Considering Atkins



  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    all the meat eggs and cheese I can eat? count me in ........


    enjoy having a stroke
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Barneystinson made some very good points. I would like to add my comments -

    One diet is not the right diet for everyone. We are all different - heights, weights, hair/eye color, ethnicity... why do we insist on thinking we all MUST eat the same way???

    If you do Atkins, or Paleo, or South Beach, and feel great on it, go for it! It is your body's way of telling you that you have found the right way for YOU. If you are cranky, starving, craving, try something else. Your body is sending you a message then as well.

    Personally, I do not find low carb very hard to sustain. I feel sluggish and bloated when I eat too many carbs. My body is just wired that way. Others may find the same thing - especially if they are dealing with health issues related to insulin resistance - like type 2 diabetes and PCOS. In those cases, low carb is to your benefit, and reduces a heck of alot of health risks.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    all the meat eggs and cheese I can eat? count me in ........


    enjoy having a stroke

    That is a very common misconception. The Atkins diet today is not the same as in the 1970s. Lean meats are encouraged, as are lots of healthy high fiber foods, such as salads and vegetables. Atkins does actually encourage veggies with every meal.
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Standford University posted this really interesting presentation by a Stanford researcher presenting his findings after watching 4 substantial groups follow various diets. It seems that those who are insulin resistant are good candidates for a higher fat lower carb approach. The video is long, but I believe his gentle and thoughtful tone is an important addition to any nutrition discussion.

    There are people who simply don't do well adding in the carbs on Atkins and they have success just eating meat. It's possible that their metabolisms are too damaged or their genetics are primed for meat. (?) I really admire this gal. She struggled with adding in the carbs on Atkins for years. Normal didn't work for her, but just meat - does. I admire that she sorted out what lifestyle promotes her thriving.

    Curiosity and attuning to your body will help you find where you do best.
  • ladyviola
    ladyviola Posts: 21 Member
    I think some of you are confusing ketosis wtih ketoacidosis?? Furthermore, although I have never tried Atkins, I think its a tad misleading to claim that once you stop Atkins you will gain all the weight back. Well obviously, if you stop ANY diet and start eating crap again (ie processed carbs), you will gain weight back. That has nothing to do with the diet but more to do with what you eat and don't eat. Not that I am advocating Atkins...I'm just saying you can't fault Atkins for people putting weight back on as a result of their choices in eating.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    AHHHHH, never mind. :) Stop, step away from the computer,,,,,, ARRGGHHH I can't ignorance is rampant on this thread,,,,,, no, no, I can’t do it, the mods have warned me already to be nice,,,,,, “argh hands on ears talking in weird devilish voice” But I can’t stand it, they must be told,,,,,, no don’t do it, it’s not worth it,,,,,, I must, I must,,,,, no don’t they will burn you at the stake,,,,,,, b,b,b,but their ignorant words are harmful to those wanting true knowledge,,,,,,,, “breaths deeply” ok I will bow out of this one, this time.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Why try a gimmick when you can eat a balanced diet and enjoy all foods but just do so in moderation? Do you really think that you can follow Atkins for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? Once you come off Atkins and start eating "normal" your body will put the weight back on. The only way to really control weight is to eat a balanced diet, watch your caloric intake and exercise. Everyone wants the secret to being "thin and healthy". Well, there it is.

    Ditto! If you can't do it forever, you are setting yourself up for failure. That goes for all the other goofy fad diets out there as well...slow & steady wins the race, and helps you learn to keep it off. All without the least bit of suffering!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Barneystinson made some very good points. I would like to add my comments -

    One diet is not the right diet for everyone. We are all different - heights, weights, hair/eye color, ethnicity... why do we insist on thinking we all MUST eat the same way???

    If you do Atkins, or Paleo, or South Beach, and feel great on it, go for it! It is your body's way of telling you that you have found the right way for YOU. If you are cranky, starving, craving, try something else. Your body is sending you a message then as well.

    Personally, I do not find low carb very hard to sustain. I feel sluggish and bloated when I eat too many carbs. My body is just wired that way. Others may find the same thing - especially if they are dealing with health issues related to insulin resistance - like type 2 diabetes and PCOS. In those cases, low carb is to your benefit, and reduces a heck of alot of health risks.

    Perfect!!! Couldn't have said it better myself!!!
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    all the meat eggs and cheese I can eat? count me in ........


    enjoy having a stroke


    Seriously? If you don't know the details of this way of eating, don't post an incorrect response. It's really annoying.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    AHHHHH, never mind. :) Stop, step away from the computer,,,,,, ARRGGHHH I can't ignorance is rampant on this thread,,,,,, no, no, I can’t do it, the mods have warned me already to be nice,,,,,, “argh hands on ears talking in weird devilish voice” But I can’t stand it, they must be told,,,,,, no don’t do it, it’s not worth it,,,,,, I must, I must,,,,, no don’t they will burn you at the stake,,,,,,, b,b,b,but their ignorant words are harmful to those wanting true knowledge,,,,,,,, “breaths deeply” ok I will bow out of this one, this time.

    lol....everyone has a right to voice their opinion!! obviously! if the "haters' can come and "hate" on a diet they know nothing about, then we can voice our opinions as well. especially when we are actually giving the OP the support she was asking for. Not just telling her she's doing it all wrong.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    all the meat eggs and cheese I can eat? count me in ........


    enjoy having a stroke

    Wow. That is really just truly ignorant, sorry. First of all, the Atkins diet (or any other low carb diet) is NOT about eating all the meat and cheese you can eat. It's about how ingesting carbohydrates influences your insulin production, and what insulin does to your body. And it really isn't a DIET as much as a LIFESTYLE, be it Atkins, paleo, primal, South Beach, etc.

    This isn't some hocus pocus new gimmick. It's been proven in scientific studies for years, even before WWII, that eating a diet loaded with carbs is a recipe for not only obesity, but diseases that come along with it. Do your research before you just bash it.

    From the journal Scientific American :

    Google Gary Taubes, read Mark's Daily Apple. The information is out there, and from very credible researchers. And btw, I try my best to eat primally. That means, on a daily basis, I get most of my carbs from the veggies and fruits that I eat. I eat a clean diet (as best as I can), full of protein, veggies, nuts, berries, fruit, some dairy.... and it is TOTALLY sustainable, and easy to do. I have never looked nor felt better in my life, and I don't even have to worry about my weight anymore. Feel free to look at my diary to see what I eat. Keep in mind, however, that I'm human, and slip up like anyone else! Last wknd was Mother's Day, after all.....
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    AHHHHH, never mind. :) Stop, step away from the computer,,,,,, ARRGGHHH I can't ignorance is rampant on this thread,,,,,, no, no, I can’t do it, the mods have warned me already to be nice,,,,,, “argh hands on ears talking in weird devilish voice” But I can’t stand it, they must be told,,,,,, no don’t do it, it’s not worth it,,,,,, I must, I must,,,,, no don’t they will burn you at the stake,,,,,,, b,b,b,but their ignorant words are harmful to those wanting true knowledge,,,,,,,, “breaths deeply” ok I will bow out of this one, this time.

    lol....everyone has a right to voice their opinion!! obviously! if the "haters' can come and "hate" on a diet they know nothing about, then we can voice our opinions as well. especially when we are actually giving the OP the support she was asking for. Not just telling her she's doing it all wrong.

    Like you imply, it doesn't hurt for people to hear both sides. No need to call people who don't agree with you a hater and ignorant.
  • chantel14
    chantel14 Posts: 128
    It really depends on how much you like carbs to whether you will be able to stick to the diet or not. Also it depends on how you body reacts to the low carb diet, some do great on it and others will pass out from a week with no carbs. Depends on the person :)
  • santrevino
    santrevino Posts: 1
    I tried ATKINS a little over 6 months ago. I only wanted to loose 10 lbs. I did it for a month and did loose the ten lbs. After that my body got SOOOO used to eating very little carbs. (20 to be exact) that I did not loose any more weight and the two days after I was done I ate between 35-55 carbs and I gained 2 1/2 lbs. I was so dissapointed! Now I started using this app. cheking my calories and started P90X.. I have lost 2 lbs since last Wednesday :) When I revise my CARBS I notice I hardly eat any..... I need to eat carbs in order to have a good exercise workout.

    I have learned that depriving yourself from carbs like that is not a good way to loose the weight. If you have any questions or comments feel free to send a post :)
    GOOD luck!
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    AHHHHH, never mind. :) Stop, step away from the computer,,,,,, ARRGGHHH I can't ignorance is rampant on this thread,,,,,, no, no, I can’t do it, the mods have warned me already to be nice,,,,,, “argh hands on ears talking in weird devilish voice” But I can’t stand it, they must be told,,,,,, no don’t do it, it’s not worth it,,,,,, I must, I must,,,,, no don’t they will burn you at the stake,,,,,,, b,b,b,but their ignorant words are harmful to those wanting true knowledge,,,,,,,, “breaths deeply” ok I will bow out of this one, this time.

    lol....everyone has a right to voice their opinion!! obviously! if the "haters' can come and "hate" on a diet they know nothing about, then we can voice our opinions as well. especially when we are actually giving the OP the support she was asking for. Not just telling her she's doing it all wrong.

    Like you imply, it doesn't hurt for people to hear both sides. No need to call people who don't agree with you a hater and ignorant.
    Yeah, pretty sure having a different opinion on a diet does not make one ignorant. It did not work for me, it works for you. Awesome.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    AHHHHH, never mind. :) Stop, step away from the computer,,,,,, ARRGGHHH I can't ignorance is rampant on this thread,,,,,, no, no, I can’t do it, the mods have warned me already to be nice,,,,,, “argh hands on ears talking in weird devilish voice” But I can’t stand it, they must be told,,,,,, no don’t do it, it’s not worth it,,,,,, I must, I must,,,,, no don’t they will burn you at the stake,,,,,,, b,b,b,but their ignorant words are harmful to those wanting true knowledge,,,,,,,, “breaths deeply” ok I will bow out of this one, this time.

    lol....everyone has a right to voice their opinion!! obviously! if the "haters' can come and "hate" on a diet they know nothing about, then we can voice our opinions as well. especially when we are actually giving the OP the support she was asking for. Not just telling her she's doing it all wrong.

    Like you imply, it doesn't hurt for people to hear both sides. No need to call people who don't agree with you a hater and ignorant.

    Not calling people that don't agree with me anything,,,,, calling ignorant comments what they are.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    AHHHHH, never mind. :) Stop, step away from the computer,,,,,, ARRGGHHH I can't ignorance is rampant on this thread,,,,,, no, no, I can’t do it, the mods have warned me already to be nice,,,,,, “argh hands on ears talking in weird devilish voice” But I can’t stand it, they must be told,,,,,, no don’t do it, it’s not worth it,,,,,, I must, I must,,,,, no don’t they will burn you at the stake,,,,,,, b,b,b,but their ignorant words are harmful to those wanting true knowledge,,,,,,,, “breaths deeply” ok I will bow out of this one, this time.

    lol....everyone has a right to voice their opinion!! obviously! if the "haters' can come and "hate" on a diet they know nothing about, then we can voice our opinions as well. especially when we are actually giving the OP the support she was asking for. Not just telling her she's doing it all wrong.

    Like you imply, it doesn't hurt for people to hear both sides. No need to call people who don't agree with you a hater and ignorant.

    Not calling people that don't agree with me anything,,,,, calling ignorant comments what they are.

    I don't believe I was talking to you.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Right on, Barney! :)

    For the record, I eat eggs, cheese, mayo, olive oil, and bacon among other things. My blood workups are consistently perfect and I go every 6 months, not annually, because I'm a bit nuts like that.

    So either I have spectacular genes (thanks, Mom and Dad!) or all of that stuff about eating 8 eggs a day being bad for you is wrong. I'm sure it's a mix of both ;)

    Now, that being said, I feel like saying this in clearer words so there is absolutely no question about it:

    If you "diet" and then "go back to eating normal", OF COURSE YOU WILL PUT ON WEIGHT.

    If, on the other hand, you change your eating habits i.e. change your lifestyle, FOR LIFE, you will get the change you seek.

    I lose weight when I want to, I gain weight when I want to. Why? I know what foods work and I track every calorie that goes into my body. Is it hard? AT FIRST, yes. After 30 days it was easier. After 6 months I can't go a day WITHOUT tracking my intake!

    Atkins is great if that's your new lifestyle. Start it, but only if you are willing to stick with it for 1 year. That's 1 full calendar year. If you've got 50lbs to lose, you should lose it all in 1 single year. 1lb per week. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    AHHHHH, never mind. :) Stop, step away from the computer,,,,,, ARRGGHHH I can't ignorance is rampant on this thread,,,,,, no, no, I can’t do it, the mods have warned me already to be nice,,,,,, “argh hands on ears talking in weird devilish voice” But I can’t stand it, they must be told,,,,,, no don’t do it, it’s not worth it,,,,,, I must, I must,,,,, no don’t they will burn you at the stake,,,,,,, b,b,b,but their ignorant words are harmful to those wanting true knowledge,,,,,,,, “breaths deeply” ok I will bow out of this one, this time.

    lol....everyone has a right to voice their opinion!! obviously! if the "haters' can come and "hate" on a diet they know nothing about, then we can voice our opinions as well. especially when we are actually giving the OP the support she was asking for. Not just telling her she's doing it all wrong.

    Like you imply, it doesn't hurt for people to hear both sides. No need to call people who don't agree with you a hater and ignorant.

    Not calling people that don't agree with me anything,,,,, calling ignorant comments what they are.

    I don't believe I was talking to you.

    LOL, nanny, manny, boo, boo. Really? Whom were you talking to? I was talking to you.
  • bruceseverson
    I, too, considered going on the Atkins diet when my doctor told me to lose weight. After doing research on it,I realized that there could be serious physical consequences if I went on it for a long time. When I was referred to a registered dietician, she recommended a modified diabetic/hypoglycemic diet plan, which is a form of carbohydrate restricted diet, but without the danger of the Atkin's diet plan. I am currently following that plan, which pretty much tracks the MFP guidelines, with the following modifications: Carbs: 75-90% of allowance; Fat: 80-90% of allowance; Protein: 90-120% of allowance; Fiber: 30-40 grams/day; Total Calories: As close to 1200 Calories as possible on days I don't exercise. Total Net Calories: Between 500-1000 on days I do exercise. Feel free to friend me if you want to see my food diary.


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