
  • Hi thanks for the welcome I am trying to see the weight loss as scientific eat less than I burn can it be that simple
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member

    I'm sorry to hear about your son's migraines. I have a cousin who has had debilitating migraines for many years. About 2 years ago, she was finally diagnosed with celiac's disease and started on a gluten free diet. She very rarely gets a headache now. Maybe something to discuss with your doctor if it hasn't been considered already.

    Carey - Edmonton
  • donamari7
    donamari7 Posts: 20
    edited February 2015
    February is coming to a close and I am happy to report that I am down 11 lbs this month! I feel that this is great for my first month. I am continuing my strength and cardio training every other day. I try to come up with a good excuse to not do it, but I can't. It's challenging, but not too challenging and when I am done I feel awesome. At times worn out, and knowing I am going to be a bit sore, but it still is awesome!

    Right now my biggest issue is feeling too anxious about this new lifestyle. In other words, I have the "I want results now" attitude. I know, not good and it frustrates me that I get that way. I have decided to give myself a monthly goal to strive for and when I meet my goal I will reward myself with something other than food.

    Lastly, I have noticed that I need to start taking time to plan meals. Maybe work at prepping veggies and portioning out in advance the things I can, so they are readily available to me. There is nothing worse than having nothing available when I am really busy and needing a healthy meal.

    Good luck to all. Hold you head up high and tell yourself you are worth it! :)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Peachstategal - good for you! I think it works extremely well for me. At 12 noon or thereafter is when I eat my first meal then if I am hungry later around 3 I have protein such as peanuts or pistachios and a piece of fruit, then I have my supper meal at around 6 and I have a snack between 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock. So my 8 hour window is from 12 o'clock until eight o clock at night. It talks about feeling hungry and having your stomach growl being a good thing. And it is working for me. Plus I like to eat in the evening well we watch a show or play a game. What I do to not be lazy is I set my cell phone alarm to go off every hour on the hour and I do a set of squats push ups, leg lifts, & a plank, then before I sit down again I have to do some type of housework. I have a TV in my bedroom and the living room and if I'm folding laundry or making the bed I will watch a show. Pip is right in that put that music on and groove and work at the same time. I also have made it a daily goal to get up and do something during the commercials if I am watching a program. I journal and put check mark by commercial every time I complete a task. Putting the alarm on the cell phone really works it is a gentle reminder.

    SSC1958 - I love your thought for the day!

    Terri in Milwaukee - good plan for packing the fridge with fruits and veggies! I saw a commercial on TV the other day about a new shot for arthritic joints that gives you a cushion like cartilage has your doctor mentioned that to you at all?

    Cindy in S . MD - those crackers are dangerous aren't they! I have switched to pistachios and peanuts because the are called a power food and protein. They have a lot of calories but do not turn to fat in your body. Although I still have my five to ten crackers when I have a big bowl of chili but I count them as my calories and feel just fine about that!

    Heather - your meal sounded delicious! I just recently fell in love with parsnips.

    Karen in ceyou could try switching up your exercise
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    sorry I must have written too much because I keep getting cut off!

    it is suggested not to do the same thing for a long period of time because of muscle memory. Even just doing a morning routine instead of an evening routine or vice a versa will help. I mentioned in earlier post that I was on a plateau for quite a while and started the 8 hour diet which has been working for me. However Monday Wednesday and Friday I do 2 hours of aerobic exercise in the morning and every hour on the hour for 5 hours I do a set of squats, push ups, leg lifts, planks and I hula of hoop for 10 minutes. Also during a meal eat your protein first because it trick your brain into thinking that everything that you eat after that is also protein and it metabolizes your food as energy instead of fat.

    Beth in WNY - there are so many different diets out there with supposed scientific evidence to prove this or that and not really much scientific proof as far as I'm concerned. They do case studies to determine how eating certain foods affect fat and metabolism but everybody body is different. The same with cholesterol, our bodies produce cholesterol. I guess mainly we have to try what we think will work and if it does that's what we go with. Just like now a days eggs are good for us ha I never stopped eating them or butter. I had been a life Science and earth science teacher for over 20 years and I still take everything with a grain of salt!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Carol - a rebounder is a mini trampoline. When you can't get outside, or when supper is cooking, or during TV time... just step on and do some walking.

    And on that note.... started on the taxes and NOW I need to get off my butt and move... already 5 p.m. and I will need to make 4 miles yet. I only need 4 miles to make my 100 miles in February.

    Take care and catch you later
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Hi thanks for the welcome I am trying to see the weight loss as scientific eat less than I burn can it be that simple

    Yes, it is that simple. But you have to weigh and log everything. Always. Anything else is decoration.

    Also donamari7 - you are doing the right thing by planning. People sometimes say they don't have the willpower or motivation - that is not necessary and is a variable thing anyway, what is important is to have a strategy that can cope with the weak and tired moments and to develop good habits that we can do unconsciously and don't require willpower after a while. I never "feel like" exercise, but I do it every morning. I try to make my evening meal as easy for me as possible because I know that I am tired and hungry at 6 pm and can't face a lot of work. It is either more or less prepared in advance or I have already done the prep. STRATEGY is vital and knowing our own weaknesses and planning for them.
    - If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

    :bigsmile: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK

  • pcaakes
    pcaakes Posts: 33 Member
    Repeat, repeat, repeat....this is how we do it (exercise and journaling)!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday here and enjoyed having the puppy but glad to hand back at 5pm
    NO training today.
    Washing cotton sheets and putting flannnalet sheets on bed.
    Shampooing lounge carpet and cleaning leather lounge suite
    Thorough clean toilet area
    vac all carpets and sweep floors.
    Will walk round our own tracks this afternoon.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Just for today - I have logged on and in!

    Just come back from our dog training evening - two gorgeous border collie pups came on a socialisation visit - they start puppy class in two weeks time! So cute - chocolate box cover cute! I love being the welcomer!
    During the second hour 4 dogs and their handlers achieved the Gold award and 5 achieved the Silver award! An amazing achievement! We are all so pleased with them! Next Thursday we have the Puppy and Bronze tests...

    It's amazing how easily the mindset can change. I am already feeling back into the mfp habits - food logging wise - now to up the exercise to maximise the weight... I feel a visit to the swimming baths is due...

    Have enjoyed reading your posts! Very encouraging and helpful. Have a great day everyone!

    MA in UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Abby from Vancouver, I am younger now than I was when I started on MFP in 2009. One thing that helped me was reading "Younger Next Year for Women"....I'm not doing everything the book recommends, but I took a lot of the suggestions.

    smiley-happy110.gif Peachstategal, don't wait to get motivated. Use my "suffer for 15 minutes a day" rule with your chores you don't want to do. Also make a list of small things to do so you can accomplish something easily and have the satisfaction of crossing it off your list when you do it.....and use pip's idea of playing music while you accomplish something.

    smiley-happy110.gif We have been invited to dinner by some wonderful friends that we don't we often enough. We're due at their house at 6PM which is late for us, so we took a nap this afternoon so we can stay up later and I'm eating my bedtime snack now (my usual suppertime) and am hoping that what they serve for dinner will include foods that I eat

    smiley-cool05.gif When someone asks a question about why she isn't losing weight, I am always impressed by all the fabulous suggestions. It helps me to see the food and exercise diary of the person asking the question.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)--- The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    February Resolutions
    *walk 19,000 steps a day (this is higher than last month)
    *strength training twice a week (this is the one I still haven't accomplished) smiley-sport017.gif
    *get the income tax numbers compiled and mailed to the accountant
    *Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good--this goes well with my happiness commandment to "Lighten up"


    Be kind---no exceptions

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    I have a plan.... need to, I am slightly OCD.

    I clean all my vegetables on the weekend. They are in a container in the fridge and extras are in bags. Suppers need to be planned because when I walk in the house at 6:30 p.m. - I am hungry. (And DH doesn't have to think about what to make) I eat an apple at about 4 p.m. before I leave work...otherwise my bellybutton would be chewing on my backbone...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr of Simply Strong with Gin Miller DVD today. Not sure if I'll be able to get a workout in tomorrow or not. Sort of depends on when we're leaving. Also, if it's raining and the stairs to the condo are wet, I'll have to go to the Y to use their spin bikes. So stay tuned.

    The new Publix opened today. I got this REALLY REALLY nice insulated bag from them for free. Unfortunately, I went out to my car to get some coupons and when I went back in the woman giving them out wasn't there any more. She probably ran out.

    Mary from MN = thanks for telling me about the 5x5. I went to the website and it looks interesting. I'll have to check it out more indepth when I get home.

    katla - I do hope your hubby joins you in the yoga. That would be wonderful!

    kim - you can probably make mini-muffins. Around 4 equals one full sized muffin. Then it wouldn't be a problem at all to have 1/2.

    Vince just left to go to an allergist down here. Although the air purifier seems to be helping, he would like to get to the root of the problem and figures that an allergist down here would be more familiar with allergens in this area. I'm afraid that they're going to do the test where they stick you with lots of needles. If they do that, I'm just not sure how long it takes before the test can be read. Update: seems he's allergic to tree polen, specifically oak and birch, and all the grasses.

    Joyce - that's great that you went to the doc's with your sister, especially with your background. Wish you could go to the doc with me.

    Abby - welcome. Like the way you feel, you're gettting younger all the time.

    Gillian - welcome! I don't know how much you have to lose, but don't get discouraged if you don't lose it all by your birthday. Hey, you'll lose it by another birthday. Glad to have ya with us

    Sylvia - when I took the popcorn off the Christmas tree, I spread it out in front of the office window for the birds to eat (and the cats to see the birds and be entertained). Vince has told me that he'd get me a maid only if I absolutely needed one "because I know you and you'd clean before the maid got here because you didn't want her to see a mess and you'd clean after she left because she didn't do it your way".

    Carol in NC - a rebounder is a mini-trampoline. I have a few DVD's for the rebounder. One nice thing is that there is no impact so if someone has problems with their knees, it works well for them.

    pip - at the one branch of the Y that I like to go to, I asked about a rowing machine and they said that they think they're going to get one. I do trust the gal who is the head, she's honest. Many times the Y will tell you what you want to hear, but she's honest. I can't wait until they do get it because I've been wanting to use one for quite a while

    Cindy in MD - yes, exercise will lower you RHR. Check it again in a few months and I'm sure you'll find it is lower

    Getting ready to leave tomorrow (boo hiss). However, Vince said that we'll probably be coming back later this year since he wants to check on the bathroom.

    Heather - I bought some veggie patch meatballs. To me, they tasted very salty. I looked on the package and the sodium count wasn't high --only something like 18%. But I still tasted the salt

    Mary from MN - I like how very specific you are in your food and your exercise. thank you

    After exerising came home, then went to the grand opening of a new Publix here in Titusville. Actually, that's one reason we stayed an extra day. then friends of ours from NC who moved to FL came here, we went to the Kennedy Space Center and just went thru the Astronaut Hall of Fame then had dinner at Dixie Crossroads. I got the sweet potato (no butter). They did give me 2 small ones, tho. I got the broccoli and cauliflower. I think there was some sort of butter sauce on it. My entree was rock shrimp,shrimp and scallops that were boiled. Only had water to drink, then tea (no sugar) for dessert. Took a small mouthful of Vince's keylime pie, only because he kept saying that I couldn't have any so I tried to sneak a small bite, but wasn't successful.

    Michele from NC who is in FL only until tomorrow a.m. -- booo
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    I have a plan.... need to, I am slightly OCD.

    I clean all my vegetables on the weekend. They are in a container in the fridge and extras are in bags. Suppers need to be planned because when I walk in the house at 6:30 p.m. - I am hungry. (And DH doesn't have to think about what to make) I eat an apple at about 4 p.m. before I leave work...otherwise my bellybutton would be chewing on my backbone...

    I do the same thing. It elminates a lot of stress during the week and keeps me from munching all evening. :)

    In New Hampshire
    My February goals:

    1. Log everything I eat every day
    2. Exercise 4 times a week
    3. Drink less coffee (with less sugar)
    4. Eat a salad every day
    5. Eliminate as much meat as possible from my diet (for medical reasons not a philosophical statement)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    stats for the day:
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 11.38min, 15.2amph, 3miles = 113cal
    rowing machine - 30min, 7665 meters, 216aw = 187cal
    bike ride gym 2 train station- 6.04min 14amph 1.4miles = 64cal
    bike ride train station 2 hm - 15.46min, 10amph, 2.6miles = 176cal
    total cal - 540
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello all,
    I worked today and have finished reading all the posts. Not much time to respond to individuals. I enjoy hearing what works for different ones of us. It gives me ideas for food and exercise.
    Heather and Mary - I love parsnips. They are a little high in carbs but I have them instead of other starches. I roast them with onions while I bake my fish or chicken. My husband never used to like onion so I never cooked much with them. Now he loves them and we go through onions like crazy!
    Cindy - for a minute I thought you said you fell into a box of crackers! Some days are like that for me (but getting less and less now that I am making new habits).
    Michele - have a safe trip home.
    Congrats to those of you with losses and NSVs today. Thinking of those with challenges right now.

    Toni in Tennessee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening all. The appliance guy came and pronounced our dishwasher officially dead. He said the motor burned out, and because of the way it's made, with the motor, grinder and everything all in one unit, it is cheaper to get a new dishwasher than to have this one fixed. It's only 3-4 years old. Boo hiss. I'm not sure the next one will be a Kenmore. This was a fancy one, too. Next one will be a cheap model, if they don't last any longer than that.

    I called the doctors office and they said to put neo sporin on the incision and if it doesn't look better next week to come in and they will look at it. They didn't seem too worried, so I guess I won't be either.

    My DGD#1 had her piano lesson tonight and did well. I really like taking her there. It's in the big music building on campus, and the place is full of music and musicians. We sat in the hallway for a little while waiting for her turn and saw people walking by carrying various sizes of black cases, so we made a little game out of guessing what kind of instrument was in each case. She would guess trumpet or violin and I would guess tuba or kettle drum (when the case was small) just to make her laugh. It was fun.

    When I got home I was having a pretty bad angina spell, and sat right down, still in my coat, and had hubby get my nitro. It helped a lot. And pretty quickly. I felt well enough afterward to make a quick dinner. Frozen pizza for him and scrambled eggs for me. But waited a couple of hours to do the dishes. Hubby went to the store to get milk so I didn't have to. That was sweet.

    I'm going to bed early. Good night everyone.


  • jehzimom
    jehzimom Posts: 22 Member
    I went 500 cal over today. I knew I'd done poorly and thought about skipping logging completely. But I didn't!! I logged every single bite. Snacks after supper were my undoing. I'm a Cheetos weakling and cannot buy them anymore.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited February 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good evening, ladies.

    Mary, great results with your 8 hour eating plan. Keep up the good work. (*)

    Peachstgirl, I know what you mean about not getting things done after retiring. I now find that I am more interested in exercising than cleaning house. I know the dirt will wait for me and the fat wont. It’s just priorities, or that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Actually some days I use the de-clutter method and allot 15 minutes to get some housecleaning done. Whatever task I pick, I do complete even if it’s a little longer, like vacuuming or dusting. It actually works pretty well when I am just not in the mood to do housework.

    Karen, I feel your pain in not losing for two months. I’m not an expert but do read a lot and many suggest changing your macros. Maybe up your protein or even your carbs for at least a few days? Since we can’t see your diary it’s hard to give specific suggestions. Do you weigh and measure all your food? Sometimes we get a lot more calories than we think. Still, if you have cut down it’s strange that you haven’t lost any weight. Hopefully someone can give you concrete suggestions on how to get that boost that you need. Good luck!

    Donamari, That is a fantastic result for your first month!! Congrats. We all want it to fall off overnight but you need to get to the point that you are happy if the scale moves down, once or twice a week. You do know the loss is likely to slow down I hope. Just keep up the great work and remember that you didn’t put the weight on in a few weeks, so you can’t expect to get rid of it that fast. We are all rooting for you.

    Lily, I like your planning. I’m not OCD (you could tell from my house) >:) but there are just things I like to have done. DH will bring home the groceries and just put all the fruits and veggies in the fridge. I then take them out and wash them. I don’t want to get ready to make a salad and have to wash the lettuce, then wait for it to dry. I don’t want to decide to have a snack and have to wash my grapes or strawberries. It just makes it easier on me to do it when they are new and not have to worry about it again. Just curious, do you eat lunch at work?

    Michele, I feel for Vince. I’m allergic to all of the above. I must say that a Zyrtec a day keeps me in pretty good shape except for the heaviest blooming season. At that time, my eyes are the worst and I have a prescription antihistamine eye drop that helps. Let us know what they recommend for him. You have me laughing about Vince’s dissertation on you having a maid. :D

    Sylvia, your time with DGD sounds so special. Do you have angina pains often? Do you know what brought it on? You take care of yourself.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I was exercising this morning and using my resistance band over the door. Well either it is well older than I realized or I am way stronger than I realized, because it broke. Thank goodness the two ends came down and slapped my hands and it didn’t hit me in the face. Now I have two beautiful blood blisters on my hands, as if 67 year old hands weren’t unattractive enough already. (Wondering if I need to wear eye guards when exercising? ) B) At any rate, I’m shopping for new ones. If any of you have them with the handles, my question is, how do you get the right length for the exercise you are doing? They all seem to come in preset lengths.

    I am so happy to be associated with all of you. You are funny, inspirational and smart. I wish you all the very best of health and happiness. <3

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good evening MFP friends. Hope everyone had a great day. Caught up on my ironing today and took a friend out to lunch for her birthday.
    SueBDew - TX