

  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Good morning all! I'm joining this group...I was searching for you all this morning and almost joined the 40+ group, which of course would have been fine, but I think this is a better fit for me. I am 50 and from the Seattle area, nice to see other Oregon/WA posters on this thread. My march goals are:
    1. Be more social
    2. Be more active (Social and Active together is a huge bonus!)
    3. track everyday all food and bev
    4. live each day intentfully....not sure if that is really a word but it resonates with me. do things with intention...eat, drink, exercise, work, etc.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    GodMomKim – loved seeing the embroidered pillow cases! We had them growing up and they were one of the first things I ever ironed. I added a dresser scarf my mom embroidered and crocheted the edge on top of a quilted table runner that picks up the thread colors. The scarf is so threadbare, but a fond memory of mom.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Carol, sending you a hug and good thoughts! Dare I ask if there is any chance that your sadness could be hormones gone crazy? Given the age range of this group...it could happen! I hope things turn around!

    Peach, I also have to work hard to not live too much in the past...I fret constantly over small things that didn't go well. it stinks! I'm also such a planner that I love to talk about things in the future to plan them in my head...drives DH crazy. Because like most men, he lives in the now!

    Rene' in Seattle
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I hope everyone is having a great day! Even you, Carol! I hope you can snap out of whatever is getting you down, but I know how hard it is. Hugs!

    I got to the studio this morning determined to sit down and make out my drafting bill for February first thing, but it turned out that my poor little computer mouse had gone completely belly up. I changed the battery and that didn't help. The poor thing is pretty old. I think it's one of the first batch of wireless mouse products that came out, what, about 15 years ago? Maybe more. So, off I marched to WalMart to buy a new one. I know I spent about $50 on my old one, and the new one cost $14.88. I love that! So, I came back to the studio an hooked it all up and sat playing solitaire for a while, just testing it out, you understand. Boy, is it nice. It has lots more features than the old one. So, then I had to read the news and catch up on all our posts, and somehow it's 10:30 already. My bill is still not done yet. Then I have to work on gathering tax information, so I'm really dragging my feet. Hubby hates it when he has to ask me a hundred times for my tax stuff, but I have a mental block when it comes to paperwork. If anybody saw my lack of organization they would cringe.

    So, I have to get busy. I hope you all have a great day!


  • suntomoon
    suntomoon Posts: 25
    Hey Heather I saw the bread on PBS.org - kitchen vignettes and also made the tomato galette (v excellently) big flavours means a small taste - amuse Bouche - is enough, right? Heather/ Canada
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke didn't make any sense at all, so I picked ones from Reader's Digest:


    We all make mistakes. Some 
are just more public than others, 
like these real newspaper typos:

    “Here the bridal couple stood, 
facing the floral setting, and exchanged cows.” Modesto News-Herald (California)

    “It took many rabbits many years to write the Talmud.” Holland Evening Sentinel (Michigan)

    “Mrs. ____ fell down stairs at her home this morning, breaking her myhodudududududududosy, and suffered painful injuries.” Ohio paper

    “A headline in an item in the 
Feb. 15th edition incorrectly stated ‘Stolen Groceries.’ It should have read: ‘Homicide.’” Enquirer-Bulletin

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited March 2015
    Janniejannie: sure hope the snake problem will be solved! :o Please be careful!

    Kim: love the quilt and the photo of you.

    Carol: I feel you. Sometimes stuff just piles up and you can’t seem to catch a break. ((hugs)) BTW, it’s NOT a “pity pot” and anyone who tells you it is can go stuff it. :smile: Sometimes things are too much and trying to sweep it under the rug hurts you more than it helps. Take care of yourself the way you need to.

    Heather: would love to have you cook for me. Vegetarian, though. :smile:

    So I was pushed off my bike this afternoon by a crazy woman. No, seriously. Everything hurts. The police came and noted everything, but apparently I can’t press charges unless there’s damage. My bike wasn’t damaged, so I will have to see whether I’m just stiff and sore or whether there’s “damage” to me.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, that's awful! I hope you weren't seriously hurt, but that woman should have been prosecuted!

  • SuePedB
    SuePedB Posts: 5 Member
    Today's my first day here, Hello, Everyone, it's Great to Meet You!

    I recently wrote something in the success stories section &, after reading today's posts on this forum, I'd like to share an excerpt that may be useful in our quest to be fit & healthy.

    "I have learned to use a valuable tool that I'd like to share with you. Ask yourself this 1 question: 'Am I giving myself CREDIT for the things I do that take me to a BETTER place?' To you I say, 'It doesn't matter how small or seemingly trivial that step might be. Set a goal & give yourself CREDIT for ALL those LITTLE things you do that are helping you achieve that goal. Write it down so you can SEE where those baby, CREDIT-WORTHY steps are taking you. Try writing it in the food or exercise notes section of MFP to keep it all together."

    If using this tool reaches & touches the life of 1 person today then I am truly & richly blessed. Thank you for letting me share.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Hi. I just started on MFP 3 weeks ago and I am still getting used to the idea of tabulating all these numbers, but I have lost 3.5 pounds. Going on 62 years old and am tired of the scale not budging except for the same 2 or 3 pounds. Trying to avoid going on LDL drugs and could use some support people besides the nutritionist I finally signed up for. So far I am trying to not go much over 1200 cals a day as I am only 5'2". Would love to hear some success stories from women of the older in body but young at heart variety!!! Usually going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week, but that fell by the wayside with my current cold. I am motivated to get back as soon as I can stop this hacking cough! Am I in this group because I bookmarked it or is there something else I need to do? Sorry to be sooo dumb…if I could lose 3 more pounds I could be merely overweight instead of obese, which would be a lovely birthday present! That is my goal for March.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,066 Member
    Cynthia I agree what the woman did was assault. If she is not stopped now I shiver to think what she might escalate too.

    Kim I agree love the quilt and picture of you.

    I am recovering from the flu. The down side is it is effecting my voice and I have a cough. Not good for a singer and teacher. The up side is my appetite is down and I lost some of the ten pounds I gained since August.

    2015 word: strength

    Just because I see the hook does not mean I have to bite.

    Goals to find healthy foods I love to eat in moderation
    Get 30 minutes of exercise a day
    Make sure I move every 20 minutes if I am doing seat work.
    Get sleep that I feel refreshed after sleeping.

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Sylvia...love the jokes... laughter starts my day out right B)

    Litre- Welcome! This is a very supportive and caring group.

    Rene - I love the goal "live each day intentionally" - it resonates with me too.

    Michele in NC: I bought a Kitchen Aid chopper, it had pretty good reviews on a number of sites. I think it was rated #2, but the ratings were really close. I love it though, it works great and is easy to clean. I menu plan for a month at a time since it is not one of my favorite things to do. I keep everything in OneNote so I can copy & paste and reuse daily menus. This means I only have to do it once a month and I can make sure that I'm getting enough variety and using up what I have stored in my deep freeze before it gets freezer burned. :)

    Kim: I love your quilt. I used to do a lot of hand quilting but had to quit due to severe tendonitis. I'm envious of your table/workspace...it's huge!

    Janet/Kim - Thanks for the encouragement.

    Lillian - I tried to get my sons to help with the menu planning. It was like pulling teeth for them even to tell me what their favorite meals were. I tried for a couple of weeks and no go. So I finally decided that if they weren't going to contribute then they couldn't complain. So I make what I want and if they don't like it (fussy eaters).. they can make their own. They have gotten to the point where they will go and do the grocery shopping for me each week. Now, if I can only get them to help with the clean up I'd be a much happier camper.

    Carol in NC: My solution for non-constructive critical emails is to hit the delete key and move on to something I can control. As Aristotle said: "There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."

    Have a great day!
    Carey in Edmonton
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,
    I made it through the procedure although I was horribly sick the entire day of the prep. I actually lost 2 pounds during that ordeal. All is good and don't have to go through it again for 5 years, YAY!

    My daughter and I went for the alterations fitting for her wedding dress yesterday. She passed out again during the fitting (2nd time in two weeks). I took her to the ER and everything looks ok at first glance but the doctor there recommended she see a cardiologist for more in-depth evaluations. So we go there first thing in the morning. Please keep her in your prayers.

    Its so good to be able to share with you ladies. I really missed this.

    Goals for March:

    Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
    Get back to the gym up to twice a week by the end of the month.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.
    Sending Hugs to carol
    hugs jane
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    DH and I did a little packing yesterday, so it really feels like we are going on a vacation in a few days. Finally :D But he found out the "team lead" signed them up for Opening Ceremony, so I will need to find my way back to the Convention Center after my massage. My knees feel so good, if it is less than a few miles I will likely walk.

    Tonight is the re-scheduled Barry Manilow concert, and I can't find anything at the venue that I will be able to eat and stay within calories, so I will either choose something wherever my Dad eats and toss the bread, or just eat 1/2 of something and bring home the rest. I will also eat my yellow pepper in the car on my drive home, so I'm not too hungry when I get to the Center.

    Sylvia - I literally laughed out loud at your "playing solitaire" comment. I completely understand.

    Jannie - good luck with the snake. I hope it slithered itself outside to hybernate after shedding it's skin.

    Cynthia - I just can't picture someone pushing someone else off a bike for no reason. It never ceases to amaze me how crazy some people can be. I hope you feel better quickly.

    Lillian and Carol - I understand about trying to get kids to help choose meals. I often give my son options, and he just never picks anything. He hates going to the store with me, but sometimes will anyway (mostly because I need him to carry). When I do force him, I almost always spend twice as much money as when I leave him behind. If I just make a protein and fruit and/or vegetable, he'll eat it. DH also always make a carb (I try to skip that). I would love to try new things, but they turn up their noses and make themselves something, then I have tons of left-overs.

    Jolene (and everyone with health concerns or any needs) - Hugs for your daughter.

    We are expecting snow and freezing rain tomorrow. I hope it is clear by Thursday when our flight leaves from Chicago. DH only gave himself a 1-day cush for bad weather/flight delays.

    Hugs to Everyone

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • clgswisher
    clgswisher Posts: 7 Member
    clgswisher from Calhoun, GA, just turned 50 and getting over shoulder surgery in November. Not working out has caused me to gain about 15 lbs. Looking to get that off. Hopefully will be able to get back to swimming here real soon and get back to triathlon this summer.

    My goals for March:
    walk/run 30-60 mins per day
    strength training 3 days per week
    back to swimming as ortho directs
    cut out most flour products and sugar
    drink more water

    Favorite quote:
    It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great. Tom Hanks League of Their Own
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,135 Member
    Carol - hang in there! You are stronger than you think. They really should be reported but, they do have to answer to God.

    Diana - you must be so proud of your son!

    Pipcd34 - good for you and your husband!

    Grandmallie - sorry to hear about your fall! Take it easy, you might stiffen up and be sore tomorrow.

    Heather - I enjoy hearing about your meal planning. It gives me ideas on what I can cook for dinner.

    Suruda - welcome! You will enjoy this group of ladies there is a lot of support here.

    Sylvia - I get hooked on solitaire in the evening. I like playing spider solitaire.

    Cynthia - I'm sorry to hear about the crazy woman pushing you off your bike! I hope that you didn't get injured!

    Suepedb - thanks for the inspiration!

    Bkrimpet - welcome! It sounds like you are in. You will enjoy this site immensely.

    MNMargaret - I hope you get better real soon!

    Carey in Edmonton - I also have started to make food that I enjoy and if my husband doesn't like it then he is very happy to make his own meal.

    Jolenec1 - I'm glad that your procedure went well! We will pray for you and your daughter.

    Terry in Milwaukee - have a great time at the concert tonight! Barry Manilow is so dreamy.

    Clgswisher - welcome to this site! Great quote, and March goals.

    Well my experience at the gym did not work out the way I expected! I was hoping to start the stronglifts 5x5 but the Community Center does not have the right equipment for that. They have a Smith weight training station. I need to use free weights. I will need to buy my own home equipment which is very spendy. For now I am using my husband 13 pound bar and lighter weights, which is more appropriate for a woman anyhow. I plan on starting out with very light weights and follow the program from there. I also did not feel comfortable at the gym because it was full of men.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Well this works on my phone. ...yeah! !!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • clgswisher
    clgswisher Posts: 7 Member
    Mary from MN - try looking at Play It Again Sports for free weights. We have gotten a lot of great deals there. Also, look for any gyms that are closing or getting rid of equipment as they really sell stuff cheap. I am looking for a new treadmill through both those avenues right now.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Afternoon, ladies.
    Beth, it’s so good to hear that you are making progress on a van and also that he has some use of one during the week. Congrats on your goals! On your exercise intentionally goal, do you take it literally or is it for an average of 10 min a day? Just trying to help you get a yes in all categories this month. You are doing great! My DMIL used to collect cups also. None of us knew anything about value, but if she liked it, it worked.

    Kim, how nice to see you. I didn’t realize you were such a young chick. Nice quilt project.

    *Rene’, welcome to this great group of ladies. I don’t know if intentfully’s a word either, but we gladly take made up words or anything else you want to post. And it’s a great goal.
    *Capricorn, welcome back and best of luck with your goals.
    *Linda, welcome. Sorry to hear about your accident but it sounds like you are back on the right road.
    *Sue, welcome and thanks for sharing. Come back often.
    *Bkrimpet, welcome. You will find this group of ladies both supportive and full of information. If you keep up with the posts I’m sure you will pick up some valuable ideas.
    *Cigswisher, welcome. I loved that Tom Hanks movie and that’s a good quote.

    Sylvia, glad you had a good night.

    SueTN, you know we are all behind you. Get off that couch!!! *nudge, nudge* I think you did great with logging and calorie control, so it’s onward and upward. (well not on the scale, it should go downward) tee hee hee

    Sharon, you made me laugh when you talked about what you ate at the movie and for dinner. That is how I feel when I eat things I shouldn’t or too much of what I should= ”Gross”.

    Mary, I think relaxing in the pool or hot tub sounds like a great idea. Won’t be bad for those muscles, either.

    Gilly, that’s great that you started swimming again. I’ve never been a smooth swimmer, but loved my water aerobics for arthritis when I was recouping from back surgery. I sure wish they had an indoor pool near me. Hey, that is what a personal fitness instructor should do.(pushing) This is one of the times that I think “more is better”. Keep up the good work.

    Yannie, I don’t think I’d be pleased either. I’m not freaked out by snakes, but that is getting a little too close.

    CarolNC, Big Huggs. We are here for you when you want us.

    Diana, what a great graduation! Please tell your son that we appreciate his service as well as his supportive family. You must be so proud.

    Pip, I wish you luck on your goal. It might be fun to wear “normal clothes” on the weekends when the rest of the world is out of their normal clothes and in their sweats. LOL I just love you.

    Allison, I’m glad your fall didn’t hurt you. This winter will end one of these months. I wish I could ship you all South and outta that mess.

    Heather, good for you for going to see family without DH. Can’t they just be a pain sometimes?

    Sylvia, glad you like the new mouse. And yes, they just keep making them better and better. I just learned that our taxes are done and sent off as of a few minutes ago. DH does them and I just provide the information. On the medical, I give him every receipt and he has an excellent filing system for it. Everything else, I have on the computer and print it out and give to him as soon as it’s available. How lucky am I that he does the rest?
    Sylvia, those misprints/typos are funny. I hear some of the same type things on the local news occasionally.

    Margaret, hope you get better soon. Glad for the weight loss but not the way you lost it.

    Jolene, you and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m glad that the procedure is behind you and that everything came out alright. 

    Terri, have fun at the concert. Can you not sneak in something to eat in your purse? I have a large one that I use for just those occasions.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Yesterday I went to a Women of the Moose charity auction. They put a number of donated items together in lots and you put your tickets in the cup for things you’d like to get. I got one lot that included a Thigh Master. I can’t use it because of my low back, so gave it to a lady at my table. I actually think that some of my work outs are helping strengthen my back muscles. I’m very careful with what I do, but if I stick to it long enough and keep adding weight, I feel like I’ll get some beneficial results even though I will never look like Cindy Crawford.

    I wish you all the best possible day with what ever is going on in your lives.
    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC