p90x Support Group



  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Good morning everyone! You're all doing so great!

    Yesterday was a good day for me :smile: . I did really well on my run, and a lot of it was uphill. I busted out Ab Burner (Chalean extreme 10 minutes) and Core Synergistics (didn't do the "bonus round"). Then I ate dinner and took the dogs for their walk. I need to measure it, but I think our walking route is 2.7 miles. Today I just have Plyo and a walk if it's not raining.

    Make it a great day!!
  • AmyQwith2
    AmyQwith2 Posts: 59 Member
    Quick question:
    Did Arms & Shoulders last night using 5lb (for shoulders and triceps) and 10lb (biceps) weights. I was definitely feeling it last night, but I'm not sore at all this morning - does that mean I should up my weights??
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Quick question:
    Did Arms & Shoulders last night using 5lb (for shoulders and triceps) and 10lb (biceps) weights. I was definitely feeling it last night, but I'm not sore at all this morning - does that mean I should up my weights??

    Were your last 2 or 3 reps difficult? If they were you should be good to go. Your weights sound good for someone just beginning. I actually tend to be the most sore the afternoon of the day after, so maybe wait and see?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,016 Member
    Good morning! Hope everyone is doing well. I am still going strong, loving Week 2 of P90X. :bigsmile:

    Amy, that really is a bummer about the missing workout. I'm sorry that happened to you. To the best of my knowledge, there's no way to order an individual disc. I think Beachbody will replace damaged discs if there's a record you purchased the set from them, but it's "buyer beware" when you buy from someone on Craigslist. At least you were missing only one of the workouts.

    As far as upping your weights, if you can do any move 15 reps without the last couple being really hard, it's probably time to increase the weight. Now if you are just starting out and getting used to the moves, I think it's OK to go a little lighter, but once you are comfortable with your form, I think you'd get the most out of your workouts by going as heavy as you can (without hurting yourself, of course).

    Cardio X on my agenda in a few hours. Looking forward to it!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Quick question:
    Did Arms & Shoulders last night using 5lb (for shoulders and triceps) and 10lb (biceps) weights. I was definitely feeling it last night, but I'm not sore at all this morning - does that mean I should up my weights??

    Were your last 2 or 3 reps difficult? If they were you should be good to go. Your weights sound good for someone just beginning. I actually tend to be the most sore the afternoon of the day after, so maybe wait and see?

    Like others said, if you can do 15 reps with last 3 not being tough, increase weight. Shoulders and arms though, don't increase too much weight in certain exercises. I have 3-4 diff weight dumbbells for S&A
  • Well, I am 2 days into the P90X lean and I am loving it so far!!!! Let's hope I can keep up this motivation. Have a great P90X day everyone.
  • bpowers24
    bpowers24 Posts: 2
    I was wondering how you document your p90x workouts in the exercise section of this website. I am beginning week 3 today (Chest and Back) and sticking as close to the diet as I can. It is admittedly difficult when I work and then come home to the family to fit in everything . I have been doing my workouts at 10 pm when the house is quiet but it's even more of a chore to then put together a whole days worth of meals. I have been able to avoid certain foods...I didn't have birthday cake for my kids party, I avoided the sweets at the mother's day gathering, and have avoided the donut boxes at work....
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,016 Member
    I was wondering how you document your p90x workouts in the exercise section of this website. I am beginning week 3 today (Chest and Back) and sticking as close to the diet as I can. It is admittedly difficult when I work and then come home to the family to fit in everything . I have been doing my workouts at 10 pm when the house is quiet but it's even more of a chore to then put together a whole days worth of meals. I have been able to avoid certain foods...I didn't have birthday cake for my kids party, I avoided the sweets at the mother's day gathering, and have avoided the donut boxes at work....
    Great job staying out of the sweet baked goods!

    Personally, I don't document my workouts on the Exercise Diary. I use the Meal Plan Wizard on teambeachbody.com to calculate my daily calories, and I just aim for those every day and use the Food Diary to track them.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    What a great day today - Got in Plyometrics - and then went for walk/jog and competed C25K W5D3 -

    Everyone have a great day.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,016 Member
    What a great day today - Got in Plyometrics - and then went for walk/jog and competed C25K W5D3 -

    Everyone have a great day.
    Nice! I'm hoping to do Cardio X here pretty soon. I have a guy here cutting down a tree, and I think he's almost done. I hope so!
  • JennyLynn30
    JennyLynn30 Posts: 12
    I just finished Plyometrics too! I'm a little tired, but I feel great!!!! I wanted to go jogging to pick up my oldest kiddo from school, but it's a rainy day... Tomorrow. :). I'm so excited I did my workout already. I tend to make better food choices when I exercise in the earlier part of the day.

    WoW PJilly, you're almost at your goal weight. Good job!!!!!
  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    So tonight I will be doing chest and back and believe it or not out of all the workouts this is the one I've done the most! But I am starting over today! I was contemplating putting this workout on my IPhone and going to the gym where I could use an Pull-up machine that will assist me. I have a pull up bar (husband made it) but I can't do even one. Tried to use a chair and that did not work. Not sure what I will do. Just thinking out loud! LOL
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,016 Member
    I just finished Plyometrics too! I'm a little tired, but I feel great!!!! I wanted to go jogging to pick up my oldest kiddo from school, but it's a rainy day... Tomorrow. :). I'm so excited I did my workout already. I tend to make better food choices when I exercise in the earlier part of the day.

    WoW PJilly, you're almost at your goal weight. Good job!!!!!
    Thanks! I was there and past it at one point, but I've crept up a little bit. I was stressing about it for a while, but now I'm trying to shift my focus from weight loss to gaining lean and reducing body fat, so if that means a higher weight, I'm OK with that. I thought about taking the ticker off of my signature, but I decided that a weekly weigh-in is still one of the measures I'll use to track my progress, just not the most important one. If it goes up, up, up, then that won't be a good thing! :tongue:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Day 1 done. Wow, my pushups are pretty pathetic, but in a way, I'm proud because I was able to limp along with wimpy, half *kitten* poor form push ups through the whole thing. Why would I be proud of it? Because I actually have WORKED UP TO IT from not being able to do any at all. Don't get me wrong, I cranked out a few I was actually proud of, but mostly I'm looking forward to improvement. Gotta start somewhere, right?:wink:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,016 Member
    Day 1 done. Wow, my pushups are pretty pathetic, but in a way, I'm proud because I was able to limp along with wimpy, half *kitten* poor form push ups through the whole thing. Why would I be proud of it? Because I actually have WORKED UP TO IT from not being able to do any at all. Don't get me wrong, I cranked out a few I was actually proud of, but mostly I'm looking forward to improvement. Gotta start somewhere, right?:wink:
    Absolutely, you should be proud. I think it's awesome that you stuck with it through the whole thing.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Day 1 done. Wow, my pushups are pretty pathetic, but in a way, I'm proud because I was able to limp along with wimpy, half *kitten* poor form push ups through the whole thing. Why would I be proud of it? Because I actually have WORKED UP TO IT from not being able to do any at all. Don't get me wrong, I cranked out a few I was actually proud of, but mostly I'm looking forward to improvement. Gotta start somewhere, right?:wink:
    Absolutely, you should be proud. I think it's awesome that you stuck with it through the whole thing.

    Thanks Jill! I think now that I know what to expect (today was my first viewing of it and i was trying to keep up) I'm ready to really go for it. Peter (thumper) from this thread gave me some encouraging tips - so I'm going to be sneaking in extra sets of wall and knee pushups to gain strength. Thank you both. ;)
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Good morning! Last night I kicked butt at PlyoX! I didn't get to take a walk because it looked like rain. Today I'll do Week 4 Day 2 of C25K on the treadmill on my lunchbreak, and will do ARX & S&A after work!

    Talk to you all later!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Good morning! Last night I kicked butt at PlyoX! I didn't get to take a walk because it looked like rain. Today I'll do Week 4 Day 2 of C25K on the treadmill on my lunchbreak, and will do ARX & S&A after work!

    Talk to you all later!

    I have to admit that I admire you for doing P90X and C25K at the same time! How do you have time to eat? :) I need to start training for a 5K and I really dread it truthfully, I am not a runner. So I will use you as inspiration to move forward!!! Thanks.
  • Day 3 is done and I did shoulders and arm with Ab ripper x. OMG Can i just say I can barely move lol. I love being sore because I know I am doing something right!!!! Instead of a run today I think I am just going to walk.
  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    I'm on day 2 of week 2, and my knee's are really sore and swollen. I have a history of bad knees, and up till I started P90X, I got most all my cardio from Spinning (or walking) so there was no pressure on my knees. I'm loving P90X (and the results that have come with it so far), but need some advice on getting the swelling down and caring for me knees a bit more.

    Any suggestions welcome!
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