How much have you lost, and how (an informal poll)?



  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    Weight lost: 15 lbs (in 3 months)
    Method: calorie counting with mostly clean eating. 1300ish daily. Exercise a few times a week & I count shoveling snow as exercise!

    I've found being calorie-aware has helped the most.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    16 lbs since Christmas.
    Calorie Counting, Couch to 5K 3 days per week, minimum 10k FitBit steps per day.
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    First go around, I lost 68 lbs; hurt my back and was laid up and let myself go and now I've got 20lbs to get rid of.... but, using the same approach I did the first time. CICO and so in love with IIFYM! Makes it so much easier to enjoy what I eat.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    IIFYM without too much stress on the macros. Sorry if that is conflicting! I do aim for protein, fruits & veggies and the rest tends to fall into place.

    I'm at maintenance now for 4.5 months.
    I'm looking for something a little more specific than "eating at a deficit" - what approach you took (clean eating, IIFYM, flexible eating, portion control, low carb, paleo, etc) to get to your deficit. I'm doing this because I'm curious. :)

    So I'll start:

    Weight lost: 71.4 pounds
    Method: IIFYM/Flexible eating

    I will post the results in a few days, if anyone is interested in the outcome.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited March 2015
    I spent 9 months losing about 40ish pounds and another 1.5 years maintaining and focusing on my fitness and lifting and basically doing a re-comp.

    By and large I eat a lot of whole foods and meals prepared from scratch, whole ingredients. I've found that as I've aged, the nutrition part seems to play a bigger and bigger role overall. I am flexible in that I don't eliminate anything from my diet really, but foods that are traditionally considered "junk" make up an extremely small part of my overall diet.

    My primary "junk" food is good, craft beer...which I actually don't drink much of when I'm in a cut because it's just too hard to fit it in without skimping on other nutrition...maybe one or two on a weekend. In maintenance I regularly drink craft beer though.

    I think portion control is huge regardless of what you're doing and pretty much the most important thing you can learn in all of this.
  • mayfairmenthols
    mayfairmenthols Posts: 15 Member
    As of today 24lbs lost since around the first week or two of January, just by portion control, counting calories and increasing exercise.

    I previously lost 84lbs a couple of years ago through the Low GI diet and increased exercise - although the exercise was greater than now (full gym work out 2-3 times per week plus aqua-aerobics weekly, versus daily walking and a 30-60minutes per week on stationary bike at home now), so tbh, comparing then to now I think the exercise was the key factor as I'm not following Low GI this time at all and still losing steadily at only a slightly slower rate.

    Looking at the breakdown of my diet (I'm really busy so I do count the calories and log everything but rarely consider carbs/protein/fat even though I WANT to) I'm eating about 50% carbs daily, 30% fat and 20% protein. In an ideal world I'd like to change those figures a bit and see if I lose in a better way but I don't always have the time to contemplate every little nutritional nugget of information, plus I'm still quite nervous about letting those around me know I'm losing because I've had quite a lot of judgment in the past with a lot of amusement at 'the huge fat girl trying to lose weight' - it's easier to be discrete when you're not studying the nutritional information to the nth degree on a snack :neutral_face:

    We shall see... I still have a LOT to lose. 24lbs down....102 to go :blush:
  • momtolose15
    momtolose15 Posts: 5 Member
    About 20 pounds lost in more than 15 months. Here is what I did. Changed my morning breakfast to a healthy smoothie. Soy ,banana ,berries ,spinach and dates. Replaced lunch with a big salad .Snacked responsibly and ate the same dinner I have had for years . This only on weekdays. Weekends I eat what the family eats. Tried not to eat too much of the high calorie foods consciously pizza icecream etc. Exercise 5 days a week..long hour long walks/hike.
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    SW: 265 lbs.
    CW: 224.6 lbs.
    GW: 150 lbs.

    I've lost 40.3 pounds! :)

    Diet: Body By Vi program which consists of two meal replacement shakes per day, with a snack between each meal. You get to eat what you would like for dinner. I have also begun to learn portion control. I drink as much water as possible per day.

    Exercise: Monday - Zumba
    Tuesday - Core & Toning
    Wednesday - Zumba
    Thursday - Yoga
    Friday - REST
    Saturday - Zumba
    Sunday - REST

    I also try to get 7.5 hours of sleep per night. Hope this helps! :)
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    edited March 2015
    I Follow Atkins 2002 (DANDR) WOE in addition to periodically checking my calorie intake as i continuously control portion control. While i had a bundle of energy and half the time i was bouncing off the walls, i had no intentional exercise program until i lost around 180-200lbs to which i implemented paced walking and the elliptical everyday but Sunday.

    I started on August 27, 2013 and as of today i have lost 249lbs.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    160+ pounds ( been fluctuating on maintenance for almost 16 months, losing and gaining the same 5 pounds-that is the plus).
    Strictly portion control and counting calories.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    40lbs through exercise and eating at a deficit. I have been slowly switching out processed foods for whole/organic.
  • skinnynat1
    skinnynat1 Posts: 32 Member
    lost 11 lbs doing the 21 day fix with portion control and workouts and with the help of my free coach to keep me on track
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    27 pounds lost... I do 75% paleo and make sure I'm under 2000 calories a day.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    Weight loss: 88 lbs

    Method: Making healthier food choices, cutting out fast food and soft drinks, drinking more water, lots of lean protiens, avoiding most processed foods, and cutting out most bread (because I want to eat the entire loaf in one sitting if it is good bread - I have no self control once I start eating it, so not eating it is the better option for me. I didn't cut it out because I think it's "bad" or anything similar. And I will still have some from time to time.)

    I also started working out with a personal trainer. I use kettle bells, and have started doing barbell work as well. Despite saying I would never be a runner when I started all of this, about a year and a half ago, I have also added running into the mix about 4 months ago.
  • joejward95
    joejward95 Posts: 104 Member
    Weight lost - Around 70, MFP only says 58 because I lost some before I joined.

    Just reduced calorie intake. Literally that is all.
  • mom2my4boys
    mom2my4boys Posts: 148 Member
    Lost 102lbs, (of the 125 I set out to loose) quit smoking, (it was interfering with running) gained 10lbs back while quitting. Now I'm at 97lbs lost in about 1 1/2yrs. I try to do 80% clean healthy foods, 20% whatever I feel like. I try to hit my macro's but don't stress about it and on the weekend I loosen up and have a few beers.

    I can't remember if you asked about exercise or not. I get an hour of cardio M-F and weight train.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Weight lost: 86 pounds

    Method: mostly IIFYM/Flexible eating

    In the beginning, before I'd done much reading, I did a straight up calorie deficit without much regard for macros. It totally worked, but I've always been a pretty balanced eater anyway - I just ate a lot of everything. Then I read about IIFYM and decided to put a little more emphasis on my protein intake, so I did that. I rarely hit my macros spot on, but when I'm paying attention, I can usually get pretty close. I feel most satisfied eating that way, and my nutrition is important to me, especially when I'm working out a lot. :)

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Lost 26 pounds by counting calories and walking everyday.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    14 pounds lost. Eating at a deficit, lifting heavy things and the unfortunate cardio twice a week.