
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Confession, I just saw my favorite snack food in the vending machine here at work and I am sooo tempted right now to go buy it and eat it. Talk me down!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Okay I read through and now it's time for me to 'fess up.

    My hubby works at a chinese restaurant and gets a free meal with every shift, some of which he doesn't eat and brings home to me. Sometimes I've already eaten dinner and I will still accept and devour the whole thing.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    After reading about the commando go-ers at the gym....I tried it! And, drum roll, no panty lines, no bunching, consider me converted!

    Is there .. pulling? I ... er... keep it short (TMI sorry) but would there still not be tugging?


    ETA: No judgement.

    How I think it would go if you used it:

    Confession: this made me laugh while eating and I almost choked on a cucumber.
  • Tea_Mistress
    Tea_Mistress Posts: 105 Member
    I've been licking stock cubes because I love the salty taste xD
  • roxannecarriere
    roxannecarriere Posts: 30 Member
    karyabc wrote: »
    :D this is the funniest post ever LMAO! already spill my coffee reading some of this

    I know right??? Best thread I've read in a long time! :sweat_smile:
  • c_leeee
    c_leeee Posts: 144 Member
    megsb1991 wrote: »
    megsb1991 wrote: »
    I stand on the scales completely and utterly starkers. You never know, my clothing could be suppperrr heavy. I also once tried to tye my hair up to see if it made a difference....

    Same here.. right out of bed, after using the bathroom, no clothes, before eating or drinking anything.

    Abso-fricking-lutely! If I've forgotten and have my morning coffee/eat some fruit/put on my work clothes already/get out the shower with wet hair (water counts as weight), then I skip that days weigh-in till the next day!

    I am SO glad that's I'm not the only one! Heck no I'm not weighing after my shower!! I may have absorbed water into my skin and this home girl is not going to have extra water weighing her down!
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I wish we had cliffnotes to some of these very long comments. If it's more then three sentences, I sort of lose interest. :neutral_face:
  • clairebelle222
    clairebelle222 Posts: 17 Member
    So if i know i will be drinking, i usually give half of my calories for the day to red wine and eat veggies and chicken breast so that i can drink without feeling guilty
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    So if i know i will be drinking, i usually give half of my calories for the day to red wine and eat veggies and chicken breast so that i can drink without feeling guilty

    It's sad that I never feel guilty for drinking, no matter how much. My guilt comes from eating, even when it's very little. :#
  • selena_teresa
    selena_teresa Posts: 110 Member
    After reading about the commando go-ers at the gym....I tried it! And, drum roll, no panty lines, no bunching, consider me converted!

    Is there .. pulling? I ... er... keep it short (TMI sorry) but would there still not be tugging?


    ETA: No judgement.

    How I think it would go if you used it:

    Confession: this made me laugh while eating and I almost choked on a cucumber.

    YAY I made you laugh!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I am really bad at calorie restriction if it's not extreme. Any time I cut calories I end up below 800 for the day. I know it's bad, but I can't help it. So at night I stare at the number wondering what to eat to get it above 1000 at least.

    So what you can do is eat at that really low number 2 days a week, then eat at maintenance the other 5.
  • mhecht32
    mhecht32 Posts: 360 Member
    After reading about the commando go-ers at the gym....I tried it! And, drum roll, no panty lines, no bunching, consider me converted!

    RIGHT?!? No pulling wedgies after you run!

    I confess that I buy bags chocolate chips with intents to make cookies. Will open a said bag and say, " I'll just have a few to cut the sugar crave", and then have, in general, consumed all chocolate chips in secret over a matter of days. I hide them in my spice cupboard, and so my husband never knows there is chocolate around. I also have been caught eating the chips, and instead of saying I was eating chocolate chips, told him they were grapes and shoved what was in my hand in my mouth so he couldn't see.
  • mhecht32
    mhecht32 Posts: 360 Member
    Also- I have taken to chewing gum like a ceasing smoker because it's the only way I can keep myself from eating food ALL day long. I will go through a full pack of gum in around a day and 1/2.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    On New Year's Eve 2011, I decided to stop drinking "for a while."

    4 months in, I said "Let's go for a year."

    After dropping that last stubborn 12 lbs to reach goal, and feeling FANTASTIC every day, I decided to go for 2 years...

    Now it's been over 3 years & I don't miss it. At all!

    Man, that's some will power right there! I envy you.

    Well, I'm 45, so I had a nice 20+ yr career. It was time to hang 'em up!

  • I once binged on super hot buffalo wings because I knew it would upset my stomach and help me lose the last few pounds needed....:/
  • When I'm too tired/lazy/unmotivated to make myself real food, I just throw two packs of ramen noodles in hot water, make myself feel better by using only one of the flavour packets, add some cheese and eat the whole thing.

    There's absolutely no nutritional values to those, but meh, a girl's gotta eat?

    Although, tbh, it does fit into my calories, on most days.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    mhecht32 wrote: »

    I confess that I buy bags chocolate chips with intents to make cookies. Will open a said bag and say, " I'll just have a few to cut the sugar crave", and then have, in general, consumed all chocolate chips in secret over a matter of days. I hide them in my spice cupboard, and so my husband never knows there is chocolate around. I also have been caught eating the chips, and instead of saying I was eating chocolate chips, told him they were grapes and shoved what was in my hand in my mouth so he couldn't see.

    I keep mine in the freezer. SO GOOD!!!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    Ugh, HORRIBLE confession: I've struggled with an eating disorder for years, so I have to keep myself in check. friends/family seem to always gift with food, and my co-workers always bring in baked goods. Instead of saying "no thanks," I'll actually accept it, take one bite, and then, because I KNOW my willpower is so bad, I'll dump something disgusting all over it and then throw it away (for example: cleaning spray, liquid white-out, perfume, whatever inedible, dumpable/sprayable thing is handy to make it impossible for me to take another bite). Gross and wasteful, I know, but I'm a disordered eater, so if I didn't, I'd be likely to fall into even WORSE habits, like binging/purging! Phew! Can't believe I just confessed that.

    I don't think that is a bad way to deal with it. Sometimes it is easier for me to accept food from food pushers, especially for informal little gatherings at work. I take my slice of cake, walk back to my desk, and throw it in the trash can.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    jldescent wrote: »
    When I'm too tired/lazy/unmotivated to make myself real food, I just throw two packs of ramen noodles in hot water, make myself feel better by using only one of the flavour packets, add some cheese and eat the whole thing.

    There's absolutely no nutritional values to those, but meh, a girl's gotta eat?

    Although, tbh, it does fit into my calories, on most days.

    Calories-smalories...that's several days worth of salt in one sitting.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    jldescent wrote: »
    When I'm too tired/lazy/unmotivated to make myself real food, I just throw two packs of ramen noodles in hot water, make myself feel better by using only one of the flavour packets, add some cheese and eat the whole thing.

    There's absolutely no nutritional values to those, but meh, a girl's gotta eat?

    Although, tbh, it does fit into my calories, on most days.

    That sounds delish. I haven't had ramen in yearrrrs. Since college days probably. Hmmmm, now I'm craving it bad!