I Do Not Want to be Thin



  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member

    If that is your goal, please assess why. If you are attempting to conform to pressures put on by the media, health magazines, and fitness nuts, then maybe you should take a step back and re-evaluate your goals. If you are attempting to look like them, chances are you will fail. Simply put, most of us do not have the time or motivation to be at the gym 2-4 hours a day to achieve a body like those we all envy.

    l want to address this. I WON'T fail, and do you know how I know that? Because the goal weight I'm aiming for used to be my natural weight and I used to maintain it with ease. I have gained weight due to some injuries and health issues, and I choose not to stay that way. Of course I won't fail, I always succeed at this.

    Also, going to the gym 2-4 hours isn't necessary for me to lose this weight. But do you know what? Many days of the week, I end up doing over 2 hours of exercise. It's not because I'm trying to be like a magazine model, or I feel 'pressured', it's simply because I am enjoying the exercise so much that I keep going. Exercise makes me FEEL GOOD.
    Love yourself. Embrace the changes that you see in your body and use that as motivation. Find the ideal proportions for you. Not all of us will look good as a size 4.

    I do not want to be thin. I want to find MY perfect size.

    Thanks so much for that lecture. I HAVE found the ideal proportions for me. Thin is MY perfect size.

    Wondering why I'm feeling so defensive about this? I'll tell you why. My brother's wife is morbidly obese, and although I've never had an eating disorder, she's made my life hell in our family. She's tried to convinced my family members I had an eating disorder when I was thin. She likes to teach her daughter that thin people are 'mean', 'nasty' and 'unhappy'.

    I've never given her a hard time about her weight, but it's funny how that courtesy is never extended to thin people. It seems it's still ok to unleash open slather on the skinnies. In fact, I'm pleased to see that there's been no talk of 'real women' and the insinuation that thin women do not fit that category.
  • quinn
    quinn Posts: 4
    FunkenWagnel -- I agree with you, the "real woman" campaigns are incredibly offensive. Women come in all shapes and sizes and with different body types, and all of them are "real" women. I think that song "All About That Bass" is pretty crummy too -- so you don't have a big *kitten* or tits, you can't be desirable? And does that always have to be our goal anyway?
    Now with that said, I wish I had a different body type so I could look long and lean. I wish I could maintain a U.S. size 6 without having to go to extreme lengths (and I do -- I know lots of women do not). When I was that size I was unhealthy and flirting with an eating disorder -- you do not have to be skinny to have an eating disorder (people seem to forget that). Your SIL probably might have an eating disorder herself and is projecting it on to you.
    I do take exception to the idea that thin = healthy and fat = unhealthy. At 150 lbs (US size 10-12) and with my body type, many people would look at me and say fat (or leaning in that direction), but I am healthy at that weight, by any objective measure. After my fit test at my new gym, the trainer basically said "wow you are really fit for a fat person." Those judgements really hurt -- I work hard for this less than perfect, kinda fat but healthy body.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    OP - an apology would have gone a long way.
    - I'm a "fitness nut" according to your post - striving for higher strength to weight because it fits best with the sports I practice.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    All too often at the beginning of weight loss journeys I hear people say (mostly women) that they want to be thin. Or, I want to lose XX amount of weight and be a size X. Why is this their ultimate goal? Why isn't the goal, instead, to be healthy? Why isn't the goal to love yourself?

    I currently weight in at 232 pounds (13 pounds less than when I first started!). My goal is not to be thin. I love myself and I love my body, but my main goal is to become a healthier version of what already exists; losing weight is part of that process. I'll say it again: my goal is not to be thin.

    If that is your goal, please assess why. If you are attempting to conform to pressures put on by the media, health magazines, and fitness nuts, then maybe you should take a step back and re-evaluate your goals. If you are attempting to look like them, chances are you will fail. Simply put, most of us do not have the time or motivation to be at the gym 2-4 hours a day to achieve a body like those we all envy.

    Love yourself. Embrace the changes that you see in your body and use that as motivation. Find the ideal proportions for you. Not all of us will look good as a size 4.

    I do not want to be thin. I want to find MY perfect size.

    I see jealousy and excuses in your writing.

    Nailed it!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    karyabc wrote: »
    i agree with you, and just to add my personal goal is 185lbs and my healthy BMI max limit starts at 160lbs so yeah.. B) i'm planing to rock the hell a lot 185 lbs of deliciousness overweight

    Why do you want to stay fat?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    I had a check up with my GP recently, he asked me what my goal was, and I don't think I could have offered a more worthless answer to his question than if I had said "To love myself."

    I said I want to get down to a healthy BMI (which I think is just another way of saying "thin." i.e. Not underweight, not overweight, and certainly not obese.)

    I feel your OP was written to an adolescent girl.

    yes and lots of young girls are on this site who are not loving themselves and striving for some unhealthy goals. We see thigh gap threads and the other day someone was wanting their hip bones to show through
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I reread the op I don't find it offensive. It's asking some people to reassess why they are doing what they are doing. Nothing wrong with that. The people who have responded in this post I suspect this post wasn't written for any of u.

  • FunkenWagnel
    FunkenWagnel Posts: 131 Member
    quinn wrote: »
    FunkenWagnel -- I agree with you, the "real woman" campaigns are incredibly offensive. Women come in all shapes and sizes and with different body types, and all of them are "real" women. I think that song "All About That Bass" is pretty crummy too -- so you don't have a big *kitten* or tits, you can't be desirable? And does that always have to be our goal anyway?
    Now with that said, I wish I had a different body type so I could look long and lean. I wish I could maintain a U.S. size 6 without having to go to extreme lengths (and I do -- I know lots of women do not). When I was that size I was unhealthy and flirting with an eating disorder -- you do not have to be skinny to have an eating disorder (people seem to forget that). Your SIL probably might have an eating disorder herself and is projecting it on to you.
    I do take exception to the idea that thin = healthy and fat = unhealthy. At 150 lbs (US size 10-12) and with my body type, many people would look at me and say fat (or leaning in that direction), but I am healthy at that weight, by any objective measure. After my fit test at my new gym, the trainer basically said "wow you are really fit for a fat person." Those judgements really hurt -- I work hard for this less than perfect, kinda fat but healthy body.

    Agree. I also wonder why people feel the need to comment on anyone's weight at all? Fat, thin, in between? If I'm face to face with any person, I do not bring up anyone's weight usually. I don't tell you you're fat, I don't tell you you're thin. The only exceptions are, if I know you are trying to lose weight, I'll tell you I can notice you losing weight to encourage you.

    Also, when my dad came out of surgery from a knee replacement, about a week later, I mentioned to him I was concerned because he'd lost too much blood in the surgery, needed a blood transfusion and was refused, and as a result was anemic. I was also concerned because he was getting muscle wastage. He cares about his fitness and health, so I told him about the muscle wastage. It was understandable because he'd been inactive due to the surgery. The only reason I told him was because he couldn't tell; he'd been dosed up to the eyeballs on pain killers and couldn't see straight. I told him as way to encourage him to eat more, and because I knew he would want to know. He ate more, and got better.

    But other than that, I don't make other peoples' weight any of my business.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Well congratulations but I do soooo :#:p
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I'll be honest with you... why do people want to be "thin"? Because you cannot be truly healthy and be fat. H.A.E.S. does not exist; it just doesn't.

    You dont have to be "skinny" but our bodies were designed to be lean and strong, period. And that isn't something that requires 2-4 hours in the gym.

    Edited to add: I'm not even talking about aesthetics here, just the fact that our bodies were not designed to hold excess amounts of fat for an extended period of time. Since your post seemed to focus on the "look" of being skinny.

    Agreed. My aim is to be slim and fit which ties in with being healthy. I'm currently losing baby weight and I don't like how I feel, I felt so much better pre-pregnancy. I was a UK size 10/12 then (US6/8) so that's hardly skinny, and I have an hourglass figure so I don't aspire to look like a model on the cover of a magazine, but I just want to not have excess fat. At 30lbs above what I should be I'm really healthy and fit, I can run 5k, do a HIIT class, do spinning, run round after 3 young kids etc, but I'm still not as slim and lean as I should be, and I can feel it.
  • UKTexan
    UKTexan Posts: 10 Member
    I have to agree with most of the posts on here. I do love myself, and that's why I want to be thin. Do I want to be a fitness model? No. But, I do want to be at a healthy BMI and give my body the nutrients it needs.

    Even at only 30 or so pounds overweight, I felt terrible. Swollen, lethargic, easily winded, with drastically fluctuating blood sugar and the mood swings to match. Even eating paleo, I was still sneaking in tons of sugar and eating, like, 700 calories in just cashews each day. I needed to take responsibility for what my choices were doing to my body, beyond weight loss.

    Adipose tissue (fat) produces hormones. Too much fat produces too many hormones, which throw off the body's natural cycles and cause a lot of problems. The truth is that the human body is not designed to carry around large stores of fat for any length of time.

    When I was overweight (how cool it is to be able to say that in the past tense!!), I used to rationalize that I felt bad and insecure because society this and the patriarchy that and whatever. I'm not saying that doesn't exist, obviously. But, I was using that as an excuse to continue my bad habits that were keeping me feeling bad. When I began eating better and to my calorie goals, and exercising regularly, I lost my excuses as well as the weight.

    There was a post a few months back which mentioned that, because the US and UK have such a problem with portion control and obesity, we've lost sight of just how "small" healthy human bodies are supposed to be. I never really saw it until I moved abroad for a number of years and lived in South Korea, Vietnam, Poland, and now the UK. Now, going to back to the US is a strange experience for me, because I'm always floored by the super sized bodies I see when I get off the plane. It's just not that way in most of the world.

    Anyway, back to the original post, love yourself no matter what. However, if you consider "loving yourself" to eat in such a way that could easily give you a perfectly preventable disease that will greatly affect your quality of life, are you really loving yourself? Also, you don't have to go to the gym 2-4 hours a day to be thin. Just eat under you calorie goals, exercise moderately, and give it time. I started at a 14/16 UK, and an now at a large 8/small 10. For once in my life, I am considered thin, and I certainly didn't get there by eating lettuce. A healthy weight (and mindset) is totally achievable given dedication and time.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Right now my goal is at the higher end of my BMI because that's the weight that I felt comfortable at. It's not set in stone and I do plan to reassess it once I get there. While my goal is to be a better me, I will admit that it will be nice to be able to have a wider variety of clothes to fit into. If that makes me vain oh well.

    Like others, I don't understand why you feel the need to question other people's goals or what their reasons are. Why run down others while trying to lift yourself up? I think that if you truly loved yourself you wouldn't feel the need to project your insecurities onto other people because their goals and motivation are different from your own or because you feel that they are unattainable.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    It honestly does feel better - physically, in terms of moving around and just living in your body - to be "thin"/normal weight than it does to be overweight. I'm happy to not carry risks for diabetes and other diseases that go along with obesity. My joints wouldn't be able to handle a lot of weight very well.

    As far as social benefits? It would be a lie to say they don't exist. I know I get more positive responses from strangers than I did when I was overweight. (Which isn't fair, btw, of course, but it happens). Is that why I lost weight? Maybe a little - I'm not not vain, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that, particularly.

    It definitely doesn't take 2-4 hours of daily workouts to be thin, either, and you can still eat foods you like in maintenance. I'm not going to say losing weight doesn't involve work, but it's not what you're making it out to be.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    hearthwood wrote: »
    Twiggy went out decades ago. Being too thin looks as bad as being overweight. Normal and healthy is just PERFECT.

    Too thin. Big difference between too thin, and thin.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    quinn wrote: »
    FunkenWagnel -- I agree with you, the "real woman" campaigns are incredibly offensive. Women come in all shapes and sizes and with different body types, and all of them are "real" women. I think that song "All About That Bass" is pretty crummy too -- so you don't have a big *kitten* or tits, you can't be desirable? And does that always have to be our goal anyway?
    Now with that said, I wish I had a different body type so I could look long and lean. I wish I could maintain a U.S. size 6 without having to go to extreme lengths (and I do -- I know lots of women do not). When I was that size I was unhealthy and flirting with an eating disorder -- you do not have to be skinny to have an eating disorder (people seem to forget that). Your SIL probably might have an eating disorder herself and is projecting it on to you.
    I do take exception to the idea that thin = healthy and fat = unhealthy. At 150 lbs (US size 10-12) and with my body type, many people would look at me and say fat (or leaning in that direction), but I am healthy at that weight, by any objective measure. After my fit test at my new gym, the trainer basically said "wow you are really fit for a fat person." Those judgements really hurt -- I work hard for this less than perfect, kinda fat but healthy body.

    Height is relevant, too, though. I'm short. At 150 lbs I was undeniably fat.
  • aubrey_11_baker
    aubrey_11_baker Posts: 14 Member
    I was focusing on the negative comments here last night and it really got me down. Going to focus on the positive today - it's a new day! Thank you everybody for sharing opinions, good and bad. I'm really enjoying reading the good ones this morning. :)
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member

    Going to focus on the positive today - it's a new day!

    a new day with a positive attitude does the body good. Btw: i suppose I can see how your original post might have ruffled feathers but I believe the intent came from a good place.

  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    When I first started on here, about 4 years ago on a different account, I just wanted to be healthy and fit enough to run a 5k. I was just a little bit overweight, and since every past attempt to lose weight either failed miserably or left me feeling miserable, I didn't think I would. I was ok with how I looked, but I knew I wasn't as healthy as I should be. And I figured if I was healthy enough to run a 5k in a respectable time, that was my benchmark for being healthy, no matter what I weighed.

    But I did lose weight, and it required much less effort than I ever thought possible. It just required patience. I learned that the reasons past attempts failed or felt horrible were because I was trying too hard and expecting results too quickly. Eating right (not too little, not too much, mostly whole foods but sometimes what others would call "junk") and exercising regularly (usually about 45 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week) were all I needed.

    My goal weight wasn't low. I aimed for 135 at 5'5, which is right about in the middle of the BMI range. When I got there, I was a size 4. I never set out to be a size 4.

    Since then I had some personal and health issues and gained some weight back. It's my goal to be where I was a few years ago, because I know that's where I feel my best.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I was focusing on the negative comments here last night and it really got me down. Going to focus on the positive today - it's a new day! Thank you everybody for sharing opinions, good and bad. I'm really enjoying reading the good ones this morning. :)

    You just can't admit that your OP was one of the most negative posts in this thread can you?

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited March 2015
    KnM0107 wrote: »
    I was focusing on the negative comments here last night and it really got me down. Going to focus on the positive today - it's a new day! Thank you everybody for sharing opinions, good and bad. I'm really enjoying reading the good ones this morning. :)

    You just can't admit that your OP was one of the most negative posts in this thread can you?

    Agree.....an a apology would have been nice, but I doubt will get that. Of course the WK's have come to save the OP, lol.
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