Golden Years



  • BlueHarebell
    Pretty Izzy, I think cats are the most beautiful creatures, from the big cats down to our domesticated pets. Anne
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley Issy is a beautiful kitty.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Shirley61 -- I'm sure you are the best of babysitters.

    I had to get into the act – Sabrina – previously abused and likely a “short life” and later “living the good life.”

  • BlueHarebell
    Thank the good Lord for all the (abused animal) rescuers. Sabrina, another beautiful little puss. Thank you for letting us see her Bob. Did you see Honey the abused dog on the golden sneakers? Phoebe and her husband are rescuing this sick 9 year old who has spent her entire life outside. It makes one want to weep. Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    edited January 2015
    :D Bernie was born to a cat that was rescued by a friend. The cat was pregnant when my friend found her. I visited Bernie before he was weaned and chose him from among his litter mates.....I think I made a great choice....he is very loving, sleeps with us, and loves the play with the dogs and sleep with them .


    This is the picture I took of Bernie the day I met him in 2006
  • BlueHarebell
    Barbie, no wonder you fell in love with Bernie. I imagine my Tabitha Daisy looked like that when she was a kitten. She was 5 years old when she came to live with me, but before that the shelter told me she had had kittens there, all adopted, leaving poor Tabs to live for all that time in the cage. My previous puss, Miss Becky, I got from the vets. Some boys had noticed a sack in the icy river and told a policeman. He fished the sack out of the river and inside was 4 dead kittens and one living one, my Miss Becky. I named her Becky because in Yorkshire a beck is a river. She was completely black furred and a lovely cat. How can anyone be so cruel! I'm glad Bernie found you, and you him. Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    good morning all of you Golden Years people.
    how was your day yesterday
    How will you make today a better day for you.

    my day was a little disappointed for I had a gain in weiht.
    I will make my day better by tracking my foods. Don't know how long it will last but for I hate looking up all of the foods.

    have a great day
    <3 marie
  • BlueHarebell
    Good morning Marie, I was in an energetic mood yesterday. I cleaned the house from top to basement, polished, did the washing, ironed, walked for 1 hour, cooked dinner as usual, and I was just a regular little busy bee. That means today I can relax, write letters, maybe even do a bit of art painting, especially as it's going to snow followed by rain. I think the burst of activity was due to feeling finally the virus is on the way out. I sort of enjoy looking up the foods, can't believe the choices they give us. Anyway, I will not be in such a self righteous mood today, time to get rid of these 2 pounds I put on. Enjoy your day, Anne.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I'm 67 years, yes we all seem to get health problems as we get older and perhaps we learn the healthy living thing a bit late but better late then never.
    anyone is welcome to friend me but please NOTE these are musts for me.
    That you log onto mfp regularly
    you comment on posts and not use the like button only
    that you offer mutual support as its a two way journey.

    i would love some older friends too. good luck with your journey we can do this
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Welcome to the Golden Years hope you post often so we can get to know you.

    :) Marie
  • MMeley49
    MMeley49 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Millie and I will be 66 the first of Feb. I am married with my third husband for 24+6yrs. I have 2 grown children Girl & Boy. I have 5 grandsons and 1 grand daughter. I live in Erie, PA. My hobbies are quilting, gardening, I am 4 mos. out with a gastric sleeve. I am so glad I had it done. I have 40 lbs to go. I had a few health problem. Weight was my number one problem. I have lost 106 lbs so far. I am definitely going to lose my weight. Change my ways of eating.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    MMeley49 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! My name is Millie and I will be 66 the first of Feb. I am married with my third husband for 24+6yrs. I have 2 grown children Girl & Boy. I have 5 grandsons and 1 grand daughter. I live in Erie, PA. My hobbies are quilting, gardening, I am 4 mos. out with a gastric sleeve. I am so glad I had it done. I have 40 lbs to go. I had a few health problem. Weight was my number one problem. I have lost 106 lbs so far. I am definitely going to lose my weight. Change my ways of eating.
    <3 (*) <3

    I am a quilter too not much now tho. You have came a long way / Good girl
    glad to have you join us.
    My son had it done about 3 years ago each his goal and maintaining quite well.


    <3 Marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Shirley61 -- I'm sure you are the best of babysitters.

    I had to get into the act – Sabrina – previously abused and likely a “short life” and later “living the good life.”

    I must have miss tis yesterday. a beautiful cat bob. Thanks for sharing

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks Marie -- and Barbiecat...Bernie was a very cute kitten...Welcome aboard Millie....

    Not a great workout today... 28 calorie burn over 5 minutes! LOL…TONS of New Years Resolution PEOPLE --

    Problem with toe is back. Need to see podiatrist again (Last month an ulcer developed under callus on foot & podiatrist had to treat (cut/drain). Gonna baby it a couple days. Played with weights for 10 minutes (probably burned another 28 calories ha ha)

    On a positive note – food intake has been on target.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    I was reading a common alcohol question on the message boards that asked “has anyone who drank quite alot and then cut it out totally found that they lose quite alot of weight quite rapidly? I suppose in my mind I equate it to if you ate junk food every day and then totally cut that out?”

    Since I already wrote it out, might as well share with “the group” LOL .

    "Let me say this - I love a good drink. When I started MFP I had no intention of abstaining from alcohol.

    What happened was this – I had a lot of weight to lose (close to 170-200 pounds). I knew it would take over one year. My personal belief is that weight-loss is largely dependent upon calories in – calories out. A crash diet was NOT a consideration…only a low-calorie healthy one.

    The first item was determining what my calorie intake would need to be at a minimum and then backed into those numbers (like a bank withdrawal). I knew the importance of proper nutrition. I never told myself I couldn’t have that cake, beer, potato chip etc., I logically knew that I would be hurting myself if I was to drink alcohol & eat junk food AND also try to stay real low-calorie.

    Here is a sample of just 3 actual meals I prepare on a regular basis. These are all 250 calories or less. I do eat over 250 calories at some meals – but have an arsenal of these at my fingertips.




    Over the course of the last year, I have had a couple glasses of wine on vacation and ate pizza at a post-funeral get together (note: I never said pizza, wine etc. was super bad – I “chose” not to have those as a nutrient base for my low-calorie intake.

    Lots of people that have diaries that indicate 1800-2000 calorie intake of which 500 calories is beer, Daiquiri etc. If that works for someone – fine! For me... I choose not to have those calories.

    Wish you the best. "

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :D Bob, one of the great books I read included the concept of "budgeting calories" like budgeting money.....when I looked at my food diary at the beginning of this journey, I noticed that there were some things in the diary that had a bunch of calories but not much to actually eat (sauces, salad dressing, bread, pasta).....I don't drink alcohol since I had problems with it in my 30's but it's pretty obvious that it would be in category of lots of calories and not much to actually eat.

    :D your meals look delicious and inspiring.

    :D We are home safely from our day's adventure. Early to rise, dog walk, quick breakfast with no computer time, more dog walking, glorious ferry ride and walk to the meeting place.....interesting meeting, walk at lunch (veggie burger w/o bun, tomato, lettuce, 2 slices of cheese, cabbage salad), more meeting, another great ferry ride and drive home, now I'm off to bed.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    When we retired, DH and I got into the habit of having 2 or 3 drinks in the evening. I always used diet tonic so the only calories were in the vodka. When I started on MFP I did find that I can still have my V&T and it fit into my calorie limits. Now I normally only indulge 1 or 2 nights a week and often have 1 rather than 2 or 3. I have cut out so many foods that I really like so this feels like I'm not depriving myself. I have lost 29 pounds in less than 2 1/2 months, so I'm happy with my weight loss.
    Obviously these calories do nothing good for my health or blood work, so I am considering limiting alcohol except for special occasions. Just knowing I can have it makes it easier for me to abstain.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    Janet, I hope I didn't come off critical of including alcohol in a food plan.....the great thing about budgeting calories is that you make your own informed choices based on your own values....I add exercise to my day so there is some wiggle room for indulgences but still get enough nutrition......I have read food diaries of people whose 1200 calories included more than one kind of alcohol plus candy and various other sweet treats and not much protein and vegetables.

    :D I abstain from things that I can't control and allow lots of stuff in moderation

    :mrgreen: your weight loss is awesome.

    :D Barbie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Bob your meals look delicious, but I would get in more vegetables that I see on the plates
    Less meat, no more than 4 oz. for dinner and 2 oz for lunch. I see no bread, pasta, and rice which I try to stay away from and will be doing that again. My hubby and I do South Beach Phase 1,2,3 and it has really worked for us. I am still trying to get to my goal so Phase 3 has not happened yet. As far as alcohol goes, yes I do have an occasional glass of wine and have tried to stay away from the beer. If I do have beer it will be light and low in calories. I only drink on the weekends if I do and nothing all week.

    I say whatever works for you and try to stay within your calories.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Barbiecat – That is exactly what I did. For example, I switched from Regular Ketchup to Reduced Sugar Tomato Ketchup (Heinz)(5 vs. 20 calories tbsp.); Hellmans Low-fat mayo (15 calories v. Regular at 90 calories tbsp);

    Everybody is different…but everybody has some place where they can substitute. My wife hates low-fat & still uses “regular” so we have His/Her jars (LOL). I would have to say I have cut close to 300 calories a day from my diet through minor changes like this. My dad loved a Manhattan or “highball” in the evening – but was also a “scale-watcher” and never let his weight get out of control. Thanks for the food compliment.

    Shirely – Thanks for the “delicious” comment.

    As for veggies, I agree and I eat them daily. Just finished lunch with chicken breast and squash, corn, mushrooms. Lettuce, tomato, broccoli, peas & spinach every week. I rarely eat bread, as I allocate carbs in other foods. I only eat pasta a couple times a month. I utilize quinoa in recipes (rice alternative) but will eat rice as part of a Lean Cuisine dinner.

    RE: Alcohol – like you would say “whatever works.” For me it was accidental abstinence based on calorie target and nutrition only – not that I think it is bad. I was on the QM2 this summer [to a visit a place called Halifax (LOL)] and had a couple glasses of wine, but that’s about it. I’m sure I’ll have my weekend glass or 2 once I reach goal (and maintain for a decent period). So far, I have always stayed within calorie target -

    Sounds like you and your hubby have a good thing going with South Beach and I have had friends that did well on the plan. Best wishes on your goal and Phase 3!
