February Losers! 10lbs gone by March 1st!



  • kitkatabc
    Count me in! Just saw this so I'll weigh in tomorrow morning, I'm 5 ft 6" and around 155 lbs, aiming for 130 lb ultimately, haven't been exercising as much as I should but looking forward to this challenge for February!
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    I want in too! I really need something to motivate me... that's where you folks come in... :)

    Currently 200 pounds at 5'4... been having a hard time for the past month or so, with no weight loss. Doubling down starting today. Going to start some bodyweight training tomorrow as something to do for exercise while waiting for spring to get here! Definitely cannot wait to put on my walking shoes and get out there with the little one.
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    Hi not sure what age you are but I am 46 and thought the same thing. Then I started this app and walking 70k steps a week (more manageable than 10k a day) and the weight has fallen off me. I lost 20 lbs in a little less than two months. I have stalled in Jan due to vacation and travel but back on track in Feb. I have tried every crash diet out there but this is way more effective cause you can live forever on this!

    See this is why I cannot WAIT for spring so I can get out there and get walking.

  • tanyabecka
    tanyabecka Posts: 39 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm in! I started with MFP 2 months ago. I'm 24.5, 5'6'' and 206lbs, down 31.

    SW (12/6/14): 237
    CW: (2/4/14): 206
    GW: (eventually): 160

    I've already lost 2.8lbs for the month of February so far, but I'm up to losing the rest with all of you! Add me!
  • mperrygrant
    Hi, I am 52 years old, 5'7" and weigh 205. I am going to try the 10 pound challenge. I have been going to the gym and I haven't seen any pounds off. I am going to pay attention to my food intake and continue with my exercise regimen. My goal is 180-185lbs and I am good. Any good meal plans for under 1200 cal
  • lparker2015
    lparker2015 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in despite being a few days behind. This isn't my first time on MFP but this is the most determined ms dedicated I've been to making positive changes for ME! Presently 211.... Looking forward to the challenge :)
  • jennifer123c
    jennifer123c Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I need to join u all, only discovered mfp last week and have lost 2lbs I have lost 16lbs since January 1st. I've got 34lbs to go. So any tips and encouragement will help!!
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    Okay starting my bodyweight training now!! Wish me luck!!
  • irishrose1987
    irishrose1987 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join. I just turned 28 on the 3rd of this month and I weigh 196 pounds. I am 4 ft 10 and have around 70-80 pounds to lose! I am a mama so i have to really determine im going to stay on track because its easy to lose myself in the busy of the day. Any tips, recipes, etc are very welcome!
  • ebonanno2012
    I'm in for this challenge. I am 40 5'5 and weighed in Monday at 206. Would love to be under 200 by the end of the month.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I am in! 229 today. Looking at 219 for March would be awesome!
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    I'm a bit behind the curve here (since it's the 5th) but I am ready to join you all! I was about 163 last time I checked..will weigh in tomorrow morning and make an official "start" weight. Aiming to lose at least albs by March 1st….and another 10lbs during the month of March. Here we go!!!! :):):)
  • EmBurnie
    I' in, Starting 5 days late so I will go to March 5 and I weight in on Wed so this will work!
    I'm same height but 232lbs
  • ciracifinn
    Im in and using smoothies and protein powder except i am looking to loose 50 pounds
  • ciracifinn
    A little tip i just bought the ninja bullet on clearance at walmart 35.00 i buy bagged frozen fruit mixed and add my protein powder only half a scoop you can only process 20 mg of protein per hr then 1 vup of oranage juice its amazing and healthy and mybweight is dropping
  • KittyKatCA
    KittyKatCA Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in. My name is Catherine. I'm 32 yrs old, I'm 238 lbs and 5'9". My ultimate goal is to be 160 lbs. I had my first baby last year June and put on 56 lbs and have found it hard to shift since. I'm ready to finally shift this weight and will need all the support I can get :smiley: Oh and I'm from Milton Keynes in the UK x
  • fireopal2010
    Thank you ciracifinn for the tip. What kind of protein powder do you use?
  • heffron742
    heffron742 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 20 and have lost 40 lbs so far, starting this journey at 210 lbs. I hope to lose 20 more by May first so if I could do that before would be ecstatic!
    Add me for support!
  • alymishelle
    alymishelle Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I started MFP about a month ago. My starting weight was 193lbs. Im 37 years old and I'm 5'4. Since starting MFP I have lost 8 lbs. my current weight is 185. My goal is to be 140lbs. The hardest part for me is keep logging in my food intake. I try to exercise 5-6 days a week for at least 30 mins. I want to try to lose 10 lbs by March first, I will try my best! I know if I keep going i will reach my goal by June 1st!
  • yalesmom
    yalesmom Posts: 5 Member
    Two pounds down one week in!
    However, my cold/cough kept me from really exercising. Let's see how this plays out this week.