Golden Years



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    razzjohe wrote: »
    thanks Marie for telling me about the plan suggest I should buy the book to understand it .....would I be able to buy the book in England

    you can get it from amazon and it can be delivered to your computer I have an I pad and can read it on that alone with my Kindle or computer. I prefer my I pad for I can adjust the size of letters. I am blind in one eye and can not see good in the other.
    Here is a link to Woman World article on the plan you might want to read before you order the book.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nice warm JANET, thanks for the explanation on DH!! Even I can use it, DH for "departed husband" lol. Liked your sayings.
    Yes JO, being snowed in can be usual as I found out to my horror on emigration 46 years ago. We arrived to 95 degrees in July, just like walking into an oven when we got off the plane onto the melting Tarmac in those days, to have it snow on October 8th. I walked to the stores one day thinking I was still in Yorkshire without a hat or hood and my ears nearly fell off! I had a headache for 2 days. This was in Quebec, not quite so bad here in Ontario.
    Yes Anne you could At that You are so funny. love your cheerfulness.

  • Blueharebell1
    You will all be relieved to know that I shall not starve to death, me and the cat, because the snow removal contractors have just arrived to give me freedom! Earlier when I ploughed my way to the garage to put the garbage into the garbage can, the snow came up to my knees! Tabitha Daisy wouldn't have got through it at all! Not even the tip of her upright tail. Not that she would have put a whisker outside the back door, having more sense than her pet human.
    Have a good evening all, Anne.
  • razzjohe
    thanks Shirley for your help ....I went on internet to find 1-1-1eating plan but I really need the exact title and who its author is to find it ...when I just put in 1-1-1 eating plan I just got every diet book printed .....

    hi DJ ......I think I have ate to much for a few years .....but I do love food ......but I am trying to now eat the right kind of foods .....but its cold here in England now and its hard to have salads, its hearty wholesome foods to warm you up that is appealing.

    Jo :D
  • Blueharebell1
    Same here JO, I'm into big hearty stews. I'm convinced we put on more fat in the winter to keep us warm. Also if we slip on the ice maybe we won't break a hip with the extra padding. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    razzjohe wrote: »
    thanks Shirley for your help ....I went on internet to find 1-1-1eating plan but I really need the exact title and who its author is to find it ...when I just put in 1-1-1 eating plan I just got every diet book printed .....

    hi DJ ......I think I have ate to much for a few years .....but I do love food ......but I am trying to now eat the right kind of foods .....but its cold here in England now and its hard to have salads, its hearty wholesome foods to warm you up that is appealing.

    Jo :D

    The One One One Diet: The Simple 1:1:1 Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss Hardcover – December 24, 2013
    by Rania Batayneh (Author), Eve Adamson (Author)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    thanks Lin. I been watching Movie with Jerry. and going back in there to watch a Steve Mc Queen western with him. It is downright cold here but I know you have it a lot colder. Came in here to cut the computer off for the night. But decided to make the rounds first. glad I did for I found my good buddie
    Jo I hope you found it Ok.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    I know you ladies in cold areas want warm, comforting food and I don't blame you. Even on our cold days, I usually have a salad for lunch but it usually has some warm protein on it. I usually have boiled chicken that I heat and other times it a few ounces of seasoned ground beef, also heated. On that, I use salsa rather than salad dressing. It makes me feel like I'm getting a more substantial meal.
    I do love my home made soups and stews but reserve them for dinner around here most of the time.
    Have a happy and healthy tomorrow, ladies.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Blueharebell1
    Just like to add to DJ's comments that I eat what I've always eaten and I just measure everything to whatever MyFitnessPal recommends I should eat for the goal I want to reach. To maintain I can't go above 1330 calories a day. It's ESSENTIAL to weigh everything unless it's prepackaged and the calories are listed on the box. I'm not a great lover of lettuce based salad unless it's a hot summer day, but I do love veggies and fruit. So basically I eat around 300 cals for breakfast, 300 - 400 cals for lunch and 400 - 500 cals for dinner, leaving anything left over for snacks, usually an apple and some other fruit. As far as I can gather the 1 1 1 is just how I've always eaten. Morning everybody.
    - Anne.
  • Blueharebell1
    P.S. One one one, just think of the British diet we all used to eat in our parents day, I THINK. e.g.
    Breakfast, poached egg, toast, butter, piece of fruit.
    Lunch, Buttered sandwich bread containing meat, or tomato and cheese, or instead, soup and buttered roll.
    Dinner, chicken leg or other fish, meat, potato, lots of veggies and fruit.
    I could be wrong but I think that's what the "one one one is". Save you money on a book if I'm right. LOL. If I'm wrong someone more knowledgeable will put us on the right track.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne that is pretty close to it.That is a very healthful meal plan. more carbs than I need tho.But other wise pretty close to it.

    Time to go get my coffee.
    love marie
  • Blueharebell1
    Thanks MARIE, glad I got it right. I've got back to my early twenties weight just by eating like that. The only danger, don't eat MORE than MFP recommended amounts, e.g. Chicken should be about 3 oz for me at 5ft 5in and skinless. That's why it's important to weigh everything or measure. VERY easy to put that bit more on ones plate, and why I had 21lbs to lose!
    Hope you're enjoying your morning cup of coffee along with me, love Anne.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015
    I had a chiropractic apt this morning, not my usual apt. but had a different problem than my lower back. I had a knot in my shoulder blade and it hurt on my right side. She said I am very tight so got my treatment of massage and some light adjustment. I was in pain last night. I used a tennis ball and rolled on the knot and that worked I could at least rest without it spasming.

    I made my apt for my pedicure for my trip today which will be next week. Then after my apt. I went to buy some tops for my trip, so I should be set for the week now I just have to get some sun screens and toiletries. Counting the days.

    I hope you are all doing well with this snow and ice. The wind has picked up and I got gas in my car this morning too and had to stand there and pump while freezing.

    Razzjo - Sorry I didn't give you the proper information on the 1-1-1 plan because I don't follow it. I just thought you might find it from goggling. Thanks Lin, for giving her the proper information.

    Enjoy the day!

  • razzjohe
    thanks Shirley ,Marie and Lin .......went on amazon and have just had 1-1-1 book delivered to my kindle so guess what I will be doing soon .....reading ...
    Wish me luck

    Hope you are all well and the weather is not to bad

    Jo <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jo Hey that was quick.If you like the book and want to join MFP group on one one let us know and we will get Connie send you an invitations to join.
    <3 Marie
  • razzjohe
    thanks Marie ..I will see how I get on with the plan and let you know .........
    I was really scared to join your group but my granddaughter persuaded me and now i am so glad I did you are all so friendly and helpful problem is I lack confidence and I think that comes with being overweight .

    take care all . Jo
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    Wow so happy I found this thread. You ladies are a kick in the pants! And I am 58 for one more day, then I only have a year till I turn 60 and was kinda feeling life as we know it is over. You all have shown me the error of my thinking ☺️.

    I started jogging and walking last year, have completed 2 official 5k runs and lots of unofficial just for fun ones. Signed up for a 10k in a few months with my daughter.

    So I guess if I keep up the activity i won't shrivel up and die in 365 days? Lol.
  • Blueharebell1
  • Blueharebell1
    ZACK Hmm, somehow I lost the post I was writing. It was just to say, no you WON'T shrivel up and die at the age of 60! You are a young chick, and I at 20 years older have no intention of shrivelling up and dying! It's sort of a challenge in our family on who will be the oldest, or at least it was, because I've managed to outlive all my generation except one who's younger than me. My aunt and my Mom were in their nineties so I've a ways to go yet to beat THEM. It's rather nice being the old nuisance.
    Congrats on the running. That I don't do, but I walk every day and manage to get over 10,000 steps in....Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi Zack so glad you stumble on us Welcome to our thread and happy Birthday. Two of my kids are over 60's. You sound like a fun person to be around.

    <3 Marie