
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I had a good eating day today. :happy: Feels wonderful! I’m loving all the fresh fruits and veggies that are coming in.

    I stopped by a local produce stand this morning and bought a half flat of sweet, tender, delicious strawberries. They’re the type that don’t keep well because they are so tender. No problem with that, though…

    My daughter and granddaughter stopped by shortly after I got home. Then I picked up my grandson at school and another granddaughter at the bus stop. (I feel as though I’ve been running in place all day!) The grandkids needed a snack when they got here, of course, and my other granddaughter came back down for more strawberries. Needless to say, the shelf life of those strawberries is not an issue. They are all gone – every one of them (and, trust me, I did my share)! :laugh:

    Mary, wow, 2.8 pounds is amazing. You are superwoman! :flowerforyou:

    A big congrats to everyone who has lost weight this week. :flowerforyou: You’re awesome! All those who are maintaining, are pretty awesome too. :flowerforyou: And, for the rest of us, we’ll get right back on track!

    That’s the wonderful thing about MFP and all the support we get here, we can always get back on track with the next meal or next day. For me, that’s a huge, huge change from every other weight loss attempt (and there were many of them – often “successful” until – the big until – I got off track and immediately, and quickly, gained back all the weight I’d lost plus some.)

    Welcome to everyone who’s new. You’ve come across an incredible bunch of ladies with lots of wisdom to share. I love the way we support each other without judging. :heart:

    Jane, I relate to your situation. I’ve lost 70 or so pounds over the last year and a half. (I’ve lost 120 from my all-time horrible high 10 years ago! (and proud of it, can you tell :tongue: .)) I still want to lose about 35 pounds but keep seesawing - losing, then gaining about 5 pounds. I've been getting closer to where I need to be mentally and eating-wise. We can do this! We are doing this!!

    Maxy, hope you have a great vacation. Vacations are the hardest test I think. Here’s to enjoying everything, including the food, and making good choices.

    Kackie, my mom got a chuckle out of “healthful” vs “healthy”. She still maintained she was right. I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. :brokenheart: I can tell he was much loved and he had to feel that. I can’t think of a better feeling. Sending hugs and prayers.

    Cherub, try not to stress. If you are eating less than your body needs and exercising to boot (both of which I know you’re doing), your body HAS to lose weight. I think fluids and so on adjust and that throws off the scale. On the other hand (funny how there’s always an “other” hand), I have seen many people say that if you eat too little, you go into “starvation” mode and your body does its best to conserve calories. If that’s the case, upping the calories to at least 1200 per day might do the trick.

    Lorri, you made me smile with your analogy between the scale and an IRS auditor. :laugh:

    Barbie, you are an amazingly wise and balanced woman, particularly considering the crazy-making mixed messages you got from your mom. Sometimes, in their attempts to be caring, parents can do so much harm. :angry: I always felt undermined by my parents’ worrying. They were still worrying about whether I’d find/keep a job after I’d been working 40 years! :laugh: Thank goodness for retirement, although last weekend my dad asked again about my financial plans for the future. :ohwell: The worry habit rubbed off on me and I constantly fight it.

    I was talking to a wonderful friend about my consternation over gaining weight every time I visit family in the Bay Area. My friend is also very balanced and wise so I had to laugh when she said that any comment about her eating would immediately lead to a childish tantrum. My friend was fortunate; her mom and dad would not have dreamed of commenting about her eating or weight. Those were a huge focus in my family. It’s not terribly surprising I do better when I’m in my own home, especially considering my rebellious nature.

    Colly, my best advice is to eat plenty of fruits and veggies *before* you eat anything else. The willpower that results is amazing!

    For all of you who are affected by the crazy weather we’ve had the last few months, my heart goes out to you. Stay safe please.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    rall. All advise on how to avoid break downs like the quick fast food burger I had for lunch today and getting motivated to exercise are greatly appreciated...

    :flowerforyou: welcome to the most supportive and encouraging group of women I've ever met. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the first good piece of advice I got here was to plan my whole day's food ahead of time and stick to the plan. If you have already planned your lunch then you won't have to be victim to impulse eating.:bigsmile: take it one day at a time.:bigsmile:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    p.s. Barbie, what a heart-warming photo. The grandkids are adorable.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!I`m struggling this month.i`m limited to exercise due to recent surgery.I`m on a 1200 calorie diet and have gained 12 lbs this month.I`m frustrated beyond belief.I`ve lost over 90 lbs.I have hypothyroidism and take medication for it.Recently had labs done.On the high end of normal.
    I keep plugging along as I want to be healthy.
    Thanks for letting me vent.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Jane, there must be something else going on. Maybe fluid retention? It would be worthwhile to check your sodium intake. If your BP is up, that could indicate increased fluid retention.

    Math is not my strong suit, but I know it takes 3500 calories to gain a pound. 3500 x 12 is 42,000 calories. You've only eaten 36,000 calories over 30 days. So, even if every calorie went into fat, it's just not possible to gain that much fat.

    I hope this makes you feel better. I know how worrisome it is to see the scale creep up when you've lost so much weight.

    Be patient, maybe the scale will get back in line. It's sure to if all you've gained is fluid. If sodium is not the culprit, it would be good to figure out what is.

    Good luck
  • flygirl123
    flygirl123 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Have been reading the posts and welcome to everyone who is new here.

    Sally: I've been dealing with having a period every 3 months for about a year now. I keep hoping that each one will be the last. It's been about 3 months so I'm waiting to see if TOM comes back around.

    My daughter came over yesterday. She needed some gal time with Mama. I was happy for her to come but I went over my calories by a wee bit and didn't get in the exercise I was planning on. Also got a phone call from my husband's aunt telling us about his other aunt who had fallen and broken a hip. We probably talked for an hour so that cut into my exercise time too.

    I'm reading a really good book. "Made to Crave" Oh my, it is really helping me to rethink my food issues. You can check it out on Amazon.

    Daughter ended up spending the night with us so I'd better get some healthy food prepared for breakfast. I've got strawberries and cantaloupe. Thankfully she is into healthy eating so we will probably have some kind of cereal with the fruit.

    Have a wonderful day.

    I'm off to get a little exercise while they are still sleeping.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies! And Dear NEW Ladies! Glad to see the new faces and I look forward to hearing more about you! This is a fantastic group of helpful women.

    Faye: We did NOT get a drop of rain last night...storm must have slipped around us. So I am out to water again. It is SO dry and the roads on this island are dirt so it is a dusty place now. At least the threat of the rain got me motivated to get the rest of my new plants into the ground, finally. I LOVE to buy new goodies for my yard and I get carried away sometimes:huh:

    Barbie: Your advice to plan meals ahead of time is probably the number one best for everyone, but especially when starting out. Anytime I get off track it is the best way to get myself back on board again.

    Mimi: Isn't it wonderful that fresh strawberries are the pleasure food of the day? And I am so jealous of your proximity to your grandchildren! What a special place you have in their daily lives!

    Cindy: How nice to have a Mother/Daughter day/night. Sounds lovely.

    Lori: I have a similar scale phobia:grumble: My doctor has told me to try to weigh in everyday to keep myself accountable. I TRY to do this and have been the past few weeks. But I understand your wanting to focus on other factors that measure success. You sound like you are in a "good" place!

    I talked with my Mother last night and it seems my uncle's funeral service will likely be NEXT weekend. I think everyone was so exhausted after the month-long vigil that the communication regarding when it would take place got messed up. That suits me better as DH left this morning to go on a long-planned fly fishing trip with an older friend. He did not want to miss the service so now he won't.

    I need to get out to water and walk! I need to get back to my exercise routine now that I am feeling "normal" again! Have a nice weekend, everyone:heart: Kackie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    How wonderful to get up on a weekend and find so many posts to read. We had 4 of grandkids last night. emma, rhea, byron, and regan. we took them to chick fil a for supper and play time then went to mall to walk around. Byron is walking now and that is a tradtion we have that when they can walk well we take them to local mall to walk around. he loved the freedom a little too much LOL. we then came home and got baths and they played for a while and then went to bed. Byron who has been having an ear infection woke up about 1 am crying. Kenneth had to go to his house and get his drops. He settled down about 230 and slept peacefully rest of night. Had to get them up about 745 cause the girls have practice for their dance recital today. the house is quiet now so I am reading posts, then eat breakfast and then then then I am headed to the gym. I wrote it down and told you so now I have to go. have a good saturday ladies.
    vicki M
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Talk about crazy weather, here in chicago right now it's 48 degres, and we planted our pots with flowers a couple of days ago when it was 90 out!!! SHEEEZ, the grandson's baseball game was cancelled and we are staying inside, which means that I will exercise on the stationary bike today and tomorrow, YUK

    Well, GOOD MORNING ladies… (and gents), I made it thru day 13, now in d14c2, and going out for MEXICAN tonight!!! OHOH, well I am going to bring carrots and brocollli in a bag with me, or celery, and dip it in the salsa, and then order fahitas, no tortillas, maybe get a salad, or ask for lettuce and tomato instead of the guac and sour cream and rice… I am sure they will accomodate, most restuarants do. For lunch, I am going out too, but will order an omelette and eat 1/2, and ask for fruit instead of potato and bread…and sliced tomatos… got it all planned out!!!!

  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    Thanks for the EXCELLENT IDEA of eating fruit before anything else, Mimi7grands! I was just reviewing my Nutrition Log and realized that I have been "short" on fiber every day! Your idea of adding fruit first will curb my appetite AND add the fiber too! I love it!!!!!
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    Kackie, I am so sorry for your family's sorrow. Your uncle is at peace after a horrific illness. My prayers and loving energy are sent to your family.

    The scale has not moved this week. However, not surprised because I had the "Last Supper" on Thursday night at a French Bistro with my favorites including wine. Drank enough wine to pickle me through the 34 non-drinking days phase of 17DD. :tongue: .In fact now that I write, I am grateful that I did not gain weight. LOL.

    Make it a great day!
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, I'm 60 yrs old so I guess I qualify for 50+. I've only been on MFP for about 10 days so I'm still getting in the swing of things. I've lost 3 lbs so far and I'm happy with that. I measured myself and have lost several inches. In 1982 I had my stomach stappled which worked for over five years but personal issues and stressors came up and I used all the wrong food to deal with it. I gained all the weight back plus some. My health also took a beating. In 2006 I was diagnosed with diabetis. My father had died from diabetis and my cousin was disabled from his diabetis so I took the diagnosis seriously. At the time I weighed 233 lbs. and was 4'11" tall. I went on the American Diabetis Assoc diet and loss 130 lbs. My doctor told me on one of my check ups that my diabtis was stable and I could just control it with diet and took me off the meds. Within several months I had gained back 20 lbs. I absolutely paniced. Why do I eat over everything good or bad? I started to watch my food and with a friend started exercising and using the internet for support. I know 20 lbs is not that much but I've been here before and I don't dare let myself continue to gain. So I need all the support and motivation I can get. My goal is to log every crumb I eat, try to increase my intake of water (Ireally hate water) and exercise 6 days a week. I also will report in here dailey.
  • HI Everyone,

    Kackie, very sorry to hear about your uncle. :heart:

    Vicki, You lost 4lbs since last weigh in, wonderful.:flowerforyou: I know what you mean about getting under that 200 lb mark. For me it was one of the best days of my weight loss journey. I know you can do really well when you set your mind to it. I always had
    faith in you and still do.

    Jackie, 5lbs gone, great.:flowerforyou:

    Lorri, excellent analogy.:laugh:

    Jane, I agree with Mimi. Are you retaining water, because a gain of that much in a month has to be for reasons other than food. You are eating only 1200 calories. If you are retaining fluid, drink water to flush out the sodium which is usually the cause. Find the reason and take action. You worked too hard to let anything stand in your way at this point.:noway: Someone mentioned hypothyroidism. I should have taken some notes. If that was you, I would talk to the doctor. If it was someone else
    they should talk to the doctor and find out what they can do. Best of luck.

    Barbie, Isn't it something how parents can have such an affect on us. One of my friends told me her dad always picked on her because she was the heaviest in her family. He was in the hospital and she flew to his bedside. His exact first words when he saw her were "you are still fat". She lost the 50.lbs when she was ready and has kept it off for years, but the hurt and feeling her dad did not value her is still with her to this day. I, being an only child, was beautiful in my dad's eyes no matter what i weighed. My mom never talked about it until the school wrote her i was 13lbs overweight. When I was older and joined groups to lose, mom never understood that. She had a lot of willpower, I didn't. Accountability to a group helped me through the years. It was when I stopped going and gave up, my weight skyrocketed. You are so right to ignore comments people make. I do that too. I have been told I am getting too thin (no way) I wear my clothes too loose (I like comfort) I am too rigid (I am not). If we let the people who say these things bother us, we would not succeed at all. I always have an open mind, then I research things or consider opinions. I, however, make my own choices. You are a strong woman and have done such a terrific job losing your weight. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new people.

    Have a good week end all.

  • bpatti
    bpatti Posts: 8
    I would love to join this group. I am 64 and find that I too have problems losing after 50. I would like to hear from other women, so please tell me how I get started. Thanks
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Hello, I'm 60 yrs old so I guess I qualify for 50+. I've only been on MFP for about 10 days so I'm still getting in the swing of things. I've lost 3 lbs so far and I'm happy with that. I measured myself and have lost several inches. In 1982 I had my stomach stappled which worked for over five years but personal issues and stressors came up and I used all the wrong food to deal with it. I gained all the weight back plus some. My health also took a beating. In 2006 I was diagnosed with diabetis. My father had died from diabetis and my cousin was disabled from his diabetis so I took the diagnosis seriously. At the time I weighed 233 lbs. and was 4'11" tall. I went on the American Diabetis Assoc diet and loss 130 lbs. My doctor told me on one of my check ups that my diabtis was stable and I could just control it with diet and took me off the meds. Within several months I had gained back 20 lbs. I absolutely paniced. Why do I eat over everything good or bad? I started to watch my food and with a friend started exercising and using the internet for support. I know 20 lbs is not that much but I've been here before and I don't dare let myself continue to gain. So I need all the support and motivation I can get. My goal is to log every crumb I eat, try to increase my intake of water (Ireally hate water) and exercise 6 days a week. I also will report in here dailey.

    Welcome to the group. I too am diabetic and I am following the 17 day diet, on cycle 2, almost done, then on to cycle 3, I have lost 8 lbs, will weigh on Monday to see if I have lost anything else since a week ago. I too was taken OFF one of my meds, Januvia, still take metformin and glybyride (but want to go off of it too).... losing weight and exercising is a good way to live....
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    bpatti: Welcome! You just joined by posting on this thread....come back often and good luck on this journey!

    Jeanne: Welcome too...this is a great, supportive group of women. You sound like you know what you need to do and how to do it. This site is a great help for sure!

    collican: Mini is right...lots of fruit AND veggies will help on this journey!!! Good luck!

    Thanks for the kind words of sympathy from all of you about my uncle. He was just the right number of years older than me that he was kind of a "hero" to me growing up. He always told me how nice I looked, asked what I was doing at school, etc., and it meant a lot to me. I think he did that to everyone because he has a huge group of friends and everyone in the family has always adored him. You DO reap what you sew, don't you? (Do you use the same word "sew" for sewing fabric or sewing seeds? Looks funny)

    Thanks, Kackie:heart:
  • Good Morning!

    I just started MFP 5 days ago, and would love to be a part of this group. I'm a "young" 65 and just found out that I am pre-diabetic (like most of us, I waited until something showed up to actually do something about the extra weight).

    I have 80 pounds to lose, (I've lost 10 pounds over the last month) and I'm sure I can lose the rest with help from people who are going through the same thing.

    Physically, I am able to use a stationary bike, walk (outdoors), and strength train, and am starting slowly, but feel sure I can build up to an acceptable level of exercise soon.

    I think this could be an excellent adventure for everyone!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I am diabetic and partly disabled due to ankolising spondilitis and spina bifida.
    I am finding it very difficult to maintain my diet at the moment as I am in such a lot of pain 85% of the time.
    I do take various paimkillers that have been prescribed for me but the first thing in the morning is always really bad and I have noe developed pains in my arms as well restricting me even more as to what I can acheive.
    I get so frustrated with it.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    You DO reap what you sew, don't you? (Do you use the same word "sew" for sewing fabric or sewing seeds? Looks funny)
    Kackie - It is "sowing" seeds.

    To all you knew people: Welcome welcome welcome! My best advice is to keep coming back here for support, and don't give up! Here's to smart choices!
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