The most ridiculous diet tips you've ever heard?



  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    At a direct sales party (a company that sells cosmetics and also "health" type items) I was told by the consultant (who was trying to sell me on their "28 day detox") that I needed to cut out all these foods (wheat, dairy, alcohol, sugar, vinegar among many others) so that I could get my body "back to an alkaline state" where it would "release the toxins". If my body wasn't in an alkaline state, it would "create more fat cells that would house more toxins". Seriously.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    At a direct sales party (a company that sells cosmetics and also "health" type items) I was told by the consultant (who was trying to sell me on their "28 day detox") that I needed to cut out all these foods (wheat, dairy, alcohol, sugar, vinegar among many others) so that I could get my body "back to an alkaline state" where it would "release the toxins". If my body wasn't in an alkaline state, it would "create more fat cells that would house more toxins". Seriously.

    But science...What?
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    bingo_jenn wrote: »
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    rayrayfitz wrote: »
    Pasta being 'free' on Weight Watchers. My friend was on it and literally filled up every meal with a huge plate of pasta and free veggies, only pointed her sauces etc... You can guess the rest.

    Pasta was never "free" on Weight Watchers. It sounds like she had it backwards, the plain veggies are free, but not the sauces or pasta.

    They have the points plan, then a filling plan. The filling plan kind of has pasta (whole-wheat) being free. But the part with that is you are supposed to eat for hunger, not just for fun. :smile: I do the filling plan and still measure my pasta to be a serving because I know I could eat the **** out of pasta with veggies.

    Maybe they were on slimming world? All their pasta, rice, potatoes are all free!!

    The most ridiculous diet tip i've heard was to go get colonic hydrotherapy! Of course its gonna make you lose weight (initially) after all the crap has been flushed out of you (literally) lol
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    You can have a cheat day once a week! Yup that is gonna work out great. You run a deficit of 500 cal 6 days and over eat by 3k on the 7th and then wonder why you don't lose weight. That is the way to learn about healthy eating and good lifestyle choices.
  • Foreverecho
    Foreverecho Posts: 1 Member
    Putting a tbls of butter and a tbls of coconut oil in your coffee will help with weight loss
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Banana island.

    Oh yeah.....this is absolutely the strangest one. Ugh.
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    Anything that comes out of the mouth of Dr. Oz....
    Amen!!! That guy is a snake oil salesman.
  • BigdogEMT
    BigdogEMT Posts: 13 Member
    Everything that comes out of Freelee and Durianrider's mouths.

  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Although i do have a friend who lost 125 pounds....and she swears that she can't lose weight on anything over 700 calories per day, plus protein shakes make her fat....but not all the Chinese food that she goes and scarfs down at buffets?....

  • BigdogEMT
    BigdogEMT Posts: 13 Member
    There was once these "gastric bypass" bars! You eat them and they swell up and keep you full for hours! The list of possible side effects were as long as your arm!
    Another years ago was a capsule that swelled in the stomach, main ingredient was "whale seman".
    No thanks!
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    That sunlight diet is the craziest thing I've heard.

    I was personally told by a nutrition "expert" on a popular fitness site that eating an 80-calorie serving of pudding at night would be enough to derail weightloss and make me gain weight instead of lose it even at a pretty substantial deficit because insulin.
  • starryphoenix
    starryphoenix Posts: 381 Member
    Maybe not a diet tip, but that HGC diet where you take a shot (or drops) and eat like 500 calories a day. WTF? No thanks. My sister in law tried it, she lasted like 3 days.

    This actually works, but it's still not worth it. You can't work out a lot and your food choices are extremely limited. It's only for a month, but I still wouldn't recommend it at all. Plus if you don't know enough about nutrition you can get screwed up so much. I got from 195 to 160 doing it 2 or 3 years ago. I gained the weight back in a year though, not because of HCG, but because I was lazy and was bad at eating back then. I have gone from 204 to 165 in 10 months the natural way and though it is slower I've loved every moment of it.
  • starryphoenix
    starryphoenix Posts: 381 Member
    csaeraan wrote: »
    nickylee76 wrote: »
    At work, we have a lot of really thin Asian ladies. They claim by drinking hot water with their meals, that it melts the fat in their bodies to help stay thin.

    HAHA I heard the opposite... Drinking ice cold water burns more calories...Uhhhhh OK?

    That is actually true because your body then has to heat the water up to your core temperature to use it therefore, burning more calories. Simples.

    Seriously???? Mind blown. Can you give some good sources of info for this?
    Rubie81 wrote: »
    Someone that I know was on this "cleansing" diet. No idea what the name is. But not only was she on a restricted liquid diet, but she also had to use enemas and suppositories once (possibly twice) a day. WTH? :o

    Gah! Reminds me of this 30 day lemon juice cleanse my brother in law tried doing... Crazy, mad, insane. *sigh*
  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    Green tea boosts your metabolism - couldn't find any scientific backing for this, though it does have many other great benefits.

    I don't know what it's called but my friends are on a diet that seems really restrictive at least for me. All kinds of rules about what they can't eat or have to eat and when. I like cico personally but they're always doing these fad diets or trying appetite suppressants but the weight always comes back. I've tried to show them mfp but they're not really interested because "it seems like a lot of work."
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Cazzy34 wrote: »
    bingo_jenn wrote: »
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    rayrayfitz wrote: »
    Pasta being 'free' on Weight Watchers. My friend was on it and literally filled up every meal with a huge plate of pasta and free veggies, only pointed her sauces etc... You can guess the rest.

    Pasta was never "free" on Weight Watchers. It sounds like she had it backwards, the plain veggies are free, but not the sauces or pasta.

    They have the points plan, then a filling plan. The filling plan kind of has pasta (whole-wheat) being free. But the part with that is you are supposed to eat for hunger, not just for fun. :smile: I do the filling plan and still measure my pasta to be a serving because I know I could eat the **** out of pasta with veggies.

    Maybe they were on slimming world? All their pasta, rice, potatoes are all free!!

    The most ridiculous diet tip i've heard was to go get colonic hydrotherapy! Of course its gonna make you lose weight (initially) after all the crap has been flushed out of you (literally) lol

    No no..WW did it years ago. I don't know if they still do. I remember for my very brief stint there they offered both plans and my jaw literally dropped. No way I could do the filling one! I would have myself convinced whatever portion was all good lol. Not now though thank god.

  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Not diet but exercise....Vibration plates. 10min = 1/2hr exercise. Hmmm
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Anything that comes out of the mouth of Dr. Oz....

    ^ Agreed.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Eat clean and you don't have to worry about calories.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    liahna wrote: »
    csaeraan wrote: »
    nickylee76 wrote: »
    At work, we have a lot of really thin Asian ladies. They claim by drinking hot water with their meals, that it melts the fat in their bodies to help stay thin.

    HAHA I heard the opposite... Drinking ice cold water burns more calories...Uhhhhh OK?

    That is actually true because your body then has to heat the water up to your core temperature to use it therefore, burning more calories. Simples.

    Seriously???? Mind blown. Can you give some good sources of info for this?
    Rubie81 wrote: »
    Someone that I know was on this "cleansing" diet. No idea what the name is. But not only was she on a restricted liquid diet, but she also had to use enemas and suppositories once (possibly twice) a day. WTH? :o

    Gah! Reminds me of this 30 day lemon juice cleanse my brother in law tried doing... Crazy, mad, insane. *sigh*

    It's called thermal adaptation and it's a negligible calorie amount. You could stand outside in the cold while drinking your ice water for a double dose.
  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
    Not real crazy but...

    I once heard that you should put your fork/spoon down between every bite. It will supposedly take you a longer time to eat and you will feel full before your are finished with what's on your plate.

    It reminds me of an episode of The Beverly Hillbillies in which Jethro talked about snacking between bites.