Unexpected results of weight loss



  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    So glad this thread keeps getting bumped. Keep them coming!
  • CObluegrass
    CObluegrass Posts: 61 Member
    no more cracked heels! I didn't realize until after I'd lost the weight that most of my cracked heel problem was weight-related. Turns out, all that pressure has to give somewhere and no amount of heel cream or pedicures were going to solve that.
  • daynation
    daynation Posts: 32 Member
  • aquamarina_182
    aquamarina_182 Posts: 119 Member
    I have spent the last hour reading all these posts. As many others have mentioned before me, they are all awesome and I am so happy for all of you! Thank you for sharing your stories :) I have recently started my journey and this thread has been inspiring.
  • jrwac77
    jrwac77 Posts: 9 Member
    I went from 247lbs to as low as 153lbs (bulking back up and 161 right now). I felt many of the this that people have mentioned on this thread but the most surprising was shoe size. My shoe size shrunk almost 2 sizes with the weight loss.

    To this day I still struggle with the "look" aspect. I'm building nice muscle mass but still see myself as the fat person I once was.
  • tess453
    tess453 Posts: 121 Member
    What a great topic! Roll on no rubbing thighs! Feeling inspired, great to hear all the benefits I WILL have this year :smile:
  • shezza4mobee
    shezza4mobee Posts: 250 Member
    I'm 35 lbs down and still a good chunk away from that goal, but already I'm finding unexpected blessings:
    - no more heartburn since Oct 1st, 2014. Hello savings in pills!
    - no more digging in bra lines, my bras fit nicely and don't hurt
    - able to make it to my 3rd floor apartment without feeling like I'm gonna die in front of the front doo
    - rings are looser on my fingers already....

    so imagine how much more is in store over the next 100 lbs!
  • shezza4mobee
    shezza4mobee Posts: 250 Member

    - my knee high boots finally zipping closed with knee high socks and blue jeans tucked into them


    and that one too!! :) In fact someone said "Cute outfit and boots" today and I was like "me?"
  • many_splendored
    many_splendored Posts: 113 Member
    Feeling my collarbones and ribs.
  • loisbristol1958
    loisbristol1958 Posts: 1 Member
    Was wondering (just for fun) what everyone's weight loss 'surprises' were - I mean, we all know we're going to finish looking awesome, fitter, and having to buy a new wardrobe of clothes :-) but what were the results of weight loss you didn't realise..?

    I've still a little way to go but doing well - my two were:

    - I didn't realise how long it would take my brain to catch up with my weight loss, e.g. for months in clothes shops I'd still pick up my old sizes (three sizes too big) to the changing rooms, then cause chaos with the shop staff having to swap them for me... Part of me still thinks that I haven't actually lost weight and the shops have just changed their sizing labels!

    - I also didn't realise how bony my knees would get! They look fine but I sleep on my side and have to put some of the quilt between them because it freaks me out when I can feel the knee joints against each other!

    Any others?!

    You will find that you don't have to turn sideways to fit the a narrow space!!!
  • Dont need to say anything at this point in time, since everyone here have covered everything that i would have said. Every day i find new things that surprise me about the new weight . I still have a ways to go, but am enjoying the trip, none the less. I wish everyone the best on their journey. Life should be taken with humor , enjoy all there is to enjoy, and take one day at a time.
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    I love to buy smaller underwear!! I never thought Id have some many pair!
    I love my Husband calling me the "Incredible Shrinking Women"
    I love buying smaller sized shoes! MY FEET LOST WEIGHT!!!
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    I'll be so happy to see my collar bones again. Still have 100 pounds to go. I found an old photo of mt HS grad party. Its hard to believe I was that thin over half my life! Now, I use that photo to remind me. Cheers to everyone and I hope to join you soon :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I have trouble parting with my clothes, yesterday i finally decided to let go of a straight skirt that has about 5 or 6 inches around it to spare( I actually was going to pin it up and wear it, what is that about??)

    Fear that if you get rid of something, you'll gain the weight back and have nothing to wear?
    It's taken me forever to feel like I'm not going to go back up, and it's ok to start getting rid of some stuff.
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    I am cold ALL the time. Im not even at goal and wonder if its gonna get worse i hate being cold, but rather be weighing less. I have trouble parting with my clothes, yesterday i finally decided to let go of a straight skirt that has about 5 or 6 inches around it to spare( I actually was going to pin it up and wear it, what is that about??) I keep bumping into things Im used to taking up more space. I keep staring at my neck, shoulders and collar bones, fingers and wrist bones - I have never seen them as an adult. I keep fighting the urge to cross my legs (which I never could do) now I remind myself go ahead girl cross them legs, haha.

    I hear you on feeling cold all the time. Or if not feeling cold, I certainly get colder quicker. The flipside of that is that I find heat so much easier to tolerate. I used to have a fan in my bedroom at all times, even during the winter. Now I still have a fan but use it for the white noise it generates. I have to aim it at the ceiling.
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