

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    WELCOME New Ladies! This is a wonderful place and we look forward to getting to know more about each of you. Good luck on your journey!

    Mary, Vickim, and the rest of you who have had a loss recently: GONGRATULATIONS! Isn't that the best? Mary, I am glad that superwoman mode is working out for you!

    Barbie: I am so sorry about your bike...sob.

    Mimi: What did your Mom say?

    I finally got the rest of my plants in the ground...yea...we MAY have a bit of rain this evening so I want to be ready. We NEED rain and so much of the country does not!

    On a Sad Note: My Dad's baby brother, who is closer to my age than his, died early this morning. He was a tall, athletic, handsome, sweet man who has been battling Leukemia recently. We thought he would rebound. Sadly, he did not. The service will be Sat or Sunday. I know how sad my father is. He is the oldest and helped put his little brother through college after their father became ill. Everyone loved Richard, my uncle. He was a sweetheart. He will be missed.

    Have a good day and a nice weekend, everyone. Kackie
  • amazing_grace♥
    Kackie: So sorry to hear about your uncle. My prayers go out for your family.

    I too, read this thread everyday. I enjoy hearing all of your exciting news and funnies!! Keep 'em coming.

    I am bound and determined not to go over my calories this weekend (weekends are the hardest for me - i eat alot at my mother's or out with friends) but I want to lose 7 more pounds by Memorial day to meet my first mini-goal, so I MUST buckle down!!

    WELCOME to all the new people..... this is such a great place for encouragement and support.

    Have a GREAT day everybody!! Be back later!!

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Kackie....so sorry to hear about your uncle. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    barbie...sorry about the bike

    I seem to be at a plateau again. my weight hasn't moved in nearly a week and already I am stressed. I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred today....I have to go back and pick up hand weights. I thought I had some at home from prior quest, but I don't. So back to the store I go later today. Has anyone done this DVD?

    I still want to get a HRM but since my bank card was compromised, the bank cancelled it and reissued me a new card and number but it hasn't arrived as yet. So as soon as it arrives, I can order it.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!!!!!!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Kackie I am sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure the universe welcomed him back with open arms.
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    I started the 17 Day Diet today. The diet tells you to start the day with 1 C of hot water and 1/2 lemon to start your metabolism. I did - my metabolism started with a gurgling tummy!:laugh: I have to thank MFP and especially Grabbit, for introducing me to 17DD. You can have coffee on the diet. However, you MUST have the water with lemon upon awakening, green tea with each meal, plus an additional 7/8 glasses of water. I am excited about the diet.:wink:

    Hello I am 4 days into it and find it very easy to stick to. I lost 3 pounds in 3 days. I hope you have an easy time of it.
    Good luck.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    First Kackie I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is never easy, whether it is expected or sudden. Prayers are going your way for you, your dad and your family.
    good luck on loses and good luck on new diets.
    Welcome to the new ladies. You will love it here.
    I am watching a dvr's show of biggest loser and I am amazed at how good they are doing.
    It is so motivating to me.
    star you are so right. A wise woman once told me when i was at a standstill to re examine my eating and sure enough I had let little things creep into my diet like little pats of butter, little bites of candy, etc.
    Have a good day ladies and keep on trying.
    Vicki M
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Evening ladies

    :flowerforyou: Thanks for the tips on hot flushes (flashes) I will get some multivitamin tablets when I next go into town. Interestingly, the flushes have been a lot worse than usual and I have recently started to drink more coffee. I love tea and usually only have the (very) occasional coffee, but since we were given a Dolce Gusto coffee machine for Christmas from work I have been having at least one latte macchiato every day:noway: :noway: Maybe I should stop drinking coffee for a while to see if the flashes stop.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie so sorry for your loss, as Vicki says it's never easy losing a loved one.

    :flowerforyou: chiclet you sound so happy in your new place and even your mum seems to have settled. Pity Boo is being difficult :bigsmile: I can just imagine the scene. Isn't it funny how we think nothing of wandering around in our nightclothes waiting for our little darlings to come in - there's been many a time I have been shivering at the back door waiting for one of our dogs or cat to come in.:laugh:

    :frown: Barbie sorry about your bike breaking down, but I'm sure yo won't let that stop you. By the way good luck on selling your house, I can't remember if you said you'd already found somewhere else to live or if you are waiting until yours is sold.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newcomers Jane and Janet and any others I may have missed.

    :drinker: Jackie well done on your 5lb loss have you cut all carbs out of your diet?

    :wink: So far this week, I've managed to log all my food and exercise (or lack of it) and I've tried hard to keep within my calories - haven't lost any weight yet, but my tummy feels flatter, I've also tried to drink 8 glasses of water. It's been a struggle (I've spent more time in the ladies :laugh: ) and I've been going to the ladies loo on the first floor, so I've been getting a bit more exercise too. I'll try and keep up the good work.

    It's getting late and I'm going to watch part 3 of a murder mystery on tv before going to bed.

    Take care everyone and have a good weekend.

    PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVESDIETS hope you've had a lovely day let us know how you celebrated it.

    Love to all
    Viv xx
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    WELCOME New Ladies! This is a wonderful place and we look forward to getting to know more about each of you. Good luck on your journey!

    Mary, Vickim, and the rest of you who have had a loss recently: GONGRATULATIONS! Isn't that the best? Mary, I am glad that superwoman mode is working out for you!

    Barbie: I am so sorry about your bike...sob.

    Mimi: What did your Mom say?

    I finally got the rest of my plants in the ground...yea...we MAY have a bit of rain this evening so I want to be ready. We NEED rain and so much of the country does not!

    On a Sad Note: My Dad's baby brother, who is closer to my age than his, died early this morning. He was a tall, athletic, handsome, sweet man who has been battling Leukemia recently. We thought he would rebound. Sadly, he did not. The service will be Sat or Sunday. I know how sad my father is. He is the oldest and helped put his little brother through college after their father became ill. Everyone loved Richard, my uncle. He was a sweetheart. He will be missed.

    Have a good day and a nice weekend, everyone. Kackie

    Kackie So glad to see you up and about again! You seem to be busier than ever! Sad too, to hear about your uncle. Hope the funeral goes ok.

    Viv I just realised you are in UK!! Hello neighbour!

    There are a lot of newcomers here, glad to meet you all and look forward to hearing from you.

    Lots have been losing brilliantly! Congrats to you!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi all :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone is doing well and accomplishing what they want. I personally am losing realllly slow. :huh: I feel I am following the plan, but the scale thinks otherwise (diary open to public if you care to make any suggestions)

    cherubcrnp - I have the 30 day shred. I stuck with it for 30 days :happy: You will definitely be sore, but don't stop..just work through it. Good luck!

    I am so glad it's Friday. I have been waiting all week to bake/cook. Tomorrow I plan to bake biscoli and make a Copycat Olive Garden Lemon Cake. Then Sunday I will cook Caldo Verde (Portuguese Green Soup). So exited!
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :smile: Exermom, summer is a great time to work in some new veggie and fruit dishes. I, especially, love all the summer fruit.

    :frown: Barbiecat, sorry about your bike. You are very dedicated to your fitness and you won’t let this set you back.

    :bigsmile: Vicki, congrats on your weight loss. Wave bye to the 200’s.

    :bigsmile: Mary, congrats on your weight loss. Whatever you are doing must be working.

    :sad: Kackie, sorry for your loss.

    :flowerforyou: Hello to all the newbies and anyone I did not specifically address.

    :smokin: The bathroom scale keeps inviting me to visit, but I refuse. I want to focus on the changes that I know are occurring: flexibility, strength and smaller sizes. Ok, I’ll admit it – I’m scared of the scale. It’s almost like an IRS auditor not giving me credit :grumble: for deductions I thought I could take. Maybe if I had something like TurboDiet I come face-to-face with this issue.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I started the 17 Day Diet today. The diet tells you to start the day with 1 C of hot water and 1/2 lemon to start your metabolism. I did - my metabolism started with a gurgling tummy!:laugh: I have to thank MFP and especially Grabbit, for introducing me to 17DD. You can have coffee on the diet. However, you MUST have the water with lemon upon awakening, green tea with each meal, plus an additional 7/8 glasses of water. I am excited about the diet.:wink:

    Hello I am 4 days into it and find it very easy to stick to. I lost 3 pounds in 3 days. I hope you have an easy time of it.
    Good luck.

    GOOD LUCK Carol, Hope you do good!!
    I played bridge this afternoon, took my BIG SALAD, for lunch, then had some fruit before 2 pm at the house we were at.. worked out just fine...
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone .............

    :yawn: Another quick whizz in here tonight or rather tomorrow morning!! I've been to bed ....and got up again as I remembered I had scrabble games to do on facebook...one lady forced me to forfeit as I went over the 24hrs!! Doh!!
    So while I'm back on line I thought I'd catch up on here too ....12.45 now.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie ...sorry to hear of your family loss.

    :smile: "Newbies" .....welcome .....This is a great bunch of ladies.

    :blushing: Viv ......I found coffee increased hot flushes for me. I tend to drink decaff in the evenings now as I'm terrible at getting to sleep anyway.I still wake up hot in the night though .....just me maybe ....:bigsmile: .hot stuff!!! Mmmm?

    :smile: I am still feeling good with this lo carb and fat diet. No particular diet but just cutting bread, pasta, potatoes,biscuits, dairy etc.
    So far so good.

    :happy: :happy: :happy: The reason we're a bit disorganised tonight is ....#2 son & co. are up to stay this weekend from South of England.( DIL's sister is having a baby shower). :happy: And.......they announced another arrival due in November. Grandchild #4. I'm determined to be slim for this christening!! When I saw the photos from the last one ....:noway: .I looked so...portly ...I think the word is!! So press on I say.....with MFP.

    :yawn: So ....it's back to bed for me now. 1.00am UK time now.

    Live lots and lose lots ladies!!

    :heart: Jackie
  • pvesey
    pvesey Posts: 55 Member
    rjadams--Love your dog!!!!
  • pvesey
    pvesey Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Vicki I learned my triggers too, Caffine of course was a big one and yes salsa. I have an added glitch in that I'm taking an Femerra to prevent a recurance of Breast Cancer and it also increases the menepausal symptoms because it suppresses all estregine in my body. But the good new is I also had to go on Prozac to control my crazy side and that helps with hot flashes (hehehehe)

    But seriously, I have noticed that either I'm getting use to it or there not as bad now. And yes I too take the multivitamin.

    Have a great day!

    I'm with you and I sure understand. I take Arimidex. It brings out the best of menopause. HA!!! Hot flashes, aches and pains, weight gain, insomnia. BUT...all that being said...just glad to be healthy and alive. I will be taking it until September of 2012. I'm a two time survivor...2002 and 2007. How about you?
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Kackie - I am sorry to hear about your uncle. May you find comfort in your precious memories.

    Welcome to all newbies! We are glad you are here!

    I have to get onto my to do list - the clock is ticking and Sunday evening will be here soon. I am concerned now, as it is an outdoor party, and they just changed the forecast to a high of 60 with wind gusts to 25 mph. I have a friend who will have it at her house if we can't be outside, but darn it, I wanted to play outdoors!! I feel like someone just brought Kryptonite into the room! Oh, well, back to work - Superwoman signing off
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    :smokin: The bathroom scale keeps inviting me to visit, but I refuse. I want to focus on the changes that I know are occurring: flexibility, strength and smaller sizes. Ok, I’ll admit it – I’m scared of the scale. It’s almost like an IRS auditor not giving me credit :grumble: for deductions I thought I could take. Maybe if I had something like TurboDiet I come face-to-face with this issue.

    Lorri - I love your comparison between the scale and an IRS auditor! TurboDiet :laugh: - love it!

    Mary - A big YAHOO for the 2.8 pound loss! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Kackie - I would like to add my condolences as well. I hope you get some rain; we sure need a lot!

    I don't think we are due for any rain down here in the near future. We are so tired of breathing smoke from the Honey Prairie fire in the Okefenokee swamp. The wind is blowing in our direction today and it looks like it is snowing but it's ash. The other day when the wind was in this direction our black roof was almost all white. The fire is now 8x10 miles in size (98,000 acres as of yesterday) and zero % contained. They are just trying to keep it confined to the swamp but it has broken out a couple times. It started April 28th due to lightning and they say it will take a hurricane's amount of rainfall to put it out.:ohwell: The swamp needs to burn ever so often or it turns in to an upland but it sure makes everyone around it miserable! A few years ago lightning started a fire in the swamp that burned all summer. The fire gets down in the peat moss and smolders away even after the wood is burned.

    I went shopping with a friend today and got a little walking in along with the shopping. I found a pair of shoes on sale, a pair of capris I liked in a smaller size :bigsmile: and had a great salad lunch at a favorite restaurant. We stopped at Whole Foods on the way home. Yummy stuff there! I wish it wasn't 60 miles away from home. I found some black quinoa; I've never had the black before but I love the red, so I got some. I also found some new brown rice. I never knew there were so many types of brown rice.:noway: It's called Wehani; it looks really healthy. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. Got some yummy figs too and a delicious smelling cantalope. Maybe it's a good thing the store isn't so close.....

    Hope you all have a great weekend! I'm hoping to get up early enough to get to the morning as I played hooky today. I am NOT a morning person - we'll see.

  • basketmaker09
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I think I found out the reason for my gain this week….I started a period today. I am the oldest kid on the block still getting a period. I thought I was finished but after three months, I started again last month. I would like to be in a place where I can break this plateau….the ups and downs are tough to deal with. My husband has Fridays off and we find it a great day to combine errands with some fun. We did a run to Trader Joe’s and it made me wonder why I don’t get there more often.

    Natalie….you have done such a nice job on the 17 day diet. Going out to eat is such a challenge. Just the sodium gets to me. My husband wanted to go to this little restaurant he loves that has hot wieners (definitely not what I want/need right now). I got a great egg white veggie omelet.

    Kackie…so sorry about your uncle. It is so hard to see your parent so devastated.

    Cherubcrnp…..I got a heart rate monitor and started using it a couple of months ago. I really like having the information. It also helps me stay motivated during my workouts. I have been basically stuck too and this is really giving me lots of good information. I am going to meet with a trainer on Sunday and I am bringing all my paperwork. I think I need to change up what I am doing…so all this info with help.

    Viv…. I sometimes get flushed when I drink caffeinated coffee and my heart can get racy. I have to monitor that. I love the smell of coffee…. and even decaf can wake me up!! ( I think its mind over matter).

    Kel….I lose slow (or gain) when I feel like I am trying so hard. Hang in there. I hope your busy cooking day was a fun one!

    Lorri……I love the IRS auditor comparison.

    Mary…..Good luck with the party on Sunday. I hope you get to have it as you planned…you have done so much work to get ready.

    Welcome to all the new people to this board....such a great place to drop in and share, pick up a tip, motivate!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Kackie, I am so sorry for your loss…my heart is with you:sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I have been thinking about your relationship with food and your mom and realizing that I have no effective strategy for dealing with moms and food because it doesn’t apply to my life today. My mother and I had many rocky times over food and dieting throughout our lives together My mother had a favorite story about a man who wanted to economize on food for his horse, so he gradually decreased the horse’s rations and when he got the horse down to living on one oat a day, the horse died. My mother would reference that story whenever I tried to moderate my eating. She found fault with how little I was eating by raising one finger as a reference to the story about the horse dying when limited to one oat a day. This is the same mother who put me on every diet in the book when I was a teen ager and who frequently told people “Barbie had two grandmothers with big rear ends and she inherited both of them”.

    :cry: :cry: I am very sad about my exercise bike. I rode it two or three times a day for 20 minutes for the last two years while watching TV. I could ride it while watching TV with hubby and it didn’t bother him the way dancing and jogging did. Hubby says he’ll get it fixed but he doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to take care of it. Tonight I got him to take a walk with me after dinner so we both burned some calories and right now he’s washing the supper dishes.

    :flowerforyou: Star, you are so right about having to continue to rekindle the motivation after the initial weight loss. It is a one day at a time day in and day out adventure. I ignore the people who make comments about how they think it’s unnecessary for me to keep logging food and exercise. I know how easy it would be for me to slip back into the old unhealthy behaviors.

    :flowerforyou: Viv, I’ve read a lot about soy being helpful with hot flashes and I consumed a lot of soy products in my fifties and didn’t seem to have hot flash problems (was I just lucky or did the soy make a difference ???? who knows ????) :bigsmile: We found a house that we want to buy as soon as we sell ours. It’s about five miles from where we are now in a neighborhood that is for ages 55+. We are trying to not get too excited about the new place, yet.

    :bigsmile: Chiclet, I am so glad to hear about your successful move with your mom and how much nicer the new place is. Enjoy. You’ve paid your dues to get to this new place.

    :bigsmile: To everyone who has been losing

    :brokenheart: To everyone who thinks the scale is broken or lying, never, never, never give up. Stay focused on healthy eating and exercising and healthy behavior and you’ll see the results you want. Do not be discouraged because that will send you running for the peanut butter or ice cream or cookies or whatever is your downfall and then you’ll make no progress at all.
  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    Hello! I just found this board a few days ago and was so excited to find such a wonderfully supportive group of women my age!!! I am a Social Worker and teach a great class on healthy living to senior citizens in my area. After teaching enough of these classes, I finally admitted that I really should practice what I preach-that means exercise regularly, healthy food choices, paying attention to my osteoporosis with a little more effort than just taking calcium supplements every day, and acknowledging my high blood pressure with more than daily meds for that too :( And, to be honest, I would LOVE to lose the pounds I have gained in my post-menopausal belly, as well as GET STRONGER overall. All advise on how to avoid break downs like the quick fast food burger I had for lunch today and getting motivated to exercise are greatly appreciated...