What is the worst thing about being fat?



  • Revcminor
    Photos for sure. I hate seeing how fat my face looks...and my arms in sleeveless tops.
  • THEMBE93
    THEMBE93 Posts: 15 Member
    stretch marks, chaffing, dressing rooms , having to pick up clothes with x in the front of the size, lack of confidence when taking pictures or doing any sort of movement because you worry what people will think. doubting yourself in things that don't even have anything to do with your weight. It's a mental game
  • mo2go
    mo2go Posts: 29 Member
    Not being noticed. Feeling heavy and huffing and puffing my way through the day.

    Tinker_and_bash - Sudocreme (spelt badly) but this works wonders. Sold most places but in Boots it will be near the baby section. Protects the skin and helps it mend.
  • Reamellie
    Reamellie Posts: 6 Member
    I am 22 and weigh 268. I try to be active. I run. I do body weight exercises. I love my body. I don't care about looking fat in pictures. I don't care about people calling me a whale on a daily basis.

    I care about people assuming they know what I eat and what i do because of my size.

    "Go shove more cheeseburgers in your mouth, fatty."
    Yeah, well. I won't do that because I'm a vegetarian.

    "You're a lazy fat slob"
    I try to work out five times a week so... No.

    Its just atitating.
  • Reamellie
    Reamellie Posts: 6 Member
    LizN63 wrote: »
    Having your three year old tell you that you have a fat tummy.
    Kids say it as it is.

    They do. My son (aged 3) asked if I had a baby in my tummy, because it was 'quite big'. Now living in dread of him saying it to someone else!
    Yes!! Lol
    One of my students last year had the biggest smile on her face as she said, "ms. Terra, you so fat."

    She didn't mean anything by it but... Ouch lol

  • KeepTheFaith9
    KeepTheFaith9 Posts: 80 Member
    For years:

    I had to ask for a seatbelt extension on flights.

    Couldn't go on many rides when I took my kids to Disney/Universal because I was too fat.

    Stopped going to the beach or in the pool unless I was only with immediate family.

    Couldn't wear a tucked-in shirt.

    And many more.

    All reasons why I feel motivated to keep it off.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    I guess the absolute worst thing is the premature death attached. Having children, not knowing if you'll live to see them grow up. Remembering my grandmother telling me, "You're digging your grave with your teeth."

    Beyond that, never getting to be what/who you want to be. Never knowing how that feels.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    When your body starts letting you know that there is genuinely something starting to go downhill with your health.
  • xtinkabellax
    cmeher527 wrote: »
    I try to remember these words: "Losing weight is hard...being fat is hard...pick your hard"
    I love this!
    Great words..
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,474 Member
    gut pushing my leg away when trying to cut my toenails.

    that was the first time I really noticed how fat I was getting.
  • Makterbro
    Makterbro Posts: 101 Member
    Hating Pictures
    Feeling slugish all the time
    Not being able to do fun things because of my weight
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    Not being comfortable in my own skin and having pictures of everyone else but myself.
  • str1ne
    str1ne Posts: 69 Member
    I looked around in my mid 40's and realized there were very few people my size that were retiring, they had usually died before retirement age. I didn't want that.
  • McEneny
    McEneny Posts: 23 Member
    Feeling like you are letting yourself down because you are not as healthy as you can be.

    Which includes feeling sluggish, hating to take pictures, and avoiding doing stuff where you will really "show off" how out of shape you are.
  • MsBeverleyH
    MsBeverleyH Posts: 99 Member
    All of the above. Plus,

    This just happened to me. Was a real treat:
    At lunch, coworkers and I were discussing my potential allergy to dairy, what my next steps should be about it, etc, then someone who clearly hadn't been paying any attention pipes up saying "if you just go to the gym..."

    I'm so glad that I wouldn't be "allergic to dairy" if I just "went to the gym".
    (Luckily for me, everyone else was quick to defend saying that I do in fact work out every day, that I eat healthy, etc.)
  • mjsmamma
    mjsmamma Posts: 137 Member
    cmeher527 wrote: »
    I try to remember these words: "Losing weight is hard...being fat is hard...pick your hard"

    Love. This. Quote.

    I had been thin growing up (manic exerciser), got fat (got married), got thin (x-said I wasn't worth getting marriage counseling and no one would want me), broke my leg overtraining and got fat, now losing again.

    Being thin is hard. It is hard work. Every day. But being fat is harder. Since I experienced both, it's amazing how different the world treats you; walking into a clothing store thin? Instant help. Walking into same store fat? I must be invisible. I hated that EVERY part of my body got fat. I still look at the skinny clothes I saved and remember how I felt in them. Photos. Ugh. My goal is to lose and keep it off for my daughter's HS graduation (2017) so I can look proud of her AND proud of me in the pics.

    What scared me is that I will be 50 January 2016. I don't want to be fat AND old! I can't do anything about the old but I CAN do something about the fat.

    I am so happy I listened to whatever positive inner voice I heard, and that I ignored the negative inner voice.

    I sincerely wish each and every one of us the power to believe ourselves worthy of taking care of ourselves. And the power to do something to prove it. My beau said something to me; "tell your mind to get out of your bodys' way."

    Try it. Tell your brain to shut up. And let your body do what it knows it can do. I will do it if you will! {{hugs}}
  • LisaMcDonald86
    LisaMcDonald86 Posts: 33 Member
    I also have a list:

    - The way I look in photos.
    - Clothes not fitting properly.
    - Lack of energy when I get home from work.
    - I have whiplash from a recent accident and I think if I was smaller I wouldn't be in so much pain.
    - Not being able to touch my toes.
    - the way I feel about myself.
    - ETC....
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Vailara wrote: »
    Knowing that you're being judged. Knowing that people are watching what you eat. Knowing that people think you're lazy, lacking in self-control, a burden on society, etc.

    ^^ So much this!

    Also, just size-ism in general. I have been extremely thin (height of past EDs), healthy weight, overweight, and obese. The judgments from others can be very hard to hear and ignore.

    Now that I'm back into a healthy weight range, I find the size-ism to be almost just as bad as when I was overweight and obese. Before, it was the disgust look, now it's the stink eye. Of course, I don't know why, but I cared when I got the disgust look, but don't care as much if it's the stink eye.

  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    Missing out on swimming with my son when he was a little boy, because I felt too fat and ashamed of my body. Thought everyone is watching and judging. Bleh! Will never have that time back.
  • richardositosanchez
    Getting tired easily, finding clothes that fit....