Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • stoney0264
    stoney0264 Posts: 8 Member
    Is it too late to join this group. I am 51 and my goal is to lose 50 lbs. I have tried MFP before but gave up. This time I am determined... Its gonna happen..
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Welcome Stoney :D. It's never too late to lose weight and get fit <3. And it's a lot more fun with motivating and supportive friends to help us through ;) Feel free to chime in anytime, and just bookmark the page!
  • I'm turning 50 this year. It's been harder to loose the weight. Especially after a hysterectomy (sorry TMI). Hormone inbalance is the devil. Thanks for this page
  • denisesrafiell
    denisesrafiell Posts: 15 Member
    52 female and would love to join!!
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Sandcastles--sorry, I don't know your name, that is a bummer for you and other shorter people that the calories are way less with your measurements and weight going in. How nice that you were brought up being "special" with your small size. o:)

    I wanted to thank you for the warm welcome.

  • skrodriguz
    skrodriguz Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Sheila. I'll be 60 in about 6 weeks and need to lose probably about 100 lbs, but am trying for 75. Hips hurt, not sleeping well. I've started the DASH diet as well, trying to keep in a 1200-1400 calorie range. I wish every one luck. We can do this!!
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    skrodriguz wrote: »
    Hi everyone. My name is Sheila. I'll be 60 in about 6 weeks and need to lose probably about 100 lbs, but am trying for 75. Hips hurt, not sleeping well. I've started the DASH diet as well, trying to keep in a 1200-1400 calorie range. I wish every one luck. We can do this!!

    Welcome! Keeping posting/sharing & hanging in in between; you can succeed! Make it a great day!
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! SK & Denise.... Let's all do this together! Keep posting & striving & so will we! Pls make it a great Friday!
  • Happy Friday everyone. So over the cold. Prefer to workout outside.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day Everyone <3

    Welcome Ima (not calling you 'schreck' cause you're adorable :)) Denise and Sheila!!! The hot flashes eventually lessen and pass, but I gotta agree :( How are you doing on the DASH diet Sheila? One of my friends started that at the first of the year and we discovered it was pretty close to what I'm doing...

    My small victory yesterday (once I got over the shock of nearly having to double up on those walking steps LOL)..... My new little pedometer friend hit me up with a total of 8642 steps on a fairly average day just going through my life. :) It was better than I thought and still in a respectable 250 cal range for this old slug .... How was your first day with your pedometer Robin??

    Today I'm just working on the tired old house..... finishing up painting a couple of walls, the kitchen ceiling, front entryway, and the front door ..... Fingers crossed we get to go swimming tonight, then instead of going out to a fancy dinner I was promised "someone" will put the light fixtures back up for me ;)

    Hope you all have a GREAT Friday and plan something special for yourself this weekend <3

  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    lmaschreck wrote: »
    Happy Friday everyone. So over the cold. Prefer to workout outside.
    Gonna be a bright mid-60°F day today and warmer tomorrow -- Come by for a visit (I live on the side of a hill, so bring some sturdy shoes) :) Happy Friday!

  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    lmaschreck wrote: »
    Happy Friday everyone. So over the cold. Prefer to workout outside.

    I, too, am done with the cold. Gonna be single digits this weekend.

    Sandcastle, I laughed at your pedometer post. Sorry :). I'm not short by any means but I have done things that I felt was such a success only to learn it was not as big a success as I had thought. But I learned and did it again correctly.

    Well, horse stalls await to be cleaned and horses await to be fed. Gotta get movin.
    Have a great, successful Friday everyone :)
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    I totally agree with everyone about the cold weather. Just when it started getting warm enough to go walking or snow shoeing, it dove back into the single digits! Although I go to the gym or swim almost everyday, there's nothing better than getting outside!
  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi, im 59 and very confused by the calorie count..
    I need to lose at least 3 stone :-(
    Been walking 11-12000 steps a day.. knackered but keeping at it but I got really disheartened today. I walked 12000 and only ate 1217 of my 1350 food allowance but now my calories left have gone to minus 60... any idea why?.. is this set for a weekly goal? as I did over eat one day but thought id made up for it the day before and day after.
  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome Beemer and Carol~ I'll be real honest and let you all know I reached out to the originator of this group to let her know we're trying to get the thread active. Sadly she hasn't been on MFP since shortly after her post and hasn't responded ....... But that doesn't mean we can't make this a fun and motivating group and surprise the heck out of her when she does come back!

    Today I had a great time grocery shopping with my son aka accountability partner LOL..... Almost had a little slip when I spied a new product~ Chocolate dipped wavy potato chips! No way! My two favorite things in one :D But with a look of longing I slowly backed away.... Instead I came home, weighed and portioned out my proteins and got my chicken breasts marinating so I can bake them off and have them at the ready! Small victories!

    Hope you all had small victories of your own today :) Oh........ And if you see me not post for more than a couple of days would someone (or everyone!) just message me and get me back on task <3.


    Well done x

  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
    laurieg933 wrote: »
    I 60 with 70 to loose. I certainly could use the friends and support. I am a widow and live alone so there's no excuse for falling off the wagon, but also no support either. I have done really well so far, but have a very long road ahead.

    Hope you are still going at it ... X
  • GardenerWest
    GardenerWest Posts: 1 Member

    I am new here. Not usually a poster but thought I give it a go. I only need to lose 5 or so kg and stop the spread of my middle. I have a closet full of nice clothes that are not fitting very well and I am NOT going to buy new ones - truth be told I don't want to look at myself in the fitting room mirrors!

    I exercise by cycling to and from work - just started up again after winter break - too wet, dark and cold for a few months. Its not enough though. I walk but there are not enough hours in the day to walk enough to compensate for a sit down job.

    Writing down everything I put in my mouth is good. I am shocked at how fast it adds up.

  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Morning everyone! Welcome Veronica and Gardener :) I'm not very good at the conversions, but think 5kg is around 11 lbs? I love that you bike to work!

    Today's motivation comes from my sweet aunt who passed Thursday at the glorious age of 93 <3. She lived her life by my grandma's mantra that you can either wear out or rust out :D. She was active every day to the end.

    Some days it's hard to get the motivation to intentionally do something physically active, but I'm getting there!!!!! We were running late but went swimming last night :) We only got 45 minutes in, but that was 45 more minutes than last week! My walking steps were a little over 11,000, but I only put in 10k at my new shorty person rate (haha) because I want to get in the habit of underestimating my exercise calories (and I was too lazy to recalculate it B)

    Does anyone have non-food focused fun planned for their Valentine's? Hope you all have a a GREAT day <3

  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Tami, I love your grandma's quote! It sounds like she was an awesome person and very wise. So sorry to hear that she passed.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    edited February 2015
    Tami, now I know your name. Yay! You seem to be doing lots of painting in your house. I hope you have some nice colors of paint. Good colors make it so nice. I got brave and picked out gold paint for our hallway, which turned out real well.

    For Valentine's Day, I went to the gym today. It felt so great. I missed working out any during the last 3 days because of a problem I had. Other than that, it is just a normal day around here. We don't do anything special. LOL, I got a contact high at the bus stop in front of the gym. A guy was just sitting there in a semi enclosed bench area, just smoking a joint, right out in public--ha ha.