Is diet pop really bad for you?



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    It's acidic, which is not fabulous for the teeth. If you have soft enamel or many cavities, you could chew a Tums or something alkaline, or swish mouth out with baking soda.
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    Bottom line for me, hydration is why we drink, soda, diet soda doesn't hydrate, I have sat there before drinking down a 1l sprite only to find in the next 30 mins my thirst hasn't been quenched. As for food, it ruins the taste of my meal, it's all preference, would I give it to my kids no. I feel water is the ultimate choice or 100% juices ( which I know has lots of sugar, so no need to discuss that) are the best choices for them. It all boils down to moderation then, with all the studies and articles published who knows what to believe, maybe instead of reading the article people should find out who or what companies are funding these studies. After all at one point everybody thought smoking was safe.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    I think this whole debate depends on you. My SO can drink diet soda all day long and lose weight by the boat loads. For me, diet soda can trigger a nasty sweet tooth so I tend to stay away. My mom gets headaches when she doesn't drink here diet cola's (though I think that might be the caffeine). I think that this whole process, and weight loss is a process, is different for each person and the key is finding what things work for you, be it diet soda or not.

    As for being "unhealthy" and rotting out your teeth.... even good foods can rot your teeth out if you don't care for your teeth, so there you go.

    My $0.02 for this conversation
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    ... that said, I do indulge in diet root beer a few times a week, but my teeth are super strong (and I hope they stay that way.)
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    It will not prevent weight loss, as the calories are negligible. If you enjoy it and it helps you meet your goals, definitely keep drinking it.

    Just be sure and care for your teeth!

    If you have to take care of one of the hardest parts of your body (teeth), I can't even imagine what it's doing to your soft organs inside your body?

    Well any acidic food is going to have an effect on your teeth. When it hits the even stronger acid in your stomach, the soda is going to change completely.

    Also if people would take the time to learn some basic chemistry, maybe they wouldn't scare themselves about dangers that don't exist.

    Ok, so what does diet soda become when mixed with stomach acid?

    Not trying to start a debate, but this is an angle I don't think has ever been covered. I'm not a scientist so I would like to know.

    Well I'm no chemist, but obviously the pH would change, for one thing. It's the acidity of the soda that effects your teeth, not the chemikillz. We eat plenty of other acidic foods with no harmful effects on the body, so the acidity of soda is not going to be an issue for our bodies either.

    If you read the link to the aspartame thread I linked to above, he explains the metabolic pathway of aspartame and how it is exactly the same as the pathway the amino acids take when they occur naturally in fruits and other foods.

    Like it or not, our bodies are nothing more than chemistry machines. No amount of broscience or naturopathy or fear mongering is going to change the way our bodies work.
    The carbonation just turns to water and carbon dioxide. It's what makes you burp. There's also phosphorous acid in there. Sounds scary, right? According to wiki though, it's a pretty normal thing in your body, it's important in your metabolism and it's an ingredient in your dna. It's also the ingredient that makes rust dissolve. Funny how only the last part seems to get mentioned.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Bottom line for me, hydration is why we drink, soda, diet soda doesn't hydrate, . . .

    Is there a Bingo square for moving the goal posts?
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Bottom line for me, hydration is why we drink, soda, diet soda doesn't hydrate, I have sat there before drinking down a 1l sprite only to find in the next 30 mins my thirst hasn't been quenched. As for food, it ruins the taste of my meal, it's all preference, would I give it to my kids no. I feel water is the ultimate choice or 100% juices ( which I know has lots of sugar, so no need to discuss that) are the best choices for them. It all boils down to moderation then, with all the studies and articles published who knows what to believe, maybe instead of reading the article people should find out who or what companies are funding these studies. After all at one point everybody thought smoking was safe.

    Well, soda is about 90% water, so drinking a 12 oz soda will hydrate you just as much as drinking ~10 oz of water. If it's diet it will have hardly any calories, if it's not diet it will have calories.

    The other stuff in the soda doesn't really have an effect on hydration. If I drank a 10 oz glass of water and then ingested a packet of soda ingredients immediately after, would the water that I drank not hydrate me?

    Also comparing drinking diet soda to smoking is not a good argument. Cigarettes contain known carginogens and absorption of chemicals in the lungs is completely different than metabolism through digestion.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Bad for you? Oh, probably. Most have Aspartame, which has quite a bad reputation.

    Nothing wrong with aspartame:

    It has a bad rap for no real reason.

    Enjoy :smile:

    *Edit to add that it can be a migraine trigger for some (just like many things), so if that's the case with you, then avoid it. Or if you have PKU.

    Aspartame is scary - it's the main reason why virtually all fitness industry protein powders use sucralose, which is now developing a reputation for being scary as well.

    Last people I want to listen to are government bodies in bed with Corporate America. They have been wrong before, they will be wrong again (in fact, they are wrong on this topic).

    Better off just using refined sugar than using some artificial sweetener derivative developed from the same people who developed Agent Orange.

    No thanks.

    argumentum ad metum, lol.
    Gotta be careful with dat der Agent Orange in yar protein powder smoothie.

  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    It will not prevent weight loss, as the calories are negligible. If you enjoy it and it helps you meet your goals, definitely keep drinking it.

    Just be sure and care for your teeth!

    If you have to take care of one of the hardest parts of your body (teeth), I can't even imagine what it's doing to your soft organs inside your body?

    Well any acidic food is going to have an effect on your teeth. When it hits the even stronger acid in your stomach, the soda is going to change completely.

    Also if people would take the time to learn some basic chemistry, maybe they wouldn't scare themselves about dangers that don't exist.

    Ok, so what does diet soda become when mixed with stomach acid?

    Not trying to start a debate, but this is an angle I don't think has ever been covered. I'm not a scientist so I would like to know.

    Well I'm no chemist, but obviously the pH would change, for one thing. It's the acidity of the soda that effects your teeth, not the chemikillz. We eat plenty of other acidic foods with no harmful effects on the body, so the acidity of soda is not going to be an issue for our bodies either.

    If you read the link to the aspartame thread I linked to above, he explains the metabolic pathway of aspartame and how it is exactly the same as the pathway the amino acids take when they occur naturally in fruits and other foods.

    Like it or not, our bodies are nothing more than chemistry machines. No amount of broscience or naturopathy or fear mongering is going to change the way our bodies work.
    The carbonation just turns to water and carbon dioxide. It's what makes you burp. There's also phosphorous acid in there. Sounds scary, right? According to wiki though, it's a pretty normal thing in your body, it's important in your metabolism and it's an ingredient in your dna. It's also the ingredient that makes rust dissolve. Funny how only the last part seems to get mentioned.

    I know, so scary!

    I don't understand the people who compare it to cleaning chemicals, etc. I use vinegar to clean my countertops, my coffee maker, and my microwave; I use lemons to clean my garbage disposal; I use baking soda to remove yellow nail polish stains from my nails.

    Guess I should never eat vinaigrette, lemon cake, or homemade cookies ever again.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    I couldn't have lost weight without them, and I still drink them, but try to make sure you go heavier on waters, teas, and coffees if you can.
  • dblaacker
    dblaacker Posts: 153 Member
    By skimming through responses, I'm sure you can tell by now that nobody really knows. Just keep doing it until it stops working for you. I personally had a slight addiction to diet Mt. Dew after 6 years off the soda wagon. Thankfully, I've eliminated that problem... Sort of. I still need caffeine. I just get it in the form of teas and coffee.
  • Pillowtlk
    Pillowtlk Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with the above. Different people react to sugar substitutes like aspartame differently. For some people, the body reacts to it much like regular sugar, for others it makes them crave more food/sugar. For me, the carbonation actually helps make me feel fuller!

    I usually try to limit myself to just two cans a day, to make sure I drink enough of other things like water or tea. :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    maybe instead of reading the article people should find out who or what companies are funding these studies. After all at one point everybody thought smoking was safe.

    instead of reading? You mean the non-conflict statement at the end of real research? On the articles one reads? /SMH

    And the whole if smoking then... argument is a huge logical failure. Might as well not wash with soap, you know, because smoking was once thought safe.

  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    It wont.

    Diet Pepsi is my world. Lost all my weight while drinking it. Don't believe everything you hear.

    Diet Pepsi is like my crack. I try to stay away from it but it's really addictive (to me anyway)
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    It will not prevent weight loss, as the calories are negligible. If you enjoy it and it helps you meet your goals, definitely keep drinking it.

    Just be sure and care for your teeth!

    If you have to take care of one of the hardest parts of your body (teeth), I can't even imagine what it's doing to your soft organs inside your body?

    Well any acidic food is going to have an effect on your teeth. When it hits the even stronger acid in your stomach, the soda is going to change completely.

    Also if people would take the time to learn some basic chemistry, maybe they wouldn't scare themselves about dangers that don't exist.

    Ok, so what does diet soda become when mixed with stomach acid?

    Not trying to start a debate, but this is an angle I don't think has ever been covered. I'm not a scientist so I would like to know.

    Well I'm no chemist, but obviously the pH would change, for one thing. It's the acidity of the soda that effects your teeth, not the chemikillz. We eat plenty of other acidic foods with no harmful effects on the body, so the acidity of soda is not going to be an issue for our bodies either.

    If you read the link to the aspartame thread I linked to above, he explains the metabolic pathway of aspartame and how it is exactly the same as the pathway the amino acids take when they occur naturally in fruits and other foods.

    Like it or not, our bodies are nothing more than chemistry machines. No amount of broscience or naturopathy or fear mongering is going to change the way our bodies work.
    The carbonation just turns to water and carbon dioxide. It's what makes you burp. There's also phosphorous acid in there. Sounds scary, right? According to wiki though, it's a pretty normal thing in your body, it's important in your metabolism and it's an ingredient in your dna. It's also the ingredient that makes rust dissolve. Funny how only the last part seems to get mentioned.

    I know, so scary!

    I don't understand the people who compare it to cleaning chemicals, etc. I use vinegar to clean my countertops, my coffee maker, and my microwave; I use lemons to clean my garbage disposal; I use baking soda to remove yellow nail polish stains from my nails.

    Guess I should never eat vinaigrette, lemon cake, or homemade cookies ever again.

    Oh, I forgot another dangerous acid in many sodas. Ascorbic Acid. Commonly known as Vitamin C.
  • kr15ty_k
    kr15ty_k Posts: 26 Member
    dantl wrote: »
    Wow my first post (now my last) - as I find too much negativity here. That's too bad - you should be nurturing a supportive open environment here, rather than being defensive, critical and immature (laughing, really?) and let people make their own decisions. If something works for you - great - if not then find what does. There wouldn't be thousands of diets if one way worked for everyone. If you want to state what worked or didn't work for you fine - but there's certainly a better way to do that than what I am seeing here.

    Jessica asked a question, I provided an answer. She asked why she hears that drinking pop will prevent weight loss. Keep in mind everyone is different and there are long term effects to take into consideration. The incidence of metabolic syndrome is a fact - and you can have it and be thin, so be careful not to fall off the diet wagon - the weight gain will be much worse.

    For all of you ingesting chemicals and being so defensive - you do whatever you want. But it doesn't take a genius to know that drinking water is better than drinking pop - or soda or whatever you call it where you live - that is made with chemicals!

    Multiple different scientific studies are cited in the articles below, from several credible resources.

    I agree.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    After reading this post last night I had to go out and get some diet soda because I was craving it so much.

    One of my New Years resolutions was to give it up and see if my body acted any differently. I've honestly gained a few pounds since New Years but I can't tell if there's a correlation at all.
  • wonko221
    wonko221 Posts: 292 Member
    dantl wrote: »
    It does prevent weight loss because of the chemical artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, acesulfame-K (potassium), saccharin and aspartame. They have zero calories, but the chemicals and the sweet taste with zero calories doesn't trick the brain that you are eating sugar and instead stimulates your appetite so you eat more to make up for the calorie deficit the brain is expecting. It causes you to gain more weight and proportionately more fat and in turn slows your metabolism.

    I would suggest a few things. You can put lemon or cucumber slices in your water to flavor it. You an also try sparkling mineral water (Perrier has flavored waters) or using plain and mixing with a little bit of 100% cranberry juice with a touch of stevia. The more you can fall in love with regular water - the better your weight loss.

    You are repeating misinformation. Please stop.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    'Negativity' means that someone has become a little bit butthurt because no one bought their broscience and then pointed out why it was, in fact, broscience.

    We are so mean.