

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    morning ladies~
    sorry I didnt check in last night, we had a contractor stop by after I got home from work, and he went on forever trying to sell us a bath reno.. not for 6,000 just for the tub....
    DH usually in bed and sleeping by 7:30-8 pm and this guy didn't leave until almost 8,..now I have to hunt down what we need to really do it well and price it out myself...
    the wall microwave went in yesterday and the new bath vanity, both look stunning, but with the microwave light isnt working so going to call repair service to come fix it..
    Sylvia ~ please get the help you need,we want you around a long time...well it has warmed up here and gets cold at night so some of the snow melts and then freezes,and I think It is my allergies that are kicking up, spring brings the tree
    s budding and when they do ,so does my nose.. so im starting the flonase daily until the trees are in bloom.
    Alison in still snowy Connecticut
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Alison: (hugs)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    I'm overweight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dropped another 2 pounds yesterday (maybe only temporary) which puts me at 169.4, which puts my BMI at 29.1, which is now in the overweight range instead of the obese range! Yippee! My lowest weight since before my discharge from the Air Force way back in 1980. Of course, the last five pounds came off the hard way, and may come back to visit.

    Not as queasy this morning, so things are looking up. My son took the kids to school this morning, and said he would do it till I let him know I'm feeling good again. I'll try hard today to get some more food into me. Yesterday I ate some vanilla wafers and orange juice, which settled my tummy quite a bit. That is what I used for morning sickness when I was pregnant and it still works. Tonight is my husbands chemistry society meeting, and we all go to an Italian place for dinner. I ought to be able to find something I can eat there. Something without tomato sauce.

    Well, it's time to get around. Have a great day everybody!


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia, congrats and you sound great! Take care of yourself....

  • snowdoggy
    snowdoggy Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning

    Now with nicer weather it's a good time to walk outside during break time at work. I used to never take my breaks until I decided I would really like to take mini walks. Walking around my building 4 times a day gets me an extra mile of walking. It is however hard on my sciatica problem and bad knee, but I feel I must keep going while I can. After elliptical or walking I can count on a painful night of little sleep. Better than just sitting still though. My mom was confined to a wheel chair because of her arthritis. I just can't ever let that happen to me.

    Love you all and love to read your thoughts,

    Baltimore, MD
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning Ladies,

    , I love that quote. That is exactly how I feel about my life journey. If I compete with someone it only sets me up for failure. If I compete with myself, I know I can keep trying until I win. When I started this journey I hadn’t exercised since rehab from my back surgery, 11 years ago. There was no way I was going to do what all of you do, but I started with baby steps and have beat my best on a number of occasions. I can feel the results of my work which only gives me incentive to do more and better. I look at it as a win-win. Thank you for that quote and all the great quotes and words of inspiration that you share.

    Meg, good for you on the new clothes. I’ll bet they aren’t the same size as when you first started. I love new clothes but shopping wears me out.

    TNToni, I know what you mean about the number of posts. I wouldn’t hurt to be a speed reader.

    Sylvia, you have done an incredible job and I know it hasn’t all been easy. I’d show that ticker too!! Way to go, go, go!! And “Overweight” is Fantastic!!! I will be ecstatic when I get there. I think “obese” is such a dirty word.

    Katla, my DD lives in Shady Cove which is NW of Medford. Very little town from what I gather. She says OR is just absolutely beautiful and I hope to visit one day. Your quote by Edison is one thing that has gotten me over my next mini-goal. It has taken a while but today I was finally under 190 pounds. Wooo Hoooo! Happy Dance.

    Sassy, I hope it’s just allergies but I’m with you on the Vitamin C and Zinc. If I even have the hint of a cold, I start sucking on Cold Eeze. That works great for me.

    Joyce, the luncheon sounds so nice. I agree that a small group is better so you can visit with everyone.

    Sharon, I used to love the walks around the neighborhood when everyone was out and lots of visiting going on. I will pray for you and DH. It does sound like it could be early Alzheimer’s, as they can get just mean from time to time. Unfortunately they can get violent on occasion also. My DMIL had it and I pray every day that DH doesn’t get it. It is such a sad and terrible condition. Maybe Chico just has too much fun stuff going on to be bothered with sitting?

    Allison, that is one of the problems with getting quotes from contractors. Always trying to up-sell. I hope you can find what you need at a reasonable price.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It is finally in the 70’s here. Are any of you in the Frozen North getting warmer and is the snow beginning to melt? I sure hope so for your sake. I’ve been afraid to say it out loud but *in a whisper* I do think spring has arrived in SC. I actually slept with the window opened in my room last night. I always know when I do that, I’ll suffer from allergies, but it is worth it. I slept so well with fresh (but damp) air in the room

    Have a Glorious Day, my friends. Remember that our attitude controls much of it.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach,
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all,

    I was going to try to post the way Katla advised but does not work for me AND I cannot find the ticker to add on to end of post anyway. Beginning to think I am daft!

    Grandmallie - I hope your head cold and cough have given up and deserted you and that you managed to have another good nights sleep.

    Sylvia - I think you must be so clever to make up the colours for the bowls and love the idea of you as some sort of mad scientist, it made me giggle.
    I do hope the sickness has past, I hate being unwell.

    Heather - I think you must live closest to me on this site as everyone else seems a very long way away. Did you enjoy your date night. Sounds like a lot of fun.

    Mary - It must be wonderful to reach a goal that you have set yourself. I have got a LONG way to go before I reach a milestone but am really looking forward to it :-)

    Dia-n - Thanks for the good wishes. I must try to keep up the swimming and eating less.

    Katla - HUGE thankyou for advising me to reply this way, was hoping it would work but unfortunately it didn't but I was able to print it off and copy it!!
    You are correct that the support from family and friends does make a big difference. I hope you enjoyed the time with your cousin.

    Janet- You are right and I am going away again next week, although this time it will be for my grandsons 7th birthday.
    I am so glad you are enjoying your retirement. A little while ago I would have been thinking about winding down as women were able to retire at 60, however that has been changed for me. So I now have to stay at work until I am 66. Luckily for me - at the moment - I love my job so am not concerned at all. It is the reason why I would like to try to lose the weight now though.

    Barbie - The reason I swim is because walking is so difficult for me. I hope the weight loss will help but I think my knees are shot to pieces from carrying all this around with me. I love the puss cat walking on your post!

    Enjoy whatever you do today.

    Gilly, Suffolk Uk

    P.S. Thank heavens for 'spell check' as I do not think my family would appreciate also being my 'fiends'!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I go away for 1 day and I have 41 posts to read! Well I will have to do that later today and then it will probably be 82! Hugs to all that need them, welcome to the newbies, and congratulations to your successes. Today my DMIL and I are off to the dentist, hair Dresser, then to visit her classmate in Grand Forks, whew! She is like an energizer bunny! My hope is I can make healthy food choices from restaurants. Yesterday I had to eat what mom made which included sherbet and a lemon bar. And Clean my plate!

    Have a great day everyone! Hopefully I will be able to check in while I wait for DMIL.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good morning! Loving the warmer weather!
  • Alwaysonadiet54
    Alwaysonadiet54 Posts: 39 Member
    After years of being on Weight Watchers or another diet, doing Dietbet, my main goal for March is to not set any limits with the exception of food. I am not doing anything too restrictive. I set my parameters for 1.5 lbs loss a week. I am allowing MFP to increase my food with exercise (something I would never do in the past). I will workout, maybe 3-4 times a week, I will try to push myself to do heavier lifts or increase my speed on the treadmill. I wanted to give up the scale this month but I am so addicted I have to weigh myself everyday.
    My March goals:
    Work on my self esteem (seems to go hand in hand with my weight) I will tell myself that I am worthwhile. I will not berate myself if I eat something I think I shouldn't be.
    Work on my finances. Just like your quote about wanting something the most or in the moment. I have to remember what I heard from Suze Orman. Today's desire equals tomorrow's debt.
    Good Luck everyone!
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    I have returned from El Paso, and spent yesterday doing laundry, etc. I did not gain any weight while gone. I worked out in the fitness room once, and walked plenty the rest of the trip, plus I really focused on the quality of food. I met at least a dozen friendly people, and one young lady gave me a tour of downtown.

    I am only on page 7 (still have not mastered the tablet, and wireless internet was rare or secure most of the trip). DH and his entire team did not bowl very well. DS didn't bowl well while we were gone, either.

    Now, get a little work done, and try to catch up on all my reading soon, too.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies. I'm back! Life has been busy for the last few months but I need to get back to healthier living. As my DH just reminded me, all of you are a big part of keeping me on task. So it is back to logging and chatting with all of you. I am looking forward to catching up on your lives and getting and giving support.

    Deb A in CNY where the temp is FINALLY above freezing and the snow is starting to melt!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member

    I'm overweight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I dropped another 2 pounds yesterday (maybe only temporary) which puts me at 169.4, which puts my BMI at 29.1, which is now in the overweight range instead of the obese range! Yippee! My lowest weight since before my discharge from the Air Force way back in 1980. Of course, the last five pounds came off the hard way, and may come back to visit.

    Not as queasy this morning, so things are looking up. My son took the kids to school this morning, and said he would do it till I let him know I'm feeling good again. I'll try hard today to get some more food into me. Yesterday I ate some vanilla wafers and orange juice, which settled my tummy quite a bit. That is what I used for morning sickness when I was pregnant and it still works. Tonight is my husbands chemistry society meeting, and we all go to an Italian place for dinner. I ought to be able to find something I can eat there. Something without tomato sauce.

    Well, it's time to get around. Have a great day everybody!


    way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is awesome!!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! It is a warm 64 degrees here at 10:30 a.m. and is supposed to reach the lower 70s. Unfortunately, that is supposed to be accompanied by rain. I sure wish we could share with y'all out west. This has been the rainiest winter I can remember!

    I have gotten in all of my 11,000 steps every day for a week now (would have been longer but for the migraine day last Wednesday) and that makes me feel like I've accomplished something towards being back on track. Although my food choices haven't been stellar, I have managed to stay under goal every day for the week, as well. Yesterday was my worst day, with a major carb craving. Even though I ate back essentially all of my exercise calories, I still managed to have a green number left over at the end of the day. I do think I am wearing a track in the carpet from walking/jogging circles around my love seat, though!

    The time change seems to have done its usual trick on me by making it difficult to wake up in the mornings! Even the cat looks at me like I'm crazy for being up so early! I hope I'll adjust soon! But, I do love getting home while it is still daylight...

    I have mentioned that my daughter has walked with me a couple of times lately. Well, she texted me last night to inform me that she had actually reached 10,000 steps! I believe that is a first for her. She put together a playlist of songs that alternate between slow and fast. She walks during the slow songs and jogs or dances through the fast ones. Evidently, this makes it less boring. It really doesn't seem like a bad idea!

    The boy child is coming home this weekend. I will spend some time this evening preparing for that, including shifting Spot's litter box so that he will be able to use the shower. I'm not moving the box from the room, just relocating it from right beside the tub. They will still have to share the bathroom!! I guess this is the time to mover her food and water dishes downstairs to the kitchen. I need to go find a mat to go under them.

    Barbie - I am a huge proponent of competing with myself! I don't like games of competition with others.

    I hope each of you have a wonderful day!

    Carol in NC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    I had every intent to ride to work this morning but got overruled by my husband and the rain :0(. today was supposed to be spin class day but they have a sub instructor and i'm not too crazy about her style so I did something else. it is amazing as to the difference in style when you have an instructor who is also a bicyclist as opposed to someone that doesn't ride outside and just teaches the class.

    I ended up riding home yesterday and rode faster than I would have thought, was kinda surprised. still holding on that 2lb weight loss which makes me happy, i'll take my time on the other 2, there's no rush.

    have a good one all of you out there in fitness land
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Heavy fog today. I'm walking on my lunch hour today and then running tonight. Yay for warmer weather! I've had two "hey are you losing weight?" comments this week. So people are starting to notice. That feels nice.

    Happy Hump Day to everyone!
    Diana in Northeast Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sassy aus Austria: It is wonderful spending time with people we enjoy. In many ways I’m getting to know my cousin as an individual for the first time. I’m about 5 years older and when we were kids we were always together as part of a crowd of cousins. DH is doing better than he was. He’s come to the gym a few times but not as regularly as I wish that he would. He seems to get mired in his aches and pains and doesn’t pursue the best avenue to make them go away. Men are frustrating!

    Joyce: I agree with your advice to Sylvia. I appreciate your medical background and common sense.

    Sharon in Lethbridge: I didn’t know that rages were an Alzheimer’s symptom. My grandmother died with Alzheimer’s about the time it was actually a named disease. She had a hot temper throughout her life and would fly into rages. I hope that you are able to find a treatable cause for your husband’s rages and keep my fingers crossed that it isn’t Alzheimers.

    Cynthia: Good luck with your interview. I hope they’re wonderful and see how fabulous you are fro the very beginning.

    Sylvia: Congratulations on a drop into a new, healthier weight range! I hope you continue to feel better and that things “move along” as they should. I’m glad your son will be taking the kids to school until you get stronger and regain your energy.

    Snowdoggy in Baltimore: I’m sorry that walking causes you aches and pains. Are you a heel pounder? I ask because I used to be a terrible pounder and it puts stress on all the joints, especially the knees. Can you try a recumbent bike? The cardio benefits are there with absolutely NO pounding and less body weight on the joints than an eliptical.

    Janet: I love that Edison quotation. It really shows the importance of determination and the willingness to fail repeatedly without quitting in order to reach your goal.

    Terri in Milwaukee: Congratulations on holding your weight steady while traveling. It is a big accomplishment.

    Carol in NC: Good news from your daughter. I hope she continues to pursue her new level of activity. Competing only with yourself is a great plan.

    I slept in a bit, and have spent so much time here that I’m missing my core class. I’ll still go to yoga, and then focus on packing for our trip. We’ll be leaving tomorrow morning early. I will probably have internet available at all the hotel stops so I’ll stay in touch as best I can. I know I’ll have the ability to track my food on my phone as always. I wish MFP had a way to track sleep. I am doing it on paper and it is cumbersome. I need the discipline because I function so much better with enough sleep and it gives me a good way to talk to DH about the need for healthy sleep. He’s a snorer and sometimes I have to go somewhere else for a good night’s sleep.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Good afternoon! :flowerforyou:

    Gilly - there are some other UK people, but they are intermittent posters. Viv in York and M A in London, or Kent. I love Suffolk.
    - Our dateday went fine, but as we were having lunch in the pub DH commented that I had been "restless" lately, as if I wasn't entirely happy. :ohwell: I admit to feeling a bit post holiday and I've been trying to get outings organised without much success, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to do things. I love having something go look forward to. I get it from my mum. DH is happy with his daily routines and his sport watching. I like to see friends occasionally and take trips. And give dinner parties. :laugh: I have been feeling unsettled because we have nothing much planned until May and that is to Wales. I think it is the lack of girlfriends down here that I feel the most. I feel as if I have to make a big effort.
    - Anyway, DH said we could have another date next week, so, depending on the weather, we might do a walk with lunch, or go to Selbourne to see Gilbert Whites' house. He was an early naturalist and wrote a famous book. His house has a large garden with paths uphill.
    - Romsey Abbey was very impressive. It dates from the early 12th century and the monastery and nunnery were earlier. Some fascinating Saxon crosses. In a glass case there was the hair from a very old burial that could be from the founder of the nunnery in the 10th century. It has a long plait and the head rested on a wooden pillow. Old tombs and graves. I like the massivity of the Norman style of architecture.
    - We popped into a very old fashioned department store, of the kind you don't see much anymore. I saw a duvet cover that we both liked so we bought it for our bedroom that we had decorated before Christmas. It's white background with grey trees.
    - Then we went to Waitrose, an upmarket supermarket, and spent too much money on upmarket foodstuffs! :laugh: I have the last bits for the dinner party on Friday.
    - So it all was good, but he is right really - I am a bit restless. Living in the countryside wasn't really my choice and I find myself wondering whether I am enjoying it as much as I was. Some things about it I love and I enjoy time to myself to get on with my writing, but as I am not much of a driver I can feel a bit cut off. We only have one car. I need to see friends from time to time. D H doesn't have that urge.
    - Oh well, I expect the spring will cheer things up. Just a bit of cabin fever I expect.

    Love to all. Exercise calories good today as walking was extra. Good job as the sauce at lunch was creamy, but I had no potatoes. o:) Tonight is duck legs with green beans.

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    WooHoo!!! A nice little BM happened this morning all by itself, without any chemical intervention. That must be a step in the right direction. Things must be waking up! The doc's office called and said my blood work looks fine. Even the potassium. (Michele, when I take it I get heartburn.) My vanilla wafers and orange juice have stayed down and I'm a happy camper.

    I just glazed a dozen bowls, then dry-mixed a new bucket of glaze and put water on it. I need to let that settle a little before I can mix it up and strain it, so I am going for a walk out in the bright sunshine! It's such a beautiful day out there! Spring has finally arrived!

    I hope you are all enjoying it too.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    good morning everyone! I have a busy next few days. I just wanted to check in and tell you about my excitement for the day! I finally reached one of my mini goals of dipping under 140! I haven't weighed less than 140 for about 10 years. my GW is 125. so I still have some work to do until I hit maintenance.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

    YEAH!!!!! Clapping loudly
