What irrational thing pisses you off instantly?



  • breefoshee
    breefoshee Posts: 398 Member
    cnadiger wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Go Fund Me. I see people setting up Go Fund Me pages for everything. It's not the world's problem to take care of every inconvenience that life throws your way.

    Right!! I had a (ex-)friend whose 19 yr old son died in a car accident. She then put on Facebook how her uncle, who owns a funeral home, donated the entire funeral. Then she set up a Go Fund Me account, benifiting herself, to pay for ????? WTF? You to make money on his death?

    I gotta agree on this... a lot of times people make WAY more than what they actually need and it's for things like giving family members money after someone dies or surgeries for animals.

  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    People who misuse the word "seen". The past tense of "see" is "saw". If you add "have" before "seen", you can be right, too.

    I've seen the first two Hobbit movies and am worried to see the third.
    Have you seen my pants? I could swear I saw them here last night.

    "I seen that" is never okay. Ever.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    pants77 wrote: »
    People who back into parking spaces.

    You probably drive a very small car! I personally drive a large truck out of necessity and unless I back in, I'm going to have to do a 20 point turn to get into that space that was made for a Smart Car. If I back in, my turning radius is greatly improved, and I can usually do it with ease.

    What pisses me off, is when I go to back into a space, (With my signal light on) and people aren't smart enough to realize this and pull right behind me so I have to wait for them to back up or they actually pull into the space.

    I am not here to criticize or tell you your wrong for getting pissed off about people that back in, just trying to educate you as to why some people choose to back in. If it's a longer vehicle, 9 times out of 10 it's easier, and takes a lot less time.
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    sound of people chewing. Sets me off!! Any eating sounds at all irritate the S$%@ out of me!!!

    people eating with their mouths open near me makes me murderous. I have to leave if I hear it. or if someone is eating near me, like next to me, and I can hear it. I'll go in another room or something.
    I'm mad even thinking about it.
  • HollyMGT
    HollyMGT Posts: 111 Member
    I am easily annoyed by those who refuse to blow their nose, but instead elect to torture everyone around them by sucking it right back (sniffling.) Not only is the sound annoying, but the very concept is disgusting to me.

    My co-worker does this. She sniffles repeatedly for several minutes and you can tell there's nothing to sniff, it's dry sounding. I know one day I'm going to lose it and scream, "GO BLOW YOUR NOSE!" I already asked her once if she needs tissues and gave her a box but she never uses them. LoL..she's at it right now!
  • trying4real
    trying4real Posts: 113 Member
    edited February 2015
    people that post the abused dogs/kids pics in my facebook feed, I delete everyone of one of those B's !!!! I know it is out there , but damn I do not want to see it, it is too sad. : (
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    When people spit on the ground.
    They don't even have to do that snorting, loogie-like noise, just regular old spitting. I think it's absolutely disgusting and it makes me assume they're scum of the earth.
  • Ksnider414
    Ksnider414 Posts: 16 Member
    This is so none of my business, but it REALLY pisses me off when I come in to work each morning and the 400 lb 5 ft 2 in tall girl at the front desk, who just had a heart attack, is eating a McDonalds Egg McMuffin stuffed with the accompanying hash brown and drinking a large Coke. I want to punch her in the head. None. Of. My. Business. Whyyyyy do I care? Ugh!
  • Codilee87
    Codilee87 Posts: 509 Member
    People who make me repeat myself - I f@ck*ng hate having to say something a dozen times. Especially to adults.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,542 Member
    When I'm stuck behind a slow driver and can't pass because drivers coming the other way, that's fine. But when I get in the other lane to pass said slow driver, who suddenly speeds up to prevent me from passing... dude???
  • Mary407
    Mary407 Posts: 635 Member
    Sweetsluv wrote: »
    Dinner table nose blowers

    And grocery store checkout kids that just throw my precious groceries in bags with no order.... Cringe!!!

    Yes and yes! We often bring an insulated cold bag with us. When our dry oatmeal ends up in there and the cottage cheese and frozen fish are in a regular grocery sack, I just have to shake head...
  • usflygirl55
    usflygirl55 Posts: 277 Member
    shadowloss wrote: »
    When all the *kitten* drivers that jump over to the merge lane that has 500 feet remaining, so they can get 2 cars ahead of you than assume they can just pull right in front of you and you will let them. You Presumptuous Turd Burglar!
    I have a large truck and you do this to me, plan on waiting to pull behind me, I will let you run off the road before you merge in front of me. I guarantee you wouldn't jump in line in front of me if we were standing in a line! I Promise!
    I digress! vent over.
    This! EVERY DAY!!!!

  • Mary407
    Mary407 Posts: 635 Member
    Other folks have already mentioned eating noises, but I'm just going to say all manner of mouth generated sounds that are not speech, laughter, singing, etc. related.
    Audible gum chewing - makes me feel ill
    Talking with food in one's mouth. There are people in my husband's family who take this to the extreme. They'll be talking with food in the mouth, then just when I think they might finish swallowing that food, they pause mid sentence to grab another forkfull and reload. Ugh... a good way to limit my intake at the dinner table.
    And the somewhat related biting of nails. OK, I get that this is a phase kids go through, but it is so revolting when an adult does this!
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    edited February 2015
    People that won't do their job correctly because they are lazy. I can't get away with that at my job (although some people do, grrrrrr!!), you shouldn't either. Yes, I know it will take you an extra 30 seconds now, but do it right, the first time, and it will save you time in the end!
  • kismea
    kismea Posts: 45 Member
    edited February 2015
    Most of mine are driving or parking related, many have been mentioned. The twits that like to zip up the bus lane or merge lane then rip in front of you. People parking in no park zones. WORSE in disabled stalls without the damn card (and who then excuse their behavior when I smash their windows out with my cane ** not really but I do tap and give them *kitten* or leave them a note** I live in a town jam packed with redneck *kitten* who are just disrespectful douchecanoes behind the wheel.

    AND ppl dragging their feet. PICK UP YER DAMN FEET.

    People rude to wait staff.

    Whistling in public.

    Bad kids/bad parenting.

    ok so apparently I hate the world. NEXT ;)
  • QuiznatoddBidness
    QuiznatoddBidness Posts: 602 Member
    shadowloss wrote: »
    When all the *kitten* drivers that jump over to the merge lane that has 500 feet remaining, so they can get 2 cars ahead of you than assume they can just pull right in front of you and you will let them. You Presumptuous Turd Burglar!
    I have a large truck and you do this to me, plan on waiting to pull behind me, I will let you run off the road before you merge in front of me. I guarantee you wouldn't jump in line in front of me if we were standing in a line! I Promise!
    I digress! vent over.

    ^^^ jeez brother, road rage much? The last thing they need to let you do is drive a large truck.

    Me: people that DON'T use the full merge lane piss me off. It's inefficient. Merge at the merge point, dammit! That's why it's known as the M-E-R-G-E P-O-I-N-T. Then once you're there, quickly, smoothly, and respectfully take turns forming a single line. It's so easy. And painless. It truly works better this way.

    Generally speaking, there are two common characteristics of things that piss me off:

    1. Inefficiency

    2. Lack of awareness/consideration of others ... like the OP's example of the person blocking his path without knowing (or caring), like people who park their grocery carts in the middle of the aisle while they shop (I find this maddening), people who park so crooked they make the space(s) next to them unusable (c'mon, you MUST know you're screwing someone else, right!!??), people who leave messes in the bathroom, microwave, etc, leave empty coffee pots on the burner, etc.

    People just suck. Road rage dude scares me. I need to be in charge of the world.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    - Bad drivers (I won't elaborate on this because I could rage for hours & nobody wants to read that)
    - People who mess up towels - my brother will dry his hands and leave the towel (which was hanging nicely) in a ball on top of the rack. While I appreciate that he's washing his hands, why does he need to crunch up the towel like that? Now it won't dry.
    - People who poop in the bathroom on the main floor of my house. It's right beside my kitchen. Now my kitchen smells like your ****. Can't you just use the upstairs bathroom for that?
    - Repetitive bodily functions. One or two sneezes/burps/coughs are fine. When you start sneezing more than 3 times I start to hate you a little more with each sneeze. One lady at work has coughing fits several times a day. She claims she "swallowed wrong". You choke on your food/drink 5 or 6 times a day?! Her doctor even offered her a puffer and she declined it. So because you think the puffer "tastes gross" I have to listen to you hack all day? She also coughs into her hand, then proceeds to touch everything.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    When my dad tells stories at the dinner table, he gets right to the pivotal part and shovels food into his mouth... So we have to wait until he swallows to hear the rest. RAWR. I get so mad when anyone does this.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member

    2. Lack of awareness/consideration of others ... like the OP's example of the person blocking his path without knowing (or caring), like people who park their grocery carts in the middle of the aisle while they shop (I find this maddening), people who park so crooked they make the space(s) next to them unusable (c'mon, you MUST know you're screwing someone else, right!!??), people who leave messes in the bathroom, microwave, etc, leave empty coffee pots on the burner, etc.

    Oh yes, totally this too! People who just stop in doorways or in the middle of an aisle/hall without being aware that they're in the way drive me crazy.

  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    IF/when I am blamed for something I didn't do, or told I did nothing after just working my butt off = instant boil.