March 2015 Running Challenge



  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    3/1 3 miles
    3.7 5 miles
    3/14 4.25 miles

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2015
    3/1 - 6.5 miles
    3/2 - 3.9 miles - miserable windy 20 mph with gusts, I hate wind even when it's 100 out LOL
    3/3 - rest day
    3/4 - 6.1 miles a beautiful 64F at 5:30 am when I ran - ran in a tank top. I love Alabama, tonight it will be 25F with a winter storm watch
    3/5 - ice day
    3/6 - ice day
    3/7 - 8.4 miles
    3/8 - lazy day
    3/9 - 3.5 miles
    3/10 - 6.5 miles
    3/11 - 4.4 miles - yes yes yes it's been a bit since I was a sub 10:30 pace...10:27 but hey it's sub 10:30 :smiley: I felt great today! Wish I'd paid better attention to the time, it got way dark and I had to head home. Didn't have my lights with me.
    3/12 - rest day
    3/13 - lazy day LOL
    3/14 - 8.4 miles - cut 4 mins off my time from when I ran this course on 3/7 :-)

    47.7 out of 70 miles

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2015
    @ddmom0811 great time! Yeah for your daughter too!
    @ohhim awesome!
    @jorocka super run today!
    @fabnine great job being half way to goal!
    @SBRRepeat what a beautiful picture
  • johnsonnelly
    johnsonnelly Posts: 103 Member
    March 1 -Rest
    March 2 - 4 miles
    March 3 - 5.1 miles (furthest run to date)
    March 4-6th - Rest arches, I pulled them jumping rope.
    March 7 - 4 miles OUTSIDE!!! It was so warm here, I was surprised!
    March 8 - 4 miles (plus a hike on the mountain)
    March 9 - 3.1 miles (5k OUTSIDE!!, plus a 2 mile walk and weight training)
    March 10 - 2.25 miles (It was hard to run tonight....)
    March 11 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    March 12 - 3.1 miles (5k, outside and the pace was MUCH different than on the treadmill. It was 9:47 mpm versus the almost 12 that I get on the machine)
    March 13 - 2 miles (night before first 5k race)
    March 14 - 3.1 miles (5k) I feel great about most of my first race! I ran my fastest mile time so far (8:56 mpm) and was on track to *maybe* place but ended up with a side stitch right in the middle that slowed me way down for about 1/2 mile (I need to fine tune what I should eat on race mornings) so my finish time was right at 30 minutes. I *think* this is a decent time for a first 5k race?? :)

  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    long 7 miles on the treadmill today since I didn't have a sitter for the boys, so off to the ymca we went. I covered the machine with my towel so I couldn't see the time dragging and watched a few episodes of friends on my iPad :)
  • jnagrl
    jnagrl Posts: 13 Member

    March 3: 3.36 km
    March 10: 3.36 km
    March 13: 5.47 km
  • Mkhoran13
    Mkhoran13 Posts: 60 Member
    Cabin Fever Reliever 2015. A virtual 5K from

    I enjoyed this as I was able to do a path I was familiar with and go when ever I wanted to within a given time period (it opened today and closes the 21st).

    Happy runnings everyone!

  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    10k trail race today, it was a 2 loop race and just as I was finishing the first loop the winner whizzed past me and finished, but It didn't upset me I just felt really pleased for him and I was enjoying myself so much with my friends and family cheering me on. The only disappointing thing was I forgot to turn my Garmin on because I was to busy chatting with a fellow competitor at the start.
    51.1 completed........ 18.9 to do.
  • haysavam
    haysavam Posts: 74 Member
    March 1-7: 4 miles (last week was rough)
    March 8-14: 13.8 miles (back on track)

    Whoo hoo!!!!
  • rnjcb
    rnjcb Posts: 86 Member
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    edited March 2015
    Desert run, take two. 13.8 miles on a mix of trails and pavement along the base of Superstition Mountain. So. Much. Sun. Picked up a few new blisters, some mild dehydration, and a sun burn, but it was worth every step.
    I noticed that all the runners I passed had camelback packs-does anybody here run with these? How do you like it?
    I usually run in areas where I can grab a drink every 5 miles or so, but I want to do more trail running and hate carrying a bottle.
    Also, congrats to everyone on their stellar race results and new PRs! Enjoy that Pi Day pie you've earned!

    Oops, edited to say, I'm at mile 65.6/100 for this month.
  • kruuTahn
    kruuTahn Posts: 55 Member
    3/2 - 3.1 miles, treadmill (office gym)
    3/4 - 4 miles, treadmill (office gym)
    3/6 - 3.1 miles, treadmill (apartment gym)
    3/7 - 3.1 miles, treadmill (apartment gym)
    3/9 - 3.1 miles, treadmill (office gym)
    3/11 - 4 miles, treadmill (office gym)
    3/14 - 5 miles, outside (Capital Crescent Trail)

  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I had planned to run outside in the rain for the cathartic effect but then reality hit and that sounded really unpleasant. So ... I ran round and round in little tiny indoor track circles until my knees said, "you dumbass, cut that out!" loud enough for me to listen. Then I walked over and lifted heavy things for an hour. No rain tomorrow ... sunny and beautiful. Will hopefully have a few more miles to add by noon. :) I hope everyone is well.

    @faytwain‌ ... have you told us yet how your 4 miles went today? I haven't read all the way through yet. Hope it was awesome!


  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited March 2015
    @SBRRepeat.... I don't take water for 10 miles or less.... I use an Amphipod handheld (very comfortable and easy to hold) for runs 10-15 miles (unless it's wicked hot)... anything longer than that I use a Camelbak.... I really like it. Mine can hold up to the equivalent of 5 bottles of water, so the weight can be an issue until I drink it down.... or I just don't completely fill it up. Although, running out of water on a long solo run is miserable, so I tend to take more than I think I might need.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @johnsonnelly that is a great time for your first 5K great race. Sorry about the side stitch they hurt like a bugger bear.

    @abakan sounds like you had a great day. I ran a 5K in December and at one point you could hear them announcing the finishers coming across the finish line and their times. I was at just over a mile LOL The people around me were making all kinds of funny comments "big deal, you know he didn't run the whole distance" yadda yadda too funny!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Nice run today, 6.28 miles. Prob half on trails. Felt like i could have done another 2 miles. New VO2 max today...whoop! Why does that make me want a margarita?

    Think I'll be able to set a new PR for the 5k a few weeks away. And get serious about the HM in October!

  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    @Elise4270.... you are really kicking some butt.... and running always makes me want to have a
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2015
    @LoneWolfRunner‌ thanks! I think I have several here to thank for that, esp you and @fabine. Knowing that others run in the cold or rain in some way gives me confidence to do it.. Ya know, you're not a real runner until you brave the elements.

    Wasn't easy but I got that drink. Hubby is a recovering addict so little opportunity for me to indulge.

    @SBRRepeat‌ love the pics!
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    @LoneWolfRunner‌ I think I might invest in a camelback then. I have tried the amphipods before, but it didn't hold enough water to be worth the annoyance of carrying it.
    I ran out of water today when I was out on the trail and wasn't loving the idea of dying in the desert...
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    I ran out of water today when I was out on the trail and wasn't loving the idea of dying in the desert...
    Lol... that would probably suck.