

  • rachellee1979
    joeboland wrote: »
    Every Friday, after hockey, I order a medium pan pizza, cheesy bread, and cinna stix, and eat my order in its entirety in one sitting while binge-watching whatever the TV show of the week is. It's how I unwind, and considering I've still lost 110lbs and have consistently been recomping my body with this as a part of my routine, nobody's taking it from me.

    Hell yeah, man. :) I'm down over a hundred pounds myself, and I think the fact that I take a break once week from the calculating and the portioning and the choosing an apple over a chocolate bar has been just as crucial to my weight loss (in the mental well-being sense) as the work I put into it the other six days. Also: congratulations on your awesome accomplishment! :)
  • shawmutt
    shawmutt Posts: 74 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm not eating back my exercise calories (or even tracking exercise here). I am supposed to have one cheat meal every six days to account for my three days of running and three days of calisthenics.

    I've earned two so far, and my cheat "meals" actually turn into cheat "days". I'll need to tidy those up if I start plateauing or gaining over the next couple months.

    Oh and I cook some good healthy food for dinner when I'm home, and make sure I log every single ingredient and weigh out the whole dish to make sure I'm eating one serving--but I don't count the stuff I eat while I'm cooking it.

    I mainly just chow down on the veggies, so it's not bad, but I've been known to sneak a teaspoon of brown sugar, coconut oil, or like tonight, mayo--just to make sure it's still good ;-)
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    One of my coworkers took on this "holier than thou" attitude when I went back to eating meat a few months ago after being a vegetarian for a little over six years. She's like that because two or three years back she gave up eating pig and cow meat because "they're just too cute!", while I now eat bacon and some other types of pig and cow in small portions (I'm more of a poultry person anyway).

    The other day we were making small talk and she asked me what my boyfriend and I did the previous night. I told her we went to Applebee's, she asked what we ate so I told her "he had a bacon cheeseburger and I had a BLT". She then proceed to tell me how disappointed she was (by basically saying "I'm so disappointed" several different ways for about 3 minutes total while shaking her head in disapproval). I tried to shrug it off by saying "it's yummy, people will eat however they're satisfied" but she's done stuff like this to me and my other coworker before. It kinda makes me feel self conscious, especially because we're all pretty good friends.

    So today while the shaming coworker wasn't there, me and my other coworker ranted about her and while eating pork roll. I feel slightly guilty about gossiping about a friend, yet liberated
  • bevhillsilly
    bevhillsilly Posts: 48 Member
    I'm having a cosmo right now. I'm not sure if I feel worse b/c of the empty cals or the lame 80's connection... gooooood
  • buh_bye_flab
    buh_bye_flab Posts: 9 Member
    I hide food from my husband so that 1) he doesn't know I'm snacking and not logging and 2)I don't have to share. Totally had egg all over my face the one time he found a half eaten donut shoved under my carseat :/
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    I very rarely eat back the calories burned from exercising. The only time I do is if I want something "bad", such as pizza for dinner.
  • mudmonkeyonwheels
    mudmonkeyonwheels Posts: 426 Member
    On the 3 hour drive home from a weekend away I stopped to buy a cold drink since my A/C is broken. I also convinced myself into buying a large pack of chippies to share with my partner since I had done a lot of mountain biking over the weekend. I ate the entire pack, by myself and even after logging my exercise was way over my calorie goal. Note to self: Do not go into supermarkets when tired!
  • halexgsd
    halexgsd Posts: 3 Member
    I've been off the bandwagon since October of last year. I have no idea how much weight I've gained but I'm gonna find out when the scale I ordered gets in tomorrow. The good news is that I'm working from home for the first time in my life and I'm using this drastic change as a way to shake things up and start forming good habits before the bad habits take hold. The only junk food that I get is stuff that makes it into the house so I'm trying to limit that as much as possible until I have better self control. Going to set up a small home gym, but in the mean time it's walks and going to the community center to swim laps, then I'll start adding in more exercises as I get more equipment at home (at the very least I need a floor pad).

    Anywho, I've been bad. Really bad. But today has been great, so here's hoping tomorrow will be great too.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I never log my exercise calories. It's because I usually do yoga and weight lifting, which aren't big calorie burners. I do log my formal yoga class once a week - because it kicks my butt.

  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I have a love/hate relationship with food ever since I started calorie counting. I hate that I love to eat food, think about food, etc. I wish I didnt get hungry/eat out of stress.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    On the 3 hour drive home from a weekend away I stopped to buy a cold drink since my A/C is broken. I also convinced myself into buying a large pack of chippies to share with my partner since I had done a lot of mountain biking over the weekend. I ate the entire pack, by myself and even after logging my exercise was way over my calorie goal. Note to self: Do not go into supermarkets when tired!

    I try to avoid going into gas stations because they are one of my weak spots. They always have giant candy bars and candy varieties that you don't see in other stores. Plus pumpkin seeds and Hostess cupcakes. Abd Coke to wash it all down. It's best for me to just not go in at all.

  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sometimes, even though I know exactly what I need to do in order to lose weight and even though I know with fair accuracy my TDEE and what is a healthy and sustainable deficit for me, I still wish I could starve myself skinny or find that magic fix, even though I know there isn't one.

    I don't mind the calorie counting. I don't mind the exercise (I'm not gonna lie, I actively enjoy it). I just want results more quickly than I know is realistic. And I don't want to give up my vices, even when I know I'm actively standing in my own way by indulging in them. I don't care ^.^ you will pry my whiskey and my beer and my other indulges out of my cold, dead hands. My cold, dead, fatter-than-they-would-otherwise-be hands.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    sareesad wrote: »
    I equate feelings of fullness with feeling happy.

    I had never realised that this is what made me 100lbs overweight. I use food as a crutch.

    Going on a diet has made me evil tempered with my family as I can't self medicate with food.

    None of this makes me unique or special but I didn't realise the extent to which it affects me and I'm a bit sad about it.

    I don't know whether therapy might help. there's a woman near here who specialises in weight management therapy but I always seem to have something better to spend my money on.

    What's better than your mental health and happiness?
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Confession: I get really really excited when I poop before breakfast.

    LMAO! Me, too! I can count on one hand the number of times I've gotten to weigh myself "empty". I'm a 10 AM pooper, lol. True story.
  • htyler77
    htyler77 Posts: 4 Member
    I generally eat whatever I feel like, but in small portions so I don't "run out" of calories. That way I can follow through on my cravings. I ate a one digiorno's pizza for dinner last night and breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. Weird or not? Also, today I bought a dark chocolate bar, ate two small sections, and then left it in my car (in 10 degree weather.) Now I am definitely not interested in going out to get more.
  • InvaderGashloog
    InvaderGashloog Posts: 76 Member
    I despise scales, I never weigh myself unless I'm forced to go to the doctors. It makes me feel too pressured if I weigh myself daily, weekly, or whatever. The thing is, I never know my true weight because I have a habit of eating and drinking in the morning before I go to the doctors and I also wear these heavy combat boots 75% of the year.

    Also, I hoard food. I can't have just one pack, box, tea, etc of something I like, I have to have 10 stored away in case I never see it again in stores. But I went through liking something a lot many times and having it discontinued, so that may be why I do that. I've been scarred by the food people.

    One last thing. When I used to binge and purge (I'm passed that point in my life, thankfully) and get mad I did such, I stay up really late at night and wait for everyone to sleep, so I can pack up the remaining junk food in the house, take it outside to the fire pit and burn it.

  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    eapple87 wrote: »
    I have my favourite pizza place as a contact in my phone and they know I like it thin crust, well done, and with paper plates.

    I have several different pizza places in my phone.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I made a delicious eggplant, zucchini and lentil curry for lunches. Then I couldn't cope with it being vegetarian and added chicken.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    I enjoy doing this alone in my room regularly... and by regularly I mean everyday!

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I can't keep butter in the house. I eat it.

    Like on its own?

    Yes :/ I love the way it tastes.

    Well then....I do not even think I could do that.....

    I do eat some weird stuff though, one of my favorites is peanut butter and tomato sandwiches

    Or I will make that a whole breakfast by adding bacon, mayo, cucumber and an egg to the PB and tomato....

    Another thing, I eat my roast/steak VERY rare, like blue if I can get it that way.....and even though I have not done it in decades as I know now it is dangerous, when I was a kid, if we had any kind of beef thawing for dinner, I would save the blood from the package and mix it into plain oatmeal and eat it the next day :o
    Soooo...your confession is, you're a vampire?..with cholesterol problems