or curvy shouldn't matter. Confidence is beauty. I think you should be able to be any size as long as your happy. For me skinny is where I feel the most confident and I have people saying I am to skinny all the time... and I dont care what they think.
  • I prefer a curvy woman. My wife has a J Lo booty and I love it. She has what I like and that is confidence. A woman needs confidence. I dont like the looks skinny girls give woman with curves. I look at skinny woman and think " where is your booty? or eat a cheeseburger.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    My understanding is that they guys like boobs and butt, but they also like a slim waist line, defined legs and arms. They want us to be smaller than them but not so frail we will break when in the bedroom.
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