

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I love to share your travel experiences through your posts. You and your DH seem to be having a wonderful trip.

    Pipcd34: I hope you’re feeling better now. It sounds like you had either a nasty virus or food poisoning.

    Sylvia: I am sorry that you are in a dirty facility, but happy you’re feeling enough better to notice. Hospital food is notorious and someone was clearly not paying attention when they set up your tray. DH has been lucky. He’s had two hospital stays in the last few years and had good food both times. I’m glad you’re out of bed and walking the halls with the Zombies. It is a step in the right direction. I think I’ll rename them the Survivors. Anyone who has had major surgery and is up and moving deserves positive recognition. You are currently #1 on that list.

    Rupridul from Australia: Welcome. We’ll be happy to cheer you on. You can get great advice here. Some people open their food log to the viewing of friends. I’ve always kept mine private. It is a matter of choice and does provide extra accountability.

    Yanniejannie: Your daughter was right about two point riding building core. Did she tell you how sore I’d be the next morning? As they used to say on Laugh-in, “I’m feeling much better now.”

    Meg: Congratulations on the ticker showing!

    Barbie: I’m so happy to hear that Jake is taking the initiative toward food changes that will be good for his heart health. I love the No More Excuses graphic.

    Sassy aus Austria: I’m so sorry for the loss of your fur baby.

    Kim from N CA: I’m happy to see you added fun to your goals. I hope you’ll be able to have some fun every day. I try to have fun every day and succeed most of the time. My riding lesson is the thing that I look forward to the most. It really is nice to have one special thing to look forward to on the calendar.

    Dreamwriter: I’m so sorry that “someone” filed a complaint with the police. It sounds like the officers were fair and professional. You’re right to wonder what she’ll do next, but I hope she isn’t able to make your entire household miserable.

    Best wishes for anyone I missed. The fun thing we have planned for today is going to the theater and seeing the third Hobbit movie in 3D.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • dogbydog123
    dogbydog123 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been consistetly averaging a loss of a pound a week since July 1. My Drs and I are very happy. Other than my cardiac issues, my labs look great.

    I will be going back up to 60 mg of Cymbalta this week, as the drop to 30 made a huge negative difference in controlling my chronic pain. This just means I have to be even more focused and determined to keep shaving off these pounds. I CAN DO THIS.

    I am half way to the goal weight my doctors and I agreed upon.

    SW 221
    CW 181
    GW 141
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi dear friends. Not much going on today. DH shampooed the carpet yesterday so he took that stuff back then after breakfast I took a nap. We are going for a walk then to dinner with the Jeep club of Omaha. I don’t really care about going, but he really wants me to so I will. It’s bright and sunny here today so there’s a little walk coming on too!

    Barbie: with my higher BP I’m trying to limit sodium too. I used to be very good when I ate so much fruit, but have to limit fruit because of the carbs now with diabetes. It’s never ending, isn’t it?

    Stephv: good nsv!

    Sassy: I am SOOO very sorry about the loss of your fur baby. They are all so special. Sending warm thoughts your way.

    Joyce: let’s get together and plan our abduction of Sylvia asap! Yay for your nsv!

    Kim; glad you are back safe and sound

    Sharon I’m so sorry for your family problems! Unbelievable!

    Cynthia: sending you hugs….you need them too

    Viv: hope your family problems improve soon. I know you just want what’s best

    Sylvia: please continue to improve! Fluids get retained during and after surgery, so it is not unusual to put on weight afterwards. Once you are moving around more, they’ll get lost! Be prepared though; Joyce and I will come abduct you if you don't get out of that place soon!

    Barb: sending healing and peaceful thoughts to your neighbor and her family. That’s a tough one

    Well Jane sent me a link for meniscus replacement, so that’s where I’m heading now. This seems awfully brief though! Hope you all have a grand day. Meg from Omaha where the snow is melting!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hooray! They are letting me out today instead of tomorrow. All it took was a bowel movement, I guess to show them the pipes were connected properly. Yippee! I'll be so glad to get this iv out, and get home to my own bed. And my puppies!

    My son brought the kids up for a visit this morning. That was nice. They were on their way to have a picnic lunch in the park. They looked so happy.

    They are pushing the last dose of antibiotics through my iv now while the nurse does my paperwork, then I'm done.

    Talk to you all later!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    YAY!!!!!! Sylvia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sylvia ... so glad to hear you can go home and get some rest!

    Sassy ... sorry to hear your fur baby has passed ...

    Barb ... praying for your friend ...

    And my mind is now blank ... sorry ladies.

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    A good Sunday! Cooked pork chops, green beans, steamed cabbage, rice & grave, and corn muffing for the family after church. I was good and only ate pork chops and the green beans and some cabbage. Love seeing the grand kids. They are so cute wanting to play tricks on us....ages 3 & 4.

    Went to a Hibachi Restaurant with BIL & SiL last night. I do not like sitting with folks I don't know, the noise , etc. Told my Hubby that I can make the same at home. So now I feel like a party pooper. Gave half my food to Hubby.

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Well, now I see I can't spell. Please forgive.
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Sylvia: Glad you're going home...best place for ya!

    God, grant me peace to accept the things I cannot change,
    courage to change the things i can,
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Judy in PA
  • jennbya
    jennbya Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everybody!
    I am happy to have found this group, I plan on reading through some of the posts to get to know what the group is about.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Sunday ladies. I am working today and weighed in since I am off the next couple days. Was not good, but today is a new day and start. Got my 72 oz water bottle with me so off to a good start.

    Toni--Our CMA means Christian Motorcycle Association.

    Judy--((Hugs)) Good for you getting things rescheduled right away.

    Sylvia--How scary!! So glad you went to ER. Please take care and get lots of rest. Sending lots of ((hugs)) and prayers. I do not care how many patients they have that does not justify leaving you in the bathroom that long or having to get yourself back to bed. Talk to the charge nurse. I do agree that whenever anyone is in the hospital they need someone with them to watch things. The mistakes that get made scare me and I work in a hospital.

    Sue--sending prayers and hugs. Hope scary for the parents and family.

    Cynthia--sending ((hugs)) and prayers on the job. I know it is scary having to find another job.

    Heather--I so enjoy reading all about your trip. you are seeing so many interesting things and love the picture. It does look like it was high up. Did you both ride the same elephant or each get your own?

    CP--congrates on the loss. Keep up the good work. I like your jar idea and I think your goal of dance lesson's and New Year's eve is great.

    Yanniejannie--HAPPY DANCE!! great news about DD.

    Meg--How terrible they stole the pipes out of the house!!! This morning when DH went to get the car out of the garage, Someone had run into our fence in the back yard and it is all bent in. He thinks maybe he can pull it out and repair it. I would bet money it was our neighbors on the North. Ever since they moved in it has been one thing after another.

    farmwifenmorn--sync your fitbit with MFP and it will share the information. That is how I have mine set up so don't have to long it.

    wildfirmoons--sending hugs and prayers. Take it One Day at a Time. We are here for you.

    Viv--sending (((hugs))) and prayers.

    Margaret--Thanks for sharing the flower pictures, does remind me Sping is coming.

    Dr katiebug--that is how I do my fitbit and MFP and it works great for me

    sassy aus Autria--So sorry to hear abut your furbaby. Sending lots of (((Hugs))).

    Sharon--My ex MIL called the police on me once a week during my divorce from her son. They had to come out everytime and it got to be a joke. To bad as the child should be first and sounds to me like the child is in the best place at this time with you and DS.

    Barbie--Thanks I needed that!

    Barb--sending prayers for your neighbor. We just never know what the day will bring.

    Well I am all caught up with the posts. So time to get something done. Remember ladies the most important thing is not to give up. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    I'm sorry ladies my fur baby passed away... I will try and catch up soon.

    Goals For Febrrrrrrr-airy:

    Get to 4,000 steps daily/comfortably.
    Lose 4 lbs
    Ride my stationary bike 30 minutes daily
    Stair climb every other day, I am at 4 trips (432 stairs total ), want to make it 5trips ( 540 stairs)
    Get to know all of you better. :flowerforyou:

    Sassy aus Austria

    • Make the Effort not an Excuse.
    • Nothing to it but to do it!
    • Stuffing isn't bad...Stuffing yourself is.

    i am so sorry to hear that... my heart goes out to you.... have comfort in knowing, there is no more pain and your baby is playing up there with our rocky
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hi to all: Gray gloomy day today. Have been to church and sung. Had to go early to practice as we are singing tomorrow for the funeral of one of our choir members. He died of colon cancer complicated by cystic fibrosis.

    Went to the symphony last night. It was a pops concert, the music of Andrew Lloyd Weber, Stephen Sondheim and others. There were two singers, a tenor and a soprano. The soprano was good but the tenor was awesome. He brought tears to my eyes when he sang Music of the Night and Bring Him Home.

    yanniejannie - Congrats to DD. Now the work will begin. Veterinary courses are no easy thing. We have a vet near here who specializes in horses and is nationally known. He often has vet students doing clinicals with him.

    Sylvia - So glad you are going home. Agree with others, best to have an advocate when in a medical facility.

    Here is a little paraphrase of the serenity prayer that my counselor gave me:

    God grant me the patience to accept the people I cannot change,
    the courage to change the one I can
    And the wisdom to know that one is me.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited February 2015
    Barb from Louisiana - prayers for your neighbor, so sad.

    Sylvia - yeah - your own bed is always so comfy!!

    Checking in - Hi everyone - just did my 5 hours of driving to pick up DH's truck, did a bit of grocery shopping on the way home (chicken breasts are on sale) so I don't have to stop after work this week.

    Actually nice out - so I am heading out for a walk.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    stats for the day:
    walk-skip- 65min, 14.38average pace, 4.1speed, 0-1.0incline - 4.4miles = 319cal
    walk/jog yogi, round school track & back home- 44.31minutes, 2.35miles = 200cal
    total 519cal

    i am feeling a lot better now, thanks for everyones thoughts and concerns, that is sweet. i didn't push it today, i was walking on the treadmill and skipping.. good music does that to you. if you haven't tried it, you should give it a go. when i skip to the beat of a song, my heart rate can get as high as when i am jogging, depending on the speed of the treadmill. Yogi, the one in the middle of my profile pic., needed to burn some energy so i took him for a walk and found a ball and threw it. i did a slow jog and he would run right beside me.. he is turning out to be a good running buddy.
    i looked up on the internet, foods to avoid when you have a stomach ache and things you should eat for one.
    some of the DON'T eat that i remember were:
    spices (spicy foods)
    processed foods
    fatty foods
    booze (whaaaa)
    some to EAT to help a stomach ache:
    herbal tea
    apple sauce

    man, i ain't kidding i thought i was going to die! i can tell i'm a little weak from not eating the way i should.. i have to stuff something down my throat. i am looking on the bright side, i lost 1-1/2 lbs LOLOLOLOL. and tomorrow, back in the saddle with riding to work.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday morning.
    Last night I had 5 Roses chocolates and tummy NOT happy, threw up in night.
    Started my juicing today. Before walk was juiced apple, carrot and celery (could taste that darned celery) Full immunity juice this afternoon (for asthma). Both 188 cals.
    Training: 2 mile walk and Jeannette's SA cardio Sculpt = 685 cals
    Food = 1818

    Mildred beagle sneezing blood all night and this morning poor love. She is alert and a very bloody nose. kept Stan up most of night cleaning blood off walls and carpets.

    Lesley Tasmania
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good evening everyone. I'm writing this from my own comfy bed, snuggled with Spot and Bruno. Life is SO good. Hubby is out walking with Molly, or she might be up here too. I took a pain pill before lying down. I normally just grit my teeth and do without any pain meds, but the post-op pain was pretty bad the day after surgery, and it scared me. The docs written instructions say "Don't wait till the pain is bad before taking the pain meds", so I'm trying to listen this time.

    I got a huge shock when I got home. Hubby had cleaned the house! He even ran the dishwasher and vacuumed! All by his sweet little self! He said he knew I would do it when I got home if he didn't. Isn't he wonderful!

    Well, I think I will take a nap now. Good night friends!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    I have been consistetly averaging a loss of a pound a week since July 1. My Drs and I are very happy. Other than my cardiac issues, my labs look great.

    I will be going back up to 60 mg of Cymbalta this week, as the drop to 30 made a huge negative difference in controlling my chronic pain. This just means I have to be even more focused and determined to keep shaving off these pounds. I CAN DO THIS.

    I am half way to the goal weight my doctors and I agreed upon.

    SW 221
    CW 181
    GW 141

    Way to go!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi Friends,
    Heather: Have you ever considered being a travel writer? You have such a gift for bringing us a ‘words eye view’ of all the wonderful places you visit. Looking forward to your next installment.

    Yanniejannie: Cheering for your DD! Bravo. :smiley:

    Katla: I admire how you are really amping up the intensity of your workouts…and having FUN.

    Cynthia: Oh so sorry to hear your job news. Rumors of downsizing are beginning to circulate in my office, and it’s so unsettling. Glad your guy is beside you.

    Sylvia: Sounds like you are getting better, but please rest.

    Barb: Prayers going up for your neighbor.

    Sassy: Sympathy on the loss of your fur-baby.

    Barbie: I am going to print out the ‘no more excuses’ graphic and place it strategically where I can see it daily. Thanks!

    Dogbydog: Woot woot! Great progress. Keep it up and come back and share how you’re doing it.

    Meg: This freakishly warm February is going to spoil us! This weekend felt like Southern California weather.

    Vicki: So upsetting to hear about your fence and especially the dishonesty of the people who damaged it. As my DH likes to say “what’s WRONG with people today?”

    Sue in SD: Love the variation on the serenity prayer. This one really speaks to me.

    Pipcd34: So glad you’re back to your perky self.

    Lesley: Celery juice … agree it’s awful. Hope the other recipes are easier to take. Sorry about Mildred Beagle’s sneezing. Poor dear.

    Lazy Sunday today. Watched Downton Abbey while on the recumbent bike, then did a set of exercises with ankle weights. DH is putting the final coat of paint on the bath cabinets. Our ‘weekend’ projects always take 3 times longer than normal because he is such a perfectionist. Since everything is out of the drawers and pulled out from under the sink, I splurged on some new storage drawers for the lower cabinet and goodies for the countertop. Can hardly wait to reorganize the space. Once we change out the lighting fixture, I’ll call this space ‘done’.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    Feb Goals:

    1) Keep to under net 100 carbs per day
    2) 80 oz of water per day
    3) Add a few minutes of hand/wrist exercises every day
    4) Meditate for minimum of 10 mins per day
    5) Savor more, guzzle less. This aligns with my word for 2015: Mindfulness
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    edited February 2015
    smiley-happy110.gif Sylvia, how great that you finally get to come home.

    smiley-happy020.gif Meg, Jake ordered two low sodium/no sodium cookbooks and one low sodium cookbook for his Kindle. He says that he will learn to make his own sauces for chicken and salad dressings. I know there are a lot of foods he likes that will be hard to give up (cheese, olives, cottage cheese, canned soups).

    smiley-happy020.gif Skuehn, I love your variation on the Serenity Prayer.....it's a lot like a favorite line of mine, "Something has to change and it's probably me."

    smiley-happy020.gif Rori, I love watching TV and riding the recumbent bike...I love your words, "savor more, guzzle less"

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif32,000 steps today--two hours of dog walking, a long walk with a friend, over an hour on the exercise bike

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)--- The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    February Resolutions
    *walk 19,000 steps a day (this is higher than last month)
    *strength training twice a week (this is the one I still haven't accomplished) smiley-sport017.gif
    *get the income tax numbers compiled and mailed to the accountant
    *Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good--this goes well with my happiness commandment to "Lighten up"
