Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    I need to lose 85 pounds (I've already lost 15). Feel free to send a friend request.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome jostamer and bmaison! Cutting out soda is super hard when you're as used to it as adding salt to food or breathing air. The fact that you've cut it out is a tremendous achievement! :) As for vegetables, have you heard of the "Sneaky Chef"??? She has a series of cookbooks that are filled with recipes that allow you to "hide" vegetables inside food that tastes great! You should check them out and see if any work for you!
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone! I have over 100 to lose. I started this journey at the beginning of November. I am down 27 lbs so far. I break up my weight loss goals into 25 lb increments. So I'm working on my 2nd 25. I use a fitbit for daily motivation. I also have picked a monthly challenge the past three months. 1st month squats, 2nd crunches, this month a plank one. I'm up to 70 sec so far. So hard! I eat healthy. I tried counting calories this month and found it stresses me out. So I check my calories on meals I'm not sure of a f use the 15 min I was spending logging calories doing extra exercise. I also use Plexus slim. First time I have used anything like that. Five years ago I lost 75 lbs with just exercise and healthy eating. Now with a toddler I don't have 10 hours a week to spend in the gym. My body takes a lot to burn off calories. Would love more friends who are working hard at becoming healthier and happier!!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome Danielle! The way your splitting out your goals is awesome! Smaller goals help me too. I get to celebrate my successes more often! :)

    To everyone, I've just put on a crock-pot full of vegetable goodness! I'm making a corn chowder for my lunches this week! The recipe indicates that it's about 170 calories per serving but I'm modifying it a little. I'm using 2% milk instead of skim (my nutritionist has cautioned me against low fat and fat free food items... they are more processed than their higher fat counterparts) and I'm adding a can of rinsed black beans for some extra "ooompf" and "keepyourbellyfulllonger" goodness!

    Once it's done, I'll let you know exactly how many calories it comes out to and if any of you want the recipe, I'll send it your way!
  • Please add me...your opening statement totally resonates with me. I am working towards a 100lb weight loss and strengthened core. I REALLY need help with new, nutritious & affordable menus!
  • To lose 100lbs I would be a healthy weight.. Just have a hard time staying on track.. I eat fast food all the time and I love sweets I'm trying to make a lifestyle change it's very hard
  • niclan13
    niclan13 Posts: 18 Member
    i am always looking for new friends. i love the added support..tips and just someone i can talk with that others in my life may no understand... add me if u would like a new friend :)
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    I agree..... I need/want to lose 110 lbs. I am a food addict. I like food and I don't know when to quit. I started this app about a wk and a half ago. It's amazing once I started to log what I was eating. I have cut back and hope this works for me. Feel free to add me we can encourage each other,
  • mizzbombshell
    mizzbombshell Posts: 9 Member
    Looking to lose about 55lbs. I am just shy of 6 months post Partum - down 45lbs...buttttttt I enjoyed lots of treats while pregnant and gained far too much weight. Anyone - feel free to add me! Love making new friends to keep me motivated and focused!
  • Hello, I am 33 and 100 pounds overweight. I am restarting my journey. My biggest challenge is staying positive and motivated.
    My current goal is to lose 2 pounds by February 22nd (Baby steps) ;) Would love to be added and share in other's journeys to better health!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome to the thread to all those who just joined! @ksippel‌: Baby steps are still steps! :)@jencultie: It's super hard to stay on track but we just have to take this one day at a time and if we mess up, we pick ourselves back up and keep going! It's ok to fall as long as you're willing to get right back up! As for fast food... tell yourself that a homemade burger tastes so much better than the ones you get at a fast food joint! :) Yes, it takes more effort but the calories are so much more worth the trouble!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Now, my corn chowder is done and I'm a bit disappointed... it came out really bland. So... what to do? I didn't roast the corn first which I was supposed do and I think that's one of the issues. So how to fix it? Hmmm... I may add more corn but roast it first and see if that adds enough flavour. Any ideas on what to use in corn chowder to give it added flavour?
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all, I've used MFP plenty of times in the past for my own tracking, and I've got a constant desire to change my habits to healthy ones. But I'm now at my heaviest ever, and (again) feeling a little desperate. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of work it will really take to get to the health level I want. I'm excited to see a new group forming to work toward 100 pounds lost. I hope I can be a part of this community and we can support each other toward success.

    This year my goals are to lose 100 pounds (I made that goal in January, and 6 weeks in, I'm no closer to it. I still think 100 pounds can be done!), gradate from grad school in August, and celebrate by going to Japan!

    Tomorrow my goals are to get up with no snoozing, eat only my planned food, track it all, and get my after-work to-do list ticked off.

    I'll read up on everyone's posts and figure out the whole adding thing soon. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all, I've used MFP plenty of times in the past for my own tracking, and I've got a constant desire to change my habits to healthy ones. But I'm now at my heaviest ever, and (again) feeling a little desperate. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of work it will really take to get to the health level I want. I'm excited to see a new group forming to work toward 100 pounds lost. I hope I can be a part of this community and we can support each other toward success.

    This year my goals are to lose 100 pounds (I made that goal in January, and 6 weeks in, I'm no closer to it. I still think 100 pounds can be done!), gradate from grad school in August, and celebrate by going to Japan!

    Tomorrow my goals are to get up with no snoozing, eat only my planned food, track it all, and get my after-work to-do list ticked off.

    I'll read up on everyone's posts and figure out the whole adding thing soon. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

    You can do it Swarren. I know exactly how you geel though. I know my weight loss is goinf to take way to long for my liking. I also know that if I lose weight too fast it's not a good thing either. Hang in there, it's a slow process, but a process that's abtainable. Hard work and dedication will get us there. I am very positive with my goal this time. I think with the support of others it will be even greater. This app. Is such a wonderful tool.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    @swarren1037‌: You've come to the right place! We all want to lose quite a bit of weight and just as it took time to put that weight on, it will take even longer to take back off. But together, we achieve it! I liken this to a kind of "AA" group but for food. We need to be there for each other, ups and downs.

    As an aside, the corn chowder tastes a bit better this morning! :) I'm thinking of adding a dob of maple syrup and a couple drops of liquid smoke. We'll see how that turns out.

    Love life, eat well and log log log!!! :)
  • mmereth
    mmereth Posts: 36 Member
    I'd love to join your group! I've got 100+ to lose and think I've finally gotten to the point where it is MY motivation, and not "just because". I'm not getting any younger, so it's time to get moving on this!
    I gained almost 100 pounds when I was pregnant, and that baby just turned 11. I've been lugging this extra weight around far long enough!
    Just a thought about the corn chowder (I LOVE to cook and would love some great recipes): roasting the corn will definitely help as will starting with onions/carrots/celery/peppers and sautéing them for a few minutes. You could also try a can of the black beans with spices already inside (they sell a bunch of different flavor profiles).
    Here's to a lighter new year!!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome mmereth! I do have all those wonderful veggies in the soup but I didn't saute them first and they went straight into the crock-pot. I think that made them lose a lot of their flavour unfortunately. Lesson learned! Next time... ROAST FIRST! :)
  • Just join! Here to help
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome hardy43!
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    jonesm97 wrote: »
    Hang in there, it's a slow process, but a process that's abtainable. Hard work and dedication will get us there.

    Thanks Jonesm! We can do it!