

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Been away at a meeting so trying to catch up with all the posts. Still have my cold....Can hardly stay awake to read and watch curling at the same time....

    So will have to catch up tomorrow. (Thursday)

    Night everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    We bought a solar light for Mildred's grave, it changes colour when dark, so I can see from kitchen.
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    MargaretTurk Thank you for sharing the beautiful flowers with us. We've gotten quite a few inches of snow in the past few days, so that is a wonderful reminder that spring is coming!

    Cynthia and Lesley Your conversation about genealogy got my attention. It is so interesting that Cynthia mentioned a mental hospital that had its own cemetery, as just this week I found a picture online of the grave marker for my grandmother's brother, who is buried in a mental hospital cemetery! I also found his death certificate. Of course, the fact that I found these things without actively looking for them is kind of a dead (sorry for the pun) giveaway that one of my most favorite things in the world is doing family history. There's something very cool to me about finding treasures that connect me with my kin.

    A few months ago, while I was reading my grandfather's Intent to Naturalize in the U.S., it listed his address in Los Angeles in 1923. Just for kicks, I searched the address on google and found a picture taken in 1925 of the same house! With a very cool old car in the driveway that was probably his!!

    And then it brings me back to being right here on MFP... what a wonderful time in the world's history that we live in with all this technology that can bring so many lovely people together, united in a common cause and supporting one another. I surely do appreciate the sincerity and concern I see here. My brain is often overwhelmed by the multiple conversations and I seem to be only able to address a couple of you at a time for that reason, but I assure you all, I care about your success, your trials and your triumphs.

    In 3 weeks, I have lost 6 lbs. and have noticed how much better I feel eating with more thoughtful consideration of my physical needs vs. wants. Happiness!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Not much to say tonight. I guess 8 inches of snow with a layer of ice under it freezes my brain. Supposed to be sunshine after 11 AM and up until 6 PM tomorrow so I help it helps the melting.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Good morning all, it is a lovely sunny day, bit chilly but only to be expected in March!

    Like several other posters on here, I love reading all the news but am unable to keep up with the replies. Just love the flowers from Margaret and the light that Lestan has put on Mildreds grave.
    Am so glad that I have not got to help Michele's daughter with moving - all those stairs frighten the life out of me!!!
    So pleased to hear that Katla found her car key. What an expense if lost.

    I am feeling very happy and pleased with myself as after a gap of about 10 years I have finally got back into swimming. I went on monday morning and managed 12 lengths of the pool. On way out I asked the receptionist how many lengths to swim a mile and she told me it would be 64.
    So last night I went again and managed to do 32!!!!!!! Smile all over face. Just got to keep it up now.

    Hope you all have a lovely day, so glad you have got the snow and we have not seen any :-)

    Gilly - Suffolk, UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Meg: Clock hospital…that sounds so nice! Agree about your first interpretation of Joyce’s dishwasher remark: I had that too! Maybe I had low blood sugar too.

    Margaret: I sometimes forget to mention it, but I appreciate it every time you remind me of the “hook”. Hope you are feeling better.

    Pip: I haven’t reacted to your posts because statistics make me glassy-eyed. Glad you’re doing well, though.

    Michele: guess Jessica will have to solve the moving problem herself….

    Losing phones: I have an iPhone, so it’s possible to track it if it’s on. Only used the feature once. Where was the phone? In the middle of the horse’s stall. It must have fallen out of my pocket. Luckily she hadn’t stepped on it! :o

    Lesley: what a good idea (the solar light).

    Sylviaaaaaaa? <3

    Thanks again to all giving support re my “attack”. I couldn’t even get an appointment at the physical therapist until next week and got so frustrated I called an organization that helps victims of violence. Now there is a LOT worse violence than what happened to me, but maybe they can advise or help.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Sorry to be a pain but how do I add the 'weight lost' box?
  • SuzyH
    SuzyH Posts: 196 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Freezing cold here today in Wisconsin, but they are predicting some pretty warm temps soon (for us, anyways!).

    I've been under lots of job stress lately and am trying hard to stay sane! Hard sometimes, but I'm trying to concentrate on attacking things with the right attitude!

    Janet, Myrtle Beach, SC - you said "My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite." And "#2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them." Thank you for putting these out there! I need to not only savor every bite of food, but to savor the "moment" and to be thankful for he new opportunities in my life! Working hard to change my mind into positive thinking!

    Gilly - Suffolk, UK- Awesome job on the swimming! Water always makes me feel great! Keep up the great work!

    I am like many of you... I read and appreciate ALL of your posts, but..... (Time issues!)

    Blessings on your day!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hi all!
    Hoping Sylvia is OK,!

    DH is out walking with his cricket friend. They will have lunch in a pub. Beautiful day for it. Really sunny, if chilly.
    I am going to have a baked (jacket) potsto for lunch. I love them and never have them and I know it is high GI, but a 12 oz one is 300 cals so I've got one in the oven.

    Mary - I'm not a chef, but just someone who is obsessed with food and cooking! :laugh: Tonight we are having Moroccan chicken with preserved lemons. D H is going to pick up some veg on his way back. He makes the stewed fruit that we have every night with my home made yoghurt. It could be apples and blackcurrants, pears, plums, apricots or anything else. He does all the buying and prep of that so I am happy. He is also responsible for the breakfast berries and fruit that goes on the muesli he prepares every morning. So although I cook a main meal and prepare a sandwich lunch I don't have to think about some aspects and he does all the washing up and most of the clearing up. Then he makes me a cup of tea. :bigsmile: Not a bad arrangement. <3

    I'm having a day off from typing. While the cat's away . . . . . . . !!!!!!!!

    My commiserations to those who still have snow. :'(

    Heather in Hampshire in the south of the UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning dear friends~
    DH feeling better, which always makes me feel better..
    didnt go see DFIL yesterday because of the weather and not going today either, it rained overnight and has turned to snow with the temps dropping the water underneath the snow will turn to ice,so not going anywhere today either. this weather is sending me over the edge :s
    Janet~ your right.. I just smile and let her be a bully.. everyone in the office knows it too.. what is the right word for it, she is Snarky.. to me almost all the time unless she wants something..
    It is sad to say but I just feel that I am not part of the team at work.. I can do everything except handle the money and insurance end of it.. and they use me like a pawn..
    sort of like I am expendable..
    If one of the girls up front are out, I work up there,none of the others want to work on Saterdays so guess who works them..I am the one that they cut the hours..
    I will be 55 in june, I was there before the other assistant, one of the office workers and even the Official Office Manager, but when the guys bought the practice, we all started working at the same time..
    Sorry to rattle on...
    I will do laundry here today.. cant really cook on anything because our other stove/range is unhooked so the other one can be delivered, Tom moved his car back so that we can stick the vanity when it comes in there , then move it this weekend at least up to the living room.
    the snow is getting so heavy that there are a ton of roof collapses here in Connecticut.. last year we invested in ice melting wiring on the roof and gutter area in the back of the house, thought it has spiked our electric bill by almost doubling it , we dont have the ice dams and water coming in the house..
    I cant wait for Spring.. I want the green grass, and trees, I want the singing birds.. I know I know ,I want I want.. I should be thankful for what I HAVE.. I will cork it.. sorry for rattling on..will check in later..
    whoever asked about typing on my phone.. with a smart phone you can get into here on it like I said.. so I guess typing texting ,on this page...
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to all, just like last time it seems I can not keep up with all the posts. Right now between all 3 jobs I'm working 7 days a week. I'm trying to work as much as I can to save up for our Florida vacation, my goal is to charge nothing at all. Last years Cayman Islands trip took me a few months to pay off. My Y is usually only open on Sunday's from Jan. to March and I've been working every Sunday but this week I took it off and am really looking forward to it. We might stay open an extra month and if so I'll be working them.
    I am teaching water fitness 4 days a week and ab class once.
    I've finally moved the scale and have lost 7 lbs. since my last weigh in two weeks ago.
    I guess I better get to work, everyone have a blessed and happy day.
    Patty, Cincinnati

    Margaretturk, Love the picture of the flowers. All we have here is snow, thanks for warming me up.

    Barbie NW Washington, I sure hope you enjoyed your afternoon.

    Carol, NC I hope you feel better.

    Selena, I’m feeling your post. We do live in a fascinating world of technology and it’s great that you found something interesting about your family and the past too.

    Gillly, Good job with the swimming, I swim and I instruct water fitness classes, being in the water is a great way to exercise and be gentle on joints.

    Suzy, I here you on the job stress, I too am working on attitude and work so remember you got a friend that relates!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Janet Myrtle Beach - Thanks! I will let you know if we purchase the squat rack & weights, the pictures of them look good.

    Lesley - I'm sure that light looks lovely at night!

    Selena - congratulations on your success! You are doing very well.

    Gilly - good for you swimming a half of a mile! I swim today, but I do it for time because it is a hotel pool and not very big. I go for 40 minutes then 10 minutes of walking across neck deep and end up in the hot tub! Isn't it nice to get out and do something you can only do in the summer!

    Cynthia - glad you are feeling better. Funny story about your phone.

    Suzy - hope the job stress gets better for you.

    Heather your husband sounds like a keeper! You are lucky!

    Grandmallie - sorry to hear about your work situation. It doesn't seem right. Karma will get them in the end!

    Patty - seven pounds wow! good for you. you seem very active, but working for a goal like a vacation is well worth it.

    I have a very busy day today. I will do Zumba activate video, swim for 45 minutes, have my ice cream cone treat, then finish off the afternoon with Kenpo X which is kickboxing. Tonight my D H & I will be going to look at the squat rack and weights. from the picture it looks perfect. I can hardly wait, because I really am an at home exerciser.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Reading back through posts this morning...

    Cynthia and Leslie - I am an amateur genealogist too. I know here in Saskatchewan there are cemeteries at the Mental hospitals. In order to even get them to talk to you - you have to prove your relationship with paperwork. Ummm - my grandmother's first husband. 1916 1917.... so hit a brick wall with that one. AND you can't just go in a look around either. :(

    Still have my cold :( - and now I have the usual red rash all over my upper body...just lovely. So I will hide at home for a day or two.

    Take care
    Gotta run - DGS coming over, he has a cold too!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I'm still in the hospital. Today they are doing another round of enema and laxatives. I can't go home till the intestines are cleaned out and they make sure nothing bad will happen. They are concerned that the small intestines and lower stomach have thickening of the walls. Don't know what it means. Didn't sleep much last night, fighting nausea. They took the nose tube out but said if I start throwing up they will have to put it back. Don't want that!

    Still not eating. They gave me salt free chicken broth yesterday, which was nasty. I'm hoping I can take a shower this morning.

    I'm sorry I've missed so many pages. Will try to catch up once I feel better.

    Bye for now.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Cynthia what happened to you was traumatic. Hugs to you.

    Lesley love the idea of the light.

    Gilly when I was younger I swam on a swim team. Swimming a half mile is quite an accomplishment.

    Glad the flower picture gives hope Spring sure to be here. Spoke one day too soon. Below zero temps today, but tomorrow we will be in the thrities. YEAH!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia, glad to hear from you! ((careful hugs))
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Sylvia glad you are where your supposed to be,I am sure the dogs are going crazy without you..
    vanity coming between 11-1, range between 3-5
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited March 2015
    Oh, Sylvia.........Thanks for thinking of us and popping on to let us know what is going on with you; we are all hoping this thing resolves itself soon!!!!

    Cold rain here and supposed to get colder, maybe ice later.......did you all see all those cars stuck on the highways in Ky? Awful!!!

    Carol.........Sweet Briar College, about 20 min. north of Lynchburg.

    Gotta run get a big shop done befor the temp drops more.

  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Sylvia, hope all comes good soon.

    Margaret, I also swam for my home town (when I was a teenager) and it is lovely to be able to get back to it after such a long time, although a charity for spinal damaged people had a 'swim the (English) channel' challenge which you were able to do in swimming pools (I really did not fancy being in the sea, yuk, as my grandson would say!). So I was swimming a mile a time, in different pools around Suffolk and Norfolk, and managed to complete the 22 miles within the six week time limit. However that was still 10 years ago.

    Thanks for support Patty, I had really forgotten how much I enjoy being in the pool. I was looking for all sorts of reasons why I couldn't go, so stupid of me!

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Lillian - I hope you get better! Have a good day with your son.

    Sylvia - I am so glad just to hear from you! we have been praying for you every day and night. keep us informed and take care of yourself the best you can.(((hugs)))

    Mary from Minnesota