what is a food you have cut from your diet with some success?



  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 168 Member
    edited March 2015
    keeping in mind that everyone's goals and habits are different, what is one food that you have deemed 'bad' for *you* and have successfully cut from your diet?

    for example, i cut diet sodas and all artificial sweeteners out last april. i have had the occasional piece of gum or mint offered by someone else, and surely had some inadvertently without my knowledge/awareness, but have largely cut them.

    i'm looking for some new challenges and hoping for some inspiration!

    Ditto on the artificial sweeteners. Once I did that, I took a look at sugar. Decided to cut high fructose corn syrup




    I switched to limited amounts of raw sugar, table sugar and honey. Be advised if you take on HFCS it will be difficult bc its in many things. Good luck and safe journey!
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    I've cut a lot of things out of my 'daily' habits that I've kept on weekends, for example, coffee is a weekend only thing for me now.

    One thing I've basically completely cut out is soda (diet and regular). I don't think I've had soda in a few months
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Wheat, but especially bread, and added sugar.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Stopped carbonated beverages, coffee for the next six weeks (even decaf), I've only been to McDonalds 5 times in my entire life, Do not drink sugary drinks (prefer to eat my sugar intake), Cheese for the next six or so weeks (the 6-week stuff is due to insomnia therapy).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I can't think of anything I've cut due to weight loss other than on a temporary basis.

    There are lots of things I already didn't eat/drink other than on rare occasion, including trans fats, HFCS, most fast food.

    For weight loss I mostly focused on making the most of what I did eat (eating foods that were either nutrient dense, otherwise contributed something important, or were extremely delicious) and cutting out foods that I was eating mindlessly.
  • kayeiam
    kayeiam Posts: 215 Member
    rice,bread, potato's (diabetic and these are very bad foods for me... sky rockets my blood sugars even in small amounts that aren't even worth eating)
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    edited March 2015
    I was having upto 8 cups of coffee/tea a day, with anywhere between 1-2 sugars depending on the cafe/brand of coffee. I cut that out cold turkey! - the sugar, not the coffee.
  • DerFlexo
    DerFlexo Posts: 11 Member
    Used to eat it regularly, now it's a rare treat. I love bread, but the amount of calories is just insane.
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    I've cut out fast food completely and gluten. Now I'm not even a little tempted by birthday parties at work or anything because of how much & how long it hurts. It's funny I started my particular diet (paleo) to see if it would help my husband with his fatigue while helping me lose weight (I LOVE bread, baking, and potatoes a bit too much and figured a break would be good). I ended up finding out that I'm quite allergic to wheat and my body hates barley, among other food issues. So yeah never going back because I feel too good now. On a plus I've also lost nearly 8kg so I'm pretty happy with it's absence.

    I've also got my coffee down to one sugar and am trying to go down to none. I used to love drinking it black and would really like to get back to there. Also desserts are now actually something special instead of "Oh I want to bake that!" practically every other night.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Nothing consciously. I am a big believer in moderation in all things.
    However… cutting down on soda was an easy way to cut calories. And since I hate diet sodas… I wasn't hardly drinking any at all… just a few ounces on the weekends. After a few months, I decided I wanted a Dr. Pepper while I was on vacation. UGH! Horrible. It tasted like chemicals to me. Several months later... during the holidays, I had a glass of sparkling cider as part of our Christmas tradition. And while it tasted good… the carbonation just about made me sick. I was miserable for about 6 hours afterwards (and all I had was about 6 ounces of it!). So… carbonated beverages is something I have essentially cut out. Just because I don't like how it makes me feel. (Although, I can't guarantee that I won't have another glass of sparkling cider next Christmas.)
  • ForAManWithHope
    ForAManWithHope Posts: 37 Member
    "For most other people, a gluten-free diet won't provide a benefit"

    Please read.

    For most other people, a gluten-free diet won't provide a benefit
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    The only thing I've really cut out is mayo. I'm a total believer in "everything in moderation", but I cannot eat mayo in moderation - a small amount just doesn't satisfy me at all, so I don't feel it's worth the calories. For me, it works better to just avoid it all together than trying to make myself enjoy eating just a small serving. I still eat it occasionally if it's on a pre-packaged sandwich or something, but other than that, I don't eat it.

    (Note: the last time I talked about this, I was sent the following message: Subject line was "MAYO" and the message said, "ITS TOPPING NOT ALL THE TIME". So, in case anyone is concerned, I never sat around eating mayo straight of the jar while weeping or anything like that. I'm just put it on every damn thing.)
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    Well. I gained weight because I drank soda instead of water, and snacked on lots of candy instead of fruit/nuts/yoghurt ect. So those are 2 things I cut down on, but I didn't remove it from my diet.

    Cutting down has worked fine. I lost 40lb without really adjusting anything else as far as my meals go. Oh, and I added exercise. That helped too.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    Nothing. Everything in moderation is my personal motto.

    I have stopped having dessert every single night, though. I've learned that dessert is a treat, which I feel should be a 'sometimes' food. That's personal preference though :)
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    I drink nothing but water and green tea. I used to live on Coke but I haven't had one since I started 414 days ago!
  • happymom24
    happymom24 Posts: 26 Member
    I gave up cola. I used to drink it just about every day, and usually a 24oz bottle. I haven't had a Coke in 15 months. I do use ginger ale as a mixer for alcoholic drinks, but I'm not willing to give those up! I have had a rare Sprite, but only when I've been out somewhere. I used to not want to drink a Coke to avoid falling back in the habit of having it all the time. Now, I'm not even interested in having one at all.
  • happymom24
    happymom24 Posts: 26 Member
    After a few months, I decided I wanted a Dr. Pepper while I was on vacation. UGH! Horrible. It tasted like chemicals to me.

    I'm a little curious what a Coke would taste like to me now after so long, but I'm pretty sure I would not like the taste any more! When I try to remember the taste, it's like, why was I drinking so much of that for so long?? So glad I cut it out. Cheaper, too!

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    happymom24 wrote: »
    After a few months, I decided I wanted a Dr. Pepper while I was on vacation. UGH! Horrible. It tasted like chemicals to me.

    I'm a little curious what a Coke would taste like to me now after so long, but I'm pretty sure I would not like the taste any more! When I try to remember the taste, it's like, why was I drinking so much of that for so long?? So glad I cut it out. Cheaper, too!

    I started on a Mt Dew kick in high school, and kept at it for years simply for the caffeine. After I finally kicked it, I tasted one again, and it tasted like Windex.
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    Kale it was very easy to cut kale as it's a devil food
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    Sodas and fruit juices are the only thing I cut completely, and I don't miss them one bit.