Online Dating



  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    acquilla30 wrote: »
    One guy took me to McDonald's on a date for ice cream and than got angry when I wouldn't go home with him.

    At least he could pony up for some Cold Stone! GEEZE.

    I have several bad ones. But this one was awkward. I love eating at Perkins. I know I'm under the age of 70, but still LOVE. IT. A guy took me there and before our food had even came out I wanted to leave. It was so bad I was willing to give up on my Perkins. The whoooooole time he talked about how awesome he was and all these stories that made him sound bad @$$ but were obviously fake. I would tell him a story about me (when I could get a word in) and he'd have to one up me every time. Then he told me he wanted to get married really soon, as in a few months because his grandpa and dad didn't live long so he wanted to make sure he was married before he died. DIDN'T CARE TO WHO. Which by golly that made me feel special. Oh I told him when we left I didn't think there would be any more dates for us because I didn't think it was a good match. He texted me non-stop when I got home trying to convince me for another date and that if I didn't he'd kill himself. So me being an insensitive b***** because I had let him down nicely and he couldn't take a hint, I told him he'd have to wait to kill himself until after he found someone to marry.

    He still didn't leave me alone, so I blocked his number.
  • LandyBreigh
    LandyBreigh Posts: 207 Member
    I have to say, I got lucky with the dates I had from My very first match was someone I knew of in Highschool, and now we are married. We both went on many dates from Match with other people for a while and met very nice people, some are still friends.

    The worst one I had asked me "What do you think about fracking? Because that's what I do for my job." And he proceeded to talk about that and his motorcycles for the whole evening. I got a nice meal out of the date and we never contacted each other again.

  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I feel obligated to tell my best internet story. My boyfriend and I met through mutual friends online, and he decided to move to the area.

    I thought he was going to date said mutual friend, but it turned out not.

    We met a few weeks later and have been dating a couple of years now, making plans for the future.

    It was Facebook.

    We talked about Paleo recipes.

    He did have a pic up of him standing in front of this super fancy black sports car looking all pretentious. When we met he up he was driving a Toyota that had really messed up paint.

    I still love him, and joked that I thought he drove a sports car.

    He pretended that he never even noticed it was there, just happened to be in the back ground of the picture.

    Yeah right. I still love him, though.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Online dating is interesting because it intensifies everyone's tendency to judge (and yes we all judge at some level). It's frustrating to me because all the women seemed to have established all these unwritten rules or something. Maybe I'm just ugly (I can accept that) but I just have the hardest time getting responses. I understand that most women who are at least decent looking are getting bombarded with creeps, but I am never creepy , shoot for girls "in my league" and try not to be too boring and generic. I feel like I should at least get a response even if it's a "sorry I don't think we are a good match" but maybe I'm asking for too much. All I know is that if I get through all the online games crap and finally get a real date, things go well. I just feel like I have to sell my soul just to get to that point.

    It's a strange dynamic where women have the upper hand.
  • RandomA1
    RandomA1 Posts: 19 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    I read on one guys profile "if we meet up and you don't look like your pictures, I am going to drink until you do...and you're going to pick up the tab"
    I had to message him just because that's one of the most awesome things I've ever read on a profile!

    I've seen that in a few guys' profiles but it's still pretty funny.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    edited February 2015
    Oops... cell phone error.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Let's see what I have experienced, in order:

    One gal looked like her profile pictures, which were all from the waistline upward.  She seemed like a nice woman, until I met her.  Even though she had an average upper body, she had the hips and legs of a 400-lbs woman.

    Another met with me and immediately was calling me "Sweetheart".  She was unemployed and way too clingy on the first (and only) date.

    One girl did nothing but rip labels off her beer bottles.

    A nurse in her mid-40s who dressed like a prostitute and loved to gamble at casinos.  In fact, she was almost thrown out of one casino because they thought she was a hooker.

    One woman who showed up to the date covered with insect bites, which she had scratched so much that some had bled.  Her comment was "I must have something in the house."

    One woman who refused to contact me on anything other than the online dating site, even after 4 dates.  After that, I presumed she was married.

    Another woman who collected cats and was unemployed and kept asking me to speak in a British accent.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Butrovich wrote: »
    Let's see what I have experienced, in order:

    One gal looked like her profile pictures, which were all from the waistline upward.  She seemed like a nice woman, until I met her.  Even though she had an average upper body, she had the hips and legs of a 400-lbs woman.

    Another met with me and immediately was calling me "Sweetheart".  She was unemployed and way too clingy on the first (and only) date.

    One girl did nothing but rip labels off her beer bottles.

    A nurse in her mid-40s who dressed like a prostitute and loved to gamble at casinos.  In fact, she was almost thrown out of one casino because they thought she was a hooker.

    One woman who showed up to the date covered with insect bites, which she had scratched so much that some had bled.  Her comment was "I must have something in the house."

    One woman who refused to contact me on anything other than the online dating site, even after 4 dates.  After that, I presumed she was married.

    Another woman who collected cats and was unemployed and kept asking me to speak in a British accent.


    I'm so sorry.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Butrovich wrote: »
    Let's see what I have experienced, in order:

    One gal looked like her profile pictures, which were all from the waistline upward.  She seemed like a nice woman, until I met her.  Even though she had an average upper body, she had the hips and legs of a 400-lbs woman.

    Another met with me and immediately was calling me "Sweetheart".  She was unemployed and way too clingy on the first (and only) date.

    One girl did nothing but rip labels off her beer bottles.

    A nurse in her mid-40s who dressed like a prostitute and loved to gamble at casinos.  In fact, she was almost thrown out of one casino because they thought she was a hooker.

    One woman who showed up to the date covered with insect bites, which she had scratched so much that some had bled.  Her comment was "I must have something in the house."

    One woman who refused to contact me on anything other than the online dating site, even after 4 dates.  After that, I presumed she was married.

    Another woman who collected cats and was unemployed and kept asking me to speak in a British accent.

    What's wrong with collecting cats? LOL J/K!
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
  • RandomA1
    RandomA1 Posts: 19 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    The real weirdos were "kind" enough to let me know they were weirdos before we even swapped email addresses. It was pretty easy to screen out the freaks.

    Screen appears to be the key word here.

    I'm wondering why more of that doesn't take place.

    It seems that potential lovers email back and forth a lot before taking the next step to telephone or face-to-face meeting.

    A minor thing like grammar, spelling and punctuation tells a lot.

    Talking about an ex would also be a red flag.

    Mentioning the pills they take to treat their various psychiatric maladies might be a concern.

    Talking about sex or asking about certain parts of a woman's anatomy before the date would put a fella in the no-thanks-after-all category.

    Talking about sex or asking about certain parts of a woman's anatomy during the date is deserving of a nice-meeting-you-buh-by while you gather your things and walk out the door moment as well.

    Men would act better if women simply wouldn't give them the time of day in response to bad behavior.

    100% correct!!

    -I agree. I've been on first dates with about 10 guys over the past few years (I dated some longer than that though). Maybe I'm really lucky or just screen really well, but none of the guys have been weirdos, just wanting to talk about sex, etc. I haven't had it happen in a while but if the guy started talking about sex or wanting sexy pics, I stopped talking to him immediately.

    -I hate to say it but the kind of pics that a woman has in her profile can also bring unwanted attention sometimes.

    -I guess I'm one of the rare ones but I HAVE had success finding quality guys on POF.

    -And I want to REALLY emphasize the bold part! It's so true. One of my guy friends (who I dated for 2 months before we decided we'd be better as friends) has done the whole online dating thing. He was talking/texting a couple women over the past few months and went on a couple dates with 1 of them. He's basically just been stringing them along. At first he was looking to date but then he became interested in this 3rd woman who lives far away. These other 2 went on the backburner, things didn't work out with the 3rd, and he decided to just focus on work instead of dating after that. They keep reaching out to him and trying so hard to get him to meet up with him. Instead of just telling them that he's not interested, he's been saying rude things to them for his own *kitten* and giggles so that they'll get the hint and leave him alone. It's his fault for playing around but I just want to shake these girls and be like "he's just not into you!!!". Never in a million years would I let a guy treat me like that and continue to talk to him afterwards.
  • blueeyesgrace
    blueeyesgrace Posts: 407 Member
    Oh the entertainment of online dating... I've done it, and actually had a successful relationship that lasted about 8 months. We split on decent terms - just wasn't right for us. The stories, though. Oh my. I'll list the random lines from guys I've received below:

    1. Will you be my sugar momma?
    2. Want to be a third wheel in the relationship?
    3. Can I tie you up and gag you?
    4. Would you like to have an activity partner?
    5. Do you live by yourself? (FIRST line in talking to me)

    Generally, I don't respond to the icebreaker of "Hey how are you?". I took time to fill out a profile and tell you about myself. You can take time to come up with something better to say to me.
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    rjmudlax13 wrote: »
    It's a strange dynamic where women have the upper hand.

    In sex and dating, any woman with 2 brain cells has the upper hand. Supply and demand
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    strozman wrote: »
    rjmudlax13 wrote: »
    It's a strange dynamic where women have the upper hand.

    In sex and dating, any woman with 2 brain cells has the upper hand. Supply and demand

    I've seen women with no brain cells have the upper hand in that department. Which drives me crazy!
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    So let me ask this question. My sister and I were talking about this last night and i wonder if anyone on here has experienced the same thing. She and her girlfirends are getting a lot of guys contacting them about swinging and orgies!! Is this common on the dating sites???!!! This is on

    I was on and OKcupid before I met my boyfriend and I never received one of these messages.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Never met anyone on an on-line dating site. Mainly because, when I was single, there was no such thing.

    I think the only reason they are necessary now is because it's hard to make eye contact with a real live human being when your head is always looking down at a cell phone.

    If you put your cell phone down and log off your computer and go out in the real world, you might be surprised at how many real people are available. To increase your chances of finding someone compatible, just enjoy life and do those things that you enjoy doing. When you meet someone that is engaged in the same activities as you, you've already got one thing in common.

    I know you'll just tag me as some old dinosaur with archaic notions, but I don't care. I found my love. Been together over a quarter of a century and we've still never texted each other.

  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    So let me ask this question. My sister and I were talking about this last night and i wonder if anyone on here has experienced the same thing. She and her girlfirends are getting a lot of guys contacting them about swinging and orgies!! Is this common on the dating sites???!!! This is on

    I was on and OKcupid before I met my boyfriend and I never received one of these messages.

    I never get invited to the parties either
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    There was a guy that looked decent in his profile pic. It was of his facial features only. When I showed up this dude seriously weighed like 400+ pounds. I don't know who his photographer is, but I need to hire that person because they are a miracle worker.

    I remember thinking "Appearance isn't everything, I'll have a couple beers and enjoy the conversation before I leave."

    Then he told me "I wasn't expecting you to show up in clothing that looked like draperies."

    Are you freaking kidding me?

    It's called gauchos and a peasant top (which was in style at the time). At least I didn't have a completely misleading profile pic!

    We had two beers and left.

    Later he texted and texted and texted and I never replied.

    Eventually he was texting "If I did something wrong just tell me!"


    That was funny! I would have been like "Really dude!!!!???"
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    So let me ask this question. My sister and I were talking about this last night and i wonder if anyone on here has experienced the same thing. She and her girlfirends are getting a lot of guys contacting them about swinging and orgies!! Is this common on the dating sites???!!! This is on

    I was on and OKcupid before I met my boyfriend and I never received one of these messages.

    I use Tinder and there are a lot of escorts on there that immediately get unfollowed. I can almost tell a fake profile now. I used to use OKC and I never received any funny messages.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Troutsy wrote: »
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    So let me ask this question. My sister and I were talking about this last night and i wonder if anyone on here has experienced the same thing. She and her girlfirends are getting a lot of guys contacting them about swinging and orgies!! Is this common on the dating sites???!!! This is on

    I was on and OKcupid before I met my boyfriend and I never received one of these messages.

    I use Tinder and there are a lot of escorts on there that immediately get unfollowed. I can almost tell a fake profile now. I used to use OKC and I never received any funny messages.

    I thought that was kinda the target market for tinder...the random hook up? I never was on Tinder so I don't know too much about it.