

  • tchmrsd
    tchmrsd Posts: 6 Member
    I LOVE Leslie's workouts.
  • tchmrsd
    tchmrsd Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Cindy, I am really excited that so many people said how nice I looked today at school...but they weren't really sure why (I could tell). It gave me a boost in self confidence.
  • tchmrsd
    tchmrsd Posts: 6 Member
    You are my inspiration, Amanda!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, Ladies,

    Just a quick post tonight. I am feeling so much better, but I have SO much to do from being under the weather for so long. House is a bit of a mess and my garden missed me! I have many plants sitting around, that have to get into the ground. I had errands to run with DH, he took me out for a nice lunch:drinker: and then the afternoon got away from me playing catch up. Soooooooo...

    tchmrsd: Welcome, welcome! You will find great support here from this group of fun and interesting women. I wish you great success here!

    Hope everyone else is doing well and look forward to catching up tomorrow. Take care, Kackie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Faye - the happiness you feel comes thru in your post. I'm so happy for you, you deserve it. That's funny about Boo

    Got up early this morning (Wed), went and did an hour of spinning and then went to Kohl's, was home in time to have some breakfast (eggs - they fill me up) and off to the Newcomer's general meeting. After the meeting was our first day of the senior bowling league. Don't ask me to explain this, but out of three games, each game I broke 100. 125, 117 and 115. But I still broke 100. Not good for my handicap, tho. Came home, had dinner (Vince said he was really hungry since he didn't have any lunch),returned a pair of shoes at Kohl's (I got a 8 and an 8.5 wasn't sure which one I wanted, decided on the 8,) ran to the store to get Vince his milk, now trying to get ready for tomorrow. I'm going to do a weight DVD at home tomorrow, then maybe do a little food shopping, then the crochet. Honestly, I followed the directions to the letter, but it doesn't look right. Guess that's what I get for starting it 5 years ago! Then, tomorrow night we're going to be playing mahjongg at this one lady's house.

    Found out at the general meeting that the Food for Thought meeting was cancelled. Well, in a way that's good, it'll give me time to clean the house.

    From that Power Sculpt class yesterday, today my triceps are talking to me, saying "helllllooooo".

    Lorri - I'm going to be keeping an eye out for the veggie cookbook, too. Now with summer here and veggies in season, this is my time! But I'm like you, I want new ideas, too.

    Took a sour cream cake to the meeting along with some strawberries. The lady who had signed up had a friend bring something. Really, it was some sort of rugelah that she bought at the store. I know it's just me but I have this "thing" against store-bought goods (baked goods). I'd rather make something from scratch. We're having the next meeting in the evening, and I plan to bring a fruit tray. I know that most people will be bringing baked goods, but I want something that I will eat, too. I don't think that's selfish at all. And any leftovers I don't have a problem at all bringing home. We had so much that I just brought the rugelah home and put it in the freezer for another time.

    One time I had a hot flash while I was in the pool taking the deep water class. Now THAT was something!

    I was surprised, too, that chocolate covered strawberries were so high in calories.

    grace - I would think that at a gym there are more possibilities of different things to do, different classes, etc. That might be helpful as you progress. Curves only offers one thing. But then again, I've never belonged to Curves, so I'll be anxiously awaiting the answer.

    It's Thurs, now. Got up early, did an hour DVD of Jillian Michael's DVD Shred It with Weights, then went to the food store (saved over $40, spent a little over $14), then to the crochet class. Honestly, there's something wrong with the directions, I had to change things up so much just to make it look decent. Hope this doesn't really screw me up when I get further on in the placemat. Went to the Salvation Army (I found 2 shirts that I thought were quite cute and some dishes <Correlleware> that I can put things on when I give them to people), went to PetSmart to get this pet detractor spray stuff (it keeps pets away from things), came home, brought everything home, there's a mahjongg tonight at this lady's house, I think I'll go. Tomorrow, I'll do some incline intervals on the treadmill then go to mahjongg at 10, then do my 3 free bowling games. Not sure how I'm going to work out the free bowl. It's on Monday from 1-3, I asked and I can't do it from 12-2, has to be 1-3, but there's also a pick-up canasta game on Mondays usually at 1. Gotta find out what time they play until. Maybe I can get in a few games and just go to canasta late.

    Carol - I, too, hope your bp meds are decreased. Let us know. I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

    tchmrsd - welcome to a very supportive group. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    Amanda - I can bet you are excited to have your friend come over. How wonderful!

    Went to mahjongg. I'm just never sure which tiles to give away in the Charleston!

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Superwoman here checking before closing my eyes. I mean this literally as I brought all of you to bed with me to catch up on posts instead of reading my book tonight. My to do list doesn't seem to get any shorter. Hopefully I can get everything done before the crowd arrives for the party Sunday. Better sign off - I can't keep my eyes open. Good night!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: my exercise bike is broken :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: so I guess I'll be substituting something for my regular riding.

    :flowerforyou: a good friend of mine that I see a few times a week just signed up for MFP and she loves keeping track of her food. She works long hours at a stressful job so I don't want to pressure her to get involved with our thread (right now she is logging food and exercise from her phone) but in time, I will suggest it. She is the one that lost a lot of weight a few years ago and inspired me and then put most of the weight back on and now she wants to make a fresh start :bigsmile:
  • flygirl123
    flygirl123 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Everyone! I would like very much to be a part of this group. I have had the mobile part of
    this for a little while. Recently joined to go online. I was looking for my age group and hoping
    to find. Thank God, I just found this tonight. You all sound wonderful! I glad I found you all!
    I too an a Breast Cancer Survisor and trying very hard to get rid of this weight. I lost on chemo
    and as soon as taste buds were back so was the weight. This is such a great site for keeping
    track of everything I love it. Thanks for being here!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi Everyone! I would like very much to be a part of this group. I have had the mobile part of
    this for a little while. Recently joined to go online. I was looking for my age group and hoping
    to find. Thank God, I just found this tonight. You all sound wonderful! I glad I found you all!
    I too an a Breast Cancer Survisor and trying very hard to get rid of this weight. I lost on chemo
    and as soon as taste buds were back so was the weight. This is such a great site for keeping
    track of everything I love it. Thanks for being here!
    Welcome! We are glad to have you. Just jump in with the rest of us - we are a chatty group!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Ah hah! My mom was wrong (incorrect that is). After bringing up "healthful" vs "healthy" I went to the dictionary. Should have done that first. Here's what the online dictionary has to say (thefreedictionary.com):

    The distinction in meaning between healthy ("possessing good health") and healthful ("conducive to good health") was ascribed to the two terms only as late as the 1880s. This distinction, though tenaciously supported by some critics, is belied by citational evidence.

    Healthy has been used to mean "healthful" since the 16th century. Use of healthy in this sense is to be found in the works of many distinguished writers, with this example from John Locke being typical: "Gardening . . . and working in wood, are fit and healthy recreations for a man of study or business."

    Therefore, both healthy and healthful are correct in these contexts: a healthy climate, a healthful climate; a healthful diet, a healthy diet.

    I can't wait to call my mom! :laugh:

    Love that story, Mary! I'll laugh about it all day! Happy, HEALTHY eating to you all! :laugh:

    I seem to be getting further and further out of the posting loop as time goes on! I read you all, though and hope you are
    all well and being successful in your goals!

    Barbie, I just started the book and have been kind of diving into bits that catch my eye! Will get round to reading the iintro any
    day now! :smile:

    Good Luck all! Have a healthy day! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • wehavethestars


    Michele, What is THE FOOD FOR THOUGHT GROUP?

    Barbie, As soon as you feel your friend is ready, tell her to join you here. She probably will do better if she does. She can benefit from you. I am sure you inspire everyone at MFP. Maybe your friend can just read some of the posts for now.You encouraged me to stay even though I can't keep up with all the posting. You were right, I enjoy it and have kept off the two pounds I lost so far. I have not done that in awhile. Have been yo yoing for so long. I should read Thin Commandments again.
    It helped me with my initial loss. For me, a lot of what is in that book were light bulb moments. I never tried losing weight while being in this much pain. I know it is harder for me because I can't exercise as much and also let myself become depressed.
    Of course, since I am an emotional eater, I have to fight the depression every day. Someone told me when they went on a diet or a lifetime eating plan, they felt like they lost their best friend. Sometimes , that is how I feel. Food was there to comfort me.
    Your energy and endurance are my inspiration right now. Sorry about your bike.

    Wish everyone a happy day. Make those good choices.:flowerforyou:

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Michelle and Mary you make me tired. You gals are so busy. Barbie so sorry about the bike. Hope you can fix or replace it. I have one I dont use much. if you werent so far away you could borrow it.
    I woke up early this morning and something told me to go ahead and weigh myself. For those of you that know me that is not something I enjoy doing. So I went for it. I lost 4 pounds since last weigh in which was 11 days ago. I am 6 oz from being in 100's again. I vow to myself that this time I will not see 200 again once I get below it. That will be my lifelong goal. I have 4 weeks til the chicago trip and I am hoping for about 10 pounds before then. If I get back on that exercise wagon I know I can do it.
    Star I to am so glad you have decided to stay with us. I love your insights and the way you look at things. Ladies I hope you all have a good day. Talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Apparently Superwoman mode has its benefits - for the first time in 3 months, I lost! 2.8 pounds! Have a good Friday all - I've got to head back to the phone booth. Duty calls!
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I just received and invite to this site...and after skimming it....looks wonderful...lots of support. I am 57 and now have about 25 more pounds to loose and it is getting harder and harder. Life seems to get in the way of my acheiving my goal. But, I am truding on trying to do the best I can. You ladies have such a postive outlook from your posts, it is contagious! Hope to be up lifting to you also.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!I`m Jane .Just turned 55.have lost 100 lbs,recently been gaining and loosing the same 20 lbs.Still have that and 20 to go.
    Recently had knee repair and limited to exercise so i`ve been trying to keep the calories down.
    have a good day to you all!
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello, Y'all! :flowerforyou:

    We're leaving for Florida today. Hope everyone has a great week! I'm going to try to keep up my food log (that might be scary) but not much else. Talk to you when we get back. Take good care of yourselves:heart: TTFN, :flowerforyou: Maxy
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    I started the 17 Day Diet today. The diet tells you to start the day with 1 C of hot water and 1/2 lemon to start your metabolism. I did - my metabolism started with a gurgling tummy!:laugh: I have to thank MFP and especially Grabbit, for introducing me to 17DD. You can have coffee on the diet. However, you MUST have the water with lemon upon awakening, green tea with each meal, plus an additional 7/8 glasses of water. I am excited about the diet.:wink:
  • wehavethestars
    Welcome Jane and 2youngatheart,

    I see that you both have lost weight and now find it harder. I, like Jane, find that health problems limit my exercise and it has some affect on the speed of losing. However, I think sometimes when we lose we then become comfortable at a certain weight and it all gets harder. In the beginning we have the full steam ahead motivation. Now we have to rekindle that and really keep close track of calories or at least journal the foods and times we are giving in (also why we gave in). I found losing over 100lbs so much easier than the twenty I need to lose right now. It seems like a struggle , where at first, the weight came off at a nice pace and I felt
    contented. Lets do it!!!

    Mary, First time in 3 months you lost 2.8. That is just wonderful, congrats, keep it up. :flowerforyou:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I started the 17 Day Diet today. The diet tells you to start the day with 1 C of hot water and 1/2 lemon to start your metabolism. I did - my metabolism started with a gurgling tummy!:laugh: I have to thank MFP and especially Grabbit, for introducing me to 17DD. You can have coffee on the diet. However, you MUST have the water with lemon upon awakening, green tea with each meal, plus an additional 7/8 glasses of water. I am excited about the diet.:wink:

    GOOD LUCK with the 17 day diet!!!
    Glad to hear that everyone is moving right along, I am c2d13, eating egg salad and cantaloupe and coffee for breakfast, and for lunch I will have a big salad, with chicken on it. dinner tonight is going to be a challenge as we are going to a greek restaurant, I will probably have gyros, and salad, no pita but tomatos and lettuce on the side... I will BRING my own brocolli with me in a baggie... works all the time with me.Will weigh myself on Monday, to see how I did, clothes feel better, but we shall see, this cycle is definitely SLOWER than the 1st one...
    Have a good day!!
  • Janeta58
    Janeta58 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi! I just found this group and would love to be part of it. I am 58 and 6 feet tall. CW is 184 GW is somewhere between 170 - 175. I have carried extra weight - as much as 30 pounds (200) over the years but mostly have managed to stay in the 180s. Frankly, I am tired feeling like I 'need to lose' weight. I eat a very healthy diet, just too much of it! ha ha
    And as we are all so aware, it gets harder to maintain as we age!
    Cheers everyone!
    ps I have had both of my hips replaced in the past three years and walk for exercise and use stretch bands at home