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  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Praying for your son, the doctors, you and your family.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member

    Thought for the day: In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

    Carey in Edmonton[/quote] I like that - I think I will add it to my March calendar.


  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you all for the birthday wishes :) And thanks to Joyce for the visual of groping a dude (only to find out if he was a prop or not ;) in a Halloween spook house, I'm sure I'll be smiling all day.
    Have a successful day, ladies!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited February 2015
    Just got back from a walk with Dr. Oz at the Mall of America. Yes the one that was in the news about terrorists being encouraged to attack it. You could tell there was extra security. I had a couple of opportunities to get a selfie with him. I opted not too because I am still not 100% and did not want to risk getting him sick. I did get a front row seat when he spoke and when download some of my pictures on our other computer I will post a shot of him. I did ask a question about probiotics and he answered it in the question and answer. He recommended fermented like Kombucha and no sugar yogurt. He cited some studies are showing what is in your gut can influence your weight. He recommended a diet that has healthy food you love so it makes it easier to stick with it. He said our waist should be half of our height. Working on that one. Again it is important to exercise 30 minutes a day. Did that today with the walk. He did go on the zip line because he has a fear of heights and he tries to face his fears whenever he can. He also asked us to pass on to at least three people some of what we learned today.

    Posting on here I know I reach more that three people.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    Something 2 make u smile
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited February 2015
    First picture is on selfie took with crowd


    He is giving his talk:wtwfu90gpffg.jpg

    These fans were right behind me:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    stats for the day: first time with the pacer boat... got instr. on how to work it!!!!!!
    other -bosu ball- single leg balances, squats- 5min 1 set/20 ea leg, squats 2 sets/20 ea (flat side up) = 24cal

    rowing machine - 15.19min, 231aw, 405meters -(experiment)

    rowing machine - 1hr 15min, 270aw, 20,617meters (12.8miles), 1st time with pacer boat = 575cal

    other -bosu ball- single leg balances, = 10min total (flat side down) plank on ball and off, 1 minute each = 37cal
    total cal 656
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good Saturday afternoon! I'm still congested and have come to the conclusion that the cold has turned into a sinus infection. I'll call the doctor on Monday.

    Thanks to those who explained what a rebounder is. Maybe that is something I can save up to get for when my knees are giving me fits.

    DeeDee- We got over six inches (probably closer to ten) but I didn't venture outside to measure. The ground is still completely white! It would be awesome to meet up when the weather clears up. You are right that we are +/- 45 miles apart.

    I'm struggling with depression so my food choices have not been stellar. I've decided that March 1 is a wonderful day for beginning again. I need to remind myself constantly that I can't control what goes on around me, but I CAN control what goes in my mouth!

    My daughter has a job interview on Friday! Woohoo!!! I hope something will come of it so that she can be financially alright until she can finish her degree and get a library job that she wants.

    The boy child's spring break is this coming week and he is headed to Florida with a group that he hangs out with. I'm not worried about him getting into trouble but I am worried about the journey down and back. He leaves tomorrow and comes back on Friday then he will come home the following weekend.

    I emptied three boxes today and packed those things away in the kitchen. I think that I'm going to pay my daughter to finish up some things in the old house because everything has to be done in the daylight and I don't want to spend my weekends over there all the time. I really just want to be done with the place. Once she has the things out that I want and has packed up the things her brother wants for next year when he lives off-campus, then I will be able to finally break down all the boxes and recycle them. That will clear out a lot of space in my house and make it feel so much less cluttered!

    When I call the doctor on Monday about my sinus infection I'm going to go ahead and set up an appointment with him to talk about my shoulder. It is getting much worse and I'm having difficulty in lifting anything at all. Even if it means surgery I'm going to have to go ahead and get it taken care of.

    Just to show you how lazy I am feeling I just 'typed' all of this through the speaker on my phone and let the phone do it for me. That's so cool!! :grinning:

    I'm off to vacuum now -- that's the one thing I didn't get done earlier today. I hope all of you have a wonderful Saturday!

    Barbie - thanks in advance for setting up the March thread!

    Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Stuck at home, the snow is still coming down. If we are only supposed to get six inches it had better stop soon. It looks like we have that much already. I baked some low salt french bread this morning and had some for lunch. It was so yummy! This afternoon I made it all the way to the back of the walk-in closet tossing fat clothes. I have three black bags full, ready to take to the thrift store. I contacted the minister at the food pantry to see if she has any clients who might need it. If so, I will take it to her instead. Hubby said, "you better go shopping, you don't have any clothes left!" The only thing I kept was the teal blue wool suit that I got married in. Can't give that away, even though it's a 26/28. It's so pretty, with tone-on-tone embroidery on the lapels. There are a few things in the closet of the spare bedroom that need to go too, but I've used my energy allotment for the day.

    Margaret, I'm glad you had a good time, and that people weren't too scared to go to the mall. Glad they had extra security too.

    Pip, you did make me smile. Thanks!

    See if this link works:


  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am all caught up (Happy dance). This last week has not been good. My moods have been all over the place. Things at work are so messed up and my boss had be working on the hours for next month and he wants our hours cut even more. We have two full time people leaving and we have to have coverage for 24/7. I am to have an interview for the managers job this next week, in the meantime I am doing the work. Thursday evening was the last Bible study class I was taking. I really enjoied it and learned a lot. I guess there is a second part and she is talking about doing that the first of April. I hope so. I am working today and took acouple hours off this morning to watch DGD show choir competition. So proud of her. She lives in Omaha with her dad and stepmom so do not see her as often as some of the others. Then tomorrow I have the day off as is DH's birthday and the two DGD's that live here have their dance program in the afternoon and our 2 DS's that live here are planning to take us out for supper to celebrate DH's and my birthdays. (mine is Monday).
    Feb has just flown by. So looking forward to March and spring getting closer. It has been really cold this week, but so far no snow to speak of. I am working on some goals for March and plan to get back on track. Need to take a deep breath and work on me.

    Beth--Sending prayer. I know how it is to be stressed at work and no postive support. Great news about Ashley. God is good!!

    Lesley--You take all the time you need to grieve. We each do it in our way.

    SueTN2--very wise words. Thanks.

    Allison--So glad you were not hurt in your fall. You take care of yourself.

    MaryMN--I like your schedule. I need to do something like that. Thanks for the ideas.

    Syliva--Please be careful. Keep a record of these spells and talk it over with your doctor. The repairman sounds like areal jerk.

    Selena--Happy B-lated birthday. Thanks for just the pickme up I needed. My 58th birthday is Monday and I have been having problems with it. My age has never bothered me before and not sure why this year is different. I just have to learn to take it One Day at a Time and look for the postive.

    DeeDee-Thanks for sharing the snow picture. So pretty.

    Abbstinator--Sending HUGS and will keep you and your son in my prayers. Feel free to come here and vent, scream whatever you need to do. We are here for you.

    Meg--I am so glad Benny Beagle was not hurt. Hope the results of his tests gives you answers on what to do next. I am sorry you are having such a bad time at work. Is your hospital part of CHI?

    Pam--Happy B-lated birthday to you and You Go Girl!!!!!

    Heather--beautiful pictures of the DGC. They are growing up so fast.

    Well best get some work done. Going to church when DH picks me up from work this evening. We went last Saturday and really enjoied it. Thank you Barbie for keeping us going and not giving up on us. It's a new day and new month. I can and will do this.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday and 1st of March
    My rest and re-feed day, cals at 1692, Going for a drive out.
    Washing clothes.
    Will shampoo hall carpet tomorrow Monday
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hello again!

    While walking the dogs on our local Chase yesterday we saw 2 deer and 1 fox! I love it when we catch sight of the wildlife. It makes for a very special walk. Dogs stayed on lead on the field part just in case. They were not impressed so we walked further than usual instead! Walking on the Chase is my sanity! Even with three dogs.

    Prayers for those going through tough times. I have some idea what you are going through mentally and emotionally. My dad (85) has terminal cancer, slow growing non-operable, but is still independent with his motorised scooter. My best friend is undergoing chemo following breast cancer tumour removal and my sister has just had ovarian lumps removed, most likely cysts, but we are awaiting results of biopsy! They do say it comes in threes!

    Are we all ready for March... a month for moving more - just read it's name!

    Just for today...

    MA in UK
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Oh I was going to say - enjoy the basketball - my son still plays, coaches and refs basketball and we got so used to watching as he was growing up. He's now 21 and is into the statistical analysis of the game as well. I am so pleased he chose an indoor winter sport! I do enjoy watching.
    - My daughter has gone 'back to netball' and is enjoying it. What intense discussions about the relative merits of both sports we have always had over meals!
    MA in UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    today was a busy busy day.. we have gotten alot accomplished,had the bath contractor here,,,it sounds good but not for 5.000 bucks, we have another person coming on weds night.. we bought a kitchen sink and faucet,a new toilet , new door knob and deadbolt.. but with all the running around we didnt have alot of time with the Homer and Chester..
    We did go see my DFIL and he didnt eat, which is normal,but with them being quarentined and us not allowed in there, they didn't do his laundry it was piled up.. that ticked me off..
    but the laundry is done, at least his , and 2 loads of ours..
    we were home for about an hour this afternoon so made the bed up with fresh sheets,
    got home tonight after dinner and we cant figure which one did it, but they peed on my pajama's ,robe and through the sheets and comforter...
    Oh lordy, so we stripped the bed, and lucky I had more sheets and an extra comforter..
    to say we are tired is an understatement...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Went up and down the stairs to the condo yesterday for an hour. My reward for going to the fourth floor was that I got to get a drink of water. Then we left for home (boo). It's sad, but Vince said that he wants to go down later in the year to check on the bathroom. I would like to go down just to get away.

    Today I did a Jari Love DVD. Tomorrow's plan is to do a new DVD that I got called "Weight Watchers 15 Minute Boot Camp". It's 4 workouts, each 15 minutes. I'll do all 4, mainly to check out the DVD

    Not a whole lot of time, want to continue working on the towels and then do some work on the tree skirt.

    Sylvia - take care of yourself. Glad the docs aren't concerned about your incision, hope that means good things. Good for you tossing your fat clothes

    Janet - when I'm working with the bands and need them shorter, I just wrap the band around my hand.

    After working out went to Target, got four 35lb containers of cat litter. They were $11.99 but I got $10 off for buying over $40, then I had two coupons for $3 each, then I had two $5 gift cards. Then went to WalMart since Vince needed milk. Now that I think of it, I could probably have gotten the milk and ground beef at Target. Oh well...too late

    Bath - "decluttering on steriods".... lol

    Heather - I like to know what it is that people like and don't like.

    Cindy - Yea for you!

    Selena - happy birthday! Love your attitude

    DeeDee - didn't bother me one tiny bit missing the snow. Actually, we were here for the first snowfall.

    Made ginger cookies to send to my girlfriend in Switzerland along with the blanket I made for her. Then made a meatloaf for Vince for tonight

    abbycassidy - my heart breaks for you getting such news. Prayers from NC

    Mary from MN - you have a heart full, too. So sorry

    Meg - sorry about Benny Beagle, but at least now you know and know what direction you should go in

    Pam_felt - happy belated birthday

    NM Margaret - how neat you got to see Dr. Oz! He operated on my uncle's heart.

    Margaret Turk - lovely pics, thanks for posting them. You know something, you really need to update your profile pic. You look so much younger in that pic.

    Carol in NC - feel better fast. I got my rebounder at Play it Again Sports for something like $40. Good wishes for your daughter

    MA - I never thought of March as being a month to move, but you're so right.

    Alison - do you have to do FIL's laundry? I remembert when my MIL was in an assisted living place, they did laundry so I'm wondering if you have to do his. For some reason, our cats think that they're supposed to pee on the beds (not ours, tho). So we just keep the doors to the other bedrooms closed.

    Michele back in NC (boo)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good evening, ladies.

    Pam, welcome. I’m glad you got a lot out of the retreat and wish you well on your new journey. And a belated, Happy Birthday. You are at a wonderful age. I hope you can come to realize that soon. Visit us often as this is a great place for support.

    Carey, good luck with the Tai Chi. And thanks for the great quote!

    Heather, what a precious picture.

    Pip, I got dizzy trying to see your picture, but loved it. I think I told you before, the black lab looks like my Maggie.

    Margaret, what a fun day it sounds like you had. I think that must make you almost a celebrity. So are you in the last picture? If so, which one?

    Carol, so sorry you still aren’t feeling better and that the shoulder seems worse. I laughed at your comment about talking and letting the phone type. I think that is so cool, too and find I rarely use it unless I have a lot to say. Feel better soon, but glad you are going to call the doctor.

    Sylvia, that is fantastic to be getting rid of all those larger clothes! Good job. I still have my wedding dress, too and it’s a size 7- 8. Won’t be wearing it in my next wedding. LOL

    Allison, glad you got to visit DFIL and I’m sure he would be glad to get clean clothes. I have a dog that occasionally pees in my bedroom. I don’t know what it’s about either??? At least it's always (so far) on the floor and I whip out my trusty Spot Bot. I’m sure you didn’t want to change the bedding when you were so tired. 

    Michele, welcome back to the Carolinas, even though we know where you’d rather be. Hopefully you will get to go back just for a getaway. With my old (broken) band I would just wrap it around my hands to make it shorter, but the new ones have handles and I wasn’t sure about them. I have discovered that I can do them the same way and not use the handles if I need it shorter. Thanks.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I can’t believe it’s almost 3/1/15. Shoot, I remember trying to remember to write 1/2014 like it was yesterday. I guess it’s true what they say: Time flies when you’re having fun. I hope you all have fun in whatever you do. See you in March, thanks to Barbie.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,811 Member
    Selena ... Happy Birthday!

    Abbstinator ... you and your son have been added to my prayer list ... so very sorry that you all are dealing with this.

    Just catching up ... we did so much decluttering and cleaning that my butt muscles are screaming ... a lot of bending I guess! :p More to do tomorrow! But we're getting there.

    Will post goal update tomorrow.

    Beth in Western New York
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    Damnit u bring a smile to my face, I meant to get u dizzy, it was all for u!

    Well I made my announcement at group yesterday and I was surprised by her comment. She did appreciated my honesty but also mentioned that she felt that I didn't really want to be there sometimes because of my demeanor, (being quiet not saying anything). I told her, trust me if I didn't want to be there I WOULDN'T be there, and as for my silence sometimes it's because I didn't have anything to say or add! she said that she felt it was starting to affect our relationship. I didn't show my true emotion but I was very hurt by her reaction. She said she felt uncomfortable with me sometimes during group by my reactions. Another member came to my defense (this lady and I along with Karen used to work together) and said that she felt that it was how she was feeling but not how I meant for her to feel.

    A lot of people that meet me have told me I itially were scared of me ( thinking I will kick their *kitten* if they look at me sideways ), but it's a defense mechanism from childhood. I am so sensitive it's pathetic. I have no problem in making my life an open book and sharing my feelings. It is comforting because I am just typing into a computer and nobody is talking back. Sometimes people giving me harsh feedback like she did seems okay because of the personality that I give off and I have to accept that I guess.

    I am sorry for the people here that R going they pain but rejoice for others that are happy in their accomplishments. Love u all
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pam - happy birthday!

    MNMargaret - I am so glad that you were able to go and see Dr Oz! Your pictures were wonderful.

    My DGS was possibly in a 3 way tie for 1st place, we left after his last game with 1 other game to go, so depending on the outcome of that game they are either 2nd or third place winners. He scored 3 baskets yeah!!!

    Sorry too busy to respond to all, but am praying for those in need and welcome to the new ladies!

    Have a great night everyone! See you on the new thread for March!

    Mary from Minnesota