Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    HIIT 15 and Tone 30 done!!! I really don't like Tone 30....I MAKE myself do it.Oh well I did get it done and I will be feeling it tomorrow!Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I had an older Polar and it finally wore down and out. I purchased a BodyMedia at Best Buy for $99 and it's the best money I ever spent.

    It reallys helps with accountability. You can log calorie intake, see calorie burn and calorie deficit (hopefully). It logs your physical activity, steps taken and even your sleep duration.

    I find myself pushing even harder during workouts and walking more just to see how it progresses throughout the day. As a teacher I am pretty restricted walking, but during my breaks I walk the upstairs to the second floor and always find myself walking to the front office. I also coach football and track and always wanted to know how calories I burned out on the practice fields.

    I love the BodyMedia.
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    I have a body media too and think it is excellent, anyway back to it, today was Fire 30 and Stretch 10 for 407 cal burn.
  • ccbloom1
    ccbloom1 Posts: 82 Member
    First time posting here. I'm in week 9 (wow!...had to count. didn't realize it's been that long!) of my own mix of TurboFire and TurboJam. I started with TurboFire schedule but started getting shin splints. Got new shoes and added padding to the floor, and in the meantime, I started doing some lower-impact TurboJam with the handweights. I basically stuck with that and just do whatever workout I feel like doing that day. If I feel like pumped-up music and jumping around, I do TF; if I feel like working some muscle, I do a TJ with weights. Anyways, it's been working for me.

    61 days in and I'm down 22 lbs!!!
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    First time posting here. I'm in week 9 (wow!...had to count. didn't realize it's been that long!) of my own mix of TurboFire and TurboJam. I started with TurboFire schedule but started getting shin splints. Got new shoes and added padding to the floor, and in the meantime, I started doing some lower-impact TurboJam with the handweights. I basically stuck with that and just do whatever workout I feel like doing that day. If I feel like pumped-up music and jumping around, I do TF; if I feel like working some muscle, I do a TJ with weights. Anyways, it's been working for me.

    61 days in and I'm down 22 lbs!!!

    Awesome- I think we all love seeing someone who has been doing it and succeeding.

    Today I did CLX Burn Circuit 3. My arms are getting strong! Oh, and I mowed the lawn in 90 degree heat. We went from 60's to 90's the last 3 days and we have been SWEATY.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Fire 30 & Tone 30 today, burned a total of 528 calories. So I really am not a fan of Fire 30 and it is 2 times a week for the whole month. Ugh!!! Oh well, I guess I will be conditioned to like it by the time week 8 rolls around. So I tried the weighted gloves with Fire 30. I don't know if it was the gloves or the temperature today (it was only 72 so I imagine it's the gloves) but the sweat was literally water falling off of me, it was great. Has anybody else been using weighted gloves?????
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire 55 and Abs 10, burned 644 cals , Go Me :bigsmile: , tomorrow is HIIT 25 and Sculpt 30, hope u guys are having a fantastic thrusday :flowerforyou:
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Fire 30 & Tone 30 today, burned a total of 528 calories. So I really am not a fan of Fire 30 and it is 2 times a week for the whole month. Ugh!!! Oh well, I guess I will be conditioned to like it by the time week 8 rolls around. So I tried the weighted gloves with Fire 30. I don't know if it was the gloves or the temperature today (it was only 72 so I imagine it's the gloves) but the sweat was literally water falling off of me, it was great. Has anybody else been using weighted gloves?????

    Not using the gloves!!! have to try them!! Week five for me!!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Skipped my rest day yesterday so I took it today. Great job everyone!! I love that we are getting more people! :happy:
  • Late late workout tonight. HIIT 25 and Tone 30. Nearly died doing HIIT OMG!! Don't like late workouts but glad I did it! Will sleep like a baby tonight lol. Glad to see so many people loving TF! Makes me want to work harder to keep up with y'all! SMILES!!!:happy:
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    hey everyone!

    late night workout too because my lazy butt couldn't get up in time this morning. i am so not a morning person and i realized that i will never be one so i should just stop trying to get up extra early.

    hi new people!!!! i love that you are joining our little turbo fire community! welcome welcome!!

    so today i knocked off Sculpt 30/HIIT 15. killer workout,--- yeesh. i'm glad i got through them but maaaan, i'm such a weakling. my arms are killing me. By the 3rd fire drill in HIIT 15, i felt like i was going to topple over. Next came sculpt 30 where I realized that i don't like the resistance bands....so next time i do sculpt, i'm using free weights. does anyone use free weights instead of the resistance bands? do you think i should give the resistance bands another shot?

    also thanks for posting the HRM recommendations...i currently have a lifespan ring HRM that I bought from a fitness outlet store for $30. To be honest, i'm not sure how accurate it is and i want to buy the chest HRMs but wasn't sure what some of the good brands are. Are the chest bands uncomfortable?

    i can't wait for 55EZ tomorrow.

    goodnight everyone. keep pressing play!

  • MsHeard13
    MsHeard13 Posts: 5
    Hi Everyone..
    Thanks for all the HRM recommendations, definitely looking into all of them.. thinking of it as a late mothers day gift to myself :happy:
    @jessicapages .. thanks for the info on how you log in the HIIT workouts and the FIRE..

    Today was a crazy day for me so I missed/skipped working out, but definitely back on it tomorrow :wink:

    5am rolls around quick so I better get to bed .. Night and THANKS again :smile:
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    I had to HIIT 15/Tone 30 yesterday and it was tough. I always struggle with the Sculpt/Tone classes but I love what it's doing for my arms. Today I have Fire 55 EZ and good luck to everyone today!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    hey everyone!

    late night workout too because my lazy butt couldn't get up in time this morning. i am so not a morning person and i realized that i will never be one so i should just stop trying to get up extra early.

    hi new people!!!! i love that you are joining our little turbo fire community! welcome welcome!!

    so today i knocked off Sculpt 30/HIIT 15. killer workout,--- yeesh. i'm glad i got through them but maaaan, i'm such a weakling. my arms are killing me. By the 3rd fire drill in HIIT 15, i felt like i was going to topple over. Next came sculpt 30 where I realized that i don't like the resistance bands....so next time i do sculpt, i'm using free weights. does anyone use free weights instead of the resistance bands? do you think i should give the resistance bands another shot?

    also thanks for posting the HRM recommendations...i currently have a lifespan ring HRM that I bought from a fitness outlet store for $30. To be honest, i'm not sure how accurate it is and i want to buy the chest HRMs but wasn't sure what some of the good brands are. Are the chest bands uncomfortable?

    i can't wait for 55EZ tomorrow.

    goodnight everyone. keep pressing play!


    I don't feel my chest strap at all :smile:
    MARIELAND Posts: 7
    Day two of Turbo Fire was awesome.... Im really really sore.... Thanks for the encouragwement ladies!!!!!
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    Fire 55 EZ today for 565 cals, I feel energised now though!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today I was going to do Fire 60...But taking kids to the DR.,cleaning the house,having a REALLY BAD headache,and a school dancethat won't get over till tonight till 8pm, I am thinking about doubling up tomorrow and do Core 20 and Fire 60.If I am feeling Better later tonight I will get it done...I see some of the girls did that last night.:smile:
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire Sculpt 30, HIIT 20 And HIIT 15, burned 502 cals , tomorrow is 45 EZ Abs 10, hope all u guys have a beautiful saturday :flowerforyou:
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    Hey all, forgot to check in yesterday (had a really long day). I did fire 55 for 525 calories.
    Wasn't feeling well this morning, so didn't do my turbofire. Might be up for it later this evening, if not I will do fire 60, push 2 and core 20 if I can tomorrow.
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Core 20 and Fire 30 today. Starting to get used to the moves and feel better coordinated.
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