
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim from N CA: We need snow in the mountains of Oregon, too.

    Beth: Stress is the hardest obstacle to overcome when a person is trying to change long time habits. Give yourself a pat on the back for holding the line against the temptations in the pantry. Ultimately, you may want to donate some things to the food pantry and restock your pantry with more healthful foods.

    Jehzimom and other newbies: Welcome to a great group.

    Pip: You are a star. 940 days!

    SallyW: 3.5 MILLION steps! Wahoo!!! I ordered my Mother of the Groom dress from Nordstrom’s on line. It was a lovely dress, simple to do, and reasonably priced.

    Cynthia: If you live near an Apple store go to the genius bar and get them to sort out your iphone and ipad. It is a free service, but you do need to make an appointment and can make the appointment online. Take both pieces of equipment with you. You may need an appointment for each piece of equipment. I agree with Dr. Katie about the app v Safari. I do my logging on the phone and post from my computer on the internet.

    Bobbi from Salem: You may be near SallyW. There are several of us from western Oregon, but some are not posting here very often.

    We are having a glorious day today. I went to the gym this morning, then ran errands with DH and took the dog for a walk in the sunshine. The weather is sunny with a high of 59F at my house. It is now 57F.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Not much happening here. Today was the last day of my class and our final is Thursday. Had tons of meetings, which I hate, and an apology from the person who caused my melt down Friday. I got 30 minutes on the cross trainer; 20 with legs and arms, and 10 with arms only. It was zero this morning when I went to work but the sun came out and it turned into a pretty nice day.

    Crazydoglady: love the picture with the sunlight!

    Patty: hi and welcome back. I remember you fondly

    Carol: hope you feel better soon

    Yanniejannie: sorry about the car problems. I hope it gets fixed soon! The poxed nasty person apologized to me today so ….we’ll see

    Sylvia: hope the dishwasher deosn’t end up being a huge problem! Great joke!

    Mary: I can’t wait to make that salad.

    Kim: thanks for the suggestions! The recumbent cross trainer is exactly like what I use at PT, so that’s ok although 30 minutes may be pushing it! 

    Lillian: I’m with you! So many posts just from yesterday it is almost impossible to keep up these days

    Janet: who knows if the intervention will amount to anything. Such high drama….when he went over there both of them were fine. OMG this is why I tell him he should just ignore those types of texts.

    Katla: well I am having a second opinion, but I have to wait about 10 years before the first dr will do surgery. I have a co-worker who has such bad knees she had taken to falling because her knees give out, most recently down the stairs, and even she can’t them replaced because she is too young.

    Selena: thank you! We try very hard with these kids…they are adopted from an orphanage in Russia and came with lots of issues. They were 9 and 13 when they came; not the best age for adoption! AND they didn’t speak any English. So lots of layers on that onion!

    Heather: what a crazy, stressful day. Hoping your ex-FIL gets well soon

    Jane: wonderful pic, gramma!

    Renny: I bet your mother’s death has a lot to do with it. I still find myself absent minded and forgetful and my dad died in November.

    Toni: I have a digital weight watchers scale and love it

    Jb: diet is a naughty word, eating healthy is the plan. And even tho you’re a girl, we will say “you the man!”. OK that was really stupid but wanted to give you your own poem, if you can call it that!

    Well the leg’s on ice and I had my motrin, so we’ll see what tonight brings. We are supposed to have snow Wednesday which will be fun; I love snow. A snow day would be nice!

    Take care everyone, and welcome newbies. Take care, Meg from Omaha where the “Boxer of the Year” resides

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday and we have finished cleaning our bedroom.
    Stan is tidying my cupboards lol never find anything again. But is tidier.
    I am throwing out old towels, doona covers (10 years old) and Mildred's bed sheets and doona covers. Time to let go and move on.
    I am still in a daze and go to Mildred's grave to tell her my news. Yes I know she is not there. I will take my time to grieve for her, she was the BEST dog we ever had. I know takes time
    Sports Nutritionist happy with me yesterday, even after a week of NO training. But back to it
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.17min, 13.2mph 3mi = 111cal
    spin- 40min, 79ar 91aw, 11-16g, 15.6mi = 287cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.27min, 11.4amph, 1.4mi = 58cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.01min, 8.8amph 2.7mi = 160cal
    total cal 616

    if my calves were not as achy i would have ridden home.. i weenie'd out and took the train instead.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Before going to the y today I'm planning to stop at Publix and return one of the frozen dinners I got for Vince since it looks like we won't be needing it, get a paper, then go to the Y. Afterwards, I'll stop at CVS and get the soda that's on sale (we'll take it home since Vince probably won't finish a 2ltr bottle down here), then stop at Bells Outlet just to see what they have for me. Now that they did away with the petite sizes, I doubt they'll have much but it's still something that I'd like to do. Then probably come home and have something to eat.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do a weight DVD that I brought down. Which reminds me, I want to remind them that I'll use the bar and weights so they'll have them out. They usually had them out but I found out this year that they have them, only they're put away but they'll bring them out if someone wants to use them.

    Thanks, barbie, for reminding me that I want to stop at the health food store here, too. I'll probably do that after going to Bell's.

    Joyce - I can get the Low fat brownie mix at WalMart. Not all of them, like not the one by me, but the ones that usually have a larger grocery section have it. Target used to carry it. I've only found it made by Betty Crocker. One of the things I like about these chocolate bran muffins is that they satisfy my desire for chocolate but not for a whole lot of calories. I could probably also get those small pieces of Nibmore chocolate since they are the really dark chocolate

    Alison - didn't know that Joey Logan just got married. That's cool. Just think -- no range means you won't have to cook and clean up! So excited for you

    Went to Publix, exercised (yoga and step), went to CVS, bought gas, went to Bell's Outlet (they had one shirt I liked but then I saw that it was 100% cotton so I decided not to get it since it'll probably wrinkle once it's washed), then checked out the health food store (nothing there), so came home. Did a load of laundry. I was going to do it Wednesday but last night Vince said "I don't think I'll have enough underwear". So now the laundry is in the dryer. Cleaned the silk flowers here and then the mat for the cats. Beautiful here, only very breezy. Thank goodness I leave a pair of shorts down here, just don't have a short-sleeved shirt so changed into one of the sleeveless shirts I brought down. Wish it wasn't so windy so I could use the pool. Update: we found out that they have two heat pumps

    Beth - the soap dispenser you got, do you have to empty the bottle into the dispenser or can you just put the bottle into the dispenser?

    Patty - how nice that your family is eating healthier now

    Sylvia - how great that you're making the bowls' decorations permanent. I remember that one of Jessica's teachers gave her a mug with her name on it. The first time I went to wash it, the name came off. How sad! I really do wish that the name was permanent. I assumed that she wouldn't have given it to Jessica unless it was permanent. Feel better fast

    Saw something at the Health Food store called "miracle noodles". They are shirataki noodles but the nutrition panel says it doesn't have any calories. That I just can't believe. It may have just a small amount of calories, but I do believe it has at least some.

    Janet - congrats on the fantastic weight loss.

    jb - LOVED LOVED LOVED your poem. You are so talented.

    Heather - would lighter fluid work? I remember a Heloise hint that it took the sticky stuff off when you removed a price tag and it works! I would think it would work on labels, too.

    katla - I guess the one thing that I'm not crazy about at the track is the fact that we're now in the sun. Before, we had covering. Then again, if it starts raining or something, we only have 6 steps to go up to get under cover. I do like the fact that the seats are so banked that now I can see the entire field. Before I couldn't see the backstretch. Hope your neighbors enjoyed themselves.

    Carol in NC - hope you feel better fast

    snowdoggie - welcome! Love your way of approaching weight loss. For me, it is imperative that I measure, measure, measure.

    ReNae - yea for easier zipping jeans!

    Bobby from OR - welcome! I like the way you just jumped right in. Keep it up!

    Terri - have fun at the concert. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. So sorry son didn't get any scholarship money. Hopefully, next time he will

    Lesley - you gave Mildred more than a lot of people would have given. Grieve as much as you need to.

    Well, last year Vince had a breathing problem in the condo and had to go to the hosp. for a nebulizer treatment. This time he brought down two inhalers. But he's concerned that he's developed a breathing problem again and now it's starting to turn into a cough. He called an allergist here, but the first time he can be seen is Thursday. Hope he doesn't get much worse. It wasn't bad the time we were at the racetrack, but he was in the condo most of the day today. He's planning to sleep on the porch with the windows cracked open.

    Michele from NC now in FL
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, ladies. Triple AAA jumped my car this am, I drove to the garage, of course they didn't have a battery on hand so it was going to take hours. Walked over to the gym.....in the freezing rain (why is it always raining when I have to go to the garage????) and once again begged a ride home with one of the guys from our running club when he was done. Told them to do the oil while it was in there too so that's taken care of for a bit. DD took me to pick it up between her jobs this afternoon.

    We are slowly discovering Gemma's unique aspects. For one thing she seems to be a pack rat(?). I had taken that first collar DH fixed up for her and put it on the brick hearth on top of some books and the other day she got it, carried it across the room, and and put it on her sheepskin. Today she brought a wooly hat of DD's from off the staircase through the hallway to her sheepskin. Doesn't chew or destroy anything (yet...fingers crossed). She seems to be getting a collection of what I suppose are comfort items together. I've never had a dog do this before. Has not warmed up to DH yet but certainly loves the women of the house.

    Spoke to Gwen a bit tonight; she's getting a cold.......hope that's all it is. Will try to take her some soup tomorrow.

    One of DD's coworkers was knocked down and injured at the show barn by a rearing stallion tonight and DD dragged the woman out of the stall. TOO Scary... Really wish she had called someone else to do it. Makes me want to eat stuff I shouldn't even be thinking about.


  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    edited February 2015
    Failed miserably today. I had too many things going (work, haircut, taking my daughter to the doctor for tests, then getting her groceries before taking her back to school) so I didn't eat at my usual times and didn't plan my meals well. I made an apple pie for DH and he brought me a piece with ice cream (he was truly being kind and waiting on me because he felt bad about my day) and of course I ate it. I didn't achieve one of my February goals today. I guess I just have to get a good nights sleep tonight and remember tomorrow is is new day. We all have days like that right?

    in New Hampshire

    My February goals:

    1. Log everything I eat every day
    2. Exercise 4 times a week
    3. Drink less coffee (with less sugar)
    4. Eat a salad every day
    5. Eliminate as much meat as possible from my diet (for medical reasons not a philosophical statement)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    jb_2011 wrote: »
    Night time snacking
    Finds me lacking
    In self-control
    It's true.

    Although the word
    Is one that I curse
    Is what I must do.

    Journey aside
    I swallow my pride
    I've forgotten the rules.

    Tonight after dinner
    I'll be a big winner
    Munching on celery
    And fruit.

    :smile: jb in Portland

    :D jb, I loved your poems so much that I quoted it so anyone who missed It will have a another chance to read it.

    smiley-cool05.gif Tomorrow is another day. My shortcomings today weren't of the eating variety, they were other variations on not keeping my mouth shut when I should have, so tomorrow I will redouble my efforts to pause before speaking. I hate having to make amends for saying the wrong thing.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sorry I have been so busy that I have not been able to respond to very many people. I have read everything though.

    Pipcd34 - congratulations on the 940 you inspire me!

    Thanks to all the comments on my DGS basket!

    JB - great poem.

    Sylvia - great picture of the bowls!

    Tina - that happens to all of us! Just get on track tomorrow and you will be fine.

    Meg - you will enjoy the salad. I'm having it tomorrow.

    Leslie - sending you (((hugs )))

    Welcome new and returning people.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, could you have some mold issue in your condo from the upstairs water fiasco? that could be a cause of your hubbies allergies. Thanks for the info of the brownies.

    Cynthia, I just looked on my iPad and on the app I can't find community but when I go to Safari and look up MFP it looks exactly like the screen here. I have it book marked on Safari to make it easier for me

    Carol, Ga, I think the kind of grieving you are talking about is the grieving of lost opportunities. I had it at first when my MS was diagnosed. One day in choir at church I just burst out crying. I finally figured out that my grand kids would never have the opportunity to actually know my Dad. Sure we talk about him, have pictures and share stories but they can't sit on his knees and have him love them.

    Sylvia, your bowls are wonderful. I hope their teacher is letting them know that people are donating these bowls so they can know and appreciate community service and volunteering.

    My daughter finally got date of my grand daughters musical. It's 8 PM this Friday. But that means a late night for us. By the time it's over it will be 1 AM before we get home and it's supposed to be raining. Oh well, what we do for our grandkids! Some of our yards look like ice rinks. Ours is fine. Charlie spends time out there each day cleaning more of it off. 2 years ago when he had his heart attack his doctor told him not to do this stuff in the winter and have it hired out. MEN

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Good morning! Just saying hi. I am awake early again, but did manage 6 and a half hours sleep, so I'm not complaining. We are turning the light off a bit earlier than we used to so it's not surprising I am waking earlier. I will probably have a 30 min doze somewhere in the day as DH is away at football.

    Note to self - do not start snacking while DH is out.

    Tuesdays are effectively a "rest" day when I go to yoga. Not even half as many calories burned as usual. I plan to eat porridge for lunch, with just water and salt -200 cals - and have an apple in the afternoon with no calorie caramel sauce. 60 cals. Then for dinner I will make my delicious Asian Curry Laksa with Jumbo Prawns. I use shiritaki noodles. 300 cals, even with a small amount of coconut milk. I will have a one measure whisky and soda at the pub - 50 cals. That gives me a bit left for some dried apricots and home made yoghourt for dessert. :bigsmile:

    Barbie - sorry to hesr about your foot in mouth. :flowerforyou: I just hate it when I do that and it preys on my mind until I have resolved it.

    Viv, Beth and others stressing - ((((hugs)))) :flowerforyou: At least you aren't taking to the bottle! The day before yesterday I had two drinks instead of my normal one, because I was upset about my ex's illness and upset about our visit to the grandchildren being put off. Yesterday I stuck to the one again. o:) I am always under calories, but I feel better psychologically if I stick to one drink ( pastis in a large tumbler of water - 50 mls - 70 cals) during the week. I sometimes have two on a Friday or Saturday. Not always. Occasionally we have a bottle of wine at the weekend, but not often as I can't spare the calories and, these days, it doesn't feel so good afterwards. Just far too fuzzy and sleepy. So, although I love the taste and the feeling while I drink it, it is rarely worth it.
    I do feel my one drink at 6 pm is worth the calories and will not hurt, health wise. On holiday we drink more. :ohwell:

    Kim - I haven't forgotten about the Allbran loaf. :bigsmile:

    Michele - those headphones must make such a difference to your experience of the race. Hope Vince gets over his breathing problem soon.

    Welcome to the new ladies who have joined us! Great to see you! Keep posting so we can get to know you. :flowerforyou:

    Time to take DH up his cup of tea. That first cup of tea in the morning is the BEST! We are using our Ceylon teabags we brought back. They need a longer steep to get the required "builders' tea" colour, but they are delicious. Then after a chat etc in bed DH gets up and makes us organic muesli with chopped fruit and berries and semi skimmed milk. It looks like an impressionist painting with all the clours of raspberries, strawberries, nectarines, kiwi, blueberries. I allow 430 cals for it as I add on the rest of the semi skimmed I use for tea throughout the day. DH likes the same breakfast every day and as he is making it, I'm fine with that.

    Love to all, Heather in springlike Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Yanniejannie: your story reminded me of a cat I had years ago. He had a water bowl obsession. One time I watched him drag a pair of pantyhose from upstairs all the way through the living room and stuff it into his water bowl. Another time he did that with my keys (!).

    Joyce: sure glad I'm not the only one without Community on my apps. I was starting to think everyone thought I was dumb. :) Which I am not. :smiley:

    Going to the gym this morning; usually I go in the afternoon because morning is not the best time if you have arthritis. But afternoon is not an option today.

    Weather is cold but nice. I feel so much better when there's a little sun.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    morning ladies~
    well got up at 3:30 am, have a load of laundry in the wash and got the DH dinner all set, have to get his lunch and my lunch together,throw the laundry in the dryer and take the dogs for a walk before work.. I am hoping that I can get back to going over to see my DFIL in the next day or so, I have so missed seeing him.. but have to be on the safe side too.
    what is community in apps? I must not have it either...
    It is frigid cold here and snow tonight,but not alot. not like what we have been getting...
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good morning to all, Today is a busy day here at work and when I leave. I came in early so I can leave at 2:45 so I can go straight to the Y to PT and then teach water aerobics at 6.
    I also teach ab class at lunch today. I will for sure get my exercise in today.

    Jb in Portland, Funny poem

    Sylvia, the bowls look great.

    Heather, I long for spring and flowers budding, we have nothing but snow, wind and freezing temps.

    Katla, I’d love to be retired but I still have a number of years. At least my commute is a short one, usually less than 15 minutes.

    Carol, Way to hang in there when you’re not feeling well. Personally no experience with rotator cuff injuries but I know a few people who have. You should for sure get it checked again.

    Rename, Great job, and your success motivates me!

    I guess I better get to work, so much to do.


  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Finally got some snow! Whooeee! It should clear up by noon but supposed to get some more on Wed-Thurs.
  • doccnm
    doccnm Posts: 21 Member
    How do I join the group? I am a 58 yo college professor (nursing) in New York. I've been a life long active woman: running, walking, swimming, golf and biking. Now trying stand up paddle boarding. I've always maintained my weight generally fluctuating +/- 5-10 lbs. Now that I am post menopausal I've developed the dreaded menopot (lol, flabby protruding lower belly). In the winter I go to the gym almost every day. I eat well: lots of salads, plain meats/fish. Do most of my own cooking, rarely eating out. I do like wine but try to keep it to 2 glasses on Saturday & Sunday. My issue or question is: are my expectations too high? Is it close to impossible to have a slim belly at this age? Thanks and all the best to everyone. We women rock!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning ladies. No sun and 23 here. Gave the birds a lot of fruit in the mix this am (blueberries, cherries, apple, orange); figure the sugar will give them some energy later when things head downhill (again). DD is lifeguarding early shift this am, 6:30am start so she is long gone. DH eating his breakfast; then off to work for him. I'll have the house to myself until md-afternoon other than a quick trip to the grocery when they open shortly.

    Carol (peach).........Congrats on your snow! It is pretty, isn't it? I wanted a bit too until last weeks which came with ice on top and pretty much trapped me for days; now, you can keep it. But it's supposed to get here this afternoon anyway, only an inch maybe. More to come on Thursday. Enjoy!

    jb........Add me to the fans of your poem!

    Sylvia...........Hope the kids do a fabulous job with the bowls. I have zero art talent so anything would look great to me. The special collar was a pick by the doggy store owner because Gemma is such a strong little leash puller on walks.

    Michele.......I did watch Daytona and thought of you being there in person.

    Cynthia.........So funny about the cat! Here's a few more for you........(((((hugs))))))).

    Heather......I agree........the first cuppa in the morning IS the best! Enjoy your breakfast in bed; it does sound delicious!

    doccnm......Welcome; a few retired (and also still working) nurses here; you'll feel at home. Not sure about your belly; might ultimately depend on number of kids (if any) or genetics. I'm sure there are lower belly exercises which will help. There has been a discussion here about how some loose skin will tighten up with time and effort. Any ideas from the trainers at your gym? Good luck!

    Off to get my breakfast; have only had several cups of tea so far. Hello to everyone I missed.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Good morning all! There's a dusting is snow on the ground here. It did not stop DH from walking at 6:00 a.m. before leaving to do the bread run for the food bank. I confess I stayed snuggled in bed. I will go with him for his second round when he gets home. Meanwhile, I need to take advantage of having the house to myself.

    K in NEGA
  • Hi Ladies
    I've been on MFP for a month or so and am really struggling with willpower! I'm widowed so don't have someone to tut tut at me and in England. When I get home I really want to snack and find it so had to stop myself nibbling at anything and everything after dinner! I'm also not a great exercise person.... any tips?
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    OOHHHHH...............Pileated Woodpecker this am; outside the fence on a tree.......don't see them often.......whooohoooo, happy dance.

    Also DD's hat has been carried back to the sheepskin again today.......well, off to the grocery!