February Running Challenge



  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    @jessupbrady 7°F is 25 degrees below freezing, add 30-35mph winds and stop you in your tracks gusts to 55 mph and that's brutal. You can dress every part of yourself for those temps but your face and your lungs. You can certainly wear a buff or a balaclava over your face, but then the moisture in your breath just freezes and then you're wearing an ice mask. Your lungs get no relief from clothing it can be just plain painful to breathe in the freezing air. Running in the cold is a real challenge. I was regularly running 6-13 miles last fall to total 200+ miles a month. Lately I'm sneaking by with 3-6 mile runs and fitting a longer run as the weather allows. The cold weather has shortened my runs by half, and I don't have the added difficulty of being used to warmer weather. Heck, I didn't even last a whole 3 miles today, it's windy & cold out there! I don't think there are any shortcuts here, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and run when you are able. :)

    @davis_em I hope someone with racing experience will answer your question, because I don't race. I do know that when I could run 10 miles comfortably I could run much farther than that, it just wasn't pretty. Why your pace is suffering, that is a problem I understand. You need a rest. If you can't take a week off (I streak run so I wouldn't.) back off in both the mileage and intensity of your training for a week or two. You'll likely come back from that rest stronger and faster than before.

    @ddmom0811 I like seeing your riding miles & strength training posts. It paints a picture of how active you still are even on non run days.
    _Date___ Miles
    Feb 1 ___17.3 __long first run to start February off right
    Feb 2 ___ 3.5 __8°F another snowstorm
    Feb 3 ___ 5.2 __5°F
    Feb 4 ___ 3.1 __24:41 no where near a record but happy with it just the same.
    Feb 5 ___ 1.4 __streak high winds and snow
    Feb 6 ___ 3.1 __
    Feb 7 ___ 6.2 __ snowing again
    Feb 8 ___ 11.4 __12°F & more snow
    Feb 9 ___ 3.5 __ even more snow
    Feb 10 __ 8.1 __28°F here's that heat wave
    Feb 11 __ 3.6 __and a fun hike up Monadnock
    Feb 12 __ 6.1 __snowing again
    Feb 13 __ 3.1 __ 0°F when I started out -1°F 26 minutes later when I finished.
    Feb 14 __ 5.4 --11°F light snow
    Feb 15 __ 2.7 __ 11°F blowing snow 35mph wind gusts
    Month total= 83.6miles __66.4remaining


    Current Streak: 175days = 1104.5miles
  • bsalrye
    bsalrye Posts: 15 Member
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited February 2015
    2/1 - 2/6 no running
    2/7 - 2.1 miles
    2/8 - 2.1 miles
    2/9 - PT day so I didn't run
    2/10 - 2.1 miles (amount allowed by PT)
    2/11 - 2.5 miles
    2/12 - 2.0 miles
    2/13 - PT - rest day
    2/14 - 3.5 miles (PT upped me to one 2 mi and one 3 mile run over the weekend)
    2/15 - 2.1 miles

    16.4 miles out of 40


    @HonuNui‌ Wow! What a cool picture of the whale. I need to start taking something I can take pictures with, I know you all would be jealous of the guy around the corners dog or the stop sign on the corner LOL I'll have to go run at the greenway, there are horses there :smile:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I miss one day and seems like I have missed weeks - wow so much to catch up on just from yesterday!
    @cooter_mom‌ - Yay You! Awesome progress!
    @HealthyFocused715‌ - Great run outside!! I must have felt amazing after all the treadmill runs!
    @newmom_2012‌ - Hope the Hot Chocolate 5k was super fun!
    @Stoshew71‌ - Thanks for posting pictures! You have a wonderful area to run! Beautiful and there are cows to keep you company :)
    @SonicDeathMonkey80‌ - are those the winnings from the race or a Valentine's gift. Either way look delicious and so awesome to run a race with your girl especially on Valentine's Day!
    @skippygirlsmom‌ - sooo... one 3 mile run became a 3.5 mile run hmmm :) SO glad you are back!
    @jessupbrady‌ - I don't have the cold but I find it so hard to run in the wind! If you do decide on a run, maybe make it short and run against the wind going out while and with the wind pushing you coming back. Or run indoors if that is an option...
    @ddmom0811‌ - I think it is great to see what else you are doing along with your running! Cross training is good for all of us!
    @davis_em‌ - Before my 1st half, I had not run more than 8 miles. I did not set out to run as fast as possible, but just to finish. I ran with an experienced running friend who paced me. It gave me the confidence I needed to know I could do it and go on to run many others (8 in 2.5 years). Also don't expect your pace on longer runs to be the same as your short runs. You might try just running some easy comfortable runs with a tempo run or speed work thrown in once in a while. This is a good article on tapering for a half marathon - http://www.runnersworld.com/race-training/how-to-taper-for-your-first-half-marathon
    @gabbo34‌ - you're getting the stinkeye from me on the west coast where it is just to darn hot! I would love for it to be in the 50's and overcast!
    @HonuNui‌ - we see whales and dolphins sometimes when we are at the dog beach but I am never quick enough with the camera to get a picture!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    02/01.... 4.60....... 4.60 - Trail run with hill repeats
    02/02.... 5.75......10.35
    02/03.... 0.00......10.35 - Strength training
    02/04.... 6.00......16.35 - Sore from ^ so 6 miles easy
    02/05.... 3.92......20.27 - Intervals + Strength training
    02/06.... 9.14......29.41 - Long run for the week
    02/07.... 0.00......29.41 - Rest
    02/08.... 2.06......31.47 - Dog Beach!
    02/09.... 5.53......37.00
    02/10.... 6.64......43.64 - + Strength training
    02/11.... 0.00......43.64
    02/12.... 6.83......50.47 - + Strength training
    02/13.... 5.52......55.99
    02/14...11.69......67.68 - hot morning for a long run. Already 80 when we returned home
    02/15.... 0.00......67.68 - Rest
    Between the long run yesterday and being up way too late for a concert last night I am taking an unplanned rest day. May go for a little hike or a long walk later.

  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    Feb 1--- 5 miles
    Feb 2--- REST DAY
    Feb 3--- 7 miles
    Feb 4--- 6 miles
    Feb 5--- 6 miles
    Feb 6--- 6 miles
    Feb 7--- 14 miles
    Feb 8--- 5 miles
    Feb 9--- REST DAY
    Feb 10--- 7 miles
    Feb 11--- 5 miles
    Feb 12--- 5 miles
    Feb 13--- 5 miles
    Feb 14--- 13.16 miles
    Feb 15--- 5 miles
    Feb 16--- REST DAY

    Total: 89.16 miles
    Goal: 170
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Pictures from my -27F run this morning...h4717ba002qr.jpg
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @LoneWolfRunner‌ - It looks really, really cold! Still can't believe you ran outside in that!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    @LoneWolfRunner - I sure do miss that weather (every chance I get......)
    @nikkiwolf - didn't actually see it during my run: DH and I HAD signed up for a whalewatching sunset cruise....cancelled due to high seas. So we just wandered up the coast and sat on a big log....and watched. This photo is actually grabbed from a video. See the spout, turn on the video and hope he surfaces! (he did.....)
    @shanaber - sat there for 3/4 of an hour waiting, finger on the video button!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @LoneWolfRunner‌ Your picture made me cold -27 I can't even wrap my head around that. Pretty picture though.
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    edited February 2015
    @LoneWolfRunner I love the long rows in those snowy fields; is that corn? And that hazy sky of dawn in the mist; that must have been an almost spiritual experience.
    Now I need to try my luck at sharing pictures. Not that I have anything so evoking.
    An Iced 1790s colonial after today's snow.
    My yard there's a jungle gym or two, a play house & patio set out there honest. I can just barely see the top of a chair behind that drift that should be the table.
    In the distance that's Monadnock before this storm. The stone cairn in the foreground marks the trail. I'm currently infatuated with cairns. High winds keep the peak pretty clear of snow. If you zoom in you can just make out the upright crag at the left of the peak in the distance it's the same one I'm standing above in the picture of me in pink in my profile.x544p25i0n1z.png
    This is near the peak of Monadnock looking back down at the Pumpelli Trail. The 3 cairns in the lower left of the frame mark the trail. Did I mention I adore cairns? The cloud cover up north obscured the great view you'd usually see from here.

  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    Another day, another thing to climb….


    I've been sick so I need to catch up on what everyone's been up too! Will read through after I put thing 1 and thing 2 to bed/
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    2/1--- 10.1 miles, trail
    2/2--- 6 miles, trail
    2/3--- 5.2 miles, street
    2/4--- 5.8 miles, trail
    2/5--- Rest
    2/6--- 6.4 miles, trail
    2/7--- Rest
    2/8--- 13.5 miles, trail
    2/9--- 6.2 miles, trail
    2/10-- 6.1 miles, trail
    2/11-- 7.5 miles, trail
    2/12-- Rest
    2/13-- 7 miles, trail
    2/14-- Rest
    2/15-- 7.3 miles, trail

    81 miles done/ 130 goal
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    @Lonewolfrunner Whoa! I am not too far south of you, but my front yard does not nearly look as snowy as your pics! Brrrrr

    @fabnine Gorgeous views from the peak of the Monadnock! Those icicles sure do like a life hazard though... ;)

    @Lesleycali you keep posting pictures like this one, you might get an unexpected visitor one of these days :)

    New week starts tomorrow. Let's kill it, everyone!
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Cut my run short tonight for the first time in a very long time due to soreness to the left of my left knee. With a half-marathon coming up next weekend, given I'm not worried about my fitness coming off of a marathon 4 weeks back, I decided to cut things short at the 10 mile mark to avoid any damage.

    I think I'll just focus on cycling & swimming for the week, to avoid developing a chronic IT band problem, or just pace a buddy for the half-marathon next weekend.

    2/1 - 2 miles
    2/3 - 4 miles
    2/4 - 7 miles
    2/5 - 4 miles
    2/7 - 7 miles
    2/8 - 14 miles
    2/10 - 4 miles
    2/11 - 7 miles
    2/13 - 4 miles
    2/14 - 7 miles
    2/15 - 10.25 miles

    Total: 70.25 miles
    Goal: 120 miles
    Remaining: 49.75 miles
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @fabnine - love your pictures! The snowy one of your yard makes me want to sit by a fire and drink hot chocolate (mind you it is hot here)! I can understand why you want to hike to the top of the mountains - what a fabulous view despite the cloud cover!
    @Lesleycali‌ - I need to come up your way to hike!
    @Runningmischka‌ - anytime you want to come run in the heat and cool off in the pool you are welcome to visit!

    It is amazing to me the variety of landscapes and weather we all run in! As much as I dislike running in the heat (anything over 75 for me) I know I could not run in the cold that so many of you have!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    February Goal 75 miles

    2/1: hostess to 30 people at my house for some big tv thing. I won't call it rest day!
    2/2: rest from being hostess to 30 people.....
    2/3: 3.61 run and 1 hour of snorkel in rough water
    2/4: snorkel 2 hours
    2/5: 6.17
    2/6 rest
    2/7 4.52
    2/8 3.35
    2/9 2.15
    2/10 rest
    2/11 4.4
    2/12 rest
    2/13 bike
    2/14 3.32
    2/15 4.79

    Total: 32.31 miles

    I'm really enjoying all the pics!

    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)


  • Whtmask
    Whtmask Posts: 219 Member


    Update: I'm up to 121.6 miles. Almost reached my goal. :)
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    wow that was a lot to catch up on! I love seeing all the photos, it's like I'm vacationing from the comfort of my own home! Seriously if any of you are ever in the area I would love to show you these trails…. @Shanaber and @RunningMischka

    @Stoshew71 nice to see where you are running, reminds of the woods from when I was a kid

    @Fabnine gorgeous photos! And I miss all that colonial architecture. California is great, but it can't compete with the amount of amazing old architecture that is everywhere in New England. And all those small old crooked streets that lead to little town centers. And barns….

    @Sonicdeathmonkey80 wow Mr. and Miss Speedy! Congrats! I've never heard of a sweetheart race before. Sounds very cute.

    @Honunui super cool- Terrific pic

    @Lonewolfrunner I'm sure you are done with the temps and snow, but those are beautiful images. They look like paintings, they are so still in their perfection.

    ok downton abbey is starting have a good night, all <3
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @fabnine & @loneWolfRunner -- love the pictures! Looks beautiful, but it is beyond my comprehension to run in that!

    @ohhim - sorry you are having pain. That sounds like what I had two weeks ago, but other knee. I recommend using the foam roller on it. I have been using it 2-3 times a day - just for about 5 rolls on each side. It hurts when you do it but it feels good afterwards. It doesn't hurt when I do the hamstrings and calves, just the IT band - but it is helping me a lot.

    Feb 1 - 27 mile bike ride.
    Feb 2 - 3 miles
    Feb 3 - strength training
    Feb 4 - 4 miles -
    Feb 5 - rest
    Feb 6 - 3.3 + strength training
    Feb 7 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 8 - sore from biking, so only did a 5 mile walk, not on ticker
    Feb 9 - 4 miles!
    Feb 10 - Strength training
    Feb 11 - 4.5 miles
    Feb 12 - 4.52
    Feb 13- rest -trainer cancelled. :(
    Feb 14 - 34 mile bike ride.
    Feb 15 - 42 mile bike ride.
    Feb 16- 4.51 - not sore from biking! First Monday this happened. :smiley:

    Had a dog scare this morning. I had to stop twice to yell “BACK, NO, GO” (or something like that - IDK - it was scary and fast!) The dog did back off but I had to walk away because the running was stirring him up. I realized my mace and personal alarm are a little too hard to get to so I need to make them more handy. If I had been wearing a heart rate monitor it would have shot up! I could feel my heart pumping after that. :anguished:

    I tried to take a picture this morning of a palm tree, with the moon above it, but when I looked at the picture it was of the street. :confused: I tried again and it was too dark. It's so dark when I run, there isn't much to see.
    Apparently I am really into the little emoticons today. :lol: They are so adorable.
