20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    That's great, pattykaye! Almost 20 lbs.!
    @rayw89‌ Thanks so much for the encouragement!
    You're welcome! You're doing great!
    beszmytke wrote: »
    Ray - outstanding job! You know how to party the right way (*)
    Why thank you! :)
    Ray and Sparkle.. I admire your fortitude and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Making good choices is what it takes when we are in different situations. It would have been so easy to eat more and throw in the towel!
    Thank you! It would have been so easy. Something I've started telling myself the last few days is "You don't have to eat it now because it's there, it will be there in the future and you can always seek it out one day when you're maintaining". I met a muffin today, and it was amazing. I pulled about 2 bites off of it and gave the rest to my husband. I wished I could eat the whole thing, but I knew I was already spending my calories elsewhere. And I knew, chances are, I could gain access to that muffin in the future, if I really wanted to. So no more of it today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think I will go to bed so I can get warm. I have been cold all day. hope I am not coming down sick again.
    See you all tomorrow.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I hope you're not coming down with anything! I've been struggling with sore throat and major congestion every morning for the last couple of weeks.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    So today is day 31 back on MFP. I can't believe it's been a whole month! In the last 31 days I have managed to lose 16.6 lbs. I need to keep reminding myself how great that is. If I continue this way I should be able to lose another 17 lbs. by the end of this Easter challenge. I had already lost some lbs. before joining the challenge, so I'm measuring my 20 lb. goal from the time I actually committed to the challenge. It would be really great if I didn't plateau in this time. And, if I successfully complete another 17 lbs. by Easter, then I'll only need to lose 10-15 lbs. for the 4th of July challenge, and then I'll be at the lightest I need to be! What an exciting concept!

    I went out to breakfast with my husband this morning, and after my omelet and fresh fruit it totaled to over 800 calories. But I only ate half of the omelet for breakfast, and saved the other half and the fruit for later in the day after my workout. It's crazy how many calories people can consume without realizing it, isn't it?
    I made a pot of kale and pinto bean soup(inspired by a soup I had at Rainbow Blossom) tonight, and it comes in at approximately 107 calories per cup. I'm pretty excited to have this hanging out in my fridge for lunch or dinner.

    My day starts at 7:00 tomorrow, and it probably won't end til atleast midnight, with school orientation, baby shower, and b-day party, and no time for the gym in between. So here's to being mindful and picky! :)
  • I'm in! I've just started with MFP and will be happy to have the motivation of all you wonderful people!

    CW: 156lbs
    GW: 136lbs (I'd be happy if I get to 145!)

    Good luck everyone and remember, you're all beautiful!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, challengers! Happy Saturday and last day in February!

    Marie.. I hope you're feeling warmer today and will check in soon. Did y'all get snow?

    Ray..Wow! 16 pounds in a month! :D That's fantastic. Enjoy your busy/ fun day!


    Congrats to all weekend losers!

    I hope everyone has a little sunshine wherever you are! B)
    Stay strong! <3


  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    Drop 20 by Easter
    SW: 237.7
    EGW: 181.9
    UGW: 163

    Jan 1 -201.9
    Jan 8- 201.3 (.6 loss)
    Jan 15 200.0 (1.9)
    Jan 22 197.3 (2.7)
    Jan 29 195.8 (1.5)
    Feb 28 195.5 (.3)

    Pounds to Goal: 13.6

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    edited February 2015
    So many wonderful posts to read and catch up on!!

    Welcome to all our newbies and congratulations to all our losers!! - both too many many to mention this time round!

    Despite working hard on my diet and exercise I have been staying the same, which is good I guess as I've had a slip the past week...but all the same still disappointing when you don't lose!

    Keep up the good work my friends :-)


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Going home today and I will be behind all you losers. I did walk everyday on the beach and finished my 28 day squat challenge here on MFP. Never thought I could do it. I did feel a little knee pain afterwards this last few days. I don't think I will try the intermediate challenge.

    Back at it when i get home and drinking lots of water to get all the sodium out of my system.
    I will not weigh in for a couple of days.

    See you then

    Ontario, Canada
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Good morning! So happy to see that everyone is doing well, and happy to have new members -welcome Bring444 and LoveListenSavior! When you post, would you mind signing off with your first name, so we can get to know you and call you by that? Also, there's a birthday list, so if you would like to post yours you can be added to that as well.

    Marie, I hope you are feeling better today. I just saw that we are going to have a snow and ice storm beginning tomorrow night coming from South to North, so we are in for it. Just a couple inches of snow, but the ice along with it is going to make it bad.

    Ray, you amaze me! Keep it going, and I like your attitude that what (not-so-good choice) you are thinking about will be there later when and if you want it! And with the soup - I keep making the cabbage soup recipe I posted and always have some in the frig <3 - it's nice for when I am in a hurry and would choose something else "fast" otherwise...

    Mrsmuckster - fantastic job! It's exciting to see such great progess (*)

    Shirley, welcome back and so sorry you are having to return to the cold and snow - it's poopy. I think we would all have liked to join you on the beach for a coconut drink!

    Tami, Happy 25th to your son! My son Matt will be 25 on the 11th - this will be the first birthday we are not together (he's in AZ). I am making him the quilt, and will bake his favorite cookies to send him - I don't think a cake will travel that well :wink: I vote for the fish dish at the Italian restaurant! Enjoy...

    Have a wonderful Saturday, all!

  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    Belinda - you are always so encouraging to everyone - thank you!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think MFP is mess up this morning or is it me. very well be yes a mess of white stuff out there connie.It is 28 degree now and should get up to 34 soon. and start melting tis stuff. The cars are having a rough go of it again this morning. and the big trucks I don't ever remember going thru a Februarys like this one.before.. it is warmer in my computer and sewing room than in our southroom where the family room is. it could be I keep the door shut and all the warm air stays in here

    I had a hot bowl of oatmeals tis morning..with 1 T of flax meal and 2 slices of bacon.

  • Shestepmed88
    Shestepmed88 Posts: 31 Member
    Hope I'm not to late I would love to join this challange !!
    This week lost 5lbs
    GW:210 (By easter that is )
    Finally recommit my self to getting healthy again.
    So motivated by all of your weight loss and encouraging words keep up the good work and let's say BYE TO THOSE 20 !!!!
  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    Hey All,

    You are such an inspiration with your 20 pounds by Easter challenge. I have never done one of these, but do you mind if I join you all as you are starting the next one? My husband is having his graduation party at the end of May, and I'd love to be rocking a much smaller size by then. I travel for work, so I do eat out - usually healthfully, but exercising on the road (usually working on demos and presentations in my hotel room) tends to be hard to fit in.

    I am hoping that joining a group, I will keep focused when work gets crazy.

    SW: 165
    CW: 147.6
    GW: 129

    Thanks everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    titianwasp wrote: »
    Hey All,

    You are such an inspiration with your 20 pounds by Easter challenge. I have never done one of these, but do you mind if I join you all as you are starting the next one? My husband is having his graduation party at the end of May, and I'd love to be rocking a much smaller size by then. I travel for work, so I do eat out - usually healthfully, but exercising on the road (usually working on demos and presentations in my hotel room) tends to be hard to fit in.

    I am hoping that joining a group, I will keep focused when work gets crazy.

    SW: 165
    CW: 147.6
    GW: 129

    Thanks everyone!

    muffy what a cute name I like that. sure you are welcome We love to have you. and wish you the best of luck. it can be done. But really will take some planing
    to do.
    If you want it bad enouht you and do it We will behind you cheering you along the way

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hope I'm not to late I would love to join this challange !!
    This week lost 5lbs
    GW:210 (By easter that is )
    Finally recommit my self to getting healthy again.
    So motivated by all of your weight loss and encouraging words keep up the good work and let's say BYE TO THOSE 20 !!!!

    You are well on your way Sure lets say good bye to those ugly 20 lbs. Congrats on the 5 pounds fantastic


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We have a birthday today. like to have forgot it/

    Kokomo1950--Rosie--February 28-- San Antonio, Texas
    I don't tink she as been posting so I will wend her a PN to wish her a happy birthday.

    happy birthday Rosie have a great day.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning to All. Hope your Saturday is great.
    I plan on doing some house cleaning and not much else.
    Should be getting warmer today and that is nice.
    Staying strong and focused on my One One One Plan.
    Marie, Hope you stay warm today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    here is our birthday list for March
    I could not get rosie a Pm off. Said unknown user

    BJRDmom ---Diane ---March 1

    beszmytk-- Belinda - March 4 - Plymouth, MI

    I'm burns123--March 22

    JLoRuthie--Ruthie--March 24--Austria

    Barbiecat--Barbie --March 25 -- Northwest Washington

    JaniceClark08--March 28--Shepherdsville, KY

  • Tulip9
    Tulip9 Posts: 145 Member
    That's great PattyKaye! 5 pounds at a time seems like a good idea.
  • GrayBon
    GrayBon Posts: 15 Member
    U forgot me I'm March 27th
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I haven't had a chance to read all the updates yet, but things are going well so far on this busy day.
    At school orientation they had drinks and snacks for us, and guess what they had? Boxes and boxes of chocolate glazed donuts(the best kind of donuts), a variety of sodas, mini bags of Doritos and potato chips, and did I mention the platter of Easter candy? Yes, that's right. And you know what I find most appealing about Easter candy? All the pretty pastel colored wrappers. I think that's really why the candy is hard to pass up, as if it's going to taste better than normal because of the pretty little wrappers. They also had coffee and water, so I chose coffee with two creamers. And there was 1 Nutrigrain bar left, and mini bags of Goldfish. So I grabbed the Nutrigrain bar and a Goldfish baggy for later. I took one small nibble off the top of my husband's donut, to satisfy my "curiosity".
    I also ended up with some free time after orientation, so I was just able to spend an hour in the gym. I'm pretty happy about that because I know I'll let myself have a small piece of cake at the bday party tonight. Now off to run some errands before the shower and party begin!

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome, Muffy and Tryin2behealthy! We all joined at different stages, and so not everyone will have time to get the 20 off before Easter, but the good news is (A) any pounds you lose will make you a winner, and (B) we are starting a new challenge immediately after, for the 4th of July! I think someone mentioned calling it Fit for the Fourth, which sounds great!

    Tryin2, will you tell us your name in your next post, please? It is so nice to be able to put a name to the face!

    Diane, Happy Birthday tomorrow - I love weekend birthdays :smiley:

    Ray, OMG chocolate donuts...I don't know if I could have been strong enough to hold out >:) !! Good for you, getting to the gym in between!

    Going to go watch the 2nd period of the Red Wings game!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015

    Sorry graybon. Barbiecat was keeping up with our birthday list and she found she did not have time to do so anymore But she got us off to a nice start. but if someone want to take over it . They are welcome to it. I don't think I can do it without messing it all up.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Sorry graybon. Barbiecat was keeping up with our birthday list and she found she did not have time to do so anymore But she got us off to a nice start. but if someone want to take over it . They are welcome to it. I don't think I can do it without messing it all up.

  • Wow! What a nice group of people! I'm excited to see what happens this month.

    Today I went running around a park near my house. The sun was so bright and big today, hard to believe it's still February! I enjoyed watching the children's soccer game as I ran around the track that surrounds the perimeter of the park. Seeing so many people enjoying the fine weather makes me so happy.

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
    - Delia
  • I'd like to join you Caliecat I'm Dragonqueen54 I weight 257 right now just joined
    I'm Debbie CNY bummer all winter got lazy just cleaning :'(
  • like to get too 200 by 20th ann. in end of july
  • IllBeBack1Day
    IllBeBack1Day Posts: 982 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Good mornings ladies and gents. there is no rules to follow just be kind and courteous
    Keep up with the high standards of MFP you are all welcome to join me.. I am just a plain old 84 year old granny. and I need strong motivation's <3 ((hugs)) . <3 Marie

    Awe. That s so cute. Good luck w your goal. I am doin the opposite or else id join you :)
  • IllBeBack1Day
    IllBeBack1Day Posts: 982 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Hopefully everyone is following your plan to lose 20 lbs by Easter/ I am still on course. And working my plan hard to achieved my goal. No one but me can do it for me. you guys give me the motivations to stick with it. Tomorrow is my Weigh in day.
    Good luck to everyone.

    You can do it !!!believe in yourself