
  • HisPixie
    HisPixie Posts: 55 Member
    52 year old mother of 21-year-old triplet girls, nurse and soon to be "wife" again. Just found this thread; I've been on the site for about 2 weeks. I used to use SparkPeople and had wonderful success there but their mobile app is much harder to use. So now I'm a "myfitnesspal" fan! Nice to meet you all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: we had a busy house related day. First we met with the house inspector and the real estate agent for a home inspection on the house we want to buy if we can ever sell ours. It went well and there were no scary surprises. Everything works well although we'll have to buy a new water heater soon and replace a few of the windows. The inspector couldn't try the air conditioner because it's still too cold here (it has to be at least 65 degrees outside and it's nowhere near that here yet) but we know that the furnace works great.:bigsmile: On the way home we got a call from another realtor who wanted to show our house to someone as soon as possible so we had to rush home, vacuum, dust, clear off surfaces, hide the clutter, kick the cats out, hide the litter box, and pack up the dogs and get out of the house. I'm thankful for our Isagenix shakes because it was easy to make a healthy lunch quickly that didn't leave food odors.:bigsmile: On the suggestion of the realtor we headed a pot of chocolate chips and sprayed the house with vanilla air freshener so everything would smell good:bigsmile: We ran a few errands and took the dogs to the dog park and then came home and put everything back where it belonged.

    :bigsmile: welcome to all the new members.......keep doing this one day at a time......i like to log my food before I eat it.....often for the whole day before I have my breakfast so there are no surprises.....I try to learn something new every day about healthy eating. And my favorite good advice.......never, never,never give up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • 4gracealone
    4gracealone Posts: 13
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this 50+ site and look forward to encouraging others along the same journey. I must say that when I discovered your site I was seriously thinking about how I could do things different from staying within my calorie range and exercising. I joined MFP around mid March and lost 2lbs. and gained them back. I'm going to try reducing my carbs I eat...anyone else doing the same thing?
  • 4gracealone
    4gracealone Posts: 13
    52 year old mother of 21-year-old triplet girls, nurse and soon to be "wife" again. Just found this thread; I've been on the site for about 2 weeks. I used to use SparkPeople and had wonderful success there but their mobile app is much harder to use. So now I'm a "myfitnesspal" fan! Nice to meet you all.

    Welcome...I'm new also and noticed our goals in weight loss are about the same...Best to you!
  • HisPixie
    HisPixie Posts: 55 Member
    52 year old mother of 21-year-old triplet girls, nurse and soon to be "wife" again. Just found this thread; I've been on the site for about 2 weeks. I used to use SparkPeople and had wonderful success there but their mobile app is much harder to use. So now I'm a "myfitnesspal" fan! Nice to meet you all.

    Welcome...I'm new also and noticed our goals in weight loss are about the same...Best to you!

    Thank you! You too! I am enjoying the site; I know WHAT to do .. I just gotta knuckle down and do it! :)
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445

    Natalie, Once you decide if you need a new scale and get that all straightened out, just decide what is best for you. Weigh every day or every week, whatever you feel is best. Just be sure to remember that it is just a number. Many times we can't understand how the scale can show a gain when we did so well. It really is the body adjusting and if you just keep going it all equals out. We all know about water gain, salt, etc. if you did everything exactly the same , then it is an adjustment. Believe me, It happened to me many times.

    I guess what you say makes alot of sense. I am on D9 of Cycle 2 of the 17 day diet, no loss this cycle, but I won't give up, in fact I might have gained a pound, but I will weigh in next Monday (week from today), and I am bound and determined NOT to get on that scale... grrr, darn thing makes me mad looking at it!!!
    We saw the movie "water for elephants", go see it, it's really good, didn't read the book, but hubby said it followed the book to a T.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Maxy - you are so thoughtful, making something that people like! I won't say that I don't like ziti, but I know that it's something that I don't want a whole lot of. Honestly, I'd rather have a big plate of veggies. But one day won't kill me...

    Then on the 20th we're invited to a wedding. Honestly, I think the reason we're invited is because she feels that she can get a good gift from us. The wedding is at 5 pm. and afterwards there is just champaign and hor's doeurves (or however its spelled). It's just me, but I would never dream of having an evening wedding and not giving the guests something (even if it's just chicken) to eat. We get to drive 8 hours. Well, this wedding is really weird. His ex-wife is in the wedding party. Jessica has told us that things are really being run on a shoestraing, the reason they're having the reception where they are is because she works there and the guy is giving them the hall as his wedding gift. The mother is making all the dresses, she charged Jessica $100, even tho the material etc was much less than that. then, with the remainder of the money, she bought herself an Easter dress and a wedding dress. I know that lately Jessica has been somewhat disappointed. But...the next day we're going to have lunch with my cousins, who I very seldom see. The next day we'll drive down to see Denise for her birthday. I've already ordered her gift and will wrap it and take it with us.

    oh kackie - my heart breaks for you. Chiggar bites on top of the spider bite. How horrible! Feel better, fast Glad you went to the MD and he said it was just a reaction.

    Bowled 5 games today (Sun), out of the 5 I barely broke 100 once. Tomorrow there is a free bowl from 1-3 for us. Even tho Vince doesn't need the practice, I just may go myself.

    Charlene - welcome, we're so glad to have you.

    Deborah - congrats!

    Viv - I wish you the best in jotting down all your food. I don't seem to have a problem jotting it down, just sometimes getting to the computer to log it gets to me.

    Did hula hoop on the Wii today (Sun). Tomorrow (Mon), yoga and then deep water.

    I know that I'm going to have a gain tomorrow because I had a piece of chocolate late this evening (Sun). Oh well......

    Did my yoga and deep water today, then I bowled 6 games. Out of the six, I broke 100 three times. Well, this is just the free practice. Tomorrow I'm going to take a power sculpt class. It USED to be all weights, so we shall see if it's still that way or not.

    Whenever I'm in my pajamas all day, you KNOW that I'm sick. Even if I don't feel all that great, I have to get dressed. Vince is just the opposite, if he's the slightest bit ill, he's in bed moaning. That might very well be one of the reasons why I don't get sick very often, I may be sick but I won't let it get me down. I hear, ya, Amanda. You do have to do normal things to feel normal. I remember when I was pg with Jessica, I had a cold but I still went out and shoveled snow. My MIL was aghast. But I felt so so much better.

    Got a tomato at the farmers market Sat. It said that it was a hot house tomato so I only bought one. Now I regret it because that tomato is REALLY good.

    sveltwisher - sometimes, believe it or not, it's actually a GOOD thing to go over your calories. Shocks the body. I know that if I do that occasionally, usually the next day I will see a loss.

    Amanda - I'm so relieved that the MD's appointment went well. Keep this up and you'll be driving in no time at all!

    Janet - welcome! Glad you found us! This is a great bunch of women with some good ideas. Now we need to get Lucy here!

    Tomorrow I need to buy gas (I'll go where I have a credit of 5 cents/gallon), then the Power Sculpt class, then do a little food shopping (got a coupon for something that's on sale) and then mahjongg. I'll get that game yet (or die trying)

    Jackie - how can you possibly NOT have a piece of birthday cake? I know that I would. It may be a small piece, but I'd have one just the same.

    HisPixie - welcome! You, too, 4gracealone

    Say, does anyone have a suggestion as to a snack (low in calories) that I can have before I exercise. Wed. I'm planning to do a downloadable spinning session before I have breakfast and then a Newcomers meeting. So I'll need to have something in my stomach before I go to exercise. I'm planning to have an egg and egg whites for breakfast, since the protein usually keeps me full. People bring snacks (usually baked goods) to the meetings, and I try not to have them. If I'm full from the eggs, I won't be bothered by the snacks. But I'm trying to think of something that I can have before spinning.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My superwoman mode and good attitude got a trial tonight. I came home from work to find that my spare refrigerator has deceased. So - I put on my swimsuit, threw a dress on over it, (are you getting visions of a telephone booth in my future?), ran to the furniture store, bought a used refrigerator from my friendly salesperson. Being a small town sort of place, he told me that my husband could come in and pay for it "someday," and that he could have it delivered tomorrow - no need to take off of work. They will haul off the dead one for me and install the used one. Then I ran out the door to the pool, swam for 45 minutes, came home, managed to jam everything important into other refrigerators, went to Wendy's for dinner, and came home to totally rearrange my back porch in honor of the new fridge. I have to go take a shower now, and I haven't eaten enough today, and I am starved. It's after 10:00, but I will have to find something else to eat before bed. I'd better go rip off my cape and get busy!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Dang Mary! You had me going with the swimsuit/dress thing there for a minute. I was trying to figure out HOW the swimsuit figured into the dead fridge thingy - had it defrosted so much you needed a suit and swim fins? :noway:

    You must live in one sure enough small town... Ours has one stoplight and no one is going to let me out of the store without paying!

    You should get paid for writing; then again maybe you do.

    I really do do something besides sit at this computer. I was searching out some new gym tunes to put on my iPod and had to pop in here for a quick peek.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Dang Mary! You had me going with the swimsuit/dress thing there for a minute. I was trying to figure out HOW the swimsuit figured into the dead fridge thingy - had it defrosted so much you needed a suit and swim fins? :noway:

    You must live in one sure enough small town... Ours has one stoplight and no one is going to let me out of the store without paying!

    You should get paid for writing; then again maybe you do.

    I really do do something besides sit at this computer. I was searching out some new gym tunes to put on my iPod and had to pop in here for a quick peek.

    Thanks for the laugh!


    Another story about the same furniture store and salesman: A few years ago, my washing machine died while I was packing to go camping. On the way home from the trip, I started worrying about all of the dirty clothes I was bringing home. I called the furniture store (mind you I wasn't even in the same state!), asked Ernie what washing machine he would buy if he were buying it for his wife, and told him to deliver it that day because I had laundry to do. Came home, the old machine was gone, the new one installed, and no one even called when it took my husband three more days to go in and talk about money!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :cry: Jackie I'm sorry to hear about your mum, I know she wasn't doing too well the last time you posted before your cruise.

    Good luck on the job front, it's not easy these days is it.

    Sorry so short, I'll try and catch up tonight, but better go now I'm late (again!)

    Viv xx
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my friends.

    I was stupid yesterday. No other word for it. I decided to potter around the front garden after I came back from hospital and ended up getting the secateurs out and trimming our overgrown privet hedge. I only intended doing about five minutes worth, but did over an hour and I'm now regretting it. I won't be doing that again for a while.

    Can you believe that my grandtwins are six months old today? It's flown past! They get more and more gorgeous by the minute. Little Teddy is recovering well from his surgery and will hopefully get his bandages off soon. He is definitely much bossier than Molly - who is cuddly and placid.

    I've decided not to beat myself up about not being able to respond to everyone individually right now, but please know that I think of you all and send my best wishes to each of you.

    Back later - time for a rest now (going to behave today!)

    Amanda x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I just can't seem to keep up with you all.

    Kackie,:flowerforyou: I am glad you went to the Dr. I hope you are feeling yourself again soon.
    Amanda:flowerforyou: I know its hard not to get out and do stuff. I am sorry you over did it but I am sure you will be yourself again soo too.
    Barbie :happy: I wish you luck on the house. If its meant to be, its meant to be.

    Mimi :drinker: temptation and no will power have been my down fall lately. I am just so grumpy about work that I convince myself I deserve it just this once. We know that doesn't work. I would really like to get my motivation back.

    There are so many new women on this thread I just can't seem to keep up. I wish you all the best.

    I am leaving for the Carribean in a couple of weeks and I look horrible. I just didnt crack down and lose any of this weight I have put back on. I am hoping that a week in the sun will be the medicine I need to get back to wanting to be healthy.

    My love to all of you!
  • I have been on this site for almost 30 days now and have lost 13 pounds!! I'm so excited about that just by itself!! But I also just realized yesterday that I have not been having any headaches lately. I used to get them ALL the time - almost every day sometimes. (Not migraines, but annoying just the same). After reading some of the message board topics about water, I wonder if it has anything to do with that. I love drinking water, and usually get about 10 glasses most days. Well, whatever it is - I'm so grateful to NOT have them any more.

    Mary - the bathing suit under the dress thing had me laughing too!! That was too funny! You are quite the busy woman these days - and you don't let a little thing like a "dead" fridge get you down - nope - you just jump into that phone booth and BAM!! off you go!

    Anyways, I hope that your "to-do" list is getting a little smaller - and I just know that your get-together will be very nice. Have a GREAT day everyone!!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies,

    Well, I feel a bit better this morning! :flowerforyou: Yea...I think the doctors visit was a good idea!

    Faye: you are right about DH being right and how hard that is to take sometimes:huh: HA...wish I was better about listening, but I am a bit stubborn at times!

    Mary: Sorry to hear about your refrigerator...what a pain! You sound like you handle things with good humor, though!

    Barbie: I didn't realize you were thinking of moving. I must have missed that. Anyway, I feel for you having your house on the market. We moved a LOT during my husbands career and once your house is on the market, it really is no longer yours. I used to pack up EVERY extra item from every room, the garage, basement... put those extra items into storage, so the house looked like a "staged" house and I would vacuum myself out of the house each morning. We really only slept in the house until it sold. Exhausting. I feel for you! But hope things work out quickly!

    Amanda: I understand how easy it is to get carried away in your garden. I hope you don't pay too dearly for your over-exertion!

    Robin: Try not to be so tough on yourself! And look forward to your holiday in the Carribean...you deserve it!

    Gracete: 13 pounds in one month is AMAZING! WTG! And I would guess that the water intake has taken care of your headaches...you must have been getting a bit dehydrated before? Glad to hear they are gone!

    I am getting a haircut today, and am so excited just to get out and have someone wash my hair and fix me up a bit! I used to wonder why my Grandmothers would go each week to get their hair washed and "done"! Seemed like such a waste of time. Well...I get it now. It is such a treat and I adore someone to "scrub" my head!

    Have a great day, all! Kackie:heart:
  • Kackie,

    A closer look into this drug online helped me understand it a little better. Basically stay away from carbohydrates, fats, sugar, salt, anything that can be saved as glucose or retain water in the system. Steroids also cause weight gain, because they suppress the adrenal glands, which are responsible for metabolism.

    I get shots periodically for shoulder pain and have not gained weight. Have read several accounts by people taking various steroid
    meds and shots and opinion varies. Perhaps each body handles it differently. Best of luck

    Barbie, Best of luck selling your home.

  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Hello Nice Ladies, :flowerforyou: New friends and old,

    I'm busy this week cleaning and packing for a family vacation in Florida. We leave Friday morning. I'm hoping that I will get in a lot of lovely beach walks, and maybe some kayaking and snorkeling! Enough to counter -balance the restaurant meals, at least. I'm stating my MFP vacation goals to you here, so I have accountability.

    :happy: 1) I will log my food everyday, no matter what I eat (or drink).:drinker:
    :happy: 2) I will walk three miles every day or the equivalent in exercise.
    :happy: 3) I will exercise self control on portion size and desserts. I can be a tiny bit naughty, but I don't have to eat everything in sight!

    :flowerforyou: I know with you ladies supporting me I can accomplish these goals!:flowerforyou: I've lost 10 lbs so far with MFP, and the last thing I want to do is gain it all back in 10 days. :noway: So I need you all to have my back. My husband will completely go off his diet and not log his foods the whole time we're gone, so no help fro that quarter.

    Hope all y'all have a great week! TTFN :heart: Maxy
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good morning all,
    I have already been to my first job (tutoring a very funny kid). It's a great way to begin Tuesday. I am still laughing from Mary's swim suit, refrigerator purchase and party planning week....great story, great writing, Mary!! Yesterday was an unplanned busy one and I didn't get to the gym. My car was in for a recall and by the time I got to pick it up my choice was to get something healthy for dinner at the market or get gym time....I chose the market. My husband is home from work with a stomach bug. I think he also has allergies and everything is blooming.

    I have my weigh in tonight. I teach my yoga class at 11 and then we go for a tea together so it is a great day. I cook dinner before I go to the Weight Loss Challenge so that when I come home there is something healthy. I usually feel more motivated after the meeting (I can think of years of going to other programs and planning to pig out after a weigh in). I just need to keep my progress (non-scale) in my mind.

    My joints have been really talking to me....feet, knees, hips. Tylenol for Arthritis has been a miracle for me but it is getting harder and harder to find. I know that my knees have "moderate osteoarthritis" and my feet talk to me ....losing weight and yoga help, what other things do you find helpful to keep your joints happy.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    Received lovely fruit bouquet from youngest son and his fianace! It looked so yummy that I DID NOT check calories first!!!:noway: 4chocalate covered strawberries are 520 CALORIES:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I am now over my calories and have had no dinner. Not good.

    Question for those of you who have had steroid type shots for things. Doctor mentioned side effects that I would not like...water retention, weight gain (just what I need). Does anyone have suggestions about how to avoid this? Since I have no energy, exercise is not working out so well right now. Hopefully this will be short lived.

    Again, thank all of you for your concern...DH was right to try to get me to doctors on Friday...I would feel lots better by now had I listened to him!:huh:

    Take care, dear ladies. Kackie:heart:

    I do not know what you need the steroid shots for but I have taken them in my knees. Those were done back in 2000 through 2003. I had no ill effects from them as the shots were many months apart. I have also taken them when my asthma kicks up but that is also for short term...5-6 days at a clip. Yes, prolonged usage can have all those effects and not much you can do about it other than watch your sodium intake a bit more closely.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good Morning, ladies, and gents, if there are any, went for my 4 mile bike ride, about 30 minutes it takes me, then sat down for my breakfast of 16 lowfat whole wheat crackers and fat free cream cheese and some cantaloupe, couldn't face the oatmeal today, day 10 of c2, anyway, drank 5 glasses of water so far, feel like a fish in a bowl, glug, glug, and now I am drinking my coffee and writing some notes to you all. Later I am going to run out and get some lettuce that is on sale, last day fo the sale for 69 cents a head...

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