Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    amy_kee wrote: »
    Tami, now I know your name. Yay! You seem to be doing lots of painting in your house. I hope you have some nice colors of paint. Good colors make it so nice. I got brave and picked out gold paint for our hallway, which turned out real well.

    Morning everyone! It's a bit foggy here this morning but I'm hoping it will clear off later.....

    Hey Amy, I decided to sell one of my houses so I'm giving the old girl a little makeover before I put it on the market :) Colors~ not that I have ANY type of fixation with food or anything, but when I bought my new house a couple years ago my paint colors included among others "popcorn" white, "portobello" brown, and "macadamia" , while the color of my bedroom carpets are "oatmeal" HAHAHA. Go figure ;)

    No steps for me to log for yesterday for the simple reason I forget my new little friend :) Oh darn!

    Time to get this day rolling! Make it a good one fellow "losers" <3
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Well, it looks as though I'm going to get to go sleigh riding :). Winter storm warning in effect. Extremely cold though. I was kinda wanting to go sleigh riding in 50 degree weather. Just saying.

    Have a great day
  • donnasone1
    donnasone1 Posts: 2 Member
    Please add me.
    Hi everyone I am Donna from Australia, 51, would love to have some friends on this journey. My first goal is to lose about 60lbs. Ideally need to lose 100. I'm new to the community so it feels a little strange posting this but I realise with the help of the community that this can make a difference. Best of luck to everyone on there journey and keep up the great work.
    @Flakes09‌ thanks for the great tip will certainly try and give that a go. 100 since May what a awesome job!
  • pianoman1703
    pianoman1703 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in. 51, male, lost 17, another 20 to go. Had a seizure and compressed/fractured 5 vertebrae. I didn't exercise for 3 years. I've been ramping up again. Looking forward to the camaraderie. When I discovered MFP it was wonderful. I added Fitbit yesterday. I'm motivated now, but want to actively belong to this to keep it going and to help others.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    donnasone1 wrote: »
    Please add me.
    Hi everyone I am Donna from Australia, 51, would love to have some friends on this journey. My first goal is to lose about 60lbs. Ideally need to lose 100. I'm new to the community so it feels a little strange posting this but I realise with the help of the community that this can make a difference. Best of luck to everyone on there journey and keep up the great work.
    @Flakes09‌ thanks for the great tip will certainly try and give that a go. 100 since May what a awesome job!
    I'm in. 51, male, lost 17, another 20 to go. Had a seizure and compressed/fractured 5 vertebrae. I didn't exercise for 3 years. I've been ramping up again. Looking forward to the camaraderie. When I discovered MFP it was wonderful. I added Fitbit yesterday. I'm motivated now, but want to actively belong to this to keep it going and to help others.

    Welcome Donna and pianoman. I think it's kinda cool to be able to chat with people all over the world. Love the Aussie accent :)
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Good morning everyone.... And welcome Donna and Pianoman :)

    Well, Mondays are my weigh in day and for the first time I was actually excited to step on those scales. This week I started tracking my daily steps and made a real concentrated effort to get all my meals and snacks in and kept my macros nearly dead on for the week! I'm doing the happy dance today :D

    I lost 2 pounds this week for a total of 15! And best of all, I officially hit my halfway mark <3

    Hope you all have a fabulous Monday :) It's going to be another unseasonably warm high in the 50's today so this afternoon I'm going to actually give my yard a little mow LOL

  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    Congrats on your 15 Tami !!! Half-way ain't bad either.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Yay!! You go girl! Snow storm here today. Can't wait for spring.
  • unigoop
    unigoop Posts: 12 Member
    Got to love my job right outside my office window sits four boxes of girl scout cookies, truffles, bagels with cream cheese, and donuts. Will power time.
  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member
    Hi - I've just can't seem to get/stay motivated. My weight goes down a few pounds . . . .then up. I'm 58 and have about 15 lbs to drop. Congrats to those who are staying on track. I will try to get to the gym tonight so I have something positive to post!
  • Deb1597
    Deb1597 Posts: 2 Member
    I am Deborah McAlpine and eat 5 meals every 2 hours and workout 4 days a week . I hope that. helps you. quote="misselly;842834"]So I invite committed mature men or women to link up with me/us. Ups and downs, highs and lows, cries and prayers are all welcome. My goal is to reach a goal. Lets make reasonable expectations for the next 10 weeks. Hope you feel welcome to join.[/quote]

  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    cossmoss15 wrote: »
    Hi - I've just can't seem to get/stay motivated. My weight goes down a few pounds . . . .then up. I'm 58 and have about 15 lbs to drop. Congrats to those who are staying on track. I will try to get to the gym tonight so I have something positive to post!

    You can do this! Sometimes I think I do myself in... get so close and then I figure that I deserve it and... well, you probably know the story! Point is, we do deserve it... we deserve to eat to live and not live to eat! We do deserve to move and be healthy! We do deserve to be happy! Empower yourself! (I'm talking to myself here because it's been a rough week so far!)

    Good luck everyone! You provide such inspiration to me!
  • smoochy65
    smoochy65 Posts: 8 Member
    I am bound and determined! Today is day 42 of my streak! This is my third time trying to be consistent with MFP.

    I have lost a whopping total of 3.8lbs now. Only 20 left to go. It has been very difficult. I am really sure it's the whole change of life problem I am also dealing with. I've read with interest the posts about the different hormone treatments people have tried. I am researching local help. In the meantime...

    I marched myself up and down 10 seriously long flights of stairs - twice today! I find it hard to squeeze in the 10k steps with my job, so I am trying to maximize the difficulty in the most efficient way possible.

    I am also focused on keeping these habits going and I REFUSE to let my recalcitrant body hold me back! I will PREVAIL!!
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    smoochy65 wrote: »
    I am bound and determined! Today is day 42 of my streak! This is my third time trying to be consistent with MFP.

    I have lost a whopping total of 3.8lbs now. Only 20 left to go. It has been very difficult. I am really sure it's the whole change of life problem I am also dealing with. I've read with interest the posts about the different hormone treatments people have tried. I am researching local help. In the meantime...

    I marched myself up and down 10 seriously long flights of stairs - twice today! I find it hard to squeeze in the 10k steps with my job, so I am trying to maximize the difficulty in the most efficient way possible.

    I am also focused on keeping these habits going and I REFUSE to let my recalcitrant body hold me back! I will PREVAIL!!

    Yay!!! When the mind is made up then you will prevail. Just remember to log every bite and drink that goes in your mouth. I was so amazed how quickly those little bites added up. I had a habit of tasting everything while I was cooking. Wow, that was a huge amount of calories. Now I log everything (even gum ) and I'm more aware of calories.

    You will succeed :)
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    smoochy65 wrote: »
    I am bound and determined! Today is day 42 of my streak! This is my third time trying to be consistent with MFP.

    I have lost a whopping total of 3.8lbs now. Only 20 left to go. It has been very difficult. I am really sure it's the whole change of life problem I am also dealing with. I've read with interest the posts about the different hormone treatments people have tried. I am researching local help. In the meantime...

    I marched myself up and down 10 seriously long flights of stairs - twice today! I find it hard to squeeze in the 10k steps with my job, so I am trying to maximize the difficulty in the most efficient way possible.

    I am also focused on keeping these habits going and I REFUSE to let my recalcitrant body hold me back! I will PREVAIL!!

    Great job on the steps. This is def something I need to work on. I've added some exercises in the morning and wii fit at night, but don't log exercise calories. Don't want to be tempted to eat back my calories. :)
  • scot270
    scot270 Posts: 3 Member
    misselly wrote: »
    So I invite committed mature men or women to link up with me/us. Ups and downs, highs and lows, cries and prayers are all welcome. My goal is to reach a goal. Lets make reasonable expectations for the next 10 weeks. Hope you feel welcome to join.

  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    donnasone1 wrote: »
    Please add me.
    Hi everyone I am Donna from Australia, 51, would love to have some friends on this journey. My first goal is to lose about 60lbs. Ideally need to lose 100. I'm new to the community so it feels a little strange posting this but I realise with the help of the community that this can make a difference. Best of luck to everyone on there journey and keep up the great work.
    @Flakes09‌ thanks for the great tip will certainly try and give that a go. 100 since May what a awesome job!

  • scot270
    scot270 Posts: 3 Member
    misselly wrote: »
    So I invite committed mature men or women to link up with me/us. Ups and downs, highs and lows, cries and prayers are all welcome. My goal is to reach a goal. Lets make reasonable expectations for the next 10 weeks. Hope you feel welcome to join.

  • scot270
    scot270 Posts: 3 Member
    Want to join
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Welcome everyone. I still haven't figured out how to add people but if you add me I will accept :)