February 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • cdcllcga01
    cdcllcga01 Posts: 71 Member
    cdcllcga01 wrote: »

    Name: Chris
    Height: 6'0
    Starting Weight (2/1): 232
    Goal Weight (2/28): 224

    2/1: 232.6
    2/8: 231.2
    2/15: 228.8
    2/22: 226.8
    2/28: 225.4

    Loss/gain for the week: -1.4
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -7.2

    Struggles or successes of your week: Controlling calories has been the name of the game for the last week. We've gone out to eat 3 times in a week which is unusual for us while on this cut. Got very close to the 8 lb goal for February - so I'm still very happy w/progress. Now on to March!

  • davemahon927
    davemahon927 Posts: 22 Member
    Name: Dave
    Height: 6'2"
    Starting weight: 197 lbs
    Goal weight (2/28): 193 lbs
    2/1: 197
    2/28: 189

    Loss/Gain for the week:
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 8
    Struggles/successes for the week: none to date. A little OCD measuring every thing but hey ho, success comes with boundaries.
    Enjoying the success, since the New Year. Good luck to all (especially my wife!!)

  • breezyAandii
    breezyAandii Posts: 30 Member
    Name: Aandii
    Height: 167cm
    Starting Weight (2/4): 58.3 kgs
    Goal Weight (2/28): 57.5 kgs

    2/4: 58.3 kgs
    2/11: 58.2 kgs
    2/17: 57.7 kgs
    2/24: 56.9 kgs
    2/28: 57.5 kgs

    Loss/gain for the week: (2/11) 0.1 kgs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: (2/11) 0.1kgs

    Loss/gain for the week(2/17): 0.5kgs
    Loss/gain for the month so far(2/17): 0.6kgs

    Loss/gain for the week(2/24): 0.8kgs
    Loss/gain for the month so far(2/24): 1.4kgs

    Loss/gain for the week(2/28): +0.6 kgs
    Loss/gain for the month so far(2/24): -0.8 kgs

    Struggles or successes of your week: (2/11) I went home for the weekend and struggled to count accurately. Actually went up to 58.6kgs! But good to see that I've recovered :)

    Struggles or successes of the week(2/17): Can't say I've had any. I was craving sweet things on Sunday and I did eat a little over my daily calories but it wasn't a train wreck. It's the first time I've been in the 57 range so I'm quite psyched about that!

    Struggles or successes of the week(2/24): I went to the gym!!! Twice even! Was sore for days but totally worth it. Work has me tied down this week but will try to get in at least one session at the gym this week.
    I cooked dinner for a few friends two days ago and it was a healthy meal. The problem came when it was time for dessert. My goodness did we splurge! So that was a minor struggle but it doesn't seem to have affected me on the scale which I'm happy about. I've already surpassed my goal weight so I'm not stressing too much

    Struggles or successes of your week: (2/28) It is that TOM hence the gain but I'm very glad that despite the increase in weight, I was still at my goal :D
  • T8tersMom
    T8tersMom Posts: 18 Member
    Height: 5'0
    Starting Weight (2/1): 198 lbs
    Goal Weight (2/28): 191 lbs

    2/1: 198 lbs
    2/8: 196 lbs
    2/15: 194.8 lbs
    2/22: 192.6 lbs
    2/28: 190.8 lbs

    Loss/gain for the week: down 1.8 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: down 7.2 lbs
    Total loss of journey: 15.2 lbs!

    I am so excited! This is the most I have seen the scale move in a positive direction in years!! I'm now hovering at my pre-pregnancy weight (albeit I was obese then too). I'm actually haven't been "missing anything" in fact last night was my husbands birthday party and I was able to enjoy a sliver of the cake and be happy with the sliver. I'm wearing skirts I've not been able to wear in years. (Wore one last night). And I had my first, are you losing weight comment from a coworker! So exciting!! Now to set a goal for March!

    Congratulations to everyone who experienced successes and powered through challenges this past month. For those that didn't hit your goals: keep trying and remember it's a journey- there will be times when you have to struggle up hill with rocks in the road but eventually you will get to the other side. Weight loss isn't linear. Persevere.

  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    Name: Joe
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight (2/1): 174.4
    Goal Weight (2/28): 170

    2/1: 174.4 (177.2)
    2/8: 174.8 (177.1)
    2/15: 172.6 (176.7)
    2/22: 175.6 (176.1)
    2/28: 172.8 (175.1)

    Loss/gain for the week: -2.8
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -1.6

    Struggles or successes of your week: Still eating to much
  • gin_fb33
    gin_fb33 Posts: 30
    Name: Gin
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight (2/1): 214.4
    Goal Weight (2/28): 209.4

    2/1: 214.4
    2/8: 213
    2/15: 211.2
    2/22: 207.8
    2/28: 209.8

    Loss/gain for the week: 2lbs gained
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 4.6lbs lost

    Struggles: Ate way too much on the weekend =/

    Successes: Zip.
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    Name: Tammy
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight (2/1): 173
    Goal Weight (2/28): 168

    2/1: 173
    2/8: 170.8
    2/22: 166.4
    2/28: 167.2

    Loss/gain for the week: 1.8 :(
    Loss/gain for the month: -5.8!

    Passed my goal even though I gained the last week!
  • JZygmunt72
    JZygmunt72 Posts: 262 Member

    the april challenge is located in this link. i will be starting all the weight loss challenges in this group from now on so it isnt hard to find