February Running Challenge



  • Beaches1960
    Beaches1960 Posts: 15 Member
    2/7 - 2.5 miles
    2/8 - rest
    2/9 - 3.0 miles
    2/10 - 2.5 miles

    total 8 miles
    goal 30 miles

    This is my first challenge.. Trying to do the c25k.. Not much of a runner as have had two ACL surgeries but I needed some goals as I use a treadmill.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am in for 70

  • knlaurence
    knlaurence Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in for 50!
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    @terricherry2 Nice- you know you're ready for more when you can increase both pace and distance and still feel great!

    @jessupbrady I was surprised at how quickly we acclimate to the cooler temps. Last fall I thought 30°F was freezing but today 28°F felt nice. It might take you longer coming from somewhere warm like the dessert, but you can do this!

    @skippygirlsmom Doing extra PT so you can run again sooner :smiley: and walking??? Really who does that?

    _Date___ Miles
    Feb 1 ___17.3 __long first run to start February off right
    Feb 2 ___ 3.5 __8°F another snowstorm
    Feb 3 ___ 5.2 __5°F
    Feb 4 ___ 3.1 __24:41 no where near a record but happy with it just the same.
    Feb 5 ___ 1.4 __streak high winds and snow
    Feb 6 ___ 3.1 __
    Feb 7 ___ 6.2 __ snowing again
    Feb 8 ___ 11.4 __12°F & more snow
    Feb 9 ___ 3.5 __ even more snow
    Feb 10 __ 8.1 __28°F here's that heat wave Lonewolfrunner promised

    Month total= 62.8miles __87.2remaining


    Current Streak: 170days = 1083.6miles
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Run, girly, run!
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    This is where I got to do some speed work today :)

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    fabnine wrote: »
    @autumnblade75 - 1/4 of the way through the month and almost 1/4 of the way through your elevation- you're really working to pull this off. I'm rooting for you- keep it up!

    I feel bad to let you down. I did something to my ankle and I'm going to take some time off to let that heal. I have a race at the end of March, and I hope I'll get to do some training for that - so I'd better back off now, instead of just pushing though and really screwing it up. I'll have to do some more hill workouts when I come back.

    Seriously, every time I get up to more than 12 miles per week, I injure myself. After 4 years, you'd think I could build up to more than 12 miles, right? C'mon! This is ridiculous. So, when I start back from scratch, what's 10% of 0, so I go slow enough adding on the miles? I hate that I'm having such a hard time with this.
  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lesleycali wrote: »
    This is where I got to do some speed work today :)

  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    2/1, 3 miles, treadmill
    2/2, 4.34 miles, treadmill
    2/3, XT - Zumba
    2/4, 3 miles, treadmill (&Zumba)
    2/5, 4.34 miles, treadmill (&Zumba)
    2/9, 5.78 miles, treadmill (&Zumba)
    2/10, 3.5 miles, treadmill (&Zumba)

    23.96 total; 100 goal


  • bsalrye
    bsalrye Posts: 15 Member
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    edited February 2015
    fabnine wrote: »
    @autumnblade75 - 1/4 of the way through the month and almost 1/4 of the way through your elevation- you're really working to pull this off. I'm rooting for you- keep it up!

    I feel bad to let you down. I did something to my ankle and I'm going to take some time off to let that heal. I have a race at the end of March, and I hope I'll get to do some training for that - so I'd better back off now, instead of just pushing though and really screwing it up. I'll have to do some more hill workouts when I come back.

    Seriously, every time I get up to more than 12 miles per week, I injure myself. After 4 years, you'd think I could build up to more than 12 miles, right? C'mon! This is ridiculous. So, when I start back from scratch, what's 10% of 0, so I go slow enough adding on the miles? I hate that I'm having such a hard time with this.
    @autumnblade75 - You sound so discouraged. Don't let this get to you- you're going to beat it!

    You're not disappointing anyone when you can't reach a goal here. Well maybe yourself, but we are always our own worst critics aren't we? You've been here a whole lot longer than I have so you already know our goals here just challenge ourselves to push beyond what we believed possible. When we see others reach and even surpass a goal we know what we can strive towards and perhaps one day accomplish. When we see others fall short of a goal we remember that we're all human and learn the value of perseverance together. Every month we see someone here say, "I didn't make my goal last month but this month I've got it for sure."

    This time you've got this for sure! You're so ready for success, you've already got a plan for more hill workouts when you come back.

    If you're being dogged by injuries so often have you considered increasing your strength and flexibility training to improve your overall conditioning? Our bodies are a complex machine that is so vulnerable to the weakest link in the chain. Look at all the injuries runners are prone to and so many of them are prevented or corrected by Physical Therapy. Now I don't know your routine, maybe you're already strong and flexible. Maybe you just caught a string of bad luck, if that's the case hold your head high and keep running it will pass.

    Rest your ankle, strengthen your muscles and strengthen your mind. You know how much of running is mental. You can do this! I know you can, besides someone's got to beat your brother in those treadmill challenges.
  • I'll try for 30 miles. I'm starting late (Monday 2.6 miles) so we'll see how this goes. I'm also doing Insanity Max 30, 5 days a week so that takes up a bit if time too. I'm not much of a runner anymore (a few years ago I was averaging 25 Miles a week).
  • madube84
    madube84 Posts: 135 Member

    2/1 –
    2/2 – 1 mile
    2/3 –
    2/4 – 1 mile
    2/5 -
    2/6 -
    2/7 -1 mile
    2/8 – 3.1 miles
    2/9 - .5 miles
    2/10 – 2.2 miles

    Goal: 30 miles
    Completed: 8.8 miles
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    If I run 3 more days before Friday pain free I can run 3 miles starting on Saturday :-) My injury is pain free but my hamstrings are talking to me. I'm in love with my foam roller the past 2 days. I'm actually running 2.14 (to be exact lol) PT said 2 and no more when I told him I ran 2.14 he said what happened to 2 and no more I said well I had to get back down the street to my house. He said did you consider walking? I just looked at him and said "honestly that thought never crossed my mind". He's a big time runner so he just laughed and said okay only 2 days of PT this week because I KNOW you'll do your exercises at home. He has a new guy working with him and said "I love runners you know they will do their exercises you never have to get on them." Then he looked at me and said "Kathie how many sets of clam shells are you supposed to do" I said "2 sets of 10", he said how many are you doing "I smiled and said 3 sets of 10". He just smiled and said "I rest my case".
    @skippygirlsmom‌ - Love this!
    @ShortMrsN‌ - welcome back! Good to see you back running with us!
    @Lesleycali‌ - beautiful picture!
    @autumnblade75‌ - take care of that ankle and check back in when you are ready to get going again, maybe someone here will have some suggestions to get you past that 12 miles!
    @fabnine‌ - I looked for the nests today. There are 2 and there were herons sitting but I could not get a decent picture with my phone. I will need to walk ( really who does that? :smiley:) up with my camera with the telephoto to get a shot of them. I did see lots of egrets, geese and ducks today though. This is one of the smaller flocks (gaggles) of geese on the river. Soon there will be lots of goslings on the river!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    02/01.... 4.60....... 4.60 - Trail run with hill repeats
    02/02.... 5.75......10.35
    02/03.... 0.00......10.35 - Strength training
    02/04.... 6.00......16.35 - Sore from ^ so 6 miles easy
    02/05.... 3.92......20.27 - Intervals + Strength training
    02/06.... 9.14......29.41 - Long run for the week
    02/07.... 0.00......29.41 - Rest
    02/08.... 2.06......31.47 - Dog Beach!
    02/09.... 5.53......37.00
    02/10.... 6.64......43.64 - + Strength training


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Feb 1 - 27 mile bike ride.
    Feb 2 - 3 miles
    Feb 3 - strength training
    Feb 4 - 4 miles -
    Feb 5 - rest
    Feb 6 - 3.3 + strength training
    Feb 7 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 8 - sore from biking, so only did a 5 mile walk, not on ticker
    Feb 9 - 4 miles!
    Feb 10 - Strength training
    Feb 11 - 4.5 miles

    This morning was so great! I was running and it seemed like mile 3 was never ending. I started thinking “what the heck, am I just really tired today? Did I not eat enough yesterday? am I getting sick? can I do this?” and I thought of all of you on here and I kept going. Then all of a sudden my Endomondo app said “4 miles !”. So I must have spaced out on the mile 3 announcement! I was so excited and ran the 1/2 mile home. I had been in a rut of running the same way through my neighborhood but this morning I decided to run in this one section of the neighborhood that I never go through, just to mix it up. I don’t like that section because there are woods on one side and there are bears and who knows what else, but today I felt brave.

    Of course, because I had run longer than I realized I had to rush like crazy to get ready for school. I refuse to skip my foam roller and stretching, so that adds on to my time. I want to get to 5 miles in the mornings I run but I don't know how I can push my alarm clock back any earlier. It's 4:15 now.

  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    2/1 - 3 miles
    2/3 - 3 miles
    2/4 - 2.7 miles (tempo run)
    2/5 - 3 miles
    2/7 - 6 miles
    2/8 - 3 miles
    2/11 - 5 miles (speedwork)

  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    Feb 1--- 5 miles
    Feb 2--- REST DAY
    Feb 3--- 7 miles
    Feb 4--- 6 miles
    Feb 5--- 6 miles
    Feb 6--- 6 miles
    Feb 7--- 14 miles
    Feb 8--- 5 miles
    Feb 9--- REST DAY
    Feb 10--- 7 miles

    Total: 56
    Goal: 170
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Lesleycali wrote: »
    This is where I got to do some speed work today :)



  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    Lesleycali wrote: »
    This is where I got to do some speed work today :)



    Me too.