30 Day Shred - Start: May 9th



  • maryff
    maryff Posts: 10 Member
    The AC at my house isn't working, so the last thing I wanted to do was this DVD. Knowing I'd have to come here and report in made me do it. It's sad how out of shape I've gotten. I knew I was in trouble when my legs were shaking during the first set of punches. But I can't wait to see how much better I feel at the end of the 30 days.

    Now I'm going to curl up in the floor in front of a fan :bigsmile: I'll post measurements in the morning.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 1, Level 1... done! Alternated between 3 & 5 lb weights.

    The results are in... I lost 11.2 lbs and 16 inches in total doing Round 1 of the 30 Day Shred (with 3 lb weights)!! :drinker:
    Neck: 1"
    Upper Chest: 3"
    Chest: 1.5"
    Arm (L): 0.5"
    Upper Waist: 2"
    Waist: 4.5"
    Hips: 2.25"
    Thigh (L): 1.25"
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    Those lateral raises tho. Mother of god. My arms are now noodles.

    There goes Day 1 then. I'm so very out of shape and I'll post my pathetic measurements in the morning l0l. For now I'm off to finish 15 assignments at once and slurp up a pot of caffeine. YAY
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Day 2 Level 1 Complete

    Man alive those Bicycle Crunches are a killer after 15 mins of the work out.

    Roll on tomorrow morning. Day 3 here we come.
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    Didn't do Day 3 got a surprise (TOM) wasn't expecting that until next week so I'll be back on track today. I just felt very blergggggggggggggggggggg and cramping. Never mind.... no excuses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Level 1 Day 1: Done

    I'd forgotten about the push-ups and shoulder raises. I definately need to work my upper body some more.
  • trying2getslim
    I am so in !!! I am starting a day late , but I guess it's better late than never .... hahaha Good Luck everybody :)

    Add me as a friend
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    The AC at my house isn't working, so the last thing I wanted to do was this DVD. Knowing I'd have to come here and report in made me do it.
    maryff... I know! I'm dreading the warmer weather, cause the AC barely reaches my side of the house. And if I close the door, I have no hope at all of getting cool air. I used to work out in front of an oscillating fan, which was really nice until it broke. You might like to try that if you can pull your fan over.

    SassyT3... Amazing freaking losses!!! :drinker:
    There goes Day 1 then. I'm so very out of shape and I'll post my pathetic measurements in the morning l0l. For now I'm off to finish 15 assignments at once and slurp up a pot of caffeine. YAY
    Adelphia (and maryff)... I remember telling myself all through D1 yesterday that there's nothing like returning to the Shred to make you feel out of shape. :laugh:
    Man alive those Bicycle Crunches are a killer after 15 mins of the work out.
    smessom... Sweet job! I remember the bicycle crunches were KILLER for me the first time through. I couldn't even do them all to the end of the set until close to the end of L1! Give it all you got!
    Didn't do Day 3 got a surprise (TOM) wasn't expecting that until next week so I'll be back on track today. I just felt very blergggggggggggggggggggg and cramping. Never mind.... no excuses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    smtraxx... Hey! It's ok. If your cramps are as bad as mine, you would be down for the count. I totally understand. :grumble:

    CricketKate... When I started it, I'm like, "I hope this is the level with the push ups." :laugh: I want more shoulder moves. I feel like my lower shoulder gets a workout, but my upper shoulders/neck is wimping out now. I gotta find some extra moves!

    trying2getslim... GOOD LUCK!! :bigsmile:
  • maryff
    maryff Posts: 10 Member
    Day 2 is done. My calves are what are killing me. I think it's the jumping jacks and jump rope.

    How is everyone counting it? I put it in as general aerobics but I'm not sure that's right since it's a hybrid of cardio and strength. I just don't want to be overestimating the calories burned.
  • Macmommac
    Macmommac Posts: 14
    As I walked (shuffled) to my desk this morning I am mentally trying to tell my legs to stop shaking with each step...

    Day 1, Level 1 done! Whew. It's hard but it's going to be worth it in the end!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    It's going to take me a while to get everyone's names.

    Macmommac, The first time I did the Shred, I couldn't go up and down stairs for 3 days.

    Maryff, I think that most people log it under circuit training. I have a hrm and I think that my #'s were pretty close to mfp's circuit training #'s.

    Good Job, to everyone else! I didn't have time to read all of the posts. Stick with it, the first 3 days are definately the worst!
  • miasmom33
    miasmom33 Posts: 12
    Perfect! I was looking for a group to join. Just started mine yesterday and signed up on here as well. I'm excited and so pumped by all the encouragement here! I have to say I don't know if I'm as brave as so many of you to post my before pics though..lol. I feel so disgusting!!
  • miasmom33
    miasmom33 Posts: 12
    Haha! Same here! I can barely bend over to pick up my dogs food bowl ...kills but it's a good feeling as well. ;)
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    My plan over the weekend has been to refocus, redirect, and restart my journey to a healthier self! I had done the 30 DS earlier this year, got to about day 23, then got "distracted" with family stuff - NO EXCUSE, just an explanation! Anyway, I couldn't WAIT to get started again, and when I saw this post I KNEW I would join in and get it going with Jillian!

    Well, yesterday I got home from work, and my son presented me with a late birthday gift - Zumba Fitness for the Wii!!!!! Well, I just HAD to do that... toooooo!!!!

    I'm a super fatty, super weakling, 5'3" (almost anyway!) and 200 lbs. I can follow dance moves pretty well, but decided to start with the tutorials first. I got throug ALL of the varitions in the Calypso style - I took my time in practicing each one, especially when I hit the "sped up, real time" portion - it took me about 20 minutes, and when I was done I was dripping wet, I was a bit worn, but man I had a blast!

    After that I did Day 1 Level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I was surpised to find I kept up much better than I did the "very first time" I did this workout, and it felt so good to be working out again! I plan to be back at it tonight and every night - 20 minutes of Zumba Wii, foilowed by 30 DS.... look for my weight loss, coming soon!!!


  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Well day 2 went much better. Feeling it in areas that i want to work , so that is a big plus. Still feeling it when i first stand or go to sit down . i was also able to get Ab Jam in from turbo jam.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    what size weights are you all using? i think my 5 pounds are heavy for some of the exercises.
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    I think the muscle that it's getting the most work out for me is my PELVIC FLOOR or lack there of muscle. It might be TMI for some but I had to pee like 3 times during the workout. I know you shouldn't stop the workout but when you gotta go you gotta go. I just thank god I'm doing this at home and not some gym where people would be thinking I was slacking. I pressed pause each time but I did and extra 2 minutes of cardio before the warm down to compensate. Any body got any tips for when we are doing the jumping jacks and rope, cos that's when it all starts to you know ;-)

  • spoiltrotten1
    I just started today... Am I still good to join? I just found my video and decided to start doing it today... and after I have done it I have noticed the group! Must be fate!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Wednesday 11th May. Bright and sunny but cold in Sydney. Up early to fit everything in too my busy day. Lovely having all you newbies. It is tough but worth it. The first time I couldn't do the jump rope hurt my knees too much, so I would jog on the spot, but pleased to say this time I'm managing jump rope. I tried day 1 of C25K last night on treadmill. Will try and keep that up. Today I have a zumba class (in 2 hours). Its going to kill today. Have a happy healthy day everyone.

    Day 3 Level 1 tick
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    I just finished doing D3 of L2 - boy it is hard!! I have a love/hate relationship with all those plank exercises but just keep thinking that I am working my whole body at once and it will pay off...I hope!

    Iceskatefanrn: Thanks for the review of the zumba for wii - do you like it?? How do you feel that it compares to a real zumba class? I love going to classes but it's tough to work into my schedule...might have to add that game to my "wish list"

    I saw on the message boards that a lot of people track the calories burned as "circuit general" but I'm sure (as usual) the best thing would be to use a HRM. I don't have one and have been putting it in as circuit.

    Good work everyone - go team!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    smtraxx - me too so glad Im home and I run to the loo and back

    spoiltrotten - welcome nice having you with us

    skinnylizzy - tthe first time I di this tried level 2 for a couple of days but had to go back to level 1. So good on you for doing it. i really hope to manage level 2 this time. But already i notice I have improved on level 1 this round.